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    • 2. 发明授权
    • Printing plate having interdigitating mounting lugs, a plate cylinder, and method of mounting
    • 具有交错安装凸耳的印版,印版滚筒和安装方法
    • US06374735B1
    • 2002-04-23
    • US09440668
    • 1999-11-16
    • Masayoshi SatohShinji Kawashima
    • Masayoshi SatohShinji Kawashima
    • B41F2712
    • B41F27/1287B41F27/1281
    • A plate cylinder has formed therein a groove extending parallel to the cylinder axis and having a depth direction thereof set at an angle to a plane tangent to the plate cylinder at the groove, so that the opposite sides of the groove are at acute and obtuse angles, respectively, to that plane. For use with this plate cylinder, the printing plate has two staggered series of spaced lugs formed on a pair of meeting edges of its image-bearing major part. The two series of lugs are bent at approximately the same acute and obtuse angles, respectively, to the major part as the opposite sides of the groove are to the tangential plane. For mounting the plate to the cylinder, the acute-angled series of lugs of the plate are first inserted in the groove in the cylinder so as to hook these lugs onto the acute-angled leading side of the groove. Then the plate is wrapped around the cylinder by rotating the same in a prescribed direction. Then the obtuse-angled series of lugs are inserted in the cylinder groove into an interdigitating relationship with the acute-angled series of lugs.
    • 印版滚筒在其中形成有平行于圆柱体轴线延伸的凹槽,其深度方向设置成与凹槽处与印版滚筒相切的平面成一定角度,使得凹槽的相对侧处于锐角和钝角 ,分别到那架飞机。 为了与该印版滚筒一起使用,印版具有形成在其图像承载主要部分的一对会合边缘上的两个交错的间隔的凸耳。 两个系列的凸耳分别以大致相同的锐角和钝角弯曲到主要部分,因为凹槽的相对侧面与切向平面相对。 为了将板安装到圆筒上,板的锐角系列凸耳首先插入圆筒中的凹槽中,以将这些凸耳钩在凹槽的锐角前缘上。 然后,通过沿着规定的方向旋转圆筒将圆盘包裹在圆筒上。 然后将钝角系列的凸耳插入到气缸槽中,使其与锐角系列的凸耳相互交错。
    • 6. 发明授权
    • Method of and apparatus for punching and bending a lithographic plate
    • 冲压和弯曲平版印刷版的方法和装置
    • US5454247A
    • 1995-10-03
    • US76411
    • 1993-06-11
    • John W. PowersKelly T. McMasters
    • John W. PowersKelly T. McMasters
    • B21D5/04B21D35/00B41F27/00B41F27/12G03F9/00
    • G03F9/00B21D35/00B21D5/042B41F27/005B41F27/1281B41F27/1287
    • Method of and apparatus for punching and bending a lithographic plate to match a particular press so that when the plate is subsequently mounted on that particular press, it is oriented to print a properly positioned image on a print surface. The method comprises the steps of (A) inspecting a plate at an inspection station to identify the plate and to determine the position of a registration mark on the plate, (B) comparing the position of the registration mark to a predetermined reference position, (C) identifying the particular press on which the plate is to be mounted, (D) determining whether the position of the registration mark on the plate is to be adjusted relative to the reference position to a compensating position to compensate for potential misalignment of the plate image on a print surface when the plate is mounted on said particular press, (E) positioning the plate at the inspection station in a final plate punching position in which the registration mark on the plate is either in the reference position in the event it is determined there is to be no compensating adjustment, or in said compensating position in the event it is determined there is to be a compensating adjustment, (F) punching the plate when it is in its said final plate punching position, and (G) bending the plate after it has been punched.
    • 用于冲压和弯曲平版印刷板以匹配特定印刷机的方法和装置,使得当板随后安装在该特定印刷机上时,其被定向成在印刷表面上印刷适当定位的图像。 该方法包括以下步骤:(A)在检查站检查印版以识别印版并确定印版上的印刷标记的位置,(B)将对位标记的位置与预定的参考位置进行比较( C)识别要安装板的特定压机,(D)确定板上的对准标记的位置是否相对于参考位置被调整到补偿位置以补偿板的潜在的未对准 当板被安装在所述特定的压力机上时,在印刷表面上的图像,(E)将板放置在检查站处于最终的板冲孔位置,在该最后的板冲孔位置,在板的对准标记处于参考位置 确定不存在补偿调整,或者在确定要进行补偿调整的情况下在所述补偿位置中,(F)当板被冲压时 在其所述的最终板冲孔位置中,和(G)在冲压后对板进行弯曲。
    • 8. 发明授权
    • Lithographic plate bending arrangement
    • 平版印版弯曲布置
    • US3914974A
    • 1975-10-28
    • US46223174
    • 1974-04-19
    • B21D5/04B21D11/20B41F27/12B21D11/04
    • B21D11/20B21D5/042B41F27/1287
    • A bending jig for lithographic plates to provide precise bends in the leading edge and trailing edge thereof. The lithographic plate to be bent is supported on a plate support mounted in a support frame and a leading edge anvil and a trailing edge anvil are provided adjacent opposite ends of the plate support. Positioning means are provided for accurately positioning each lithographic plate in the jig in order that the bends may be made accurately and repetitively in lithographic plates. Bending bars are provided for moving in lithographic plate bending relationship to the leading edge anvil and trailing edge anvil to provide the bends in the plate required for mounting the plate accurately in the cylinder of an offset press.
    • 用于平版印刷板的弯曲夹具,以在其前缘和后缘提供精确的弯曲。 要弯曲的平版印刷板被支撑在安装在支撑框架中的板支撑件上,并且在板支撑件的相对端附近设置有前缘砧座和后缘砧座。 提供了定位装置,用于将每个平版印刷板精确地定位在夹具中,以便可以在平版印刷版中精确地和重复地制造弯曲部。 提供弯曲杆用于在平版印刷板中与前边缘砧座和后缘砧座相互弯曲的关系,以便在将印版准确地安装在胶版​​印刷机的滚筒中所需的印版中提供弯曲。