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    • 2. 发明申请
    • Speech dialog method and device
    • 语音对话方法和设备
    • US20070055524A1
    • 2007-03-08
    • US11222215
    • 2005-09-08
    • Zhen-Hai CaoJian-Cheng HuangYi-Qing Zu
    • Zhen-Hai CaoJian-Cheng HuangYi-Qing Zu
    • G10L15/18
    • G10L15/22G10L13/04
    • An electronic device (200) for speech dialog includes functions that receive (205, 105) an utterance that includes an instantiated variable (215), perform voice recognition (210, 115, 120) of the instantiated variable to determine a most likely set of acoustic states (220) and a corresponding sequence of phonemes with stress information (215), determine prosodic characteristics (272, 274, 276, 130) for a synthesized value of the instantiated variable (236) from the sequence of phonemes with stress information and a set of stored prosody models. The electronic device generates (335, 140) a synthesized value of the instantiated variable using the most likely set of acoustic states and the prosodic characteristics of the instantiated variable.
    • 用于语音对话的电子设备(200)包括接收(205,105)包括实例变量(215)的话语的功能,执行所述实例化变量的语音识别(210,115,120)以确定最可能的一组 声学状态(220)和具有应力信息(215)的相应的音素序列确定来自具有应力信息的音素序列的实例化变量(236)的合成值的韵律特征(272,274,276,130),以及 一组存储的韵律模型。 电子设备使用最可能的声学状态集合和实例化变量的韵律特征来生成(335,140)所述实例化变量的合成值。
    • 3. 发明申请
    • Orientation determination for handwritten characters for recognition thereof
    • 用于识别手写字符的方向确定
    • US20050041865A1
    • 2005-02-24
    • US10955581
    • 2004-09-30
    • Li Xin ZhenJian Cheng HuangFeng Jun Guo
    • Li Xin ZhenJian Cheng HuangFeng Jun Guo
    • G06K9/32G06K9/00
    • G06K9/3283G06K2209/01
    • According to one aspect of the invention there is provided a method (20) and electronic device (1) for determining orientation and recognition of handwritten characters scribed on touchscreen (5). The method (20) includes receiving (22) the hand written character and then normalizing (23) the character to provide a scaled character that fits within a defined boundary. The scaled character comprises at least one line and a step of identifying (24) the lines of the scaled character as a vector is effected and thereafter a step of rotating (26) rotates the scaled character from an initial orientation to a final orientation through a plurality of discrete orientations. A step of calculating (27) then calculates, for each of the discrete orientations, magnitudes of co-ordinate components of each vector and then a summing step (28) then sums, for each of said discrete orientations, the co-ordinate components to provide a summed co-ordinate component for the scaled character at a corresponding discrete orientation. An assessing step (31) then assesses each of the summed co-ordinate components to determine a suitable orientation of the scaled character.
    • 根据本发明的一个方面,提供了一种用于确定在触摸屏(5)上划线的手写字符的取向和识别的方法(20)和电子设备(1)。 方法(20)包括接收(22)手写字符,然后对字符进行归一化(23)以提供适合在限定边界内的缩放字符。 缩放的字符包括至少一行和标识(24)作为向量的缩放字符的行的步骤,此后,旋转(26)的步骤将缩放的字符从初始取向旋转到最终定向,通过 多个离散取向。 计算(27)的步骤然后针对每个离散取向计算每个向量的坐标分量的大小,然后求和步骤(28)对于每个所述离散取向,将坐标分量相加到 在相应的离散方向上为缩放字符提供一个总和坐标分量。 评估步骤(31)然后评估每个总和坐标组件以确定缩放角色的合适取向。
    • 6. 发明授权
    • Very low bit rate voice messaging system using asymmetric voice
compression processing
    • 使用非对称语音压缩处理的非常低比特率的语音留言系统
    • US5781882A
    • 1998-07-14
    • US528455
    • 1995-09-14
    • Walter Lee DavisJian-Cheng HuangLeon Jasinski
    • Walter Lee DavisJian-Cheng HuangLeon Jasinski
    • G10L19/00G10L19/02G10L19/04H03M7/30H04B14/04H04Q7/10H04Q7/16G10L3/02
    • G10L19/0212G10L25/27
    • An apparatus and method for processing a voice message to provide low bit rate speech transmission processes the voice message to generate speech parameters which are arranged into a two dimensional parameter matrix (502) including a sequence of parameter frames. The two dimensional parameter matrix (502) is transformed using a predetermined two dimensional matrix transformation function (414) to obtain a two dimensional transform matrix (506). Distance values representing distances between templates of a set of predetermined templates and the two dimensional transform matrix (506) are then derived. The distance values derived are identified by indexes identifying the templates of the set of predetermined templates. The distance values derived are compared, and an index corresponding to a template of the set of predetermined templates having a shortest distance is selected and then transmitted.
    • 一种用于处理语音消息以提供低比特率语音传输的装置和方法,用于处理语音消息以产生被布置成包括参数帧序列的二维参数矩阵(502)的语音参数。 使用预定的二维矩阵变换函数(414)来变换二维参数矩阵(502),以获得二维变换矩阵(506)。 然后导出表示一组预定模板的模板与二维变换矩阵(506)之间的距离的距离值。 导出的距离值通过标识该组预定模板的模板的索引来识别。 比较导出的距离值,并且选择与具有最短距离的预定模板集合的模板相对应的索引,然后发送。
    • 7. 发明授权
    • MBE synthesizer for very low bit rate voice messaging systems
    • 用于非常低比特率语音消息系统的MBE合成器
    • US5684926A
    • 1997-11-04
    • US592252
    • 1996-01-26
    • Jian-Cheng HuangXiaojun LiFloyd Simpson
    • Jian-Cheng HuangXiaojun LiFloyd Simpson
    • G10L11/04G10L19/02G10L19/14G10L5/02
    • G10L19/16G10L19/09G10L19/10
    • An MBE synthesizer (116) for generating a segment of speech from compressed speech data received by a receiver (2004). The compressed speech data includes one or more indexes (2240, 2242) and pitch data (2248). The MBE synthesizer (116) includes the following: an excitation generator (2222) utilizing a transform function for generating transformed excitation components responsive to the pitch data (2248). A memory (3006) for storing a table of predetermined spectral vectors (2205) and associated predetermined voicing vectors (2203). A harmonic amplitude estimator (2209) that is responsive to the one or more predetermined spectra/vectors identified by the indexes (2240, 2242) received, that generates harmonic amplitude control signals. The harmonic amplitude estimator (2209) which includes a peak detector (2503), a peak enhancer (2505), a valley detector (2507), a valley enhancer (2509). A multi-band voicing controller (2214), responsive to the predetermined voicing vectors which are associated with the one or more predetermined spectral vectors identified, for controlling a selection of the excitation components.
    • 一种用于从由接收机接收的压缩语音数据产生语音段的MBE合成器(116)。 压缩语音数据包括一个或多个索引(2240,2242)和音调数据(2248)。 MBE合成器(116)包括以下:利用变换函数的激励发生器(2222),用于响应于音调数据(2248)产生变换的激励分量。 一种用于存储预定光谱向量(2205)和相关联的预定发声矢量(2203)的表的存储器(3006)。 响应于由所接收的指标(2240,2242)所识别的一个或多个预定光谱/矢量的谐波振幅估计器(2209),其产生谐波幅度控制信号。 谐波振幅估计器(2209)包括峰值检测器(2503),峰值增强器(2505),谷值检测器(2507),谷值增强器(2509)。 多频带发声控制器(2214)响应于与所识别的一个或多个预定频谱矢量相关联的预定语音向量,用于控制激励分量的选择。
    • 8. 发明授权
    • Apparatus and method for coding excitation parameters in a very low bit
rate voice messaging system
    • 用于在非常低比特率语音消息系统中编码激励参数的装置和方法
    • US5666350A
    • 1997-09-09
    • US603677
    • 1996-02-20
    • Jian-Cheng HuangXiaojun LiFloyd Simpson
    • Jian-Cheng HuangXiaojun LiFloyd Simpson
    • G10L19/02H04J3/17
    • G10L19/0212H04J3/17
    • An apparatus codes excitation parameters for very low bit rate voice messaging using a method that processes a voice message to generating speech parameters. The speech parameters are separated (316) to produce a first group of energy parameters and a second group of pitch and voicing parameters. Subsequently, the first group of energy parameters are encoded and compressed using a non-uniform root-mean-square scalar process (318) to create a first plurality of encoded data. Additionally, the second group of pitch and voicing parameters are compressed, encoded, and combined into a single parameter using a three slope vector encoding process (320) that creates a second plurality of encoded data. Finally, the first and second plurality of encoded data are multiplexed (322) to create a multiplexed signal for transmission, the multiplexed signal representing the voice message.
    • 一种装置使用处理语音消息以产生语音参数的方法来编码用于非常低比特率语音消息的激励参数。 语音参数被分离(316)以产生第一组能量参数和第二组音调和发音参数。 随后,使用非均匀均方根标量过程(318)对第一组能量参数进行编码和压缩,以创建第一多个编码数据。 另外,使用创建第二多个编码数据的三斜率矢量编码处理(320),第二组音调和发声参数被压缩,编码和组合成单个参数。 最后,第一和第二多个编码数据被多路复用(322)以产生用于发送的复用信号,表示语音消息的复用信号。
    • 9. 发明授权
    • Method and apparatus for transferring low bit rate digital voice messages using incremental messages
    • 用于使用增量消息传送低比特率数字语音消息的方法和装置
    • US06772126B1
    • 2004-08-03
    • US09410006
    • 1999-09-30
    • Floyd SimpsonJian-Cheng HuangSunil SatyamurtiKenneth FinlonRobert Schwendeman
    • Floyd SimpsonJian-Cheng HuangSunil SatyamurtiKenneth FinlonRobert Schwendeman
    • G10L2104
    • G10L19/24
    • A system controller (106) is for transferring a low bit rate digital voice message. The system controller generates from an analog voice signal representing the voice message a set of speech model parameters, and generates a first derived set of speech model parameters from a first subset of the set of speech model parameters, the first derived set encoding the voice signal at a second voice quality and second vocoder rate that are less, respectively, than a first voice quality and vocoder rate. The system controller transmits (3610) the low bit rate-digital voice message comprising the first derived set of speech model parameters to a communication receiver (114). The communication receiver requests (3640) an incremental message when the quality of the voice message is unsatisfactory. The system controller generates and transmits (3555, 3650) an incremental message-and the communication receiver uses (3660) the incremental message to generate a higher quality voice message.
    • 系统控制器(106)用于传送低比特率数字话音消息。 系统控制器从表示语音消息的模拟语音信号产生一组语音模型参数,并且从语音模型参数集合的第一子集生成第一导出的语音模型参数集,编码语音信号的第一导出集合 分别具有比第一语音质量和声码率更小的第二语音质量和第二声码器速率。 系统控制器将包括第一导出的语音模型参数集合的低比特率数字话音消息(3610)发送到通信接收机(114)。 当语音消息的质量不令人满意时,通信接收器请求(3640)增量消息。 系统控制器生成并发送增量消息(3555,3650),通信接收器使用增量消息(3660)生成更高质量的语音消息。