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    • 2. 发明申请
    • 旋转表面处理期间夹持和中心长条形物件的装置
    • US20140234541A1
    • 2014-08-21
    • US14234379
    • 2012-07-19
    • Pär Domeij
    • Pär Domeij
    • B05C13/02B05D1/00
    • B05C13/02A01K87/00B05D1/002B23B31/08Y10T29/49998Y10T279/17411Y10T279/31
    • The present invention relates to a device (1), such as a chuck intended for connection to a drive unit, intended to hold elongated objects (11) such as fishing rod parts in conjunction with surface treatment. The device (1) is comprised of at least one first inner part (9) and at least one outer second part (10) which are pivotally arranged relative to one another between at least one first position where the object (11) can be inserted into the device (1) and at least one second position where the object (11) can be fixed temporarily to the device (1) with at least three elastic bands (14). The present inventions unique feature is that the elastic bands (14) are elongated and that each respective elastic band (14) in one of its other ends is connected to at least one fastening device in the first inner part (9) and that each respective elastic band (14) in its other end is connected to at least one fastening device (13) in the outer second part (10) and that each respective elastic band's (14) distance from the device's (1) center of rotation changes during the relative turning of the first inner part (9) with respect to the second outer part (10) causing the object (11) to be held or released from the device (1) depending on the relative rotational orientation of the first inner part (9) and the second outer part (10).
    • 本发明涉及一种装置(1),例如用于连接到驱动单元的卡盘,用于与表面处理一起保持诸如钓鱼杆部件的细长物体(11)。 装置(1)包括至少一个第一内部部分(9)和至少一个外部第二部分(10),该至少一个外部第二部分(10)在至少一个可以插入物体(11)的第一位置之间相对于彼此枢转地布置 进入装置(1)和至少一个第二位置,其中物体(11)可以利用至少三个弹性带(14)临时固定到装置(1)。 本发明的独特特征是弹性带(14)是细长的,并且其另一端之一中的每个相应的弹性带(14)连接到第一内部部分(9)中的至少一个紧固装置,并且每个相应的 其另一端的弹性带(14)连接到外部第二部分(10)中的至少一个紧固装置(13),并且每个相应的弹性带(14)距离装置(1)旋转中心的距离在 第一内部部分(9)相对于第二外部部分(10)相对转动,使得物体(11)根据第一内部部分(9)的相对旋转取向被保持或从装置(1)释放 )和第二外部部件(10)。
    • 3. 发明申请
    • Diaphragm chuck
    • 隔膜卡盘
    • US20070235954A1
    • 2007-10-11
    • US11713981
    • 2007-03-05
    • Fritz Rehm
    • Fritz Rehm
    • B23B31/00
    • B23B31/14B23B31/32B23B2250/08Y10T279/1993Y10T279/243Y10T279/31
    • In an diaphragm chuck (1) with clamping jaws (3) inserted in its chuck body (2) that are in a driven connection with a diaphragm (4) that can be deformed by an axially adjustable actuator (5) and is provided with clamping jaws (3) with contact pieces (22), in which counterweights (8) assigned to the clamping jaws (3) are inserted into recesses (7) of the chuck body (2) and the clamping jaws (3) can be clamped against the diaphragm (4) by means of quick-clamping devices (31) engaging in the contact pieces (22), the clamping jaws (3) being supported directly against a first reference surface (23) running axially in parallel to the chuck body (2) in the clamping position and against a second reference surface (24) running at right angles to the first reference surface (23) and worked onto the diaphragm (4), the contact pieces (22) are each provided with an intermediate element (101), for example in the form of a ball joint (102), in the area between the clamping jaws (3) and the quick-clamping devices (31) by means of which the flexural moments and/or rotational torques created by the quick-clamping device (31) can be eliminated and it is possible to transmit exclusively axially vectored tensile forces onto the clamping jaws (3). The effect of this embodiment is that the clamping jaws (3) are not unfavourably influenced by the moments created by the quick-clamping devices (31). This is because moments of this kind are no longer transferred onto the clamping jaws (3) but rather the clamping jaws (3) are only exposed to axially vectored tensile forces with the effect that the clamping jaws (3) are not lifted off the reference surfaces (23, 24). FIG. 1
    • 在具有插入其卡盘主体(2)中的夹钳(3)的隔膜卡盘(1)中,该卡爪夹具(3)与与可轴向调节的致动器(5)变形的隔膜(4)驱动连接,并且设有夹紧 具有接触片(22)的钳口(3),其中分配给夹钳(3)的配重(8)插入到卡盘主体(2)的凹部(7)中,夹钳(3)可以被夹紧 所述隔膜(4)通过接合在所述接触片(22)中的快速夹紧装置(31),所述夹爪(3)直接支撑在与所述卡盘体平行的轴向平行运动的第一参考表面(23)上 2)在夹紧位置并且抵靠与第一参考表面(23)成直角行进的第二参考表面(24)并且加工到隔膜(4)上,接触片(22)各自设置有中间元件 101),例如以球形接头(102)的形式在该区域中 在夹钳(3)和快速夹紧装置(31)之间,可以消除由快速夹紧装置(31)产生的弯曲力矩和/或旋转扭矩,并且可以仅将轴向向心 夹紧爪(3)上的张力。 该实施例的效果是夹紧爪(3)不会受到由快速夹紧装置(31)产生的力矩的不利影响。 这是因为这种时刻不再转移到夹爪(3)上,而是夹钳(3)仅暴露于轴向向量的拉力,其作用是夹爪(3)不会脱离参考 表面(23,24)。 “FIGREF IDREF =”Drawings“> 1
    • 7. 发明授权
    • Diaphragm chuck
    • 隔膜卡盘
    • US6145850A
    • 2000-11-14
    • US422009
    • 1999-10-20
    • Fritz Rehm
    • Fritz Rehm
    • B23B31/107B23B31/16B23B31/32
    • B23B31/32B23B31/1077B23B31/1627B23B31/16279Y10T279/1993Y10T279/243Y10T279/31
    • In a diaphragm chuck (3) with clamping jaws (3) which are in a drivable connection with a deformable diaphragm (4) by means of jaw carriers (6) and in which counterweights (8) allocated to the clamping jaws (3) are inserted in the chuck body (2), the clamping jaws (3) are provided with axially aligned joining pieces (23) which are held in the counterweights (8). The clamping jaws (3) can be clamped together with the jaw carriers (4) and the diaphragm as well as with the counterweights (8) by means of quick clamping devices (31) which engage in the joining pieces (23).This embodiment achieves a situation in which the clamping jaws (3) can be changed rapidly and in a straightforward procedure by releasing the quick clamping devices (31) by means of a tool which can be inserted radially from the outside into the chuck body (2). Furthermore, the clamping jaws (3), the jaw carriers (6) and the counterweights (8) form a unit which is chucked in itself, which possesses a high degree of rigidity and also no impurities can achieve ingress between these components.
    • 在具有夹爪(3)的隔膜卡盘(3)中,夹爪(3)通过夹爪支架(6)与可变形隔膜(4)可驱动连接,并且其中分配给夹爪(3)的配重(8) 插入卡盘主体(2)中,夹爪(3)设置有轴向对准的连接件(23),它们保持在配重件(8)中。 夹爪(3)可以通过与接合件(23)接合的快速夹紧装置(31)与夹爪支架(4)和隔膜以及配重(8)夹紧在一起。 该实施例实现了这样的情况,其中夹钳(3)可以通过借助于可以从外部径向插入到卡盘体(2)中的工具来快速地改变并且以简单的过程来释放快速夹紧装置(31) )。 此外,夹爪(3),夹爪支架(6)和配重(8)形成了自身夹紧的单元,其具有高刚度,并且也不会在这些部件之间产生杂质。