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    • 2. 发明授权
    • Esophageal electrode
    • 食管电极
    • US4960133A
    • 1990-10-02
    • US273928
    • 1988-11-21
    • Carl E. Hewson
    • Carl E. Hewson
    • A61N1/05
    • A61N1/0517A61N1/362A61N1/39
    • A technique has been devised to pace the heart, defibrillate the heart, or ventilate the lungs of a patient using extremely low electrical power. These techniques use an internal esophageal electrode as the basic common terminal with chest electrodes positioned to direct a particular current to a particular place depending on whether pacing, defibrillation or ventilation is to be accomplished. In accordance with the present invention a particular configuration of multiple ring electrodes has been devised to facilitate these techniques.
    • 已经设计了一种技术,以便使心脏起搏,除颤心脏或使用极低的电力使患者的肺部通气。 这些技术使用内部食管电极作为基本公共端子,胸部电极定位成根据是否要实现起搏,除颤或通气来将特定电流引导到特定的位置。 根据本发明,已经设计了多个环形电极的特定配置以便于这些技术。
    • 3. 发明授权
    • Method and apparatus for defibrillating and pacing the heart
    • 用于除颤和起搏心脏的方法和装置
    • US4735206A
    • 1988-04-05
    • US916201
    • 1986-10-07
    • Carl E. Hewson
    • Carl E. Hewson
    • A61N1/05A61N1/362A61N1/39A61N1/36
    • A61N1/0517A61N1/39A61N1/362
    • When the heart is in ventricular fibrillation, the heart cells that stimulate the heart muscles produce rapid repetitive excitation without coordinated contraction of the ventricle. There is no effective simultaneous action to make the heart beat in a rhythmic fashion. A defibrillator delivers to the heart cells and muscles, enough voltage to override the erratic voltages in the heart (called repolarization) so they can rearrange themselves with order. The heart can then start over to deliver a regular rhythm.In accordance with the present invention, two small intimately located electrodes, one in the lower esophagus where it is intimate to the posterior section of the heart and the other small electrode on the chest over the sternum where it is close to the anterior portion of the heart, provide a precise electrical path between the two electrodes. A regulated power supply is turned on, and a relatively small voltage builds from zero over a period of approximately three-tenths of a second to its peak of approximately 150 volts. During this period, gentle repolarizing of the heart takes place. When the heart is repolarized, the heart cells become neutral. They are vulnerable to a stimulas. In accordance with a second embodiment of this invention, the defibrillation pulse is immediately followed by a stimulas in the form of pacing pulses that are at the rate of approximately 70 to 100 pulses per minute and of a magnitude of approximately 75 to 150 milliamps. The switch from one mode to the other is made without changing the location of the electrodes.
    • 当心脏处于心室颤动时,刺激心脏肌肉的心脏细胞产生快速的重复激发而无需协调的心室收缩。 没有有效的同时行动,以节奏的方式使心脏跳动。 除颤器将心脏细胞和肌肉递送到足够的电压以覆盖心脏中不稳定的电压(称为复极化),以便它们可以按顺序重新排列。 心脏然后可以重新开始传递正常的节奏。 根据本发明,两个小的紧密定位的电极,一个位于下食管中,其与心脏的后部部分紧密相连,另一个位于胸部胸部上的小电极,靠近胸骨的前部 心脏,在两个电极之间提供精确的电路径。 稳压电源接通,相当小的电压在大约三分之一秒的时间内从零建立到其大约150伏的峰值。 在此期间,心脏的温和复极化发生。 当心脏复极化时,心脏细胞变得中性。 他们容易受到刺激。 根据本发明的第二实施例,除颤脉冲紧随其后是起搏脉冲形式的刺激,其速率为每分钟约70至100个脉冲,大约为75至150毫安。 在不改变电极的位置的情况下,从一种模式切换到另一种模式。
    • 4. 发明授权
    • Method and apparatus for controlled breathing employing internal and
external electrodes
    • 使用内部和外部电极的受控呼吸的方法和装置
    • US4683890A
    • 1987-08-04
    • US914244
    • 1986-10-02
    • Carl E. Hewson
    • Carl E. Hewson
    • A61N1/04A61N1/05A61N1/36
    • A61N1/0452A61N1/0492A61N1/05A61N1/0408
    • The invention relates to apparatus for inducing humans to breathe and comprises a first internal electrode having a contact which is disposed in the lower portion of the esophagus, and second and third external electrodes which are placed over the left and right sides of the chest on the pectoral muscles in the area of the nipples above the rib cage. An electrical circuit is connected to the electrodes and imposes a pulsed charge between the internal and external electrodes which stimulates the muscles of the diaphragm causing the patient's lungs to expand, which is the same as taking a breath. The pulsed charges will be at the rate of approximately 10 to 18 pulses per minute. With a pulse rate of 12 per minute each pulse increases from zero to maximum in approximately two seconds, followed by a drop to zero with a dwell period of approximately three seconds. The pulse is limited to approximately 100 milliamperes and a selected variable voltage of up to 50 volts.
    • 本发明涉及用于诱导人呼吸的装置,并且包括设置在食管下部的接触件的第一内部电极,以及置于胸部左侧和右侧的第二和第三外部电极 在胸骨上方的乳头区域的胸肌。 电路连接到电极,并且在内部和外部电极之间施加脉冲电荷,其刺激隔膜的肌肉,使得患者的肺膨胀,这与呼吸相同。 脉冲电荷的速度约为每分钟10至18个脉冲。 脉冲速率为每分钟12次,每个脉冲在大约两秒钟内从零增加到最大值,随后在约3秒的停留时间内将其降至零。 脉冲被限制在大约100毫安,选择的可变电压高达50伏特。
    • 5. 发明授权
    • Apparatus for sealing the esophagus and providing artificial respiration and evacuating the stomach
    • 用于密封食道并提供人工呼吸并排空胃的装置
    • US3905361A
    • 1975-09-16
    • US46358574
    • 1974-04-24
    • A61M1/00A61M16/04A61M16/06A61M16/00
    • A61M16/0463A61M1/008A61M16/0415A61M16/0434A61M16/0484A61M16/0488A61M16/0493A61M16/06A61M2210/1053
    • Apparatus for use in artificial respiration and stomach evacuation comprising an elongated member and ventilation mask. The elongated member which is designed to be inserted into the esophagus and stomach has an expandable inflatable element which can be operated externally after insertion in order to close the esophagus to prevent inflation of the stomach or aspiration of the contents of the stomach into the respiratory system. The ventilation mask, which fits over the mouth and nose provides a seal against the patient''s face when it is held in place. A ventilation opening in the mask allows air or oxygen to be directed through the mouth into the lungs for artificial respiration. The apparatus preferably includes a tubular fluid passageway in the elongated member with evacuation openings beyond the inflatable element to allow the contents of the stomach to be aspirated through the passageway and externally of the mask. Fluid can also be introduced into the stomach through the passageway.
    • 用于人造呼吸和胃排空的装置,包括细长构件和通气面罩。 被设计成插入食道和胃中的细长构件具有可膨胀的可充气元件,其可以在插入之后在外部操作以闭合食道,以防止胃膨胀或将胃内容物吸入呼吸系统 。 适合在嘴和鼻子上方的通气面罩在保持在适当的位置时提供对患者脸部的密封。 面罩中的通风口允许空气或氧气通过口进入肺部进行人工呼吸。 该装置优选地包括在细长构件中的管状流体通道,其具有超出可膨胀元件的抽空开口,以允许胃的内容物通过通道和面罩外部吸入。 流体也可以通过通道引入胃。