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    • 3. 发明公开
    • Liegeplatte für Badewanneneinsätze
    • 斜倚平台浴缸插入。
    • EP0090867A1
    • 1983-10-12
    • EP82102874.3
    • 1982-04-03
    • Schmidt, Peter
    • Schmidt, Peter
    • A61G7/10
    • A61G7/1003A61G7/1019A61G7/1021A61G7/1057A61G2200/32Y10S5/90
    • e Eine Liegeplatte für Badewanneneinsätze weist eine Grundplatte 28 von Rechteckformat sowie vier an deren Seitenrändern mittels Scharnieren 38 angelenkte Schwenkplatten 30-36 auf. Die Scharniere 38 sind mit Federn versehen, die die Schwenkplatten 30-36 in eine gemeinsame Ebene mit der Grundplatte 28 drücken. Gegen die Vorspannung der eingebauten Federn sind die Schwenkplatten nach oben schwenkbar. Die gesamte Liegeplatte ist mit einer Auflagematte 44 versehen, welche an den Eckaussparungen zwischen je zwei Schwenkplatten Zwickel 48 bildet. Die Auflagematte besteht aus einem biegsamen Material.
      Die Liegeplatte überdeckt die Badewanne in der angehobenen Stellung des Einsatzes über die gesamte Länge spahenfrei. Wird der Einsatz abgesenkt, so legen sich die Schwenkplatten dicht an die Wannenränder an und die Zwickel werden zunehmend gefaltet und schließen auch die Wannenrundungen.
    • 用于浴缸插入斜倚平台具有底板矩形形状28和四个通过铰链38块枢轴板30-36的铰接在它们的侧边缘。 铰链38设置有压摇动板30-36在一个共同的平面与底板28的弹簧 针对内置弹簧的偏置,摆动板是向上转动。 整个床垫板设有一支撑垫44,它构成每对枢轴板角撑板的第48之间的角部的凹部 该支撑垫由柔性材料。 甲板板覆盖在使用整个长度spältenfrei的升高位置的浴缸。 在这里使用的降低,从而在枢轴板铺设靠近槽边缘和角撑板越来越多地被折叠,并且还包括点曲线。
    • 4. 发明公开
    • A stretcher for washing bedridden patients
    • Krankenliege zum WaschenbettlägrigerPatienten
    • EP1062932A2
    • 2000-12-27
    • EP00113418.8
    • 2000-06-23
    • Pecorelli, Edgardo RenéPecorelli, Edgardo Luis
    • Pecorelli, Edgardo RenéPecorelli, Edgardo Luis
    • A61G1/00
    • A61G7/0005Y10S5/90Y10S5/928
    • A stretcher for washing bedridden patients, that may be positioned on an even height with the bed, so that a patient may be transferred from and back to the bed. The stretcher comprises a rolling mounting rack (1) presenting an upper frame (3) for fastening a backboard (2) for holding a patient in flat position, the backboard being provided with holes or perforations for draining of the cleansing liquid. Between the frame and the backboard the lower marginal portion of a laminar member (13) is fastened. Its upper edge is engaged in the grooves of bars extending from the backboard. The laminar members form -in a first position- a wall surrounding the backboard for delimiting an area or sink where a patient is washed and -in a second position- a folding underneath the backboard which allows for the patient to be transferred.
    • 用于洗涤卧床的患者的担架,其可以与床位于均匀的高度,使得患者可以从床返回到床。 担架包括滚动安装架(1),其具有用于紧固用于将患者保持在平坦位置的背板(2)的上框架(3),所述背板设置有用于排出清洁液体的孔或穿孔。 在框架和背板之间,夹紧层状构件(13)的下边缘部分。 其上边缘接合在从背板延伸的杆的凹槽中。 层状构件在第一位置形成 - 围绕背板的壁,用于限定患者被洗涤的区域或水槽,并且在第二位置 - 折叠在背板下方,允许患者被转移。
    • 5. 发明授权
    • Invalid bed
    • 床无效
    • US5355540A
    • 1994-10-18
    • US135287
    • 1993-10-12
    • James O. Allen
    • James O. Allen
    • A61G7/00A61G7/02
    • A61G7/02A61G7/0005Y10S5/90Y10S5/928
    • A bed (10) for patients requiring bed treatment having a cut out (19) in the base (18) beneath which is a toilet pan (22, 23, 25) preferably having flowing water supply (26) and drain (27) connections. A mattress (35) having one quarter (36) removed is positioned on the base (18) with the open quadrant (36) over the pan (22). A movable mattress segment (40) is positioned on the base (18) in the open quadrant (36) of the mattress (35) and is vertically adjustable to align with the mattress top and laterally movable to expose the pan (22) and allow patients to relieve themselves without having to be moved to insert conventional bed pans. The toilet pan (22) is cleaned using the water supply which is controlled by movement of the movable segment (40). An alternative embodiment has an attachable hot and cold water supply (58) with a wash basin (53) to allow patients to wash themselves. Still another embodiment has a frame (66) and a water impervious cover (70) which, when positioned on the mattress (35), allows patients to bath themselves.
    • 一种床(10),用于需要床处理的患者,在底座(18)中具有切口(19),在该底座(18)下方是优选地具有流水供应(26)和排水(27)连接的便便盘(22,23,25) 。 具有四分之一(36)去除的床垫(35)定位在基部(18)上,开放的象限(36)位于锅(22)上。 可移动的床垫段(40)位于床垫(35)的开口象限(36)中的基座(18)上并且可垂直调节以与床垫顶部对准并且横向可移动以露出锅(22)并允许 患者可以自由缓解,而无需移动以插入常规床盆。 使用由可动段(40)的移动控制的供水来清洁马桶(22)。 一个替代实施例具有一个带有洗手盆(53)的可连接的冷热水供应(58),以允许患者自己洗涤。 另一个实施例具有框架(66)和不透水的覆盖物(70),当其位于床垫(35)上时,允许患者自己洗澡。
    • 9. 发明申请
    • Universal hospital bed designed for nursing the immobile patients with additional bathing equipment
    • 通用医院床设​​计用于护理不动的患者额外的洗浴设备
    • US20050144724A1
    • 2005-07-07
    • US10508654
    • 2002-04-05
    • Dobrica Petric
    • Dobrica Petric
    • A61G7/00A61G7/015A61G7/02A61G7/057
    • A61G7/0005A61F5/3776A61G7/015A61G7/02A61G7/05715Y10S5/90
    • The universal hospital bed designed for nursing the immobile patients with additional bathing equipment” belongs to the category of the health equipment, intended for the health institutions, gerontology institutions and family households. The essence of the invention is in its constructive solution of the three-part bed, which using the mechanism for electrical and mechanical adjustment of the angles of the slope of the mobile parts of bed, could be converted into the form of (arm) chair. The belt holders and belts for fastening the patients are installed on the back part of the bed, and the antidecubitus mattress is placed along the whole bed, used as preventive protection of the patients against decubitus, or if patient already has it, for healing of the wounds. On the middle sitting part of the bed-mattress, part of the mattress is cut and the basic insert (41) is made of it, which if necessary, could be replaced with WC insert. Additional special equipment for bathing the immobile patients solves the problem of bathing the patients on the bed itself.
    • 设计用于护理不具备额外洗浴设备的不动病患者的普通医院床“属于卫生机构,卫生机构,老年学机构和家庭住户的类别,本发明的实质在于三维结构的建设性解决方案, 使用床和床的移动部件的角度进行机电调整的部分床可以转换成(臂)椅子的形式,用于固定患者的皮带保持器和皮带安装在 床背部分,床垫整体放置在床上,用作患者褥疮的预防性保护,或患者已经拥有伤口愈合,在床垫的中间部位 ,床垫的一部分被切割,基本的插入物(41)由其制成,如果需要,可以用WC插入物替换床垫附加的专用设备 le患者解决了床上患者洗澡的问题。
    • 10. 发明授权
    • Bath for use with a bed for the sick
    • 浴用于病床的床
    • US5930853A
    • 1999-08-03
    • US929931
    • 1997-09-15
    • Koji Akado
    • Koji Akado
    • A61G7/00A61G7/10A61H33/00A47K3/00
    • A61G7/1015A61G7/0005A61G7/1057A61G2200/32A61G7/1003Y10S5/90
    • A bath for use with a bed for the sick includes a flexible bag body that is formed to hold liquid therein. The flexible bag body has an opening and four support bar inserting paths formed along an edge of the opening. The opening is squared rigidly by supporting bars that are inserted within the supporting bar inserting paths. The supporting bars, while inserted in the supporting bar inserting paths, are removably supported on a bed frame. The bath of the present invention can be prepared at a low cost, and, after removing the bag body from the bed, can be folded small so as to need only a small storage space. Also, since the bag body is freely deformable and light-weight, it is easier to handle during mounting, removing and cleaning.
    • 用于病人床的浴室包括形成为将液体保持在其中的柔性袋体。 柔性袋体具有沿着开口的边缘形成的开口和四个支撑杆插入路径。 通过支撑杆插入支撑杆插入路径中,开口刚性地平坦。 支撑杆在插入支撑杆插入路径中时可拆卸地支撑在床架上。 本发明的浴可以以低成本制备,并且在将袋体从床上取出之后,可以折叠成较小的,从而仅需要较小的储存空间。 此外,由于袋体可自由变形,重量轻,因此在安装,拆卸和清洁时易于处理。