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    • 1. 发明授权
    • Pyromechanical cutting element
    • 机械切割元件
    • US07222561B2
    • 2007-05-29
    • US10768698
    • 2004-02-02
    • Uwe BredeGerhard KordelJurgen KnaussReinhold Meisinger
    • Uwe BredeGerhard KordelJurgen KnaussReinhold Meisinger
    • D26D5/08H01H39/00
    • F42B3/006B23D15/145B60K28/14H01H39/006H01H2039/008Y10T83/8772Y10T83/8863
    • A pyromechanical cutting element has a housing (2) in which an electrical conductor (3) is arranged, a cutting plunger (5) with a cutting tool (8) to cut through the electrical conductor (3), and pyrotechnic charge (13) to drive the cutting plunger (5), with the cutting tool (8) bending over the electrical conductor (3) after cutting through it and forming a bending tongue (18) that sticks out from the conductor (3) in a way that interrupts the conductor (3). The electrical conductor (3) has a cross-sectional area reduction in the longitudinal direction (4) consisting of two transverse sides and two longitudinal sides. The cutting tool (8) first cuts through the cross-sectional area reduction (4) just on one transverse side and upon further advancement bends over the longitudinal sides at least in part, and, upon further advancement, the cutting tool (8) clamps the bending tongue (18) thus created.
    • 机电切割元件具有其中布置有电导体(3)的壳体(2),具有切割工具(8)的切割柱塞(5),以切断电导体(3),以及烟火装料(13) 驱动切割柱塞(5),切割工具(8)在切割之后在电导体(3)上弯曲并形成从导体(3)伸出的弯曲舌状物(18),其中断 导体(3)。 电导体(3)的长度方向(4)的横截面积减小由两个横向侧面和两个纵向侧面组成。 切割工具(8)首先在一个横向侧上穿过横截面积减少(4),并且在进一步前进时至少部分地在纵向侧面上弯曲,并且在进一步前进时,切割工具(8)夹紧 弯曲的舌部(18)由此产生。
    • 4. 发明授权
    • Arrangement for the contactless transmission of electric energy to
missiles during firing thereof
    • 发射过程中电能对导弹的非接触传输的布置
    • US4445434A
    • 1984-05-01
    • US277863
    • 1981-06-26
    • Uwe BredeGerhard Kordel
    • Uwe BredeGerhard Kordel
    • F41A19/63F42C15/40F42C19/12
    • F42C15/40F41A19/63
    • An arrangement for the contactless transmission of electrical energy to a missile during the firing thereof from a firing device including a transformer-like coil system having a primary coil system connected to the firing device and a secondary coil system connected to the missile. The primary coil system is supplied with electric energy and the secondary coil system is responsive to the electric energy developed in the primary coil system for developing electrical energy therein. A partition is arranged between the primary coil system and the secondary coil system and is formed of a nonmagnetic material capable of withstanding thermal and mechanical stresses of repeated firings by the firing device. The partition is fixedly connected with the firing device and disposed for sealing the primary coil system with respect to the missile at least during the firing of the missile from the firing device.
    • 一种用于在从包括具有连接到点火装置的初级线圈系统的变压器状线圈系统和连接到该导弹的次级线圈系统的点火装置的点火装置中将电能非接触地传输到导弹的装置。 初级线圈系统被提供有电能,次级线圈系统响应于在初级线圈系统中产生的电能,用于在其中显现电能。 分隔件布置在初级线圈系统和次级线圈系统之间,并且由能够承受由点火装置重复发出的热和机械应力的非磁性材料形成。 分隔件固定地连接着点火装置,并设置成至少在从点火装置射出导弹时相对于导弹密封初级线圈系统。
    • 8. 发明授权
    • Pyrotechnically driven device for cutting solid, compact materials
    • 用于切割固体,紧凑材料的烟火驱动装置
    • US07182012B2
    • 2007-02-27
    • US10901048
    • 2004-07-29
    • Uwe BredeJurgen KnaussDiedrich Von Behr
    • Uwe BredeJurgen KnaussDiedrich Von Behr
    • B60K28/10
    • H01H39/006B23D15/145F42B3/006H01H2039/008
    • A pyrotechnic cutting device has a guiding housing in which there is arranged a part to be severed, which is fashioned so as to be severable at a cut point by a cutting tool having a cutting chisel. A pressure pulse generator containing a pyrotechnic driving charge is arranged in the cutting device for generating a pressure pulse to drive the cutting tool. In the guiding housing there is arranged, between the pressure pulse generator and the cutting tool, an impact capsule that can be accelerated by the pressure pulse of the triggered pressure pulse generator toward an inner thrust base of the cutting tool on the end of the cutting tool opposite to the cutting chisel. The cutting tool has its cutting chisel abutting the cut point before the impact capsule strikes the thrust base.
    • 烟火切割装置具有引导壳体,其中布置有待切割的部分,其被设计成在具有切割凿子的切割工具的切割点处可切割。 含有烟火驱动电荷的压力脉冲发生器设置在切割装置中,用于产生用于驱动切割工具的压力脉冲。 在引导壳体中,在压力脉冲发生器和切割工具之间布置有冲击胶囊,其可以通过触发的压力脉冲发生器的压力脉冲在切割结束时向切削工具的内部推力基座加速 刀具与切割凿子相对。 切割工具在撞击胶囊撞击推力基座之前,其切割凿子抵靠切割点。