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    • 2. 发明申请
    • Support-frame bonding apparatus
    • 支架结合装置
    • US20010037862A1
    • 2001-11-08
    • US09871371
    • 2001-05-31
    • Akihiro Moriuchi
    • B65C011/04B30B001/00B32B031/00B23K037/00
    • H01L24/86B23K37/047B23K2101/40B32B37/26H01L2924/01004H01L2924/01005H01L2924/01006H01L2924/01029H01L2924/01033H01L2924/351Y10T29/53174Y10T156/1798H01L2924/00
    • A support-frame bonding apparatus has an upper pressing member to which a semiconductor device is supplied and a lower pressing member to which a support frame is supplied. An elastic member is provided to the lower surface of a pressing tool in the upper pressing member. The elastic member is formed of a conductive silicon rubber having a satin finish on the side facing the semiconductor device. The outline of the area of the elastic member contacting the semiconductor device is substantially identical to the outline of an adhesive layer. The semiconductor device and the support frame are superposed via the adhesive layer and pressed against each other, the support frame being heated by the pressing stage. Thus, the semiconductor device is bonded to the support frame via the adhesive layer. The satin finish on the surface of the elastic member prevents the elastic member from sticking to the seniconductor device.
    • 支撑框架接合装置具有供给半导体装置的上部按压部件和供给支撑框架的下部按压部件。 弹性构件设置在上部按压构件中的按压工具的下表面。 弹性构件由在面向半导体器件的一侧上具有缎面光洁度的导电硅橡胶形成。 与半导体器件接触的弹性构件的面积的轮廓与粘合剂层的轮廓基本相同。 半导体器件和支撑框架经由粘合剂层重叠并且彼此压靠,支撑框架被加压阶段加热。 因此,半导体器件经由粘合剂层结合到支撑框架。 弹性部件的表面上的缎面光洁度可以防止弹性部件粘到半导体器件上。
    • 3. 发明申请
    • Paste unit for a bottom guide device
    • 底部导向装置的粘贴装置
    • US20040103992A1
    • 2004-06-03
    • US10721068
    • 2003-11-26
    • Ruediger DuwendagGuido KerresAndrees Erdmann
    • B65C011/04
    • B05C1/0834B05C1/0813B31B70/60B31B70/62B31B2150/00B31B2160/20Y10T156/1798
    • A paste unit (3) for a bottom guide device for star seal bottom bags, which are formed of tube sections, is introduced. The paste unit (3) serves for the glueing of bottom warps, or star seal bottom bags. The unit's characteristics are a glue reservoir (1), or a glue source (5), a metering roller (2), a glue application roller (3), as well as a making roller (4). Drive means are assigned to the rollers. Innovating and inventive is the fact that the glue (9) is transferred to the printing roller (4) by the glue application roller (3). This closed system provides the advantage that the glue (9) is applied evenly, and that the metering can be adjusted at a very fine setting. Furthermore, no glue (9) can be discharged to the environment of the paste unit.
    • 引入由管段形成的用于星形密封底袋的底部引导装置的糊剂单元(3)。 糊剂单元(3)用于粘合底部经纱或星形密封底部袋。 该设备的特征是胶水储存器(1)或胶水源(5),计量辊(2),涂胶辊(3)以及制造辊(4)。 驱动装置分配给滚筒。 创新和创造性是胶水(9)通过涂胶辊(3)传送到印刷辊(4)的事实。 这种封闭系统提供了粘合剂(9)被均匀地施加的优点,并且可以以非常精细的设置来调节计量。 此外,没有胶水(9)可以排出到糊料单元的环境中。
    • 4. 发明申请
    • Glue metering in a paste unit
    • 粘贴单位胶水计量
    • US20040103990A1
    • 2004-06-03
    • US10721890
    • 2003-11-26
    • Ruediger DuwendagGuido Kerres
    • B65C011/04
    • B05C1/0834B31B70/60B31B70/62B31B2150/00B31B2160/20Y10T156/1798
    • The invention relates to a paste unit for a bottom guide device for star seal bottom bags, which are formed from tube sections, for gluing of bottom warps or star seal bottom bags, and has at least the following characteristics: a glue reservoir (4), and/or a glue source, a metering roller (3), which is connected with the glue reservoir (4), a glue application roller (2), which may be connected to the glue reservoir (4) or the glue source, and a making roller (1), which is connected to the glue application roller (2), and which transfers glue (7) from this roller (2) to the bottom warps or the star seal bottoms. Drive means are assigned to the above listed rollers (1, 2, 3). The paste unit of the bottom guide device described above is characterized in that the circumference speed of the glue application roller (2) and of the making roller (1) can be adjusted independently of one another.
    • 本发明涉及一种用于星形密封底袋的底部引导装置的糊料单元,其由管部形成,用于粘合底部经纱或星形密封底部袋,并且至少具有以下特征:胶水储存器(4) ,和/或胶水源,与胶水储存器(4)连接的计量辊(3),可以连接到胶水储存器(4)或胶水源的胶水施加辊(2) 和连接到涂胶辊(2)上并将胶(7)从该辊(2)转移到底部经纱或星形密封底部的制造辊(1)。 驱动装置被分配到上面列出的滚子(1,2,3)。 上述底部引导装置的糊状单元的特征在于,可以彼此独立地调节涂胶辊(2)和制造辊(1)的圆周速度。
    • 5. 发明申请
    • Thermofusible glue applicator
    • 热熔胶涂布机
    • US20040060665A1
    • 2004-04-01
    • US10470309
    • 2003-07-29
    • Francis Richardot
    • B65C011/04B32B031/00
    • B05C17/00546Y10T156/1798Y10T156/18
    • The invention relates to an applicator comprising a) an elongated chamber (3) having an opening for a glue stick and a nozzle (6) for distributing melted glue, b) means for gradually pushing the stick into the chamber (3) and c) two heating elements (131, 132), each of which comprises a channel (151, 152) made from an electrically resistant material and which can be connected to an electrical power source. Said channel (151, 152) is formed on an electrically insulated surface of a substrate (141, 142) which is arranged so as to be in thermal contact with a mass of glue contained in the chamber (3). The heating element (131, 132) is applied against an external conformal surface (21, 22) of a heating body (2), one surface of which defines said chamber (3). The heating body (2) is made from a heat-conducting material.
    • 本发明涉及一种施用器,其包括:a)具有用于胶棒的开口的细长室(3)和用于分配熔融胶的喷嘴(6); b)用于逐渐将棒推入室(3)的装置,以及c) 两个加热元件(131,132),每个加热元件包括由电阻材料制成并可连接到电源的通道(151,152)。 所述通道(151,152)形成在衬底(141,142)的电绝缘表面上,该衬底被布置成与容纳在腔室(3)中的大量胶水热接触。 加热元件(131,132)被施加在加热体(2)的外部保形表面(21,22)上,加热体(2)的一个表面限定了所述腔室(3)。 加热体(2)由导热材料制成。