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    • 2. 发明授权
    • Tow bar having orthogonally-articulated towed-vehicle connectors
    • 牵引杆具有正交关节式牵引车辆连接器
    • US07988179B1
    • 2011-08-02
    • US12386203
    • 2009-04-15
    • Steven GoodmanDavid MerchantJames HustonLes Roeber
    • Steven GoodmanDavid MerchantJames HustonLes Roeber
    • B60D1/167
    • B60D1/167B60D1/1675
    • A tow bar having orthogonally-articulated towed-vehicle connectors includes a body element; a first connector element secured to and extending forwardly from the body element, the first connector element being structured to releasably connect the body element to a towing hitch arrangement of a towing vehicle; at least one tow bar leg having a fore end connected to the body element, and an aft end extending rearwardly from the body element; and a second connector element secured to and extending rearwardly from the aft end of the at least one tow bar leg, the second connector element being orthogonally-articulated and structured to releasably connect the aft end of the at least one tow bar leg to a towing hitch arrangement of the towed vehicle.
    • 具有正交关节式牵引车辆连接器的拖杆包括主体元件; 第一连接器元件,其固定到主体元件并向前延伸,第一连接器元件构造成将主体元件可释放地连接到牵引车辆的牵引牵引装置; 至少一个牵引杆腿具有连接到所述主体元件的前端,以及从所述主体元件向后延伸的后端; 以及固定到所述至少一个牵引杆腿的后端并向后延伸的第二连接器元件,所述第二连接器元件被正交地铰接并构造成将所述至少一个牵引杆腿的后端可释放地连接到牵引 牵引车的挂车安排。
    • 8. 发明申请
    • System and method for reducing virus scan time
    • 减少病毒扫描时间的系统和方法
    • US20060080737A1
    • 2006-04-13
    • US10963888
    • 2004-10-13
    • Joseph FreemanSteven GoodmanRandall Springfield
    • Joseph FreemanSteven GoodmanRandall Springfield
    • G06F12/14
    • G06F21/562G06F21/564Y10S707/99953Y10S707/99955
    • A system and method that marks whenever a sector on a hard drive is altered. A protected archive bit is maintained for each sector on the hard drive in a secured fashion. Authenticated requests are able to reset the protected archive bit. When a file is changed, the hard drive marks the sectors of the program that have been altered. When the virus protection application executes, it retrieves the sectors that have been altered, identifies the files that correspond to such sectors, and scans the identified files. If a virus has attacked the computer and attached itself to one of the files, the file is identified and scanned and the virus is discovered with appropriate eradication actions performed. An authentication scheme is assigned to a hard drive with a secret that is shared between the drive and the virus protection program and stored in a secure location.
    • 每当硬盘驱动器上的扇区被更改时都会标记的系统和方法。 以安全的方式为硬盘驱动器上的每个扇区维护受保护的归档位。 经认证的请求能够重置受保护的归档位。 当文件更改时,硬盘驱动器会标记已更改的程序扇区。 当病毒保护应用程序执行时,它检索已更改的扇区,识别与这些扇区相对应的文件,并扫描已识别的文件。 如果病毒攻击了计算机并将其自身附加到其中一个文件中,则会识别并扫描文件,并发现病毒被发现,并执行适当的根除操作。 将认证方案分配给具有在驱动器和病毒保护程序之间共享并存储在安全位置的秘密的硬盘驱动器。
    • 10. 发明授权
    • Television magnification apparatus
    • 电视放大装置
    • US4589739A
    • 1986-05-20
    • US773800
    • 1985-09-09
    • Steven Goodman
    • Steven Goodman
    • G02B3/08
    • G02B3/08
    • Apparatus for magnifying and projecting an image from a screen of a television receiver, includes a housing supported on the front face of the television receiver, a reflecting mirror secured to the rear wall of the housing at a 45 degree angle with respect to the screen of the television receiver, and a lens housing slidably received within the housing and including only two Fresnel lenses for magnifying and projecting the image from the screen, the lenses being substantially flat and parallel to each other, and spaced apart a predetermined fixed distance, whereby a sharp, enlarged image is obtained.
    • 用于从电视接收机的屏幕放大和投影图像的装置包括:支撑在电视接收机的正面上的外壳;反射镜,其相对于屏幕的角度以45度的角度固定在外壳的后壁上 电视接收器和可滑动地容纳在壳体内的透镜壳体,并且仅包括用于从屏幕放大和投影图像的两个菲涅耳透镜,透镜基本上是平的并且彼此平行并且间隔开预定的固定距离,由此 获得了锐利的放大图像。