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    • 1. 发明授权
    • More economical resource application on the user interaction within a speech dialogue system in a packet network by means of a simplifying processing of signalling information
    • 通过信令信息的简化处理,在分组网络中的语音对话系统内的用户交互上的更经济的资源应用
    • US08223746B2
    • 2012-07-17
    • US10561376
    • 2004-06-16
    • Mathias FranzDetlev FreundNorbert LöbigJohannes Schöpf
    • Mathias FranzDetlev FreundNorbert LöbigJohannes Schöpf
    • H04L12/66
    • H04M3/493
    • According to the invention, the type of transmission of signaling information, for a user-interaction with a speech dialogue system in a packet network, is determined with relation to a simplifying processing for DTMF signaling information. A speech dialogue system without special hardware for the processing of DTMF in-band signaling is provided and maintains, during the codec negotiation or the fixing of the coding method for application, that only services with DTMF out-of-band signaling, or signaling by means of dedicated data packets (for example RFC 2833) are carried out by the speech dialogue system. The above may be achieved whereby coding methods with in-band signaling are basically not permitted with relation to the codec negotiation or the control device, controlling the speech dialogue system, is embodied such that, independently of the coding method, out-of-band signaling is always stipulated by the control device. According to a further embodiment, an as a rule smaller-sized speech dialogue system is provided with hardware devices for the processing of DTMF in-band signaling for service requirements, for which out-of-band signaling or signaling by means of dedicated packets cannot be required. The efficiency of information output in packet networks and an economic resource application is thus achieved.
    • 根据本发明,用于与分组网络中的语音对话系统的用户交互的信令信息的传输类型是与DTMF信令信息的简化处理相关的来确定的。 提供了一种没有用于处理DTMF带内信令的特殊硬件的语音对话系统,并且在编解码器协商或固定应用编码方法期间,仅维持使用DTMF带外信令或信令 专用数据包(例如RFC 2833)的手段由语音对话系统执行。 上述可以实现,其中基本上不允许使用带内信令的编码方法与控制语音对话系统相关的编解码器协商或控制装置被实现为使得独立于编码方法,带外 信号通常由控制装置规定。 根据另一实施例,通常,较小尺寸的语音对话系统具有用于处理用于服务需求的DTMF带内信令的硬件设备,对于该设备,通过专用分组不能进行带外信令或信令 需要。 因此实现了分组网络中信息输出的效率和经济资源的应用。
    • 2. 发明授权
    • Testing of transmission quality in packet-based networks
    • 基于分组的网络传输质量测试
    • US07420928B2
    • 2008-09-02
    • US10519868
    • 2003-06-30
    • Norbert Löbig
    • Norbert Löbig
    • G06F11/00G01R31/08
    • H04Q3/0087H04L41/5087H04L43/50H04L65/1043H04L65/80H04L2012/6481H04M3/2227H04M15/70H04M15/73H04M2215/22H04M2215/70H04M2215/7072
    • The invention relates to the testing of transmission quality of transmission links in a packet network. According to the invention, the director and responder functionality are made available in a resource server of the packet network. In order to perform a quality test, a connection is set up between the resource server and at least one gateway and potentially between two gateways by a packet-oriented switching center. Test signals are transmitted by the resource server and, after being mirrored at one or two gateways, are transmitted back to the resource server. The broadcast test signals are evaluated for transmission-related reductions in quality, e.g. distortion and attenuation, and the results of this evaluation for different broadcast links are combined in order to obtain information concerning the transmission quality of individual partial links. The invention is advantageous in that it makes complicated and expensive test functions available on centralized resource servers. Since resource servers of this type are, for the most part, already provided for carrying out other functions in the packet network, e.g. IVR server, it is possible, as a rule, to make the test functionality available on existing servers.
    • 本发明涉及分组网络中传输链路传输质量的测试。 根据本发明,导引器和应答器功能在分组网络的资源服务器中可用。 为了进行质量测试,在资源服务器和至少一个网关之间建立连接,并且可能通过面向分组的交换中心在两个网关之间建立连接。 测试信号由资源服务器发送,并且在被镜像在一个或两个网关之后被传送回资源服务器。 评估广播测试信号的传输相关质量降低,例如。 失真和衰减,并且将不同广播链路的该评估的结果组合以获得关于各个部分链路的传输质量的信息。 本发明的优点在于它使得在集中式资源服务器上可以使用复杂且昂贵的测试功能。 由于这种类型的资源服务器大部分已经被提供用于在分组网络中执行其他功能,例如, IVR服务器,通常可以使现有服务器上的测试功能可用。
    • 3. 发明授权
    • Method and device for providing conferences
    • 提供会议的方法和设备
    • US07180992B2
    • 2007-02-20
    • US10644079
    • 2003-08-20
    • Peter FriedrichNorbert Löbig
    • Peter FriedrichNorbert Löbig
    • H04M3/42
    • H04M3/56H04M3/12H04M3/20H04M3/2281H04M2201/40H04M2203/5027
    • The invention provides assistance, by providing a control interface between a recognition or announcement/dialog function with voice recognition functionality and a conference management function, via which the conference can be controlled and monitored in an automated manner. The recognition or announcement/dialog function switches to the individual conferences in succession under the control of the conference management function, monitors the combined stream of all voice data emitted by the conferees in an interim check. If disruptive data is detected, the conference management function associates the disruptive data with the conferee emitting the data. The recognition or announcement/dialog function to the individual participants in the conference is switched in succession. If the conferee emitting the disruptive data is detected in this process and this conferee is identified as a disruptive party as a result, the conferee is automatically switched to silent or removed entirely from the conference.
    • 本发明通过在识别或通知/对话功能与语音识别功能和会议管理功能之间提供控制接口来提供帮助,经由该控制接口可以以自动方式控制和监视会议。 识别或通知/对话功能在会议管理功能的控制下连续切换到各个会议,监视与会者在临时检查中发出的所有语音数据的组合流。 如果检测到破坏性数据,则会议管理功能将破坏性数据与发布数据的与会者相关联。 会议中的个人参与者的识别或通知/对话功能被连续切换。 如果在此过程中检测到发出破坏性数据的与会人员,因此与会者被确定为破坏方,则会议者将自动切换为静音或完全从会议中删除。
    • 4. 发明授权
    • Efficient utilization of IVR resources supplied to switching systems
    • 提供给交换系统的IVR资源的有效利用
    • US09060060B2
    • 2015-06-16
    • US10505002
    • 2003-02-05
    • Norbert Löbig
    • Norbert Löbig
    • G10L21/00H04M3/493
    • H04M3/493H04M2201/40
    • The invention relates to an interactive voice response (IVR) system supplying functions and resources to services encompassing interactive voice response or output of announcements and three methods for dealing with resource bottlenecks of the IVR system. The IVR system supplies a pool of resources to several switching systems. Virtual, individually assigned IVR systems are created from the perspective of the switching systems by allocating the control interfaces and user data interfaces of the IVR system in an exclusive, disjunctive manner to the switching systems. Resource bottlenecks can be prevented when several switching systems access the IVR system by rejecting jobs for which the required resources cannot be reserved or by aborting jobs creating too substantial delays during processing due to the wait for resources. The invention has the advantage of efficiently utilizing the resources supplied by the IVR system.
    • 本发明涉及一种交互式语音响应(IVR)系统,其向包括交互式语音响应或公告输出的服务提供功能和资源,以及用于处理IVR系统的资源瓶颈的三种方法。 IVR系统为多个交换系统提供了一个资源池。 通过将IVR系统的控制接口和用户数据接口以独占的分离方式分配给交换系统,从交换系统的角度创建虚拟的,单独分配的IVR系统。 当几个交换系统通过拒绝不能保留所需资源的作业或者由于等待资源而在处理过程中产生太大的延迟而导致作业中断时,可以防止资源瓶颈。 本发明具有有效利用IVR系统提供的资源的优点。
    • 8. 发明授权
    • Device for optimizing the circuit switching capacity of a switching center
    • 用于优化交换中心电路交换容量的装置
    • US06985577B2
    • 2006-01-10
    • US10221355
    • 2001-07-09
    • Herwig EltschkaNorbert Löbig
    • Herwig EltschkaNorbert Löbig
    • G06F12/10H04L12/50H04M3/00H04Q3/00H04Q11/00
    • H04Q3/5455H04Q2213/1302H04Q2213/1304H04Q2213/1305H04Q2213/13104H04Q2213/13107H04Q2213/13399
    • The invention relates to a device for circuit switching connections, which are led outside a switching center, with a plurality of peripheral devices that can be addressed under a common HW address by the message distribution system of the switching center. According to the invention, each of the peripheral devices comprises its own logical address, and a splitting up of the peripheral devices into real peripheral devices, which represent the previously mentioned HW address, and into virtual peripheral devices is given. The invention is characterized in that the logical addresses of the peripheral devices, which are used exclusively for controlling connections led outside of the switching center, are located in areas of the switching network that are not expanded into hardware, whereby a virtual switching network unit is defined, and a splitting up of the switching network into real and virtual switching network units is carried out.
    • 本发明涉及一种用于电路交换连接的设备,其被引导到交换中心外部,其中多个外围设备可以通过交换中心的消息分发系统在公共HW地址下寻址。 根据本发明,每个外围设备包括其自己的逻辑地址,并且给出了表示前面提到的HW地址的外围设备到实际的外围设备的分割,并且被分配给虚拟的外围设备。 本发明的特征在于,专门用于控制交换中心外部的连接的外围设备的逻辑地址位于不扩展为硬件的交换网络的区域中,虚拟交换网络单元 并且将交换网络分解成实际和虚拟交换网络单元。