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    • 2. 发明授权
    • Apparatus for viewing and sorting photographic slide transparencies
    • 用于查看和分类摄影幻灯片幻灯片的设备
    • US4249329A
    • 1981-02-10
    • US79797
    • 1979-09-28
    • Owen L. Lamb
    • Owen L. Lamb
    • G02B27/02G03B23/14
    • G03B23/14Y10S209/942
    • A slide viewer/sorter having a chute oriented at an incline to horizontal which is adapted to receive a photographic slide at one end. The slide drops by force of gravity to a viewing station where it is held by a detent. After viewing the slide the detent is actuated to release the slide which is transported by force of gravity to the lower end of the chute where it drops into a first receptacle. The first receptacle is rotatably mounted so that it can be moved out of the way, thus allowing the slide to drop further down into a second receptacle, having a number of bins. The second receptacle is mounted so that any bin can be positioned under the chute. This allows the operator of the viewer/sorter to sort the slides into two or more different stacks.
    • 一种滑块观察器/分拣机,具有倾斜到水平倾斜的斜槽,其适于在一端接收摄影载玻片。 滑块通过重力下落到观察台,在该观察站处,它被制动器保持。 在观察滑块后,制动器被致动以将通过重力传送的滑块释放到滑槽的下端,并将其滑入第一容器中。 第一容器被可旋转地安装,使得其可以移动离开,从而允许滑动件进一步下降到具有多个箱体的第二容器中。 第二个插座被安装成使得任何箱子可以位于滑槽下方。 这允许观看者/分类器的操作者将幻灯片分成两个或更多个不同的堆栈。
    • 3. 发明授权
    • Method and apparatus for unloading slide projector trays
    • 卸载幻灯机托盘的方法和装置
    • US4875588A
    • 1989-10-24
    • US54383
    • 1987-05-26
    • Owen L. Lamb
    • Owen L. Lamb
    • B07C5/34B07C5/36B65G65/34G03B21/54G03B23/00
    • G03B23/00B07C5/3412B07C5/36G03B21/54
    • A computer-controlled slide projector tray unloader for use with a slide archival storage system. A slide magazine (10) is placed below a slide gate (7). A tray (9) is held above the slide gate such one of the compartments coincides with the slide gate. A transporting mechanism (30) at the slide gate (7) transports a slide from the selected one compartment of the tray such that the slide drops into the magazine (10). An advance mechanism is provided for advancing the tray to position a particular compartment to coincide with the slide gate. A Tray Table maintained by software running on the computer associates a unique location number for each one of the plurality of compartments of the tray with a previously assigned serial number, each serial number identifying a slide stored in a compartment of the tray. A Current location number generator operative in connection with the advancing mechanism generates a current location number which represents the unique location number of the slide compartment currently coinciding with the slide gate (7). The tray is advanced until the generated location number matches the location number in the Tray Table corresponding to the desired slide.
    • 一种用于幻灯片存档系统的计算机控制的幻灯机托盘卸载机。 在滑动门(7)的下方放置滑动装置(10)。 托盘(9)被保持在滑动门的上方,其中一个隔间与滑动门重合。 在滑动门(7)处的传送机构(30)从托盘的所选择的一个隔间传送滑动件,使得滑块落入盒体(10)中。 提供一种前进机构,用于推动托盘以定位特定的隔间以与滑动门一致。 通过在计算机上运行的软件维护的托盘表将具有先前分配的序列号的托盘的多个隔室中的每一个的唯一位置编号相关联,每个序列号标识存储在托盘的隔室中的滑块。 与前进机构相结合地运行的当前位置编号发生器产生一个当前位置编号,该当前位置编号表示当前与滑动门(7)重合的滑动隔间的唯一位置编号。 托盘进入,直到生成的位置编号与所需幻灯片对应的托盘中的位置编号相匹配。
    • 4. 发明授权
    • Slide archival storage and retrieval system
    • 幻灯片存档和检索系统
    • US4693373A
    • 1987-09-15
    • US730306
    • 1985-06-12
    • Owen L. LambWilliam R. Maclay
    • Owen L. LambWilliam R. Maclay
    • G03B23/06B07C5/34G03B21/54G03B23/00B07C5/00B65H31/24G02B27/02
    • B07C5/3412G03B21/54G03B23/00
    • A computer-controlled slide previewer, sorter, projector tray loader and archiving system. Slides are held in a stack in a hopper in a known sequence. A slide release mechanism is provided to deliver one slide from the stack of slides to a position over one of a plurality of sorting bins or compartments of a projector tray. An accession number is derived for each slide either from a number read from a label affixed to the slide or from the relative position of the slide in the hopper. This accession number is transmitted to a sorting logic. In accordance with a sort algorithm using the accession number, the sorting logic positions the appropriate bin or compartment to receive the slide. The sorting logic then activates the release mechanism to deliver the slide into the bin or compartment positioned to receive the slide. The computer records the number of the bin or projector tray, the slide's accession number, and the relative position of the slide in the bin (or projector tray) for use in future retrieval of the slide.
    • 计算机控制的幻灯片预览器,分拣机,投影机托盘装载机和归档系统。 滑块以已知的顺序保持在料斗中的堆叠中。 提供滑动释放机构以将一个滑块从滑块堆叠传送到投影仪托盘的多个分类箱或隔间中的一个上方的位置。 对于每个载玻片,从从固定到载玻片上的标签读取的数字或从滑块在料斗中的相对位置获得登录号。 该登录号被发送到排序逻辑。 根据使用登录号的排序算法,排序逻辑将适当的仓或隔间定位以接收幻灯片。 排序逻辑然后激活释放机构以将滑块输送到定位成接收幻灯片的仓或隔间中。 计算机记录纸盒或投影机托盘的数量,幻灯片的登录号以及幻灯片在纸槽(或投影机托盘)中的相对位置,以供将来检索幻灯片。
    • 5. 发明授权
    • Slide previewer, sorter, and stack loader
    • 幻灯片预览器,分拣机和堆垛机
    • US4385816A
    • 1983-05-31
    • US336800
    • 1982-01-04
    • Owen L. Lamb
    • Owen L. Lamb
    • G03B21/54G03B23/02
    • G03B21/54
    • A slide previewer/sorter/stack loader having a holder (18) which is adapted to receive two photographic slides in first and second receptacles at one end thereof. The holder is initially positioned at an angle above horizontal so that a first slide placed on a chute (16, 17) will drop into the first receptacle by force of gravity. When in the initial position, the slide in the holder is illuminated by a back light so that the slide can be previewed through a window in the holder and edited. The holder pivots in such a manner that the second receptacle can be positioned over a slide slot (28) above a projector. Means (26) are provided to restrain the slide in the first receptacle during transit from the initial viewing position to the position wherein the second receptacle is positioned over the slide slot. A second slide in the projector is forced upward by the projector slide lifter mechanism into the second receptacle in the holder, and is retained therein by a latch (52). The holder is then moved by the projector tray indexing mechanism (78) to position the first receptacle over the slide slot. The first slide in the first receptacle is then lowered into the projector by the projector slide lifter mechanism for projection. The holder is then returned to its initial position, and the second slide drops out of the second receptacle into a bin in a tray (29). The cycle is repeated to project successive slides.
    • 一种滑动式预览器/分选机/堆垛机装载机,具有一个支架(18),该支架适于在其一端的第一和第二插座中接收两张照相滑块。 保持器最初定位在水平面上方的角度,使得放置在滑槽(16,17)上的第一滑块将由于重力而落入第一容器中。 当处于初始位置时,保持器中的滑块由背光照亮,使得幻灯片可以通过保持器中的窗口预览并进行编辑。 保持器以这样的方式枢转,使得第二容器可以位于投影仪上方的滑动槽(28)上方。 提供装置(26)以在从初始观察位置转移到第二容器位于滑动槽上方的位置时限制第一容器中的滑动件。 投影机中的第二个滑块由投影机滑动升降机构向上被压入保持器中的第二个插座中,并通过闩锁(52)保持在其中。 然后,保持器被投影仪托盘分度机构(78)移动,以将第一容器定位在滑动槽上。 然后,第一容器中的第一滑块通过用于投影的投影机滑梯升降机构下降到投影仪中。 然后保持器返回到其初始位置,并且第二滑块从第二容器中落入托盘(29)中的仓中。 重复循环以投影连续的幻灯片。
    • 6. 发明授权
    • Slide previewer and tray loader
    • 滑动预览器和托盘装载器
    • US4338738A
    • 1982-07-13
    • US110804
    • 1980-01-10
    • Owen L. Lamb
    • Owen L. Lamb
    • G03B21/54G09F11/30
    • G03B21/54
    • A slide previewer/tray loader having a holder which is adapted to receive a photographic slide at one end thereof. The holder is initially positioned at an angle above horizontal so that the slide will drop into the holder by force of gravity. When in the initial position, the slide in the holder is illuminated by a back light so that the slide can be previewed and edited. The holder pivots in such a manner that the slide can be moved to a vertical position over a slide tray slot. Means are provided to restrain the slide in the holder during transit from the initial viewing position to the position over the slide tray slot. The restraining means releases the slide to allow it to drop into the tray slot.
    • 一种载玻片预览器/托盘装载器,其具有适于在其一端处接收照相底片的保持器。 保持器最初位于水平以上的角度处,使得滑块将由于重力而落入保持器中。 当处于初始位置时,支架中的滑块由背光照亮,以便可以预览和编辑幻灯片。 保持器以这样的方式枢转,使得滑块可以移动到滑动托盘槽上方的垂直位置。 设置装置以在从初始观察位置传递到滑动托盘槽上方的位置时限制保持器中的滑动。 限制装置释放滑块以使其滑入托盘槽。