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    • 2. 发明申请
    • 将故障处理系统存储的体积重新储存到生产加工系统
    • US20080301495A1
    • 2008-12-04
    • US12189104
    • 2008-08-08
    • Matthew Joseph KalosDale Francis Riedy, JR.Richard Anthony RipbergerHarry Morris Yudenfriend
    • Matthew Joseph KalosDale Francis Riedy, JR.Richard Anthony RipbergerHarry Morris Yudenfriend
    • G06F11/00
    • G06F11/2092
    • Provided are a method, system, and program for reassigning storage volumes from a failed processing system to a surviving processing system. A first processing system detects a failure of a second processing system. The first processing system determines device groups of storage devices managed by the failed second processing system and determines for each determined device group, hosts that connect to storage devices in the device group. The first processing system sends, for each device group, a unit check to each determined host indicating failure of each device group through one storage device in the device group to which the determined host connects. The determined hosts execute instructions to terminate any I/O operations in progress on the storage devices in the device group in response to the unit check indicating failure of one storage device in the device group and issue, a command to one storage device for the device group to end the busy condition.
    • 提供了一种用于将存储卷从故障处理系统重新分配给幸存处理系统的方法,系统和程序。 第一处理系统检测第二处理系统的故障。 第一处理系统确定由故障的第二处理系统管理的存储设备的设备组,并且为每个确定的设备组确定连接到设备组中的存储设备的主机。 第一处理系统针对每个设备组,通过所确定的主机连接的设备组中的一个存储设备向每个确定的主机发送指示每个设备组的故障的单元检查。 确定的主机响应于单元检查指示设备组中的一个存储设备的故障并发出的命令,执行指令以终止设备组中的存储设备上正在进行的任何I / O操作,命令到设备的一个存储设备 组结束繁忙的状况。
    • 3. 发明授权
    • Reassigning storage volumes from a failed processing system to a surviving processing system
    • 将存储卷从故障处理系统重新分配给尚存的处理系统
    • US07437608B2
    • 2008-10-14
    • US10990038
    • 2004-11-15
    • Matthew Joseph KalosDale Francis Riedy, Jr.Richard Anthony RipbergerHarry Morris Yudenfriend
    • Matthew Joseph KalosDale Francis Riedy, Jr.Richard Anthony RipbergerHarry Morris Yudenfriend
    • G06F11/00
    • G06F11/2092
    • Provided are a method, system, and program for reassigning storage volumes from a failed processing system to a surviving processing system. A first processing system detects a failure of a second processing system. The first processing system determines device groups of storage devices managed by the failed second processing system and determines for each determined device group, hosts that connect to storage devices in the device group. The first processing system sends, for each device group, a unit check to each determined host indicating failure of each device group through one storage device in the device group to which the determined host connects. The determined hosts execute instructions to terminate any I/O operations in progress on the storage devices in the device group in response to the unit check indicating failure of one storage device in the device group and issue, a command to one storage device for the device group to end the busy condition.
    • 提供了一种用于将存储卷从故障处理系统重新分配给幸存处理系统的方法,系统和程序。 第一处理系统检测第二处理系统的故障。 第一处理系统确定由故障的第二处理系统管理的存储设备的设备组,并且为每个确定的设备组确定连接到设备组中的存储设备的主机。 第一处理系统针对每个设备组,通过所确定的主机连接的设备组中的一个存储设备向每个确定的主机发送指示每个设备组的故障的单元检查。 确定的主机响应于单元检查指示设备组中的一个存储设备的故障并发出的命令,执行指令来终止设备组中的存储设备上正在进行的任何I / O操作,命令到设备的一个存储设备 组结束繁忙的状况。
    • 6. 发明授权
    • Initiating and using information used for a host, control unit, and logical device connections
    • 启动和使用用于主机,控制单元和逻辑设备连接的信息
    • US07617349B2
    • 2009-11-10
    • US11749096
    • 2007-05-15
    • Matthew Joseph KalosRichard Anthony Ripberger
    • Matthew Joseph KalosRichard Anthony Ripberger
    • G06F13/00
    • G06F3/0644G06F3/0605G06F3/067Y10S707/99938
    • Provided are a method, system, and program for initiating and using information used for a host, control unit, and logical device connections receiving a request to create a host port to control unit port connection. In a volume group data structure, a volume group entry is defined having a plurality of pointers for the host port and control unit port pair. At least one device address is added to the volume group that is accessible to the host port and control unit port connection by initializing at least one pointer in the volume group entry to address at least one device data structure. For each of the at least one device addresses, indication is made in the at least one device data structure addressed by the at least one pointer in the volume group entry that the device address is accessible to the host port and control unit port connection.
    • 提供了一种用于启动和使用用于主机,控制单元和逻辑设备连接的信息的方法,系统和程序,其接收创建主机端口以控制单元端口连接的请求。 在卷组数据结构中,定义具有用于主机端口和控制单元端口对的多个指针的卷组条目。 通过初始化卷组条目中的至少一个指针来解决至少一个设备数据结构,至少一个设备地址被添加到主机端口和控制单元端口连接可访问的卷组中。 对于所述至少一个设备地址中的每一个,在由所述卷组条目中的至少一个指针寻址的所述至少一个设备数据结构中指示所述主机端口和控制单元端口连接可访问所述设备地址。
    • 7. 发明授权
    • Reassigning storage volumes from a failed processing system to a surviving processing system
    • 将存储卷从故障处理系统重新分配给尚存的处理系统
    • US07797577B2
    • 2010-09-14
    • US12189104
    • 2008-08-08
    • Matthew Joseph KalosDale Francis Riedy, Jr.Richard Anthony RipbergerHarry Morris Yudenfriend
    • Matthew Joseph KalosDale Francis Riedy, Jr.Richard Anthony RipbergerHarry Morris Yudenfriend
    • G06F11/00
    • G06F11/2092
    • Provided are a method, system, and program for reassigning storage volumes from a failed processing system to a surviving processing system. A first processing system detects a failure of a second processing system. The first processing system determines device groups of storage devices managed by the failed second processing system and determines for each determined device group, hosts that connect to storage devices in the device group. The first processing system sends, for each device group, a unit check to each determined host indicating failure of each device group through one storage device in the device group to which the determined host connects. The determined hosts execute instructions to terminate any I/O operations in progress on the storage devices in the device group in response to the unit check indicating failure of one storage device in the device group and issue, a command to one storage device for the device group to end the busy condition.
    • 提供了一种用于将存储卷从故障处理系统重新分配给幸存处理系统的方法,系统和程序。 第一处理系统检测第二处理系统的故障。 第一处理系统确定由故障的第二处理系统管理的存储设备的设备组,并且为每个确定的设备组确定连接到设备组中的存储设备的主机。 第一处理系统针对每个设备组,通过所确定的主机连接的设备组中的一个存储设备向每个确定的主机发送指示每个设备组的故障的单元检查。 确定的主机响应于单元检查指示设备组中的一个存储设备的故障并发出的命令,执行指令以终止设备组中的存储设备上正在进行的任何I / O操作,命令到设备的一个存储设备 组结束繁忙的状况。