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    • 1. 发明申请
    • 处理PET的材料
    • US20090013936A1
    • 2009-01-15
    • US11814689
    • 2006-01-31
    • Jun YamamotoYasuki TsutsumiHiroyuki Yamada
    • Jun YamamotoYasuki TsutsumiHiroyuki Yamada
    • A01K29/00
    • A01K1/0155
    • A pet excreta treating material made mainly of a ground material of plant origin and having a higher water absorbency in the third measurement than in the first measurement, a water absorbency of 3% to 30% by weight in the third measurement, and a specific gravity of 0.8 to 1.2 measured before the first water absorbency measurement. The water absorbency is measured by immersing a dried excreta treating material in 25° C. water for 3 seconds and calculating the weight increase by the equation below, which is taken as water absorbency (%). In the second and following measurements, the excreta treating material immediately after the preceding measurement is dried and immersed in 25° C. water for 3 seconds to obtain a water absorbency in the same manner.Water absorbency (%)=[(weight of excreta treating material after immersion−weight of excreta treating material before immersion)/(weight of excreta treating material before immersion)]×100.
    • 一种主要由植物来源的研磨材料制成并且在第三测量中具有比第一测量中更高的吸水性的宠物排泄物处理材料,第三测量中的吸水率为3重量%至30重量%,比重 在第一次吸水度测量之前测量为0.8至1.2。 通过将干燥的排泄物处理材料在25℃的水中浸渍3秒来测量吸水度,并通过以下等式计算重量增加,其被认为是吸水率(%)。 在第二次及以下的测定中,将上述测定后的排泄物处理材料干燥,浸入25℃水中3秒钟,以同样的方式得到吸水性。 吸水率(%)= [(浸渍前的排泄物处理材料的浸渍重量后的排泄物处理材料的重量)/(浸渍前排泄物处理材料的重量)×100。
    • 2. 发明授权
    • Material for treating excretion of pet
    • 用于治疗宠物排泄的物质
    • US08726839B2
    • 2014-05-20
    • US11814689
    • 2006-01-31
    • Jun YamamotoYasuki TsutsumiHiroyuki Yamada
    • Jun YamamotoYasuki TsutsumiHiroyuki Yamada
    • A01K1/01A01K29/00
    • A01K1/0155
    • A pet excreta treating material made mainly of a ground material of plant origin and having a higher water absorbency in the third measurement than in the first measurement, a water absorbency of 3% to 30% by weight in the third measurement, and a specific gravity of 0.8 to 1.2 measured before the first water absorbency measurement. The water absorbency is measured by immersing a dried excreta treating material in 25° C. water for 3 seconds and calculating the weight increase by the equation below, which is taken as water absorbency (%). In the second and following measurements, the excreta treating material immediately after the preceding measurement is dried and immersed in 25° C. water for 3 seconds to obtain a water absorbency in the same manner.Water absorbency (%)=[(weight of excreta treating material after immersion−weight of excreta treating material before immersion)/(weight of excreta treating material before immersion)]×100.
    • 一种主要由植物来源的研磨材料制成并且在第三测量中具有比第一测量中更高的吸水性的宠物排泄物处理材料,第三测量中的吸水率为3重量%至30重量%,比重 在第一次吸水度测量之前测量为0.8至1.2。 通过将干燥的排泄物处理材料在25℃的水中浸渍3秒来测量吸水度,并通过以下等式计算重量增加,其被认为是吸水率(%)。 在第二次及以下的测定中,将上述测定后的排泄物处理材料干燥,浸入25℃水中3秒钟,以同样的方式得到吸水性。 吸水率(%)= [(浸渍前的排泄物处理材料的浸渍重量后的排泄物处理材料的重量)/(浸渍前排泄物处理材料的重量)×100。
    • 3. 发明授权
    • Sheet for pets
    • 宠物床单
    • US07891320B2
    • 2011-02-22
    • US12083516
    • 2007-06-27
    • Kazuya OtsujiYasuki TsutsumiJun Yamamoto
    • Kazuya OtsujiYasuki TsutsumiJun Yamamoto
    • A01K29/00A01K1/015
    • A01K1/0107A01K1/0152
    • A pet sheet 1 including a topsheet 2, a backsheet 3, an absorbent core 41 located between the sheets 2 and 3, and a compression molded product 5 of a ground material of plant origin located between the topsheet 2 and the absorbent core 41. The compression molded product 5 is designed to swell and disintegrate upon water absorption. The compression molded product 5 is preferably designed to form a rewet barrier layer between the topsheet 2 and the absorbent core 41 as a result of swelling and disintegration upon water absorption, the rewet barrier layer being formed of water-containing bulky material disintegrated from the compression molded product 5. The compression molded product preferably further contains inorganic powder, particularly zeolite.
    • 包括顶片2,底片3,位于片材2,3之间的吸收芯41和位于顶片2和吸收芯41之间的植物原料的压缩成型品5的宠物片1。 压缩成型产品5被设计成在吸水时溶胀和分解。 压缩成型品5优选地被设计成在吸水芯之间形成在顶片2和吸收芯41之间的再润湿阻隔层,这是由于在吸水时溶胀和分解的结果,再湿阻挡层由从压缩物分解的含水膨胀材料形成 压塑产品优选还含有无机粉末,特别是沸石。
    • 5. 发明申请
    • Sheet for Pets
    • 宠物床单
    • US20090044756A1
    • 2009-02-19
    • US12083516
    • 2007-06-27
    • Kazuya OtsujiYasuki TsutsumiJun Yamamoto
    • Kazuya OtsujiYasuki TsutsumiJun Yamamoto
    • A01K29/00
    • A01K1/0107A01K1/0152
    • A pet sheet 1 including a topsheet 2, a backsheet 3, an absorbent core 41 located between the sheets 2 and 3, and a compression molded product 5 of a ground material of plant origin located between the topsheet 2 and the absorbent core 41. The compression molded product 5 is designed to swell and disintegrate upon water absorption. The compression molded product 5 is preferably designed to form a rewet barrier layer between the topsheet 2 and the absorbent core 41 as a result of swelling and disintegration upon water absorption, the rewet barrier layer being formed of water-containing bulky material disintegrated from the compression molded product 5. The compression molded product preferably further contains inorganic powder, particularly zeolite.
    • 包括顶片2,底片3,位于片材2,3之间的吸收芯41和位于顶片2和吸收芯41之间的植物原料的压缩成型品5的宠物片1。 压缩成型产品5被设计成在吸水时溶胀和分解。 压缩成型品5优选地被设计成在吸水芯之间形成在顶片2和吸收芯41之间的再润湿阻隔层,这是由于在吸水时溶胀和分解的结果,再湿阻挡层由从压缩物分解的含水膨胀材料形成 压塑产品优选还含有无机粉末,特别是沸石。
    • 9. 发明申请
    • PET EXCRETA处理材料
    • US20090038554A1
    • 2009-02-12
    • US12090149
    • 2006-12-22
    • Yasuki TsutsumiKazuya Otsuji
    • Yasuki TsutsumiKazuya Otsuji
    • A01K1/01A01K29/00
    • A01K1/0107A01K1/0152A01K1/0154A01K1/0155
    • An excreta treating material 4 of the invention contains a ground material of plant origin and an inorganic powder and self-disintegrates upon water absorption. A pet toilet 1 of the invention includes a toilet box partitioned with a drainboard into upper and lower compartments. An excreta treating material 4 containing a ground material of plant origin and an inorganic powder and capable of self-disintegrating on water absorption is put in the upper compartment, and the lower compartment has a tray 5. The inorganic powder is preferably zeolite. The particles of the ground material of plant origin in the excreta treating material 4 are preferably bound together only by a pressing force.
    • 本发明的排泄物处理材料4含有植物来源的研磨材料和无机粉末,并在吸水时自分解。 本发明的宠物厕所1包括将排水板分隔成上部和下部隔室的卫生间箱。 将含有植物来源的研磨材料和无机粉末并且能够吸收自分解的排泄物处理材料4放入上部隔室中,并且下部隔室具有托盘5.无机粉末优选为沸石。 排泄物处理材料4中植物来源的研磨材料的颗粒优选仅通过按压力结合在一起。