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    • 2. 发明申请
    • 组合印刷
    • US20130098255A1
    • 2013-04-25
    • US13655647
    • 2012-10-19
    • Hiroyoshi KAMODA
    • B41F7/02
    • B41F11/02B41P2217/11
    • Provided is a combination printing press including a collect-printing unit and an offset printing unit configured to perform offset printing on a paper sheet subjected to collect-printing by the collect-printing unit. The collect-printing unit has a movable inking unit disposed below a paper transport route, and is configured to perform collect-printing on a lower surface of a paper sheet. The offset printing unit includes lower surface offset printing subunits configured to perform offset printing on a lower surface of a paper sheet subjected to the collect-printing by the collect-printing unit. The impression cylinder of a collect-printing subunit and the impression cylinder of the lower surface offset printing subunit are connected by a single transfer cylinder.
    • 提供了一种组合式印刷机,其包括收集印刷单元和胶印印刷单元,其被配置为在通过收集印刷单元进行集合印刷的纸张上进行胶版印刷。 收集印刷单元具有设置在纸张传送路径下方的可移动上墨单元,并且被配置为在纸张的下表面上执行收集打印。 胶版印刷单元包括下表面胶印印刷子单元,其被配置为在通过收集印刷单元进行集合印刷的纸张的下表面上进行胶版印刷。 收集印刷子单元的压印滚筒和下表面胶印印刷子单元的压印滚筒通过单个转印滚筒连接。
    • 4. 发明申请
    • 收集印刷
    • US20150059603A1
    • 2015-03-05
    • US14474898
    • 2014-09-02
    • Hiroyoshi KAMODA
    • B41M3/14B41F7/24B41F13/18B41F13/193B41F11/00B41F9/02
    • B41M3/14B41F7/025B41F7/08B41F7/24B41F7/26B41F9/021B41F11/00B41F11/02B41F13/18B41F13/193
    • A collect printing press includes: an impression cylinder configured to hold and transport a sheet; a rubber cylinder being in contact with the impression cylinder and including a blanket mounted thereon; a collecting plate cylinder being in contact with the rubber cylinder and including a plate mounted thereon; a collecting rubber cylinder being in contact with the collecting plate cylinder and including a blanket mounted thereon; multiple partial plate cylinders each being in contact with the collecting rubber cylinder and including a plate mounted thereon; and multiple inking devices configured to feed inks to the partial plate cylinders, respectively. The plate of the collecting plate cylinder is a relief printing plate, and the plate of each of the partial plate cylinders is a lithographic printing plate, and the collect printing press further includes multiple dampening units configured to feed dampening water to the partial plate cylinders, respectively.
    • 收集印刷机包括:压印滚筒,其构造成保持和传送薄片; 橡胶圆筒与压印滚筒接触并包括安装在其上的橡皮布; 收集印版滚筒与橡胶滚筒接触并包括安装在其上的板; 收集橡胶圆筒与收集板滚筒接触并包括安装在其上的橡皮布; 多个部分印版滚筒各自与收集橡胶滚筒接触并且包括安装在其上的板; 以及多个上墨装置,其分别被配置为将油墨供应到部分印版滚筒。 收集印版滚筒的板是凸版印刷版,每个部分印版滚筒的板是平版印刷版,集合印刷机还包括多个润版单元,其构造成将润版水供给到部分印版滚筒, 分别。
    • 6. 发明申请
    • 组合打印机
    • US20160082713A1
    • 2016-03-24
    • US14957366
    • 2015-12-02
    • Hiroyoshi KAMODA
    • B41F3/02
    • B41F3/02B41F7/02B41F9/02B41F11/00B41F11/02B41F19/007B41P2213/91
    • An Orlof printing section (2) is provided with an Orlof printing unit that has the following: partial plate cylinders (11), a collecting blanket cylinder (12), a collecting plate cylinder (13), a blanket cylinder (9), an impression cylinder (10), and a moving inker (25). An offset printing section (3) is provided with front-side and back-side offset printing units (3a-3d, 3e-3h) that each have an ink-supply device (18), a plate cylinder (19), a blanket cylinder (15), and an impression cylinder (16). The respective impression cylinders of the front-side offset printing unit and the back-side offset printing unit are placed up against each other such that said printing units receive and output sheets between said impression cylinders. The offset printing section (3) is also provided with a front-side inspection camera (23) and a back-side inspection camera (24). The Orlof printing section and the offset printing section are connected by transfer cylinders (14).
    • Orlof印刷部分(2)设置有Orlof印刷单元,其具有以下部件:局部印版滚筒(11),收集橡皮布滚筒(12),收集印版滚筒(13),橡皮布滚筒(9), 压印滚筒(10)和移动着墨器(25)。 胶版印刷部分(3)设置有各自具有供墨装置(18),印版滚筒(19),橡皮布(18)的前侧和后侧胶版印刷单元(3a-3d,3e-3h) 气缸(15)和压印滚筒(16)。 前侧胶版印刷单元和背面胶版印刷单元的各压印滚筒相对放置,使得所述印刷单元在所述压印滚筒之间接收和输出纸张。 胶版印刷部(3)还设置有前侧检查照相机(23)和后侧检查照相机(24)。 旋转印刷部分和胶版印刷部分由传送滚筒(14)连接。
    • 8. 发明申请
    • 液体转移装置
    • US20150352832A1
    • 2015-12-10
    • US14764907
    • 2014-01-20
    • Hiroyoshi KAMODAAkehiro KUSAKA
    • B41F16/00
    • B41F16/00B41F23/08Y10T428/24628
    • A coater (100), which is capable of spot coating a layer thick enough to be palpable onto a transfer object, is provided with a first coating unit (120) and a second coating unit (130). The first coating unit (120) is provided with a first impression cylinder (121) and a rotary screen cylinder (122) for transferring a first varnish on one surface of a sheet (1). The second coating unit (130) is provided with a second impression cylinder (131) and a cylinder (132) for transferring a second varnish on the first varnish that has been transferred onto the one surface of the sheet. Palpable protrusions formed by transfer of the first varnish in the first coating unit (120) are covered by the second varnish in the second coating unit (130) while maintaining the shapes thereof.
    • 能够将厚度足够可见的层涂覆在转印体上的涂布机(100)设置有第一涂布单元(120)和第二涂布单元(130)。 第一涂布单元(120)设置有用于在片材(1)的一个表面上转印第一清漆的第一压印滚筒(121)和旋转丝网滚筒(122)。 第二涂覆单元(130)设置有第二压印滚筒(131)和用于将第二清漆转印到已经转印到纸张的一个表面上的第一清漆上的滚筒(132)。 在第一涂覆单元(120)中通过转印第一清漆形成的可触知突起在第二涂覆单元(130)中被第二清漆覆盖,同时保持其形状。
    • 9. 发明申请
    • 编号和印花机的打印装置
    • US20150075398A1
    • 2015-03-19
    • US14484312
    • 2014-09-12
    • Hiroyoshi KAMODA
    • B41L27/04B41L19/00
    • B41L27/04B41F13/0032B41F31/00B41F31/02B41F31/18B41L19/00B41M3/14
    • An inking device of a numbering and imprinting machine includes: a numbering unit provided on an outer peripheral portion of a numbering cylinder and configured to print a code onto a transported sheet; a partition member configured to partition the inside of the ink fountain such that inks are stored divided by their colors inside the ink fountain; an ink fountain roller configured to draw out the inks stored in the divided manner inside the ink fountain, such that the inks appear side by side in the roller axial direction; select rollers onto which the inks fed from the ink fountain roller are transferred, respectively; oscillating rollers onto which the inks fed from the select rollers are transferred, respectively; and form rollers configured to rotate such that convex portions thereof, onto which the inks fed from the oscillating rollers are transferred, come into contact with the numbering unit.
    • 编号和压印机的上墨装置包括:编号单元,设置在编号筒的外周部分上,并被配置为将代码打印到传送的片材上; 分隔构件,其构造成分隔墨斗的内部,使得墨水被存储在墨斗内部的颜色中; 墨斗辊构造成将墨水中分开存储的墨水抽出,使得墨水在辊轴方向上并排出现; 选择分别从墨斗辊输送的墨水转印到其上的辊子; 分别从选择辊输送的墨水转移到其上的摆动辊; 以及成形辊,其构造成旋转,使得其中从摆动辊供给的油墨转移到其上的凸部与编号单元接触。