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    • 1. 发明申请
    • Floating-caliper disk brake
    • 浮动盘式制动器
    • US20060076198A1
    • 2006-04-13
    • US10516564
    • 2003-05-23
    • Rudolf Thiel
    • Rudolf Thiel
    • F16D65/14
    • F16D55/227F16D2055/0041
    • The invention relates to a floating-caliper disc brake of a motor vehicle including a brake holder firmly attached to the vehicle and a floating caliper that is mounted on the brake holder so as to be axially displaceable. In this arrangement, the floating caliper is displaceably mounted on the brake holder, preferably by means of at least one pin guide. A radial fixation of the floating caliper on the brake holder is carried out by a locking element that is detachably secured to the floating caliper and with a portion is axially displaceably arranged on the brake holder. To improve ease of displacement of the floating caliper and to prevent undesirable radial movements of the floating caliper, the locking element is secured to the floating caliper so as to be adjustable in its radial position. As a result, it is possible to adjust a defined radial clearance between the floating caliper and the brake holder.
    • 本发明涉及一种机动车辆的浮动卡钳盘式制动器,其包括牢固地附接到车辆的制动器保持架和安装在制动器保持器上以便可轴向移位的浮动卡钳。 在这种布置中,优选地通过至少一个销引导件将浮动卡钳可移动地安装在制动器保持器上。 浮动卡钳在制动器保持器上的径向固定通过可拆卸地固定到浮动卡钳的锁定元件来实现,并且一部分轴向可移位地布置在制动器保持器上。 为了改善浮动卡钳的移动容易性并且防止浮动卡钳的不期望的径向运动,锁定元件固定到浮动卡钳,以便在其径向位置可调节。 结果,可以调节浮动卡钳和制动器支架之间限定的径向间隙。
    • 3. 发明授权
    • Floating-caliper spot-type disc brake for high-powered vehicles
    • 用于大功率车辆的浮动卡钳点式盘式制动器
    • US5464077A
    • 1995-11-07
    • US221195
    • 1994-03-31
    • Rudolf ThielAndreas DoellGeorg Halasy-Wimmer
    • Rudolf ThielAndreas DoellGeorg Halasy-Wimmer
    • B60T1/06F16D55/00F16D55/224F16D55/227F16D65/00F16D65/092F16D65/095F16D65/097
    • F16D65/0979F16D55/227F16D65/0006F16D65/092F16D65/095F16D65/0978F16D2055/0008F16D2055/002F16D2055/0045F16D2055/0091F16D2065/026
    • The invention is related to a spot-type disc brake with a stationary brake carrier (19) at which a floating caliper (1) is slidingly guided which straddles the edge of a brake disc (10), with two brake cylinders (11, 12) which are positioned on the internal axial side of the brake disc (10) aside each other and whose brake pistons (13, 14) act on the brake shoes (5, 7) which are arranged on the same axial side and in circumferential direction of the brake disc (10) at a distance from each other. According to the invention a third brake shoe (6) is fixed on the external axial side of the brake disc (10) to the floating caliper (1), which brake shoe is positioned staggered in such a manner that its friction area point of gravity (36) comes to be arranged substantially between the other two brake shoes (5, 7) in the circumferential direction of the brake disc (10). Braking noises and brake rubbing are eliminated by this arrangement. Further advantages of the inventive brake are constituted by its ease of serviceability in view of an ease of mounting of the brake shoes (5, 6, 7) and by its floating caliper (1) which allows to be manufactured with ease and at but low cost and with but little material, and which simultaneously with a low weight affords an elevated stiffness and a large brake disc diameter.
    • 本发明涉及具有固定制动器载体(19)的点式盘式制动器,在该固定制动器载体(19)上,浮动钳(1)被滑动地引导,其跨过制动盘(10)的边缘,具有两个制动缸(11,12 ),其位于制动盘(10)的内轴侧,彼此相对并且其制动活塞(13,14)作用在制动蹄(5,7)上,制动蹄(5,7)设置在相同的轴向侧和圆周方向 的制动盘(10)彼此间隔开。 根据本发明,第三制动蹄(6)固定在制动盘(10)的外轴向侧到浮动钳(1),该制动蹄以这样一种方式定位,使其摩擦面积重心 (36)在制动盘(10)的圆周方向上大致布置在其它两个制动蹄(5,7)之间。 这种布置消除了制动噪音和制动摩擦。 本发明的制动器的另外的优点是由于易于安装制动蹄(5,6,7)以及通过其浮动制动钳(1)易于安装,从而易于使用,因此易于制造,并且容易制造 成本和材料少,同时具有低重量,提供刚度提高和制动盘直径大。
    • 7. 发明授权
    • Vacuum brake booster
    • 真空制动助力器
    • US4350076A
    • 1982-09-21
    • US143251
    • 1980-04-24
    • Rudolf Thiel
    • Rudolf Thiel
    • B60T13/56B60T13/57F15B9/10
    • B60T13/57
    • In the brake booster known in the prior art, the partition wall comprises a metal disc supported by a control hub made of a plastic material. The force exerted on the partition wall is transmitted through the hub to a force transmitting member actuating a master brake cylinder. According to the present invention the hub is composed of a metal sleeve transmitting the forces and a guiding neck of plastic material including all air guiding channels of the control valve disposed therein. This guiding neck can be manufactured much easier and can be made of a plastic material of just sufficient strength to meet the reduced force transmitting requirements.
    • 在现有技术中已知的制动助力器中,分隔壁包括由塑料材料制成的控制毂支撑的金属盘。 施加在分隔壁上的力通过轮毂传递到致动主制动缸的力传递构件。 根据本发明,轮毂由传递力的金属套筒和包括设置在其中的控制阀的所有空气引导通道的塑料材料的引导颈部组成。 该引导颈部可以制造得更容易,并且可以由仅具有足够强度的塑料材料制成,以满足减小的力传递要求。
    • 8. 发明授权
    • Spot-type disc brake with a spring assembly for a brake pad
    • 带刹车片的弹簧组件的点式盘式制动器
    • US06920965B2
    • 2005-07-26
    • US09916174
    • 2001-07-26
    • Jochen BurgdorfHelmut KastRudolf ThielRalf SundheimKurt Lehmann
    • Jochen BurgdorfHelmut KastRudolf ThielRalf SundheimKurt Lehmann
    • F16D65/097F16D65/40B60T11/00F16F1/12
    • F16D65/0975F16D65/097F16D65/0979
    • The present invention relates to a spot-type disc brake with a brake housing straddling a brake disc, with at least one brake pad that is arranged in the brake housing so as to be slidable in the actuating direction and cooperates tribologically with the brake disc upon brake application, with at least one actuating device arranged in the brake housing to apply an actuating force to the brake pad, and with a spring assembly for the active adjustment of a clearance between the brake pad and the brake disc after brake application. To simplify the configuration of the spring assembly, the spring assembly comprises exactly one spring which is secured detachably in the spot-type disc brake and is supported on the brake pad and on the brake housing. A spring of this type is arranged advantageously symmetrically within the brake housing to prevent an undesirable inclined positioning of the brake pads.
    • 本发明涉及一种具有跨过制动盘的制动器壳体的点式盘式制动器,其中至少一个制动衬块布置在制动器壳体中以便沿致动方向可滑动并与制动盘摩擦地配合 制动器应用,其中至少一个致动装置布置在制动器壳体中以向制动衬块施加致动力,并且具有用于在制动器施加之后主动调节制动衬块和制动盘之间的间隙的弹簧组件。 为了简化弹簧组件的构造,弹簧组件包括一个可拆卸地固定在点式盘式制动器中并且被支撑在制动衬块和制动器壳体上的一个弹簧。 这种类型的弹簧有利地对称地布置在制动器壳体内以防止制动片的不期望的倾斜定位。
    • 9. 发明授权
    • Spot-type disc brake for an automotive vehicle
    • 汽车用点式盘式制动器
    • US06427810B2
    • 2002-08-06
    • US09736607
    • 2000-12-14
    • Michael SchornKarl StörzelRudolf ThielRolf-Dieter BetzerRalf Sundheim
    • Michael SchornKarl StörzelRudolf ThielRolf-Dieter BetzerRalf Sundheim
    • F16D6538
    • F16D65/097F16D65/0979
    • The invention relates to a spot-type disc brake for automotive vehicle with a floating caliper (2) displaceably borne on a vehicle-fixed brake support (1) and bridging a brake disc as well as brake pads (7,8) arranged on both sides of the brake disc, where the brake pads (7,8) are axially displaceably guided in the brake support (1). To achieve a particularly radially rattle-free fixation of the brake pads (7,8) as well as the floating caliper (2) on the brake support (1), it is provided to support the floating caliper (2) on its, with respect to the vehicle, outside on the brake support (1) through the outer brake pad (7). To this end, the outer brake pad (7) is radially locked on the brake support (1), and the outer brake pad (7) itself on the corresponding housing leg (13).
    • 本发明涉及一种用于机动车辆的点式盘式制动器,其具有可移动地承载在车辆固定制动器支撑件(1)上并桥接制动盘的浮动卡钳(2)以及布置在两者上的制动衬块(7,8) 制动盘的侧面,其中制动衬块(7,8)在制动支撑件(1)中轴向移动地被引导。 为了实现制动衬块(7,8)以及浮动卡钳(2)在制动器支撑件(1)上的特别地径向无拨轮的固定,其被提供以在其上支撑浮动卡钳(2) 通过外部制动衬块(7)在制动支撑件(1)的外部。 为此,外部制动衬块(7)径向地锁定在制动支架(1)上,外部制动衬块(7)本身在相应的壳体支脚(13)上。