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    • 4. 发明授权
    • Robotic arm systems
    • 机器臂系统
    • US4964062A
    • 1990-10-16
    • US156388
    • 1988-02-16
    • Shivadev K. UbhayakarRobert D. Baker
    • Shivadev K. UbhayakarRobert D. Baker
    • B25J9/00B25J9/06B25J9/08B25J9/10B25J9/12B25J9/16B25J15/10B25J17/02B25J18/06B25J19/00G05B19/414
    • G05B19/4141B25J15/103B25J17/0266B25J18/06B25J19/0029B25J9/0084B25J9/06B25J9/08B25J9/1085B25J9/126B25J9/1625G05B2219/25353G05B2219/33002G05B2219/33204G05B2219/33207G05B2219/33338G05B2219/34236G05B2219/34488G05B2219/37572G05B2219/39549G05B2219/40195G05B2219/40234G05B2219/40303G05B2219/40304G05B2219/41342G05B2219/41352Y10S706/904
    • A multisection flexible multidigit arm contains hands at each end, each of which hands contains a set of fingers, suitably three, which are similarly formed flexible multidigit arms constructed to a smaller scale. Each hand contains connectors for coupling the hand to a mating connector mounted on an associated structure to provide appropriate power and control signals to the arm. One hand may grip the connector and the other hand is free to move to various positions and perform various tasks. In an additional aspect the arm may move to different locations by somersaulting between spaced connectors in the system. In an assembly system the robotic arms are used to construct frames or other assemblies.A completely self contained arm includes a self contained source of power. Radio communication means are provided to allow electronic interaction with the arm from a remote location. In an additional aspect the self contained circuitry includes processor means programmed to control the arm to perform a certain task, relieving the operator at the remote location from specifying the details.Control signals to the sections of the arm in an additional aspect to the disclosed invention are provided by an electrical system that uses only a few wires by multiplexing the signals and the actuators, effectively "time sharing" the electrical leads between the large number of actuators.
    • 多段灵活的多数位臂在每个端部包含手,每个手中的每一只手包含一组合适的手指,合适的是三个,其类似地形成为更小规模构造的柔性多数位臂。 每只手包含用于将手连接到安装在相关结构上的配合连接器的连接器,以向臂提供适当的功率和控制信号。 一只手可以握住连接器,另一只手可以自由移动到各种位置并执行各种任务。 在另一方面,臂可以通过在系统中的间隔开的连接器之间翻转而移动到不同的位置。 在组装系统中,机械臂用于构造框架或其他组件。 一个完全自给自足的手臂包括一个独立的力量来源。 提供无线电通信装置以允许从远程位置与臂的电子交互。 在另一方面,自包含电路包括被编程为控制臂以执行某个任务的处理器装置,从而指示操作者在远程位置指定细节。 在所公开的发明的附加方面,对臂的各部分的控制信号由仅通过多路复用信号和致动器而仅使用几条电线的电气系统提供,有效地“共享”大量致动器之间的电引线 。
    • 6. 发明授权
    • Positioning apparatus
    • 定位装置
    • US4410951A
    • 1983-10-18
    • US403963
    • 1982-08-02
    • Takuma NakamuraKazumi Sugizaki
    • Takuma NakamuraKazumi Sugizaki
    • G05D3/00G05B19/19H01L21/027G05B19/18
    • G05B19/19G05B2219/34215G05B2219/41352
    • A positioning apparatus employing a piezo worm type shifting mechanism in which the position of a platform to be moved to a desired position is measured with a position measuring device and data representing the position thus measured is applied to a microprocessor. The microprocessor calculates the phase of a voltage corresponding to the distance through which the platform should be moved to arrive at the desired position. The digital output is subjected to digital-to-analog conversion and a pulsive voltage produced thereby the magnitude of which corresponds to the distance to be moved. The pulsive voltage is applied directly to expanding and contracting piezoelectric elements which move the platform. The platform is thereby positioned at the desired position at a high speed and with a high accuracy.
    • 使用位置测量装置测量要移动到期望位置的平台的位置的压电蜗杆式变速机构的定位装置和表示如此测量的位置的数据被应用于微处理器。 微处理器计算对应于平台应移动到达期望位置的距离的电压的相位。 数字输出经受数模转换和产生的脉冲电压,其大小对应于要移动的距离。 脉冲电压直接施加到移动平台的膨胀和收缩压电元件。 因此,平台以高速度和高精度地定位在期望的位置。
    • 10. 发明授权
    • Linear motor controller
    • 线性电机控制器
    • US4422027A
    • 1983-12-20
    • US244438
    • 1981-03-16
    • Richard D. Mohlere
    • Richard D. Mohlere
    • G05B19/23G05B11/00
    • G05B19/232G05B2219/36383G05B2219/41352G05B2219/42104G05B2219/49382G05B2219/50031
    • The controller interfaces up to two linear motors to either a manual control panel or a two channel computer. The control commands can emanate from either the computer (for both motors) or a combination of the computer (for one motor) and the linear motor (solenoid) with a lateral throw of one inch. In one mode, the controller will slew the armature back and forth at a uniform rate. In another mode, the controller will slew the armature at a commanded rate and then automatically modify the rate so that the armature will comply with periodic position commands from the computer. In a further mode, the controller will retract the armature to an initial position, clear the counters, and reset all logic. At all times, the position of either motors' armature can be read visually from the control panel and both motors' armature positions can be read from the respective computer channels.
    • 控制器可将两个线性电机连接至手动控制面板或双通道计算机。 控制命令可以从计算机(对于两个电机)或计算机(一个电机)和线性电机(螺线管)的组合以一英寸的横向抛出。 在一种模式下,控制器将以均匀的速率来回转电枢。 在另一种模式下,控制器将以指令速率转动电枢,然后自动修改速率,使电枢符合计算机的周期性位置指令。 在另一种模式下,控制器将将电枢缩回​​到初始位置,清除计数器并复位所有逻辑。 在任何时候,任何一个电机的电枢的位置都可以从控制面板可视地读出,两个电机的电枢位置都可以从相应的计算机通道读取。