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    • 3. 发明申请
    • Location Services Agent
    • 位置服务代理
    • US20130012232A1
    • 2013-01-10
    • US13348836
    • 2012-01-12
    • Mark TitusGordon John HinesPaul ThompsonJoe Hannan
    • Mark TitusGordon John HinesPaul ThompsonJoe Hannan
    • H04W4/02H04W24/00
    • H04M11/04H04L67/18H04W4/021H04W4/90H04W68/005H04W76/50
    • A wireless device Location Services Agent (LSA) provides location functions such as reporting locations to a Location Agent Management Module (LAMM) function in a location services gateway (LSG). The LSA provides a consistent location protocol for providing single shot, periodic triggers and area event triggers. Actual position determination is performed by the native techniques supported by the handset. Location is setup via a Location Agent Management Module (LAMM) component of a Location Services Gateway (LSG) communicating with the LSA. The LSA provides for agent upgrade; SET (handset) registration to the LAMM; Single Shot location determination and conveyance to the LAMM; Periodic Triggered location; Area Event Location; and Privacy Notification and Verification. The LSA interfaces with the LAMM component of the LSG to initialize location requests, and interfaces with external location servers for actual position determination.
    • 无线设备位置服务代理(LSA)提供位置功能,例如将位置报告给位置服务网关(LSG)中的位置代理管理模块(LAMM)功能。 LSA提供一致的位置协议,用于提供单次触发,周期性触发和区域事件触发。 实际位置确定由手机支持的本地技术来执行。 位置是通过与LSA通信的位置服务网关(LSG)的位置代理管理模块(LAMM)组件设置的。 LSA提供代理升级; SET(手机)注册到LAMM; 单次拍摄位置确定和传送到LAMM; 定期触发位置; 地区事件地点; 和隐私通知和验证。 LSA与LSG的LAMM组件进行接口,初始化位置请求,并与外部位置服务器进行接口,实现位置确定。
    • 6. 发明申请
    • House number normalization for master street address guide (MSAG) address matching
    • 主地址指南(MSAG)地址匹配的房屋号码归一化
    • US20090092232A1
    • 2009-04-09
    • US12232484
    • 2008-09-18
    • Gerhard GELDENBOTTGordon John HINESJeffrey Thomas MARTINAbe BACKUS
    • Gerhard GELDENBOTTGordon John HINESJeffrey Thomas MARTINAbe BACKUS
    • H04M11/04
    • H04M3/5116H04L67/18H04M2242/04H04M2242/30H04W4/02H04W4/90H04W76/50
    • A technique and apparatus to allow a determination of an MSAG-valid address by use of normalized house numbers included in address entries in an MSAG Address data store, to facilitate the simple match of an input civic/postal address against entries in a MSAG data store based on the use of a normalization of the house numbers. The house number normalization allows for an easy lexicographical determination as to whether or not the input civic/postal house number falls with the range of house numbers in the MSAG data store. The inventive process and apparatus pre-stores normalized house number fields in an MSAG address data store, and then normalizes house numbers in a civic/postal address associated with an emergency call. The normalized numbers in the input civic/postal address associated with the emergency call are then lexicographically matched with normalized entries in an MSAG address data store.
    • 允许通过使用包含在MSAG地址数据存储器中的地址条目中的标准化房屋号码来确定MSAG有效地址的技术和装置,以便于输入公民/邮政地址与MSAG数据存储区中的条目的简单匹配 基于使用房屋号码的归一化。 房屋编号规范化允许对输入的公民/邮政编号是否与MSAG数据存储中的房屋号码的范围一起下降的容易的词典确定。 本发明的处理和装置在MSAG地址数据存储中预先存储标准化的房屋号码字段,然后对与紧急呼叫相关联的公民/邮政地址中的房屋号码进行归一化。 与紧急呼叫相关联的输入公民/邮政地址中的归一化数字随后与MSAG地址数据存储中的标准化条目进行字典匹配。
    • 7. 发明申请
    • Mobile based area event handling when currently visited network doe not cover area
    • 目前访问网络时,基于移动的区域事件处理不覆盖区域
    • US20070238455A1
    • 2007-10-11
    • US11399528
    • 2006-04-07
    • Yinjun ZhuJohn Hines
    • Yinjun ZhuJohn Hines
    • H04Q7/20
    • H04W4/029H04W8/04H04W8/08H04W8/10
    • An area event handler informs when a target mobile enters or leaves a network covering a pre-defined target area, and re-aims an original area event request. When the event occurs, the mobile sends a location report to an initiator of the request. A PLMN list with estimated geographic coverage areas is stored in a Home GMLC, and sent to each relevant mobile. When a mobile enters new network coverage, it uses this list for network access selection. When the Home GMLC discovers that the currently visited PLMN does not serve the original target area, it modifies the area event to the that mobile, so that the Home GMLC will be notified when the target mobile once again enters a PLMN that serves the original target area. Then, after being so notified, the Home GMLC re-sends the original area event location service request to the target mobile.
    • 区域事件处理程序通知目标移动设备何时进入或离开覆盖预定义目标区域的网络,并重新定位原始区域事件请求。 当事件发生时,移动设备向请求的发起者发送位置报告。 具有估计地理覆盖区域的PLMN列表存储在主GMLC中,并发送到每个相关移动站。 当移动设备进入新的网络覆盖范围时,它将使用此列表进行网络访问选择。 当本地GMLC发现当前访问的PLMN不服务于原始目标区域时,它将该区域事件修改为该移动站,以便当目标移动站再次进入服务于原始目标的PLMN时将通知本地GMLC 区。 然后,在通知之后,Home GMLC将原始区域事件定位服务请求重新发送到目标移动站。
    • 8. 发明申请
    • Voice over internet protocol (VoIP) location based conferencing
    • 基于互联网协议语音(VoIP)位置的会议
    • US20070091906A1
    • 2007-04-26
    • US11503908
    • 2006-08-15
    • Jon CroyJohn Hines
    • Jon CroyJohn Hines
    • H04L12/56
    • H04L65/4038H04L67/18H04W4/02H04W4/023
    • A Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) device uses its location to narrow down known and unknown potential VoIP third parties meeting the user's criteria, based on their physical proximity to the initial caller and other pre-determined characteristics, to join in a phone conference. A VoIP soft switch includes conference bridges that eliminate the conventional requirement that they dial digits for a direct link with another specific VoIP communications device. Instead, location information relating to the initial VoIP user is passed to the VoIP conference bridge, either from the user's VoIP communication device or from their respective location server. The location information is then compared by the VoIP soft switch against other VoIP devices to find potential VoIP users within a defined geographic region surrounding the initial VoIP user. Those VoIP users matching the criteria are sent an Invite message to join the conference, which they may or may not accept.
    • 互联网语音协议(VoIP)设备使用其位置来缩小已知和未知的潜在VoIP第三方,以满足用户的标准,基于他们与初始呼叫者的物理接近性和其他预定特性,以加入电话会议。 VoIP软交换机包括会议桥,其消除了他们拨打数字以与另一特定VoIP通信设备的直接链路的常规要求。 相反,与初始VoIP用户相关的位置信息从用户的VoIP通信设备或其相应的位置服务器传递到VoIP会议桥。 然后通过VoIP软交换机将位置信息与其他VoIP设备进行比较,以在初始VoIP用户周围的定义的地理区域内找到潜在的VoIP用户。 符合条件的VoIP用户将发送一个邀请消息加入会议,他们可能接受或不接受。