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    • 1. 发明授权
    • System, method and apparatus to prepare base transceiver station for intra-cell asynchronous positioning handover
    • 用于小区内异步定位切换的基站收发台的系统,方法和装置
    • US06351644B1
    • 2002-02-26
    • US09398666
    • 1999-09-17
    • Tahir HussainBagher ZadehShahrokh Amirijoo
    • Tahir HussainBagher ZadehShahrokh Amirijoo
    • H04Q720
    • H04W64/00H04W74/00
    • A system, method, and apparatus for determining a position of a mobile station in a mobile telecommunications network is disclosed. Speech interruptions during mobile station positioning are reduced or eliminated by controlling the number of access bursts transmitted by the mobile station. The number of access burst transmitted by the mobile station is controlled to a level commensurate with the degree of positioning accuracy required by the requesting application. The number of access bursts is calculated by the Mobile Location Center (MLC) and communicated to the Base Transceiver Station (BTS) via the Base Station Controller (BSC). After the requisite number of access bursts are received, the BTS transmits a signal to the mobile station, causing the mobile station to cease transmitting access bursts.
    • 公开了一种用于确定移动电话在移动电信网络中的位置的系统,方法和装置。 通过控制由移动台发送的接入脉冲串的数量来减少或消除移动台定位期间的语音中断。 由移动台发送的接入脉冲串的数量被控制到与请求应用程序所要求的定位精度相当的水平。 接入脉冲串的数量由移动定位中心(MLC)计算并通过基站控制器(BSC)传送到基站收发台(BTS)。 在接收到所需数量的接入突发之后,BTS向移动台发送信号,导致移动台停止发送接入脉冲串。
    • 4. 发明授权
    • System, method, and apparatus for distinguishing between different group calls
    • 用于区分不同群组呼叫的系统,方法和装置
    • US06405050B1
    • 2002-06-11
    • US09218831
    • 1998-12-22
    • Shahrokh AmirijooCharles M. Feltner
    • Shahrokh AmirijooCharles M. Feltner
    • H04Q720
    • H04W4/08H04W4/06
    • A system, method, and apparatus for transmitting and receiving group calls are illustrated. The group call register includes a counter value which identifies particular calls. The counter value is transmitted in the notification message, thereby identifying both the group and the group call. After the subscriber finishes listening to the group call, the subscriber can cause the mobile station to store the group identification number and the counter value in the group call history memory to prevent being alerted of the same group call in the event that the call is repeated. Additionally, the mobile station establishes a point-to-point call to an acknowledgment center and transmits the group identification number as well as the counter value. The group identification number and the counter value are stored in the acknowledgement center, thereby establishing a record of mobile stations that have listened to particular calls.
    • 示出了用于发送和接收组呼叫的系统,方法和装置。 组呼叫寄存器包括识别特定呼叫的计数器值。 在通知消息中发送计数器值,从而识别组和组呼。 在用户完成对群组呼叫的收听之后,用户可以使移动台将群组标识号和计数器值存储在群组呼叫历史存储器中,以防止在重复呼叫的情况下相同群组呼叫的警报 。 此外,移动台建立对确认中心的点对点呼叫,并发送组标识号以及计数器值。 组识别号和计数器值存储在确认中心中,从而建立已经听取特定呼叫的移动台的记录。
    • 5. 发明授权
    • GPS assistance data for positioning of mobiles with built-in GPS
    • 使用内置GPS定位手机的GPS辅助数据
    • US06266533B1
    • 2001-07-24
    • US09209351
    • 1998-12-11
    • Bagher R. ZadehShahrokh Amirijoo
    • Bagher R. ZadehShahrokh Amirijoo
    • H04Q720
    • G01S5/0036G01S19/06G01S19/256
    • A wireless communication network and methodology providing GPS assistance data for positioning of mobiles with built-in GPS receivers (GPS-MS). The system and methodology includes obtaining a site location of the BTS currently serving a GPS-MS to be located, as well as obtaining the air interface time in relation to the absolute GPS time at the BTS currently serving the GPS-MS. Knowing the geographical location of the BTS currently serving the GPS-MS, range measurement assistance data is provided with a time of calculation to the GPS-MS. This information is used by the GPS-MS to obtain GPS measurement data at the indicated time of calculation using this a priori information. The GPS-MS obtains GPS measurement data based on the a priori information quickly, and returns the GPS assistance data to a mobile location center (MLC) which ultimately determines the position of the GPS-MS. The MLC has ephermis data, and converts the air interface time to the absolute GPS time for calculation of the GPS-MS position. Minimal traffic across the wireless network is required, and the position of the GPS-MS can be quickly obtained.
    • 一种提供用于定位具有内置GPS接收器(GPS-MS)的移动台的GPS辅助数据的无线通信网络和方法。 该系统和方法包括获得当前正在服务于要定位的GPS-MS的BTS的站点位置,以及获得与当前为GPS-MS服务的BTS处的绝对GPS时间相关的空中接口时间。 了解当前为GPS-MS服务的BTS的地理位置,距离测量辅助数据被提供给GPS-MS的计算时间。 该信息由GPS-MS使用,以使用该先验信息在指示的计算时间获得GPS测量数据。 GPS-MS基于先验信息快速获取GPS测量数据,并将GPS辅助数据返回到最终确定GPS-MS位置的移动定位中心(MLC)。 MLC具有ephermis数据,并将空中接口时间转换为绝对GPS时间,以计算GPS-MS位置。 需要通过无线网络的最小流量,可以快速获得GPS-MS的位置。
    • 6. 发明授权
    • Treatment of positioning data during a positioning handover
    • 在定位切换期间处理定位数据
    • US6064885A
    • 2000-05-16
    • US944355
    • 1997-10-06
    • Bagher RouhollahzadehShahrokh AmirijooGunnar Borg
    • Bagher RouhollahzadehShahrokh AmirijooGunnar Borg
    • H04W36/12H04W64/00H04B1/06H04Q7/00
    • H04W64/00H04W36/12
    • A telecommunications system and method for handling positioning data acquired by a target Base Station Controller (BSC) during a positioning handover, in order to accurately determine the geographical position of a Mobile Station (MS) by a Positioning Center (PC). In one preferred embodiment of the present invention, the target BSC can collect the necessary data for positioning and transmit the data to a serving Mobile Switching Center (MSC). Alternatively, the target BSC can transmit the collected data to an originating BSC, which in turn packages all of the data acquired by both the originating BSC and the target BSC and transmits this data to the MSC. In the case where a target MSC is also involved, the positioning data can be collected by the target BSC and transmitted to the target MSC for forwarding either to the originating MSC or the Positioning Center itself.
    • 一种用于在定位切换期间处理由目标基站控制器(BSC)获取的定位数据的电信系统和方法,以便通过定位中心(PC)准确地确定移动台(MS)的地理位置。 在本发明的一个优选实施例中,目标BSC可以收集用于定位并将数据发送到服务移动交换中心(MSC)的必要数据。 或者,目标BSC可以将所收集的数据发送到始发BSC,该起始BSC又包含由发起BSC和目标BSC两者获取的所有数据,并将该数据发送到MSC。 在还涉及目标MSC的情况下,定位数据可以由目标BSC收集并发送到目标MSC,以转发到始发MSC或定位中心本身。
    • 8. 发明授权
    • TOA Positioning of GPRS mobiles within the BSS centric architecture of a GSM network
    • TOA在GSM网络的BSS中心架构内定位GPRS移动设备
    • US06606501B1
    • 2003-08-12
    • US09437940
    • 1999-11-10
    • Bikash SahaShahrokh AmirijooClive Fernando
    • Bikash SahaShahrokh AmirijooClive Fernando
    • H04Q720
    • H04W64/00
    • A system for TOA positioning of a GPRS mobile station (20) in a GSM network (10) comprises a Gateway GPRS Support Node (GGSN) (32) providing an interface to an LCS application (52) and adapted to communicate with the GPRS mobile station (20). The system further comprises a Base Station Subsystem (14) serving the GPRS mobile station (20). The BSS (14) is communicably accessible by the LCS application (52) through the GGSN (12). The system also comprises a plurality of Location Management Units predisposed about the GSM network (10) and configured to be utilized to measure the TOA of an access burst delivering positioning coordinates corresponding to an approximate position for the GPRS MS (20). A Packet Control Unit (16) is provided and adapted to communicate directly with LMUs (44) that are GPRS capable and indirectly with non-GPRS LMUS (44) through the BSS (14).
    • GPRS移动站(20)在GSM网络(10)中TOA定位的系统包括网关GPRS支持节点(GGSN)(32),其提供到LCS应用(52)的接口,并适于与GPRS移动 车站(20)。 该系统还包括服务于GPRS移动站(20)的基站子系统(14)。 BSS(14)可以通过LCS应用(52)通过GGSN(12)可通信地访问。 该系统还包括有关GSM网络(10)倾向的多个位置管理单元,并被配置为用于测量传送对应于GPRS MS(20)的近似位置的定位坐标的接入突发的TOA。 分组控制单元(16)被提供并且适于直接通过BSS(14)与具有GPRS功能和间接地与非GPRS LMUS(44)的LMU(44)进行通信。
    • 9. 发明授权
    • Architecture for TOA positioning with LMU control functionality in BSC
    • 在BSC中具有LMU控制功能的TOA定位架构
    • US06603976B1
    • 2003-08-05
    • US09365681
    • 1999-08-03
    • Shahrokh AmirijooBagher R. Zadeh
    • Shahrokh AmirijooBagher R. Zadeh
    • H04Q734
    • H04W64/00
    • A wireless communications system (40b) capable of delivering Time Of Arrival (TOA) positioning data to at least one externally operated and maintained requesting agent (12), including a gateway (14a, 14b) to the external agent (12), which provides an interface to the requesting agent (12). The system (40b)also includes a Base Station Subsystem (BSS) (62) and an array of Location Management Units (LMUs) (24). The BSS (62) serves at least one mobile set (26) for which TOA positioning data is requested and is accessible by the requesting agent (12) through the gateway (14a, 14b). The LMUs (24) are configured to compute positioning coordinates for the mobile set (26), wherein the BSS (62) includes positioning functions (16) are moved to the BSC (20) or integrated within the BTS (22) so that control of the LMUs (24) is accomplished at the BSS (62).
    • 能够向至少一个外部操作和维护的请求代理(12)传送到达时间(TOA)定位数据的无线通信系统(40b),包括向外部代理(12)提供的网关(14a,14b) 与请求代理(12)的接口。 系统(40b)还包括基站子系统(BSS)(62)和位置管理单元(LMU)阵列(24)。 BSS(62)服务于至少一个移动台(26),TOA定位数据被请求并可由请求代理(12)通过网关(14a,14b)访问。 LMU(24)被配置为计算移动设备(26)的定位坐标,其中包括定位功能(16)的BSS(62)被移动到BSC(20)或者集成在BTS(22)内,使得控制 的LMU(24)在BSS(62)处完成。
    • 10. 发明授权
    • Method and system for optimizing a telecommunications utilizing positioning information in network recording programs
    • 用于利用网络记录程序中的定位信息优化电信的方法和系统
    • US06516195B1
    • 2003-02-04
    • US09312305
    • 1999-05-14
    • Bagher Rouhollah ZadehShahrokh Amirijoo
    • Bagher Rouhollah ZadehShahrokh Amirijoo
    • H04Q720
    • H04W24/00
    • A method and system for optimizing mobile telecommunications networks utilizing geographical positioning information. Initially, a particular telecommunications event, such as a handover event, call set-up event, a dropped call event, or a high bit error rate event, is designated, such that an occurrence of the particular telecommunications event automatically triggers geographical positioning of a mobile unit within a mobile telecommunications network. A geographical positioning request is then transmitted to a mobile location center within the telecommunications network, in response to an occurrence of the particular telecommunications event. Thereafter, geographical positioning information associated with the particular telecommunications event and the mobile unit is determined, in response to the transmission of the geographical positioning request to the mobile location center. The geographical positioning information is thereafter stored in a database within the mobile telecommunications network. The geographical positioning information can thereafter be analyzed in order to optimize telecommunications operations within the mobile telecommunications network.
    • 一种利用地理定位信息优化移动电信网络的方法和系统。 首先,指定诸如切换事件,呼叫建立事件,掉话呼叫事件或高比特错误率事件之类的特定电信事件,使得特定电信事件的发生自动触发地理定位 移动单元在移动电信网络内。 然后,响应于特定电信事件的发生,地理定位请求被发送到电信网络内的移动位置中心。 此后,响应于向移动位置中心发送地理定位请求,确定与特定电信事件和移动单元相关联的地理定位信息。 然后,地理定位信息被存储在移动电信网络内的数据库中。 此后可以分析地理定位信息,以便优化移动电信网络内的电信业务。