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    • 2. 发明授权
    • Process for installation for the controlled discharge of activity from a
reactor containment structure of a gas-cooled nuclear power plant
    • 用于从气体冷却核电站的反应堆遏制结构控制排放活动的安装过程
    • US4698202A
    • 1987-10-06
    • US843796
    • 1986-03-25
    • Winfried WachholzUlrich Weicht
    • Winfried WachholzUlrich Weicht
    • G21F9/02G21C9/004G21D3/04G21D3/06G21C9/00
    • G21C9/004G21D3/06Y02E30/33
    • A process for the controlled discharge from a reactor containment structure of a gas cooled nuclear power plant and the installation for achieving this process include parallel discharge circuits from a reactor containment structure to a discharge stack. The flow of discharge from the reactor containment structure normally flows in a primary discharge circuit and may be directed wholly or partially to the parallel secondary discharge circuit. The secondary discharge circuit contains means for reduction of the temperature of the discharge, means for deposition of particulate fission products and they also contain means for recombination of combustible gases and means for filtration of the discharge. Nuclear power plant installations and processes for controlling the discharge from a reactor containment structure in this fashion permit safe discharge of naturally occurring leakage for gas cooled nuclear reactors, as well as leakage occurring in the event of reactor failure.
    • 用于从气体冷却核电站的反应堆容纳结构受控排放的方法以及用于实现该方法的装置包括从反应堆容纳结构到排放堆的平行排放回路。 来自反应堆容纳结构的放电流通常在一次放电电路中流动,并且可以全部或部分地引导到并联二次放电电路。 二次放电电路包含用于降低放电温度的装置,用于沉积颗粒裂变产物的装置,并且它们还包含可燃气体的重组装置和用于过滤放电的装置。 用于以这种方式控制来自反应堆容纳结构的排放的核电站设施和过程允许气冷核反应堆的天然泄漏的安全排放以及在发生反应堆故障的情况下发生的泄漏。
    • 3. 发明授权
    • Nuclear reactor plant with a small high temperature reactor operating
with spherical fuel elements
    • 核反应堆设有小型高温反应堆,采用球形燃料元件
    • US4689194A
    • 1987-08-25
    • US780260
    • 1985-09-26
    • Winfried WachholzUlrich Weicht
    • Winfried WachholzUlrich Weicht
    • G21C1/12G21C15/18
    • G21C15/18Y02E30/40
    • A nuclear reactor plant with a small high temperature reactor, principal heat exchangers located above the small high temperature reactor and housed in a steel pressure vessel, and a plurality of decay heat exchangers also located in the steel pressure vessel and connected on the cooling water side with an external recooling heat exchanger each, in a geodetically higher location. The object of the invention is to obtain a high degree of availability of the decay heat removal installations. This object is attained by the specific layout and connection of the components of the plant, which permits the operation of the decay heat exchangers both on the primary gas and the water side by natural convection only. The decay heat exchangers and their secondary circulation loops are active during power operations, so that potential failures and leaks are detected immediately. No special actuating measures are necessary to activate the decay heat removal operation. In power operations the decay heat exchangers are cooled with a slight flow of water only, so that the output loss remains low.
    • 具有小型高温反应堆的核反应堆,位于小型高温反应堆上方的主要热交换器,并且容纳在钢压力容器中,以及多个衰变热交换器,其也位于钢压力容器中并连接在冷却水侧 在一个地质较高的位置,每个都有一个外部的再冷却热交换器。 本发明的目的是获得高衰减散热装置的可用性。 该目的通过设备组件的具体布置和连接来实现,这允许仅通过自然对流在初级气体和水侧运行衰变热交换器。 衰减热交换器及其二次循环回路在动力运行时有效,从而立即检测潜在的故障和泄漏。 无需特殊的启动措施来启动衰减除热操作。 在电力操作中,衰减热交换器只用轻微的水流冷却,从而输出损失保持不变。
    • 4. 发明授权
    • Nuclear reactor installation
    • 核反应堆安装
    • US4743424A
    • 1988-05-10
    • US914535
    • 1986-10-01
    • Claus ElterJosef SchoeningWinfried WachholzUlrich Weicht
    • Claus ElterJosef SchoeningWinfried WachholzUlrich Weicht
    • G21C1/24G21C1/07G21C7/12G21C13/02G21C15/18
    • G21C1/07Y02E30/36
    • A nuclear reactor installation with a high temperture, gas cooled nuclear reactor supported in a cavity on a segmented bottom plate held by a centered point of fixation. The first heat exchangers of the primary circulation loop are arranged in the cavity around the nuclear reactor, with the associated first blowers being supported in first passages of the pressure vessel roof. The second heat exchanger for the removal of the decay heat are arranged similarly, with the associated second blowers located in passages of the pressure vessel bottom. The blowers are equipped with contactless magnetic bearings for the rotors. The drives of the core rods and the reflector rods are designed for a banking operation. Simultaneously, the side reflector is supported by means of radial supports on the thermal side shield elastically and secured against rotation. The measures described provide a simplified configuration without affecting safety.
    • 一个具有高温,气体冷却的核反应堆的核反应堆装置支撑在由中心固定点固定的分段底板上的空腔中。 主循环回路的第一热交换器布置在核反应堆周围的空腔中,相关联的第一鼓风机被支撑在压力容器屋顶的第一通道中。 用于去除腐蚀热的第二热交换器被类似地布置,其中相关联的第二鼓风机位于压力容器底部的通道中。 鼓风机配有用于转子的非接触式磁轴承。 芯棒和反射棒的驱动器设计用于银行操作。 同时,侧反射器通过径向支撑件被弹性地支撑在热侧屏蔽上并且被抵抗旋转。 所描述的措施提供了简化的配置,而不影响安全性。
    • 6. 发明授权
    • High temperature reactor utilizing a graphite reflector
    • 采用石墨反射器的高温反应器
    • US5011653A
    • 1991-04-30
    • US310663
    • 1989-02-14
    • Winfried Wachholz
    • Winfried Wachholz
    • G21C1/07G21C9/00
    • G21C1/07G21C9/00Y02E30/33Y02E30/36
    • A gas cooled high temperature reactor with a core of preferably spherical fuel elements enclosed by a graphite roof and a side and bottom reflector. In order to minimize environmental contamination by fission products, even upon (hypothetical) core overheating accidents, the upper part of the roof reflector incorporates volatile iodine and cesium iodide, suitable metal atoms or molecules of the compounds of these metals bonded into the cracked binder material of the graphite. The dilution of the doping material must be high enough (from 1:100 to 1:10,000), so that the substances (for example alkaline earth metals or rare earths) are present as individual atoms or molecules. The iodine is chemically bound to the doping atoms, and iodide formed in this matter is retained in the cracked binder material. Molecules of high temperature oxides may also be incorporated.
    • 一种气体冷却的高温反应器,其具有由石墨顶盖和侧底反射器包围的优选球形燃料元件的芯。 为了尽量减少裂变产物的环境污染,即使是(假设的)芯过热事故,屋顶反射镜的上部也包括挥发性碘和碘化铯,合适的这些金属化合物的金属原子或分子结合到裂化的粘合剂材料中 的石墨。 掺杂材料的稀释必须足够高(从1:100到1:10,000),使得物质(例如碱土金属或稀土)作为单独的原子或分子存在。 碘与掺杂原子化学键合,形成的碘化物保留在裂化的粘合剂材料中。 还可以掺入高温氧化物的分子。
    • 8. 发明授权
    • Nuclear power station for a gas-cooled high temperature pebble bed
    • 核电站用于气冷式高温卵石床反应堆
    • US4756872A
    • 1988-07-12
    • US655418
    • 1984-09-28
    • Josef SchoeningWinfried WachholzUlrich Weicht
    • Josef SchoeningWinfried WachholzUlrich Weicht
    • G21C1/24G21C1/07G21C15/18G21C9/00G21C13/02
    • G21C15/18Y02E30/33Y02E30/36
    • The invention relates to a nuclear power station for a gas cooled high temperature pebble bed nuclear reactor. The nuclear power station is characterized by a combination of features, whereby the system inherent properties of a high temperature reactor are utilized to make possible the economical operation of a nuclear power station of medium capacity (300-600 MW.sub.el) while maintaining a high standard of safety. The characteristics comprise a reactor protection building equipped with pressure relief means in combination with filters, several auxiliary cooling systems separate from the operating cooling systems for the removal of decay heat in the case of accidents, and the utilization of a liner cooling system for the prestressed concrete reactor pressure vessel to assure the removal of the decay heat in case of a failure of the auxiliary cooling systems.
    • 本发明涉及一种用于气体冷却高温卵石床核反应堆的核电站。 核电站的特点是结合特点,利用高温反应堆的系统固有特性,使中等容量(300-600 MWel)核电站的经济运行成为可能,同时保持高标准 安全。 这些特征包括一个反应堆保护建筑物,它配备有与过滤器结合的减压装置,与工作冷却系统分开的几个辅助冷却系统,用于在发生事故的情况下除去腐蚀热,以及利用衬套冷却系统进行预应力 混凝土反应堆压力容器,以确保在辅助冷却系统故障的情况下去除腐蚀热。
    • 9. 发明授权
    • Nuclear reactor plant housed in a steel pressure vessel, with a gas
cooled, small high temperature reactor
    • 核反应堆厂房内装有钢制压力容器,带有气体冷却的小型高温反应堆
    • US4725400A
    • 1988-02-16
    • US810243
    • 1985-12-18
    • Claus ElterJosef SchoeningWinfried WachholzUlrich Weicht
    • Claus ElterJosef SchoeningWinfried WachholzUlrich Weicht
    • F22B1/16F28F7/00G21C1/00G21C1/07G21C1/24G21C1/32G21C15/18G21D9/00
    • G21C1/322G21C1/07G21C15/18G21D9/00Y02E30/33Y02E30/36
    • A nuclear reactor plant housed in a steel pressure vessel with a small high temperature reactor, together with a steam generator arranged over said reactor and with at least two circulating blowers connected in parallel with each other and following the steam generator in line and is provided with a decay heat removal system located in the primary loop. This system is arranged above the steam generator and a shut-off device is provided between the two component. The shut-off device, which may actuated both passively--by difference pressure--and actively, by means of a drive, is designed so that in normal operation no hot gas may enter the decay heat removal system. In the decay heat removal mode the hot gas is conducted into the decay heat removal system and the steam generator is closed off the hot gas. Simultaneously, the cold gas coming from the decay heat removal system is returned through the steam generator or a gas conduit parallel to it, to the reactor core. In the plant according to the invention the operating installations are rigorously separated from the installations serving the removal of decay heat, whereby a high degree of availability is obtained for the decay heat removal system.
    • 一个装在钢制压力容器中的小型高温反应堆的核反应堆,以及布置在所述反应器上的蒸汽发生器,以及至少两个循环鼓风机,它们彼此并联并沿着蒸汽发生器并排配置 位于主回路中的衰减散热系统。 该系统布置在蒸汽发生器上方,并且在两个部件之间设置有切断装置。 可以通过驱动来主动地驱动被动地进行差压的切断装置被设计成使得在正常操作中没有热气体可能进入衰变散热系统。 在衰变除热模式中,热气体被导入衰变除热系统中,并且蒸汽发生器被热气封闭。 同时,来自衰变除热系统的冷气体通过蒸汽发生器或平行于其的气体导管返回到反应堆芯。 在根据本发明的设备中,操作装置与用于去除腐蚀热的装置严格分离,从而获得高衰减散热系统的可用性。
    • 10. 发明授权
    • Low capacity nuclear reactor placed underground in the cavity of a
cylindrical pressure vessel
    • 低容量核反应堆放置在圆柱形压力容器的空腔中
    • US4701298A
    • 1987-10-20
    • US866921
    • 1986-05-27
    • Josef SchoeningWinfried WachholzUlrich Weicht
    • Josef SchoeningWinfried WachholzUlrich Weicht
    • G21C7/32G21C1/07G21C11/06G21C13/00G21C15/18G21D9/00G21C1/32
    • G21C1/07G21C11/06G21C15/18G21D9/00Y02E30/36
    • A low capacity nuclear reactor with spherical fuel elements in a subterranean configuration. The reactor is characterized by a compact construction and extensive elimination of active operating devices, such as charging installation, gas purification devices, regulating systems and safety systems. It is particularly suitable for the generation of thermal energy for heating purposes. A core vessel contains a pile of fuel elements also contains a portion of the graphite bottom and side reflector. Channels are provided in the part of the side reflector located inside the core vessel. Trim and shutdown rods are contained in the channels. The roof reflector rests on the stationary pile of fuel elements. The entire core vessel together with the components contained therein is removed following burnoff of the fuel elements. The heat generated in the core is transferred to a cooling system mounted on the inside of a pressure vessel enclosing the nuclear reactor by a cooling gas which flows from top to bottom. The cooling system is separated from the primary loop by a gas tight jacket.
    • 具有地下构造的球形燃料元件的低容量核反应堆。 反应器的特征在于紧凑的结构和广泛消除主动操作装置,例如充电安装,气体净化装置,调节系统和安全系统。 特别适用于为加热目的产生热能。 核心容器包含一堆燃料元件,还包含一部分石墨底部和侧面反射器。 通道设置在位于核心容器内部的侧反射器的部分中。 修剪和关闭杆包含在通道中。 屋顶反射器位于固定的燃料元件堆上。 整个核心容器与其中所含的组分一起在燃料元件烧毁之后被去除。 在芯中产生的热量通过从顶部到底部流动的冷却气体被转移到安装在包围核反应堆的压力容器的内部的冷却系统。 冷却系统通过气密护套与主回路分离。