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    • 1. 发明授权
    • Pitch post-filter
    • 间距后置滤波器
    • US09026451B1
    • 2015-05-05
    • US13846368
    • 2013-03-18
    • Willem Bastiaan KleijnJan Skoglund
    • Willem Bastiaan KleijnJan Skoglund
    • G10L21/00G10L19/26G10L19/008
    • G10L19/26G10L19/008
    • Methods and systems for using pitch predictors in speech/audio coders are provided. Techniques for optimal pre- and post-filtering are presented, and a general result that post-filtering is more effective than pre-filtering is derived. A practical paired-zero filter design for the low-rate regime is proposed, and this design is extended to handle frequency-dependent periodicity levels. Further, the methods described provide a general performance measure for a post-filter that only uses information available at the decoder, thereby allowing for the optimization or selection of a post-filter without increasing the rate.
    • 提供了在语音/音频编码器中使用音调预测器的方法和系统。 提出了用于最佳前置和后置滤波的技术,得出了后置滤波比预滤波更有效的一般结果。 提出了一种用于低速率方案的实用配对零滤波器设计,并将该设计扩展到处理频率依赖周期水平。 此外,所描述的方法提供了仅使用解码器可用的信息的后置滤波器的一般性能测量,从而允许优化或选择后置滤波器而不增加速率。
    • 2. 发明授权
    • Adaptive, scalable packet loss recovery
    • 自适应,可扩展的丢包恢复
    • US08325622B2
    • 2012-12-04
    • US12595814
    • 2008-04-04
    • Christian FeldbauerWillem Bastiaan Kleijn
    • Christian FeldbauerWillem Bastiaan Kleijn
    • H04J1/16
    • G06F11/10G10L19/005G10L19/24H03M7/30H03M13/373H03M13/6312H04N19/115H04N19/15H04N19/164H04N19/166
    • A system for transmitting data packets representing a source signal across a packet data network is provided. The encoder comprises a first encoder (110) and a redundancy encoder (120). The redundancy encoding is generated with a bit rate continuously scalable, the bit rate being provided by a bit rate controller (142) that uses input from the network (130) and packet-loss rate information. At the decoder, recovery is performed by a parameter estimator based in part on information transmitted from the first encoder using information from previous and/or future blocks and in addition on redundant information. The method may be added to existing lossy source coding systems or may be used to enhance the quality of the reconstructed source signal even in scenarios without packet loss.
    • 提供了一种用于在分组数据网络上传送表示源信号的数据分组的系统。 编码器包括第一编码器(110)和冗余编码器(120)。 以比特率连续可缩放地生成冗余编码,比特率由使用来自网络(130)的输入的比特率控制器(142)和分组丢失率信息提供。 在解码器处,部分地基于来自第一编码器的信息,使用来自先前和/或未来块的信息以及另外的冗余信息,由参数估计器执行恢复。 该方法可以添加到现有的有损耗源编码系统中,或者即使在没有分组丢失的情况下也可以用于增强重构源信号的质量。
    • 3. 发明申请
    • 使用约束相关熵定标对源信号进行编码和解码
    • US20120177110A1
    • 2012-07-12
    • US13497237
    • 2010-09-20
    • Willem Bastiaan KleijnMinyue Li
    • Willem Bastiaan KleijnMinyue Li
    • G10L19/00H04N7/26
    • G10L19/00
    • Methods and devices for encoding and decoding are provided. A source signal value is encoded by a quantization index determined using a partition into quantization cells. Decoding of the quantization index takes place by sampling a reconstruction probability distribution, thereby obtaining a reconstructed signal value, such that the reconstructed signal value lies in the same quantization cell as the source signal value. In one embodiment, encoding and decoding are such that their succession preserves the source signal distribution. In another embodiment, the partition and the reconstruction probability distribution are determined in such manner that the quantization error is minimized subject to a constraint on the relative entropy between the source signal and the reconstructed signal.
    • 提供了用于编码和解码的方法和装置。 源信号值由使用分区确定的量化单元的量化索引进行编码。 通过对重建概率分布进行采样来进行量化索引的解码,从而获得重构信号值,使得重构信号值位于与源信号值相同的量化单元中。 在一个实施例中,编码和解码使得它们的继承保持源信号分布。 在另一个实施例中,以这样的方式确定分区和重构概率分布,使得在对源信号和重构信号之间的相对熵的约束下,量化误差被最小化。
    • 4. 发明申请
    • Method of coding a video signal
    • 编码视频信号的方法
    • US20080205520A1
    • 2008-08-28
    • US12068025
    • 2008-01-31
    • Ermin KozicaDave ZachariahWillem Bastiaan Kleijn
    • Ermin KozicaDave ZachariahWillem Bastiaan Kleijn
    • H04N7/32
    • H04N19/136H04N19/12H04N19/172H04N19/44H04N19/46H04N19/61H04N21/23439H04N21/26275H04N21/4305
    • The invention relates to methods and apparatuses for encoding and decoding of a video sequence. In connection with encoding/decoding a video sequence it is desirable to increase the video quality without having to increase the bit-rate for the encoded video too much, thereby still providing a bit-efficient representation of the video. If multiple descriptions of the video sequence is used the invention improves the video quality without any increase of the bit-rate. According to the invention, this is achieved by using two or more coding units for encoding the same video sequence, wherein the encoding units perform their encoding operations displaced in time in relation to each other. Correspondingly, two or more decoding units are used for decoding the same video sequence, wherein the decoding units perform their decoding operations displaced in time in relation to each other.
    • 本发明涉及视频序列的编码和解码的方法和装置。 结合视频序列的编码/解码,期望增加视频质量,而不必增加编码视频的比特率太多,从而仍然提供视频的比特效率表示。 如果使用视频序列的多个描述,本发明可以在不增加比特率的情况下提高视频质量。 根据本发明,这通过使用两个或更多个编码单元来编码相同的视频序列来实现,其中编码单元执行它们相对于彼此在时间上移位的编码操作。 相应地,使用两个或多个解码单元来对相同的视频序列进行解码,其中解码单元相对于彼此在时间上执行其解码操作。
    • 6. 发明授权
    • Flicker suppression
    • 闪烁抑制
    • US08325279B2
    • 2012-12-04
    • US12552004
    • 2009-09-01
    • Willem Bastiaan KleijnBjoern Volcker
    • Willem Bastiaan KleijnBjoern Volcker
    • H04N5/00H04N7/00H04N11/00G06K9/00G09G5/02
    • H04N5/2357G06T5/002G06T5/40G06T2207/10016G06T2207/20076G06T2207/20182H04N5/57H04N7/0132H04N9/646H04N21/44
    • The invention relates to a method, device and computer-program product for suppression of undesired temporal variations, notably flicker, in a sequence of video frames. Histogram-based and similar approaches generally do not remove all flicker. Features that are resolved only in portions of the flicker cycle will manifest themselves as residual flicker. This effect is near-universal in bright regions of a scene. The inventive solution is a mapping that aims to resolve in the output only those features that are resolved in all frames of the flicker cycle. Use of time-maximal quantile values may preserve non-resolution of such image features that are unresolved due to intermittent bright saturation. Thus, in one embodiment, a reduction of resolution is attained by means of a pixel-value mapping based on selecting, over a time window, maximal and minimal quantile values, with maximal values being used for bright spatial regions and minimal values for dark spatial regions.
    • 本发明涉及一种用于在视频帧序列中抑制不需要的时间变化,特别是闪烁的方法,设备和计算机程序产品。 基于直方图和类似方法通常不会消除所有的闪烁。 仅在闪烁周期的部分中解决的特征将表现为残余闪烁。 这种效果在场景的明亮区域是近乎普遍的。 本发明的解决方案是旨在在输出中仅解析闪烁周期的所有帧中解析的那些特征的映射。 使用时间 - 最大分位数值可以保留由于间歇性明亮饱和而未解决的这种图像特征的非分辨率。 因此,在一个实施例中,通过基于在时间窗口上选择最大和最小分位数值的像素值映射来获得分辨率的降低,其中最大值被用于明亮的空间区域和用于暗空间的最小值 地区。
    • 7. 发明授权
    • Distributed blind source separation
    • 分布式盲源分离
    • US08295762B1
    • 2012-10-23
    • US13244881
    • 2011-09-26
    • Willem Bastiaan Kleijn
    • Willem Bastiaan Kleijn
    • H04H20/71H04B7/15H04W4/00H04W24/00
    • H04W8/005G10L21/0272H04L29/08H04L67/12H04W84/18
    • Systems and methods for using distributed processing in conjunction with blind source separation techniques for signal processing and acquisition in sensor network environments are provided. In the distributed blind source separation framework, sensors each perform some processing of sensor signals rather than transmitting such signals over long distances, and/or outside of the sensor network, to be processed at a central location. Sensors attempt to own a source signal, which can only be owned by one active sensor. Sensors owning a source signal broadcast the signal directly or indirectly so it is perceived by users. Sensors receive information from other sensors in their sensor neighborhood, including observed signals of the other sensors and the estimated source signals of sources owned by the other sensors. This allows owning sensors to extract the respective source signals of the sources they own and all redundant sensors to check for any non-owned source signals present.
    • 提供了在传感器网络环境中使用分布式处理与盲源分离技术进行信号处理和采集的系统和方法。 在分布式盲源分离框架中,传感器各自执行传感器信号的一些处理,而不是在长距离和/或传感器网络外部传送这样的信号,以在中心位置处理。 传感器尝试拥有一个源信号,该信号只能由一个有源传感器拥有。 拥有源信号的传感器直接或间接广播信号,以便用户察觉。 传感器从其传感器附近的其他传感器接收信息,包括其他传感器的观测信号和其他传感器所拥有的源的估计源信号。 这允许拥有传感器来提取它们所拥有的源的各自的源信号和所有冗余传感器,以检查存在的任何非所有源信号。
    • 9. 发明申请
    • 延迟估计
    • US20120063572A1
    • 2012-03-15
    • US13245528
    • 2011-09-26
    • Willem Bastiaan KLEIJN
    • Willem Bastiaan KLEIJN
    • H04M3/22
    • H04M9/082H04B3/46
    • The present invention provides a method and apparatus for finding an estimate of the delay of a signal travelling between two points. A quantity is evaluated from the signal at a final number of time instants, at both a reference point and a reception point. The values are quantized by comparison with a threshold adapted to a typical magnitude of the quantity. If the quantized values from the reception point are shifted back by the true delay with respect to the quantized values from the referenced point, then certain co-occurrences of quantized values have very low probability. Hence, the best delay estimate is that shift which yields the least number of low-probability co-occurrences.
    • 本发明提供了一种用于找到在两点之间行进的信号的延迟的估计的方法和装置。 在最后数量的时刻,在参考点和接收点处,从信号中估算出一个数量。 通过与适应于数量的典型量值的阈值进行比较来量化该值。 如果来自接收点的量化值相对于从参考点的量化值移回真实延迟,则量化值的某些共同出现具有非常低的概率。 因此,最佳延迟估计是产生最少数量的低概率共同出现的偏移。