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    • 1. 发明授权
    • Method and apparatus for producing a waveform with sample data adjustment based on representative point
    • 基于代表点产生具有样本数据调整的波形的方法和装置
    • US06365817B1
    • 2002-04-02
    • US09671026
    • 2000-09-26
    • Hideo SuzukiHideyuki Masuda
    • Hideo SuzukiHideyuki Masuda
    • G10H700
    • G10H7/02G10H7/008G10H2210/095G10H2240/131G10H2250/581
    • Set of sample identification information and representative-point designating data is generated in accordance with performance data or the like, and sample data is obtained by referring to a database in accordance with the generated sample identification information. If necessary, the thus-obtained sample data is adjusted or modified on the basis of the representative-point designating data. Characteristic of the sample data can be controlled appropriately and efficiently by the representative-point designating data specifying representative sample points for which sample data adjustment is to be performed. For example, particular sample data that is located at a given representative sample point designated by the representative-point designating data is adjusted in accordance with adjustment information, and other sample data that is located at another sample point is adjusted simultaneously with such adjustment at the representative sample point.
    • 根据性能数据等生成样本识别信息和代表点指定数据的集合,并且根据生成的样本识别信息参考数据库获得样本数据。 如果需要,根据代表点指定数据来调整或修改如此获得的采样数据。 可以通过指定要对其进行采样数据调整的代表性采样点的代表点指定数据来适当和有效地控制采样数据的特性。 例如,根据调整信息来调整位于由代表点指定数据指定的给定代表采样点的特定采样数据,并且同时调整位于另一采样点的其他样本数据,同时进行这样的调整 代表性采样点。
    • 5. 发明授权
    • Audio signal synthesis system based on probabilistic estimation of
time-varying spectra
    • 基于时变谱概率估计的音频信号合成系统
    • US06111183A
    • 2000-08-29
    • US390918
    • 1999-09-07
    • Eric Lindemann
    • Eric Lindemann
    • G10H7/00G10H1/46H03G3/00
    • G10H7/002G10H2240/056G10H2250/111G10H2250/135G10H2250/235G10H2250/581
    • The present invention describes methods and means for estimating the time-varying spectrum of an audio signal based on a conditional probability density function (PDF) of spectral coding vectors conditioned on pitch and loudness values. Using this PDF a time-varying output spectrum is generated as a function of time-varying pitch and loudness sequences arriving from an electronic music instrument controller. The time-varying output spectrum is converted to a synthesized output audio signal. The pitch and loudness sequences may also be derived from analysis of an input audio signal. Methods and means for synthesizing an output audio signal in response to an input audio signal are also described in which the time-varying spectrum of an input audio signal is estimated based on a conditional probability density function (PDF) of input spectral coding vectors conditioned on input pitch and loudness values. A residual time-varying input spectrum is generated based on the difference between the estimated input spectrum and the "true" input spectrum. The residual input spectrum is then incorporated into the synthesis of the output audio signal. A further embodiment is described in which the input and output spectral coding vectors are made up of indices in vector quantization spectrum codebooks.
    • 本发明描述了基于音调和响度值的频谱编码矢量的条件概率密度函数(PDF)来估计音频信号的时变频谱的方法和装置。 使用该PDF,产生随时间变化的音调和从电子乐器控制器到达的响度序列的函数的时变输出频谱。 时变输出频谱被转换为合成输出音频信号。 音调和响度序列也可以从输入音频信号的分析中导出。 还描述了用于响应于输入音频信号合成输出音频信号的方法和装置,其中基于条件概率密度函数(PDF),输入音频信号的时变频谱是基于条件概率密度函数 输入音高和响度值。 基于估计的输入光谱和“真实”输入光谱之间的差异产生残留的时变输入光谱。 然后将残留输入频谱合并到输出音频信号的合成中。 描述了另一实施例,其中输入和输出频谱编码矢量由矢量量化频谱码本中的索引组成。
    • 6. 发明授权
    • Waveform compressing apparatus, waveform decompressing apparatus, and method of producing compressed data
    • 波形压缩装置,波形解压缩装置和产生压缩数据的方法
    • US08706506B2
    • 2014-04-22
    • US11965539
    • 2007-12-27
    • Masatsugu Okazaki
    • Masatsugu Okazaki
    • G10L19/00G10L21/00
    • G10H7/12G10H2250/581G10L19/22
    • In a waveform compressing apparatus, a trial mode selecting portion selects a trial mode having the highest compression rate from a plurality of candidate modes which have not been selected before as a trial mode for generating a residue code, the selected trial mode comprising a scalar quantization mode or a vector quantization mode. A waveform data compressing portion compresses a given data amount of original waveform data according to the selected trial mode so as to generate the residue code, the data amount being determined in correspondence with the selected trial mode. A waveform data restoring portion generates a restored waveform data from the compressed data using the generated residue code. A determining portion measures an evaluation value of a quantization error contained in the restored waveform data relative to the original waveform data, and determines whether the evaluation value is equal to or smaller than a predetermined allowable value. A mode change instructing portion outputs a mode change instruction for instructing the trial mode selecting portion to select another trial mode when the evaluation value is not smaller than the predetermined allowable value.
    • 在波形压缩装置中,试用模式选择部从多个未被选择的候选模式中选择具有最高压缩率的试用模式作为生成残留码的试用模式,所选择的试验模式包括标量化 模式或矢量量化模式。 波形数据压缩部分根据所选择的试用模式压缩给定数据量的原始波形数据,以产生残留码,数据量根据所选择的试用模式确定。 波形数据恢复部分使用产生的残留码从压缩数据生成恢复的波形数据。 确定部分测量相对于原始波形数据的恢复波形数据中包含的量化误差的评估值,并且确定评估值是否等于或小于预定允许值。 当评估值不小于预定允许值时,模式改变指令部分输出用于指示试用模式选择部分选择另一试用模式的模式改变指令。
    • 7. 发明授权
    • Method and apparatus for producing a waveform exhibiting rendition style characteristics on the basis of vector data representative of a plurality of sorts of waveform characteristics
    • 基于代表多种波形特征的矢量数据,产生具有演绎风格特征的波形的方法和装置
    • US06284964B1
    • 2001-09-04
    • US09664393
    • 2000-09-19
    • Hideo SuzukiHideyuki Masuda
    • Hideo SuzukiHideyuki Masuda
    • G01P300
    • G10H7/02G10H1/02G10H7/008G10H2210/095G10H2210/325G10H2250/581G10H2250/641
    • A waveform producing method includes a step of producing a waveform presenting style-of-rendition characteristics corresponding to style-of-rendition identification information, on the basis of individual vector data arranged on the time axis. Each style-of-rendition identification information is representative of style-of-rendition characteristics of a performance tone and indicates one of a plurality of styles of rendition to which the style-of-rendition characteristics correspond. A plurality of vector data are generated, in accordance with the received style-of-rendition identification information, for production of a waveform presenting the style-of-rendition characteristics. The vector data correspond to a plurality of different fundamental waveform factors for constituting a waveform. By arranging the individual vector data on the time axis, a waveform shape or envelope corresponding to the waveform factors can be built along a reproducing time axis of the performance tone. Thus, there can be produced a performance tone waveform presenting the style-of-rendition characteristics corresponding to the style-of-rendition identification information.
    • 波形产生方法包括基于在时间轴上布置的各个矢量数据产生与呈现风格识别信息相对应的呈现风格的再现特征的波形的步骤。 每种风格的再现识别信息代表演奏音色的再现风格,并且指示再现风格特征对应的多种演绎方式之一。 根据接收到的再现格式识别信息生成多个矢量数据,以生成呈现演奏风格特征的波形。 矢量数据对应于用于构成波形的多个不同的基波形因子。 通过在时间轴上布置各个矢量数据,可以沿着演奏音的再现时间轴构建对应于波形因子的波形形状或包络。 因此,可以产生呈现与再现风格识别信息对应的再现特征风格的表现音波形。
    • 9. 发明申请
    • Method and apparatus for the compression and decompression of image files using a chaotic system
    • 使用混沌系统对图像文件进行压缩和解压缩的方法和装置
    • US20070053517A1
    • 2007-03-08
    • US11497576
    • 2006-08-01
    • Kevin Short
    • Kevin Short
    • H04L9/00
    • H04N19/00G10H1/0041G10H2250/235G10H2250/581H04N19/174H04N19/60H04N19/90
    • A system for the compression and decompression of image files is provided. A library of basic waveforms is produced by applying selected digital initialization codes to a chaotic system. Each basic waveform is in one-to-one correspondence with an initialization code. A weighted sum of selected basic waveforms is used to approximate each slice of an image. The basic waveforms are then discarded and only the weighting factors and the corresponding initialization codes are stored in a compressed image file. When the compressed image file is decompressed for playback, the stored initialization codes are stripped out and applied to a similar chaotic system to regenerate the basic waveforms, which are recombined according to the stored weighting factors to produce an approximation of the original image slice.
    • 提供了用于图像文件的压缩和解压缩的系统。 通过将选定的数字初始化代码应用于混沌系统来产生基本波形库。 每个基本波形与初始化代码一一对应。 使用所选基本波形的加权和近似图像的每个切片。 然后丢弃基本波形,并且仅将加权因子和相应的初始化代码存储在压缩图像文件中。 当将压缩图像文件解压缩以进行重放时,存储的初始化代码被剥离并应用于类似的混沌系统以再生根据存储的加权因子重新组合的基本波形,以产生原始图像切片的近似。