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    • 1. 发明授权
    • Charging generator and voltage regulator therefor
    • 充电发电机及其调压器
    • US5719488A
    • 1998-02-17
    • US774019
    • 1996-12-27
    • Keiichi MashinoYuji MaedaSakae Hikita
    • Keiichi MashinoYuji MaedaSakae Hikita
    • H02J7/16B60R16/02B60R16/03H02P9/00H02P9/10H02P9/14H02P9/30H02J7/14
    • H02P9/305H02P9/107B60R16/03H02P2101/45
    • The object of the invention is to provide a charging generator 1 which can avoid occurrence of overvoltage due to failure of equipment, which comprises: an a.c. generator 10 having armature windings 10a, 10b, 10c and a field winding 10d for generating an a.c.; a rectifier 11 having a plurality of power zener diodes 11a-11f having an intrinsic breakdown voltage Vz for converting the a.c. output from the armature windings to a d.c.; a current inhibit means which receives the d.c. output from the rectifier via field winding 10d and inhibits a field current which flows through the field winding; a voltage detection means for detecting a voltage of the d.c. output from the rectifier; and a voltage regulator 13, which includes a protection control means for controlling the current inhibit means in accordance with a result of judgment which is larger between a detected value of the d.c. voltage and a predetermined protection cut-off voltage VB, for regulating the d.c. voltage in the vicinity of the protection cut-off voltage VB by inhibiting the field current, and wherein the relationship between breakdown voltage Vz and protection cut-off voltage is set Vz>VB.
    • 本发明的目的是提供一种充电发生器1,其可以避免由于设备故障而引起的过电压,其包括:a。 发电机10具有电枢绕组10a,10b,10c和用于产生a.c的励磁绕组10d。 整流器11具有多个功率齐纳二极管11a-11f,其具有用于转换交流电的本征击穿电压Vz。 从电枢绕组输出到d.c。 电流抑制装置,其接收直流。 通过励磁绕组10d从整流器输出,并且抑制流过励磁绕组的励磁电流; 用于检测直流电压的电压检测装置。 整流器输出; 以及电压调节器13,其包括保护控制装置,用于根据判断结果控制电流抑制装置,该结果在检测到的直流电压之间较大。 电压和预定的保护截止电压VB,用于调节直流电压。 通过抑制励磁电流在保护截止电压VB附近的电压,并且其中击穿电压Vz与保护截止电压之间的关系被设定为Vz> VB。
    • 2. 发明授权
    • Driving apparatus for power MOS transistor
    • 功率MOS晶体管驱动装置
    • US06424187B1
    • 2002-07-23
    • US08989237
    • 1997-12-12
    • Naoyuki TakahashiSakae HikitaKeiichi Mashino
    • Naoyuki TakahashiSakae HikitaKeiichi Mashino
    • H03B100
    • H03K17/162
    • When a MOS transistor is turned off, a forward current flows into a diode connected to the MOS transistor. When the MOS transistor is conducted, a reverse bias is applied to the diode. When the MOS transistor is turned on during the reverse recovery time of the diode, a short-circuit current flows into the MOS transistor, the diode, and a battery connected in series with the diode and the MOS transistor. In this case, an overcurrent flows through the wiring of the battery momentarily, and electromagnetic wave generates from the wiring. Accordingly, noise caused by the electromagnetic wave is generated in an antenna to a radio receiver. The drain current of the MOS transistor is gradually increased by a delay circuit, and the MOS transistor is shifted from a completely turned-off state to a completely turned-on state with a time period longer than a reverse recovery time of the diode. Consequently, no reverse current flows through the diode. Therefore, a short-circuit current is prevented from flowing through the battery, the diode, and the transistor, and no noise is generated in the receiver.
    • 当MOS晶体管截止时,正向电流流入连接到MOS晶体管的二极管。 当MOS晶体管导通时,反向偏压施加到二极管。 当MOS晶体管在二极管的反向恢复时间期间导通时,短路电流流入MOS晶体管,二极管和与二极管和MOS晶体管串联连接的电池。 在这种情况下,过电流瞬时流过电池的布线,并且从布线产生电磁波。 因此,在到无线电接收机的天线中产生由电磁波引起的噪声。 MOS晶体管的漏极电流通过延迟电路逐渐增加,并且MOS晶体管的周期从二极管的反向恢复时间长到从完全截止状态转变为完全导通状态。 因此,没有反向电流流过二极管。 因此,防止短路电流流过电池,二极管和晶体管,并且在接收器中不产生噪声。
    • 4. 发明授权
    • Protective circuit in a device for reducing vibrations of a vehicle body
    • 用于减少车​​身振动的装置中的保护电路
    • US5087869A
    • 1992-02-11
    • US645610
    • 1991-01-25
    • Shigeru KuriyamaYozo NakamuraYuji MaedaKenichi NakamuraKeiichi MashinoYuzo KadomukaiMasao FukushimaKei Murakami
    • Shigeru KuriyamaYozo NakamuraYuji MaedaKenichi NakamuraKeiichi MashinoYuzo KadomukaiMasao FukushimaKei Murakami
    • F02B63/00F02B63/04F02B75/06F16F15/02G05D19/02H02J7/14H02P9/48
    • H02J7/1446F02B63/04F02B75/06F16F15/02G05D19/02H02P9/48B60L2270/145Y02T10/642
    • The present invention relates to an electrical protective circuit, used when abnormality occurs, in a vibration suppressing apparatus which changes the load torque on a generator such as an alternator fixed on the engine to generate an angle moment on the generator body to cancel rough idling engine vibrations to suppress vehicle body vibrations due to the rough idling. In the inventive vibration suppressing apparatus, a generator is fixed on the engine which generator includes a voltage regulator to control a field winding current such that a fixed voltage is output to a battery. The generation of engine rough idling is detected on the basis of either a change in the engine speed or a change in the engine vibrations. If rough idling is detected, a high voltage circuit is connected to the field winding to increase the field winding current and hence the load torque on the generator. In the inventive protective circuit, the battery voltage is compared with a predetermined reference value when no rough idling is detected. If the battery voltage exceeds the reference value, a changeover signal is generated and the high voltage circuit is disconnected from the field winding in response to the changeover signal.
    • 本发明涉及在异常发生时使用的电气保护电路,其在改变固定在发动机上的交流发电机等发电机上的负载转矩的振动抑制装置中,以在发电机主体上产生角度矩,以消除粗糙的空转引擎 振动,以抑制车身振动由于崎岖的空转。 在本发明的振动抑制装置中,发电机固定在发动机上,发电机包括电压调节器,以控制励磁绕组电流,使得固定电压输出到电池。 基于发动机速度的变化或发动机振动的变化来检测发动机粗糙空转的产生。 如果检测到粗糙的空转,则高压电路连接到励磁绕组,以增加励磁绕组电流,从而增加发电机的负载转矩。 在本发明的保护电路中,当没有检测到粗糙的空转时,将电池电压与预定的参考值进行比较。 如果电池电压超过基准值,则响应于切换信号,产生切换信号,高压电路与励磁绕组断开。
    • 5. 发明授权
    • Generation controller for a vehicle
    • 车辆发电控制器
    • US5561363A
    • 1996-10-01
    • US423375
    • 1995-04-18
    • Keiichi MashinoYuji MaedaNobuo Takamoto
    • Keiichi MashinoYuji MaedaNobuo Takamoto
    • H02J7/16B60R16/02B60R16/03H02J1/14H02J7/14H02J7/24H02J13/00H02P9/02H02P9/04H02P9/10H02P9/30H02P9/00
    • H02P9/02H02J1/14H02J7/1438B60R16/03
    • A state of a plurality of switches for performing application and cutoff of a plurality of electrical loads is stored in a memory circuit. A pattern of supply power after application of the load for each of the plurality of electrical loads and a load response priority order assigned previously to each of the electrical loads are stored in a memory table. A control circuit identifies a newly applied load on the basis of the turned-on state of the plurality of switches stored in the memory circuit and instructs an electric power supply circuit to supply electric power in accordance with the supply power pattern corresponding to the identified load, while the control circuit prohibits application of the newly applied electrical load when an electrical load having the load response priority order higher than that of the newly applied electrical load has been already applied. The memory table may store consumption power and an application priority order assigned previously to each of the electrical loads. In this case, a total amount of consumption power of the applied electrical loads is calculated. When an electrical load having the application priority order lower than that of the newly applied electrical load has been already applied and the control circuit judges that the total amount of consumption power of the applied electrical loads exceeds a predetermined value, the control circuit instructs to cut off the electrical load having the lower application priority order.
    • 用于执行多个电负载的应用和切断的多个开关的状态被存储在存储器电路中。 在对多个电负载中的每一个施加负载之后的供电模式和先前分配给每个电负载的负载响应优先级顺序被存储在存储器表中。 控制电路基于存储在存储电路中的多个开关的接通状态来识别新施加的负载,并且指示电力供应电路根据与所识别的负载相对应的供电电力模式来提供电力 而当具有负载响应优先顺序高于新施加的电负载的电负载的电负载已被应用时,控制电路禁止施加新施加的电负载。 存储器表可以存储消耗功率和先前分配给每个电负载的应用优先顺序。 在这种情况下,计算所施加的电负载的消耗功率的总量。 当应用优先顺序低于新施加的电负载的电负荷已经被施加,并且控制电路判断所施加的电负载的总消耗功率超过预定值时,控制电路指示切断 关闭具有较低应用优先顺序的电负载。
    • 10. 发明授权
    • Regulator for an alternator of a vehicle
    • 用于交通工具的调节器
    • US5929613A
    • 1999-07-27
    • US923938
    • 1997-09-05
    • Masanori TsuchiyaNaoyuki TakahashiKeiichi Mashino
    • Masanori TsuchiyaNaoyuki TakahashiKeiichi Mashino
    • G08B23/00H02H3/04H02J7/14H02J7/16H02J7/24H02P9/14
    • H02J7/166
    • A regulator for an alternator installed in a vehicle has a switching circuit in which a field current limiting transistor interruptibly controls a flow of current to a field coil of the alternator. A battery output voltage detection terminal is connected to the battery, and an alternator output voltage terminal is connected to the alternator. A diode connected to the battery output voltage detection terminal has a reverse recovery time of 20 ns-20 .mu.s, and a resistor is connected between the diode and the alternator output voltage terminal. A control circuit controls the switching circuit, in order to regulate the voltage at a connection point of the diode and the resistor so as to keep the voltage constant, and an alarm generating circuit illuminates a charge indicator lamp if the voltage at a junction of said diode and said resistor exceeds a reference voltage.
    • 安装在车辆中的交流发电机的调节器具有开关电路,其中励磁电流限制晶体管可以阻断对交流发电机的励磁线圈的电流的流动。 电池输出电压检测端子连接到电池,并且交流发电机输出电压端子连接到交流发电机。 连接到电池输出电压检测端子的二极管具有20ns-20μs的反向恢复时间,并且在二极管和交流发电机输出电压端子之间连接有电阻器。 控制电路控制开关电路,以便调节二极管和电阻器的连接点处的电压,以便保持电压恒定,并且如果所述电压指示灯的接点处的电压为所述电压指示灯,则警报发生电路照亮充电指示灯 二极管和所述电阻器超过参考电压。