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    • 1. 发明授权
    • Hardenable materials which contain uretdione groups, method for the production and processing thereof, and their utilization
    • 含有脲二酮基团的可硬化材料,其生产和加工方法及其应用
    • US07019088B1
    • 2006-03-28
    • US09856474
    • 1999-12-03
    • Frank LehmannMichaela Gedan-SmolkaDieter Lehmann
    • Frank LehmannMichaela Gedan-SmolkaDieter Lehmann
    • C08G18/22C08G18/40C08G18/70
    • C08G18/798Y10T428/31551
    • The invention is used in the fields of chemistry and relates to hardenable materials which can be used for producing lacquers. The aim of the invention is to provide materials which harden at low temperatures in the same amount of time as the others. This is achieved by using hardenable materials containing uretdione groups and containing (A) a binding agent constituent, whereby this component either (A1) does not contain carboxyl groups, or (A2) the concentration of carboxyl groups is less than that of the catalyst (C) or (A3) in the case of a high level of concentration, a quantity of a reactive agent is added. The hardenable materials also contain (B) a polyaddition compound which comprises uretdione groups, and (C) at least one Lewis acid catalyst. The aim of the invention is also achieved using a method for producing materials of this type in which the starting materials are homogenized in a solution and/or in a melt, the solution and/or melt is then rapidly cooled, and the subsequent processing is carried out afterwards to effect a complete cross-linking.
    • 本发明用于化学领域,涉及可用于生产漆的可硬化材料。 本发明的目的是提供在低温下与其它时间相同的时间硬化的材料。 这是通过使用含有脲二酮基团的可硬化材料并含有(A)结合剂成分来实现的,其中该组分(A1)不含羧基,或(A2)羧基的浓度小于催化剂的浓度 C)或(A3)在高浓度的情况下,添加反应剂的量。 可硬化材料还含有(B)包含脲二酮基团的加聚化合物,和(C)至少一种路易斯酸催化剂。 本发明的目的还通过使用这种类型的材料的方法实现,其中起始材料在溶液和/或熔体中均化,然后将溶液和/或熔体快速冷却,随后的处理是 之后进行完成交叉。
    • 3. 发明授权
    • Hydrophobic permanent coatings on substrates and methods for production thereof
    • 底物上的疏水性永久性涂层及其生产方法
    • US07141276B2
    • 2006-11-28
    • US10475516
    • 2002-04-19
    • Dieter LehmannDietmar AppelhansMichaela Gedan-Smolka
    • Dieter LehmannDietmar AppelhansMichaela Gedan-Smolka
    • B05D3/02B05D3/06
    • C09D175/06C08G18/4607C08G18/798C08G2150/20C09D163/00Y10T428/31551C08L2666/18
    • The invention is used in the field of chemistry and relates to coatings which can be used, for example, for the production of paint films, and a method for production thereof.The object of the invention is to describe permanent coatings with hydrophobic to ultrahydrophobic properties.The object is attained by hydrophobic permanent coatings of a crosslinked layer of a hardener component (A) and resin component (B), whereby (A) and/or (B) comprise chemically coupled lateral and/or terminal perfluoroalkyl groups with at least one trifluoromethyl end group, with a coupling between the layer and the surface region of the substrate.The object is further attained with a method in which the coating agent containing perfluoroalkyl groups is applied to a surface in the form of a melt, powder, dispersion or solution, with input of energy a film formation is carried out in one or more stages with or without a partial cross-linking and at least one partial coupling and subsequently again with input of energy a complete cross-linking of the layer is carried out.
    • 本发明用于化学领域,涉及可用于例如制备漆膜的涂料及其生产方法。 本发明的目的是描述具有疏水性至超疏水性的​​永久性涂层。 该目的通过固化剂组分(A)和树脂组分(B)的交联层的疏水性永久性涂层来实现,其中(A)和/或(B)包含化学偶合的侧面和/或末端全氟烷基与至少一个 三氟甲基端基,在该层与该基材的表面区域之间具有耦合。 本发明的目的是通过一种方法,其中将包含全氟烷基的涂层剂以熔体,粉末,分散体或溶液的形式施加到表面上,其中能量输入在一个或多个阶段中进行成膜, 或没有部分交联和至少一种部分偶联,随后再次与能量输入一起完成该层的交联。
    • 6. 发明申请
    • 长期稳定的PTFE PTFE分散体及其生产方法
    • US20100222495A1
    • 2010-09-02
    • US12739656
    • 2008-12-09
    • Dieter Lehmann
    • Dieter Lehmann
    • C08L27/18
    • C10M107/38C08F259/08C08J3/02C08J3/095C08J2327/18C08L27/18C08L51/003C10M147/04C10M2207/28C10M2207/2805C10M2207/286C10M2213/06C10M2213/0606C10M2213/062C10M2213/0623C10N2220/082C10N2230/06C10N2250/12C10N2270/00C08L2666/02
    • The invention relates to the field of chemistry and relates to long-term stable oil PTFE dispersions, such as can be used, for example, in transmissions or bearings, and a method for the production thereof. The object of the present invention is therefore to disclose a long-term stable oil PTFE dispersion as well as a simple and cost-effective method for the production thereof. The object is attained with an oil PTFE dispersion comprising PTFE particles and a monoolefinically or polyolefinically unsaturated oil, wherein molecules of the olefinically unsaturated oil are covalently/chemically coupled to PTFE (primary) particle surfaces via radical reactions, and wherein a permanent charge separation between the PTFE particle surfaces and the coupled oil molecules is present and a fine dispersion of the PTFE particles in the oil or oil mixture is present. The object is furthermore attained through a method in which the modified PTFE (emulsion) polymers are mixed with persistent perfluoro (peroxy) radicals jointly with an olefinically unsaturated oil and subsequently the modified PTFE (emulsion) polymers are subjected to a mechanical stress.
    • 本发明涉及化学领域,涉及可用于例如变速器或轴承的长期稳定的PTFE分散体及其生产方法。 因此,本发明的目的是公开长期稳定的PTFE油分散体以及用于生产PTFE的分散体的简单和成本有效的方法。 本发明的目的是通过包含PTFE颗粒和单烯烃或聚烯烃不饱和油的油PTFE分散体来实现的,其中烯属不饱和油的分子通过自由基反应共价/化学耦合到PTFE(初级)颗粒表面,并且其中, 存在PTFE颗粒表面和耦合的油分子,并且存在PTFE颗粒在油或油混合物中的细分散体。 此外,通过与改性PTFE(乳液)聚合物与持久性全氟(过氧))基团与烯属不饱和油一起混合并随后改性PTFE(乳液)聚合物受到机械应力的方法进一步达到目的。
    • 7. 发明申请
    • Modified Perfluoroplastics, and Method for The Production Thereof
    • 改性全氟塑料及其生产方法
    • US20070244212A1
    • 2007-10-18
    • US10577300
    • 2004-10-22
    • Dieter Lehmann
    • Dieter Lehmann
    • C08F259/08C08F291/18C08F8/00C08F8/06
    • C08J3/28C08F8/00C08F14/18C08F259/08C08F291/00C08L23/02C08L51/003C08F2/02C08L2666/18C08L2666/02C08F8/30C08F114/26C08F8/48C08F8/32
    • Modified perfluoroplastics and method for the production thereof. The invention relates to the field of chemistry and relates to modified perfluoroplastics that can be used, for example, in tribomaterials, and a method for the production thereof. Modified perfluoroplastics which, when processed in structural parts, lead to comparable gliding properties and improved wear resistances, and furthermore there is provided a simple and efficient method for production thereof. Modified perfluoropolymers are provided, the surface of which simultaneously exhibit —COOH and/or COF groups and reactive perfluoroalkyl-(peroxy-) radical centers, whereby further low-molecular and/or oligomeric and/or polymeric substances and/or olefinically unsaturated monomers and/or oligomers and/or polymers are coupled via the groups and/or to the centers. There is also provided a method for producing modified perfluoroplastics in which modified perfluoropolymers, which simultaneously exhibit —COOH and/or —COF groups and reactive perfluoroalkyl-(peroxy-) radical centers, are reacted with other substances through substitution reactions and/or addition reactions and/or radical reactions.
    • 改性全氟塑料及其制备方法。 本发明涉及化学领域,涉及可用于例如三元材料的改性全氟塑料及其生产方法。 改进的全氟塑料,当在结构部件中加工时,导致相当的滑动性能和改进的耐磨性,此外,提供了一种简单且有效的生产方法。 提供改性的全氟聚合物,其表面同时显示-COOH和/或COF基团和反应性全氟烷基 - (过氧基)中心,由此进一步的低分子和/或低聚和/或聚合物质和/或烯属不饱和单体和 /或低聚物和/或聚合物经由基团和/或中心偶联。 还提供了一种制备改性全氟塑料的方法,其中同时显示-COOH和/或-COF基团和反应性全氟烷基 - (过氧 - )自由基中心的改性全氟聚合物通过取代反应和/或加成反应与其它物质反应 和/或自由基反应。
    • 8. 发明授权
    • Process for grinding crankpins of a crankshaft and grinder for this
    • 为此目的研磨曲轴和磨床的曲柄销的工艺
    • US5453037A
    • 1995-09-26
    • US9637
    • 1993-01-27
    • Dieter Lehmann
    • Dieter Lehmann
    • B23Q1/76B24B5/42B24B49/00
    • B23Q1/76B24B5/421
    • A process for successive grinding of crankpins of crankshaft by a grinder includes clamping the crankshaft at two spaced center journals thereof and rotating the crankshaft around the axis of a crankpin to be ground. To enable the maintenance of highly acurate production tolerances even for small quantities and large crankshafts in an economical manner, only crankpins directly adjacent to the center journals that are clamped are ground. Different clamping positions of the crankshaft are offset axially from one another by the center-to-center distance between two adjacent crankpins of the center journals or a multiple thereof.
    • 用于通过研磨机连续研磨曲轴的曲柄轴的过程包括将曲轴夹紧在两个间隔开的中心轴颈处,并使曲轴围绕曲轴销的轴线旋转以进行研磨。 为了能够以经济的方式维持高度生产公差,即使是小批量和大型曲轴,也只有直接与被夹紧的中心轴颈相邻的曲柄销才被研磨。 曲轴的不同的夹紧位置通过中心轴颈的两个相邻的曲柄销之间的中心到中心的距离彼此轴向偏移,或者是其倍数。
    • 9. 发明授权
    • Radically coupled PTFE polymer powder and method for the production thereof
    • 自由基聚四氟乙烯聚合物粉末及其制备方法
    • US08030367B2
    • 2011-10-04
    • US12847729
    • 2010-07-30
    • Dieter LehmannBernd Kluepfel
    • Dieter LehmannBernd Kluepfel
    • C08F14/18C08F14/26C08F114/18C08F114/26C08J3/28
    • C08F259/08C08F8/12C08F14/26C08J3/28C08J2323/02C08J2351/00C08L23/02C08L51/003C08F2/02C08L2666/18C08L2666/02
    • The invention relates to the field of chemistry and relates to radically coupled PTFE polymer powders that can be used, for example, as tribomaterials, and a method for the production thereof. There is disclosed radically coupled PTFE polymer powders which, when incorporated into a matrix as PTFE polymer compound, exhibit improved wear resistance, and furthermore a simple and efficient method for the production thereof. There is provided radically coupled PTFE polymer powders comprising radiation-chemically and/or plasma-chemically modified PTFE powders, onto the particle surface of which homopolymers, copolymers or terpolymers are radically coupled via a reaction in dispersion or in solid. There is also provided a method in which PTFE powders with reactive perfluoroalkyl-(peroxy) radical centers after a radiation-chemical and/or plasma-chemical modification are reacted in dispersion or in solid with the addition of polymerizable, olefinically unsaturated monomers, whereby during the reaction a polymer-forming reaction occurs.
    • 本发明涉及化学领域,涉及可用作例如三元材料的自由基聚合的PTFE聚合物粉末及其制备方法。 公开了自由基结合的PTFE聚合物粉末,其当作为PTFE聚合物化合物掺入基质中时,显示出改进的耐磨性,此外还有一种简单而有效的制备方法。 提供了包括放射化学和/或等离子体化学改性的PTFE粉末的自由基结合的PTFE聚合物粉末,其颗粒表面上的均聚物,共聚物或三元共聚物通过分散体或固体中的反应自由偶联。 还提供了一种方法,其中在辐射化学和/或等离子体化学改性之后具有反应性全氟烷基(过氧)基团的PTFE粉末在分散体或固体中与加入可聚合的烯属不饱和单体反应, 该反应发生聚合物形成反应。
    • 10. 发明申请
    • 聚苯乙烯(PER)氟聚合物材料及其制备和使用方法
    • US20110040017A1
    • 2011-02-17
    • US12673362
    • 2008-08-08
    • Dieter Lehmann
    • Dieter Lehmann
    • C08L81/04
    • C08G75/029C08L23/283C08L81/02C08L2666/06
    • The invention relates to polyphenylene sulfide (per)fluoropolymer materials, which can be used, for example, as tribomaterials. In particular, the present invention relates to polyphenylene sulfide (per)fluoropolymer materials that have an improved tribological behavior. The polyphenylene sulfide (per)fluoropolymer materials comprise a polyphenylene sulfide polymer matrix (PPS polymer matrix) with modified (per)fluoropolymer particles distributed therein in a (poly) disperse manner, which are present bonded to the PPS polymer matrix via chemical couplings. The present invention also relates to a method in which polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) with thiol groups and/or thiolate groups is reactively compounded in a melt with one or more modified (per)fluoropolymer (micro/nano) powders in a single-step or multi-step manner.
    • 本发明涉及聚苯硫醚(全)氟聚合物材料,其可以用作例如三元材料。 特别地,本发明涉及具有改善的摩擦学行为的聚苯硫醚(全)含氟聚合物材料。 聚苯硫醚(全)含氟聚合物材料包含聚苯硫醚聚合物基质(PPS聚合物基质),其以(聚)分散方式分布在其中的改性(全)含氟聚合物颗粒,其通过化学偶联存在于PPS聚合物基质上。 本发明还涉及一种方法,其中具有硫醇基和/或硫醇基的聚苯硫醚(PPS)在熔体中与一个或多个改性的(一个)含氟聚合物(微/纳)粉末在一个步骤或 多步骤。