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    • 1. 发明授权
    • Network security
    • 网络安全
    • US6064305A
    • 2000-05-16
    • US113782
    • 1998-07-10
    • Terry Lockyer
    • Terry Lockyer
    • H04L12/26G08B13/22
    • H04L43/00H04L12/2602
    • An alarm or monitoring system for a computer network in which network devices are able to be "locked" onto the network, in which condition an alarm is raised if the device is removed. This occurs even when the device is switched off, as the monitoring of the presence of the device is performed by the network. Alternatively, the device may be "unlocked" from the network, in which condition no alarm is raised even if the device is removed. Control of whether a particular network device is subject to the alarm system is therefore in the hands of the user of the device and this is particularly useful for items such as lap-top computers which may quite legitimately be regularly connected to and disconnected from the network.
    • 一种用于计算机网络的报警或监视系统,其中网络设备能够被“锁定”到网络上,在该情况下,如果设备被移除,则引起警报。 即使当设备关闭时,也会发生这种情况,因为通过网络对设备的存在进行监视。 或者,该设备可以从网络“解锁”,在该情况下即使该设备被移除也不会引起报警。 因此,控制特定网络设备是否受到报警系统的控制,因此在设备的用户手中,这对于诸如膝上型计算机之类的项目尤其有用,这些计算机可能非常合法地定期连接到网络并从网络断开连接 。
    • 2. 发明授权
    • Network security
    • 网络安全
    • US06172606B2
    • 2001-01-09
    • US09326769
    • 1999-06-04
    • Terry Lockyer
    • Terry Lockyer
    • G08B1312
    • G06F21/88G06F21/85
    • An alarm or monitoring system for a computer network in which network devices are able to be “locked” onto the network, in which condition an alarm is raised if the device is removed. This occurs even when the device is switched off, as the monitoring of the presence of the device is performed by the network. Alternatively, the device may be “unlocked” from the network, in which condition no alarm is raised even if the device is removed. Control of whether a particular network device is subject to the alarm system is therefore in the hands of the user of the device and this is particularly useful for items such as lap-top computers which may quite legitimately be regularly connected to and disconnected from the network.
    • 一种用于计算机网络的报警或监视系统,其中网络设备能够被“锁定”到网络上,在该情况下,如果设备被移除,则引起警报。 即使当设备关闭时,也会发生这种情况,因为通过网络对设备的存在进行监视。 或者,该设备可以从网络“解锁”,在该情况下即使该设备被移除也不会引起报警。 因此,控制特定网络设备是否受到报警系统的控制,因此在设备的用户手中,这对于诸如膝上型计算机之类的项目尤其有用,这些计算机可能非常合法地定期连接到网络并从网络断开连接 。