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    • 1. 发明专利
    • 開放防止具
    • 开放预防装置
    • JP2015040468A
    • 2015-03-02
    • JP2013184464
    • 2013-08-20
    • 株式会社リンテック21Lintec 21:Kk
    • E05C21/02E05C19/06
    • 【課題】扉等を閉めるだけで地震時に確実に開放防止することが可能で開放防止をし忘れることのない開放防止具を提供する。【解決手段】本発明の開放防止具10は、図2及び図6に主に示すとおり、一方の側が取り付け面となる扉51の扉表面(扉51の表側の見える面)に取り付けられ、他方の側に係止受け部23を備える係止受け基部21と、一方の側が扉52の扉面(扉52の表側の見える面)に取り付けられ、他方の側に揺動軸受け部33を備える揺動軸受け基部31と、揺動軸受け部33に軸支される揺動軸43を備え、一方端部に係止受け部23に係止される係止部44を備える係止腕部41と、を概略具備している。【選択図】図6
    • 要解决的问题:提供一种能够可靠地防止仅在通过关闭门的情况下才能在发生地震而没有功能故障的情况下打开门的防开启装置。解决方案:防开启装置10包括:接合接收基座21 一个安装在门51的前面作为安装平面(位于门51的前侧)和位于门的另一侧的接合接收部23; 一个摆动轴承座31,一个安装在门52的门面(门52的前侧平面)和一个安装在另一侧的摆动轴承33; 以及由摆动轴承33枢转的摆动轴43.防开启装置10还包括接合臂41,该接合臂41的一端具有与接合接收部23接合的接合部44。
    • 2. 发明专利
    • 放射性セシウムの処理方法
    • 加工放射性碳素的方法
    • JP2015021802A
    • 2015-02-02
    • JP2013149013
    • 2013-07-18
    • 國分農場有限会社Kokubun Nojo Kk有限会社 トラスト21Trust 21 Kk有限会社 トラスト21
    • G21F9/12B01J20/02B01J20/08B01J20/10B01J20/12B01J20/18B01J20/20B01J20/28B01J20/30B03C1/00B03C1/02G21F9/06G21F9/28
    • 【課題】減容化を図ると共に、放射性セシウムを除去した排水処理に優れた放射性セシウムの処理方法を提供すること。【解決手段】本発明の放射性セシウムの処理方法は、吸着材が、活性炭、ゼオライト、シリカゲル、アルミナ、金属多孔質体、多孔質粘土鉱物、及びセラミック多孔質体の少なくとも一種を主成分とする多孔質材と、マグネタイト、フェライト、鉄粉、及び磁性ステンレス粉の少なくとも一種を主成分とする磁性体とを有し、吸着ステップS30では、非磁性体で構成された容器60内に、吸着材と水を収容して攪拌又は曝気を行い、分離ステップS40では、容器60外に配置した電磁石70に通電して吸着材を容器60内周面に吸着させた状態で排水し、排水後に電磁石70への通電を停止して吸着材を容器60外に排出することを特徴とする。【選択図】図1
    • 要解决的问题:提供一种处理体积减少的放射性铯的处理方法,并且在排除放射性铯的废水处理方面是优异的。解决方案:在根据本发明的放射性铯的加工方法中, 吸收构件具有:由至少一种活性炭,沸石,硅胶,氧化铝,金属多孔体,多孔粘土矿物和陶瓷多孔体作为主要成分的多孔构件; 以及由至少一种磁铁矿,铁素体,铁粉和磁性不锈钢构成的磁性物质。 该方法包括:抽吸步骤S30,其将抽吸构件和水储存在由非磁性物质构成的容器60中,并进行搅拌或通气; 以及分离步骤S40,其中通过使设置在容器60外部的电磁体70通电来吸引构件被吸入到容器60的内周面的状态下的水排出,并且通过停止通电来将抽吸构件排出到容器60外部 在排出水之后到电磁体70。
    • 3. 发明专利
    • Non-slip mat
    • 非滑板
    • JP2014155679A
    • 2014-08-28
    • JP2013041197
    • 2013-02-14
    • Lintec 21:Kk株式会社リンテック21
    • A47B96/02
    • PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a non-slip mat which can be easily installed, can reliably prevent storage articles from slipping off, and is not obstructive when tidying up the storage articles, and in which the storage articles are not easily damaged.SOLUTION: A non-slip mat 10 is provided with an anti-slip part 12 whose static friction coefficient is more than 0.4 and less than 0.6 on one surface, the other surface being placed on a shelf board 32 of a bookshelf as an installation surface, is used for preventing books as storage articles 20 placed on the shelf board 32 from slipping off by an earthquake, and is applicable to equipment and furniture having a shelf board, a shelf surface, etc. on which the storage articles 20 are placed, such as an open shelf, a cabinet, a desk, a fixture, etc.
    • 要解决的问题:为了提供可以容易地安装的防滑垫,可以可靠地防止储存物品滑落,并且在整理存储物品时不阻碍,并且储存物品不容易损坏。 :防滑垫10在一个表面上设有防滑部12,防滑部12的静摩擦系数大于0.4且小于0.6,另一个表面作为安装面放置在书架的搁板32上, 用于防止作为放置在搁板32上的储藏物品20的书籍被地震脱落,并且可应用于具有搁置板,搁架表面等的设备和家具,其上放置有储存物品20, 作为开放式货架,柜子,桌子,夹具等
    • 4. 发明专利
    • Movement restricting tool
    • 运动限制工具
    • JP2014023892A
    • 2014-02-06
    • JP2012179946
    • 2012-07-29
    • Lintec 21:Kk株式会社リンテック21
    • A47B91/06
    • PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a movement restricting tool for preventing a machine from inverting against vibrations of an earthquake or the like and for restricting the movement of the machine.SOLUTION: A movement restricting tool 10 comprises: an enclosure portion 14 having one face 11 to be placed on an installing surface 58 on which a complex machine 50 is installed as a machine, to abut against the installing surface 58, and the another face 13, the enclosure portion 14 enclosing a wheel 54 as a leg end part abutting to the installing surface 58, of a caster 52 as a leg of the machine; and a riding face portion 17 disposed on a side of the wheel 54 in the enclosure portion 14 for causing a wheel abutment surface as a leading end of the wheel 54 to ride thereon.
    • 要解决的问题:提供一种运动限制工具,用于防止机器反转地震等振动并限制机器的运动。解决方案:运动限制工具10包括:具有一个面的外壳部分14 如图11所示,将其放置在作为机器安装有复合机50的安装面58上,与安装面58抵接,另一面13包围作为腿部的轮54的封闭部14, 作为机器腿部的脚轮52的安装表面58; 以及设置在外壳部分14中的轮54的一侧上的骑乘面部分17,用于使车轮抵接表面作为车轮54的前端骑在其上。
    • 5. 发明专利
    • Fall prevention belt
    • 防落皮带
    • JP2013158633A
    • 2013-08-19
    • JP2012033335
    • 2012-02-01
    • Lintec 21:Kk株式会社リンテック21
    • A47B96/00
    • PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a fall prevention belt solving the following problem: a conventional fall prevention belt requires a rubber band, a hook-like retainer set to the tip end thereof, and the like other than a belt body and therefore has a complicated structure.SOLUTION: The fall prevention belt 10 substantially includes: a belt 12 stretched so as to intersect a storage opening 35 as a stretch part; and attachment parts 21, 22 set to both end parts of the belt 12 and attached to front side supports 31, 32. The belt 12 can be longitudinally adjustable and also has a buckle 14 for allowing articles to be put in or taken out while being at a fall preventing position where the belt 12 intersects the storage opening 35. The attachment parts 21, 22 are structured as follows: annular parts 23, 24 with which both end parts of the belt 12 are wound respectively around the supports 31, 32 and on the inside surface of which slip-preventing parts 27, 28 are provided, are immovably tied up using adjusters 25, 26.
    • 要解决的问题:提供一种解决以下问题的防坠落带:传统的防坠落带需要橡胶带,其顶端设置的钩状保持器等,而不是带体,因此具有 复杂的结构。解决方案:防坠落带10基本上包括:被拉伸以与作为拉伸部的存储开口35相交的带12; 和安装部分21,22设置在带12的两个端部并且附接到前侧支撑件31,32。带12可以是纵向可调节的,并且还具有带扣14,用于允许物品被放入或取出,同时 在皮带12与储存开口35相交的防跌落位置处。安装部分21,22的结构如下:带12的两个端部分别围绕支撑件31,32缠绕的环形部分23,24,以及 在其防滑部分27,28的内表面上,使用调节器25,26不动地捆扎。
    • 6. 发明专利
    • Anti-slipping member
    • 防滑会员
    • JP2013158631A
    • 2013-08-19
    • JP2012033333
    • 2012-02-01
    • Lintec 21:Kk株式会社リンテック21
    • A47G27/02
    • PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide an anti-slipping member having a high adhesion with a ground contact surface, having an edge portion hardly turned even if placing and taking out various articles, and not displaced or turned up even if a carpet placed thereon moves.SOLUTION: An anti-slipping member 10 substantially includes: sheet-shaped or mat-shaped base parts 12 each having a mesh; and an adhesive part 16 provided in the base parts 12, and having an average mesh count smaller than the average mesh count of the base part 12 in a unit area. The base part 12 uses a member wherein a rubber, a polyvinyl resin or the like having antislip properties is attached to a base material wherein various kinds of thermoplastic resin are formed in a mesh state, and the adhesive part 16 has: a melted part 17 solidified after melting the thermoplastic resin of the base part 12; and an adhesive face part 18 bonding the anti-slipping member 10 to a floor face or shelf face as a ground contact surface.
    • 要解决的问题:为了提供一种具有与接地面接触的高粘合性的防滑构件,即使放置和取出各种物品,其边缘部分也几乎不转动,即使放置在地毯上的地毯移动 解决方案:防滑构件10基本上包括:每个具有网的片状或垫状基部12; 以及设置在基部12中的平均网格数小于基部12的单位面积的平均网格数的粘接部16。 基部12使用其中具有防滑性的橡胶,聚乙烯基树脂等附着到其中各种热塑性树脂以网状形成的基材附着的部件,并且粘合部16具有熔融部17 在熔化基底部分12的热塑性树脂之后固化; 以及将防滑构件10接合到作为接地面的地板面或搁板面的粘合面部18。
    • 8. 发明专利
    • Energy-saving type stirring convection device having water quality improvement and aeration effect
    • 具有水质改善和效率的节能型冲击对流装置
    • JP2013027856A
    • 2013-02-07
    • JP2011177765
    • 2011-07-28
    • Think Tank 21 Kk Eco Tankシンクタンク21有限会社エコタンクMichitaka Tsukioka通孝 月岡Ho-Dong Park虎東 朴
    • C02F3/22
    • Y02W10/15Y02W10/37
    • PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide an energy-saving type stirring convection device in which, in accordance with the volume or the range of a place of a target of environment preservation and energy-saving stirring, the moderate stirring and turbulence flows generated by applying rotation or parallel or vertical movement to a solid body matched to design is used, and the turbulence flow effect is utilized.SOLUTION: This device includes a power control device 1, power 2, a shaft 3, a turbulence generating bodies 4-1 and 4-2, and a water tank fixing tool 5, and the shape, the size, motion velocity and the design of the solid body are determined in accordance with individual environments. Rotation of the power is controlled by the prescribed current and voltage from the power control device, and the turbulence generating body is driven from a power shaft through the shaft. The convection capacity of the energy-saving type stirring convection device depends on a flow rate but not flow velocity of the fluid. In the use under the water environment, convection of surface water coming into contact with the atmosphere and a bottom part is positively accelerated, and water having a high rate of dissolved oxygen can be supplied and stirred.
    • 要解决的问题:提供一种节能型搅拌对流装置,其中,根据环境保护和节能搅拌目标的地方的体积或范围,适度的搅拌和湍流流动 使用通过对与设计匹配的固体进行旋转或平行或垂直运动而产生的,并且利用湍流流动效应。 解决方案:该装置包括功率控制装置1,功率2,轴3,湍流发生体4-1和4-2以及水箱固定工具5,以及形状,尺寸,运动速度 并且固体的设计根据个别环境来确定。 功率的旋转由来自功率控制装置的规定的电流和电压控制,并且湍流发生体从功率轴通过轴驱动。 节能型搅拌对流装置的对流能力取决于流体的流速而不是流体的流速。 在水环境下使用时,积极加速与大气接触的地表水和底部的对流,可以提供和搅拌高溶解氧的水。 版权所有(C)2013,JPO&INPIT
    • 9. 发明专利
    • Fixture
    • 灯具
    • JP2012237435A
    • 2012-12-06
    • JP2011119705
    • 2011-05-10
    • Lintec 21:Kk株式会社リンテック21
    • F16B45/02F16B2/06
    • PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a fixture which can easily be installed in a leg of an article and can firmly and securely fix the leg of the article on the ground surface.SOLUTION: The fixture 100 substantially includes: an installation surface fixing part 120 having one surface adhered to an installation surface 300 with a double-coated adhesive tape, an adhesive or the like and the other surface including a connection part 124; and a clamping part 150 having one side clamping a metal rod constituting the leg of the article and the other side connected to the connection part 124.
    • 要解决的问题:提供可以容易地安装在制品的腿部并且可以将物品的腿牢固且牢固地固定在地面上的固定装置。 固定装置100基本上包括:安装表面固定部分120,其一面用双面胶带,粘合剂等粘附到安装表面300,另一表面包括连接部分124; 以及夹持部件150,其一侧夹着构成制品腿部的金属杆,另一侧连接到连接部件124.(C)2013,JPO&INPIT
    • 10. 发明专利
    • Deformable toy set
    • 可变玩具套装
    • JP2012183235A
    • 2012-09-27
    • JP2011049340
    • 2011-03-07
    • Ing 21:Kk有限会社イング二十一
    • A63H17/02A63H17/26
    • PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a deformable toy set that can give a novel impression nonexistent in a conventional deformable toy.SOLUTION: The deformable toy set 10 is composed of a deformable toy 11 and a placing board 40 on which the deformable toy 11 is placed. The deformable toy 11 is provided with rising parts 15, 18 that stand up by being biased with a biasing member and a top plate 13 that is supported on the rising parts 15, 18. The deformable toy 11 is crushed against the biasing force of the biasing member when an external force is imparted thereto and is configured to be deformed in such a state that the rising parts 15, 18 and the top plate 13 are nearly flush with each other. In the lower face side of the top plate 13, there is installed a part 14a to be locked which can be restrained on a locking part 44a formed on the upper face 40a of the placing board 40. By locking the part 14a to be locked to the locking part 44a, the deformable toy 11 is fixed while being kept deformed to the placing board 40.
    • 要解决的问题:提供可在常规可变形玩具中不存在新颖印象的可变形玩具组。 解决方案:可变形玩具组10由可变形玩具11和放置板40组成,放置可变形玩具11。 可变形玩具11设置有通过偏置构件和顶板13而被抬起的立起部分15,18,该顶板13被支撑在升降部件15,18上。可变形玩具11克服了 当施加外力并且在升高部15,18和顶板13彼此几乎齐平的状态下被构造为变形时,偏置构件。 在顶板13的下表面侧,安装有被锁定的部分14a,该部分可以被限制在形成在放置板40的上表面40a上的锁定部分44a上。通过将要被锁定的部分14a锁定 锁定部分44a,可变形玩具11被固定,同时保持变形到放置板40.版权所有:(C)2012,JPO&INPIT