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    • 5. 发明授权
    • Apparatus and method for twisting hollow rods
    • 扭转空心杆的装置和方法
    • US5771726A
    • 1998-06-30
    • US704845
    • 1996-08-28
    • Keith M. BibbyRobert H. Hesford, Sr.John SurretteRichard A. Ross
    • Keith M. BibbyRobert H. Hesford, Sr.John SurretteRichard A. Ross
    • B21D11/14
    • B21D11/14Y10T29/49911
    • Apparatus and methods for uniformly twisting hollow, open-seam rods with preferably rectangular cross-sections for use as decorative curtain rods are disclosed. The twist extends throughout substantially the entire length of the rod. This feature enables a telescoped pair of rods, that is, a pair of rods with an inner rod dimensioned to slide into and out of an outer rod, to be twisted simultaneously such that the telescoping feature is maintained after twisting. The apparatus includes a rotatable first chuck and a substantially non-rotatable second chuck. Each chuck has male and female components to engage the inner and outer surfaces of a respective end of the rod. These components prevent buckling along the open seam and permit twisting throughout substantially the entire length of the rods. Sensor controls ensure uniform twisting and controlled unwinding of the rods. The controls are programmable to vary the amount of twist performed on each rod, and the apparatus is adjustable to accommodate rods of different lengths. In addition, rods with other cross-sections can be twisted.
    • 公开了用于均匀地扭转用作装饰窗帘杆的具有优选矩形横截面的中空的开缝杆的装置和方法。 扭转在棒的整个整个长度上延伸。 该特征使得可伸缩的杆对,即具有内杆的一对杆,其具有能够滑入和移出外杆的内杆,以同时扭转,使得在扭转之后保持伸缩特征。 该装置包括可旋转的第一卡盘和基本不可旋转的第二卡盘。 每个卡盘具有阳和阴部件以接合杆的相应端部的内表面和外表面。 这些部件可以防止沿着开口的接缝弯曲,并允许在整个棒的整个长度上扭转。 传感器控制确保棒的均匀扭转和控制展开。 控制器是可编程的,以改变在每个杆上执行的扭转量,并且该装置可调节以适应不同长度的杆。 此外,具有其他横截面的杆可以扭曲。
    • 6. 发明授权
    • JNI-minimizing data structures for XML parsing
    • JNI最小化XML解析的数据结构
    • US08336037B1
    • 2012-12-18
    • US11749675
    • 2007-05-16
    • Richard A. Ross
    • Richard A. Ross
    • G06F9/45G06F9/44
    • G06F9/45516G06F17/2247G06F17/272
    • Client Native method Interface (CNI) minimizing eXtensible Mark-up Language (XML) parsing is provided using array pair data structures. An empty array pair is passed to an engine from client code via a CNI call. The engine parses the XML document and fills the array pair with fixed width elements. The filled array pair is passed back to client code. The client code iterates through the elements in the array pair and invokes the appropriate handlers or builds appropriate tree objects for Document Object Model parsing. Thus, one CNI call passes the empty array pair from client code to the engine, and the filled array pair is returned from the engine to client code. Individual sets of CNI calls for each element are avoided, minimizing the number of CNI calls. Further, since elements in the array pair are of fixed width, they can be processed more efficiently by the client code.
    • 使用数组对数据结构提供了使可扩展标记语言(XML)解析最小化的客户端本地方法接口(CNI)。 一个空数组对通过CNI调用从客户端代码传递给引擎。 引擎解析XML文档,并用固定宽度元素填充数组对。 填充的数组对被传递回客户端代码。 客户端代码遍历数组对中的元素,并调用适当的处理程序或为文档对象模型解析构建适当的树对象。 因此,一个CNI调用将空数组对从客户端代码传递给引擎,并且将填充的数组对从引擎返回到客户端代码。 避免了每个元素的单个CNI呼叫集,使CNI呼叫的数量最小化。 此外,由于阵列对中的元素具有固定宽度,所以可以通过客户端代码更有效地处理它们。
    • 7. 发明授权
    • Generating a set of pre-fetch address candidates based on popular sets of address and data offset counters
    • 基于流行的地址和数据偏移计数器生成一组预取地址候选
    • US07430650B1
    • 2008-09-30
    • US11151801
    • 2005-06-13
    • Richard A. Ross
    • Richard A. Ross
    • G06F12/00
    • G06F12/0862G06F2212/6026
    • Cache prefetching algorithm uses previously requested address and data patterns to predict future data needs and prefetch such data from memory into cache. A requested address is compared to previously requested addresses and returned data to compute a set of increments, and the set of increments is added to the currently requested address and returned data to generate a set of prefetch candidates. Weight functions are used to prioritize prefetch candidates. The prefetching method requires no changes to application code or operation system (OS) and is transparent to the compiler and the processor. The prefetching method comprises a parallel algorithm well-suited to implementation on an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) or field-programmable gate array (FPGA), or to integration into a processor.
    • 缓存预取算法使用先前请求的地址和数据模式来预测将来的数据需求,并将这些数据从存储器预取到高速缓存中。 将请求的地址与先前请求的地址和返回的数据进行比较以计算一组增量,并且将该增量集合添加到当前请求的地址和返回的数据以生成一组预取候选。 权重函数用于优先预取候选。 预取方法不需要更改应用程序代码或操作系统(OS),并且对编译器和处理器是透明的。 预取方法包括非常适合在特定应用集成电路(ASIC)或现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)上实现的并行算法,或者集成到处理器中。
    • 9. 发明授权
    • Systems and methods for processing message subscriptions using pre-compiled code-blocks for efficient expression evaluation
    • 使用预编译代码块处理消息预订的系统和方法,用于有效的表达式评估
    • US07962903B1
    • 2011-06-14
    • US11758204
    • 2007-06-05
    • Richard A. Ross
    • Richard A. Ross
    • G06F9/45G06F3/00
    • G06F9/45516
    • Systems and methods for processing message subscriptions using pre-compiled code-blocks for expression evaluation. In one embodiment, a system is configured find a set of unique clauses in a set of expressions representing message subscriptions, express the expressions as Boolean functions of the unique clauses, and compile the Boolean functions into a set of assembly instructions for efficient expression evaluation. In another embodiment, a system is configured to receive a message, generate a set of True/False assignments to a set of clauses in a set of expressions, and evaluate the expressions using an efficient compiled expression evaluation code-block.
    • 使用预编译代码块处理消息预订的表达式评估的系统和方法。 在一个实施例中,配置系统以在表示消息订阅的一组表达式中查找一组唯一子句,将表达式表达为唯一子句的布尔函数,并将布尔函数编译成用于有效表达式求值的一组汇编指令。 在另一实施例中,系统被配置为接收消息,为一组表达式中的一组子句生成一组True / False分配,并且使用有效的编译表达式评估代码块来评估表达式。
    • 10. 发明授权
    • Methods for processing condensed computer code
    • 处理浓缩计算机代码的方法
    • US07089251B1
    • 2006-08-08
    • US09602713
    • 2000-06-26
    • Richard A. Ross
    • Richard A. Ross
    • G06F17/30
    • G06F8/4434G06F9/44521Y10S707/99942
    • Methods for processing condensed computer code are disclosed herein. The condensed computer code includes index references that take the place of code structures found in corresponding executable computer code. The condensed computer code, as well as one or more lists that map the index references found in the condensed computer code to the code structures found in the executable computer code, are transmitted to a user system. The condensed computer code is executed by fetching opcodes and operands from the computer code, and then executing the fetched opcodes. If a fetched operand is an index reference, the fetched operand is resolved by using the index reference as an index into one of the lists.
    • 本文公开了处理精简计算机代码的方法。 精简的计算机代码包括代替在相应的可执行计算机代码中找到的代码结构的索引引用。 精简计算机代码以及将在精简计算机代码中找到的索引引用映射到可执行计算机代码中找到的代码结构的一个或多个列表被发送到用户系统。 通过从计算机代码中提取操作码和操作数,然后执行获取的操作码来执行精简计算机代码。 如果获取的操作数是索引引用,则通过将索引引用作为其中一个列表的索引来解析获取的操作数。