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    • 4. 发明申请
    • 用于激活便携式数据载体的方法和系统
    • US20120159171A1
    • 2012-06-21
    • US13394006
    • 2010-09-01
    • Jan EichholzGisela MeisterHenning Daum
    • Jan EichholzGisela MeisterHenning Daum
    • H04L9/32
    • G06F21/6245G06F21/445G06F21/606G06F21/77G06Q20/354G07C9/00071G07C2209/41G07F7/1008H04L9/3263H04L9/3273H04L2209/805
    • The invention relates to a method for activating a portable data carrier (1) in which a first portable data carrier (1) is supplied in an inactive state to a user, after the user has requested the first data carrier (1) with the aid of a second portable data carrier (2) from a central instance, whereby the first and the second data carrier (1, 2) have access to authentication data for mutual authentication. In the method according to the invention a communication connection is set up between the first and the second data carrier (1, 2), via which the first and the second data carrier (1, 2) mutually authenticate each other on the basis of the authentication data and establish a cryptographically secured end-to-end connection. Via this end-to-end connection then the second data carrier (2) activates the first data carrier (1) by transmitting activation data to the first data carrier (1).
    • 本发明涉及一种用于激活便携式数据载体(1)的方法,其中第一便携式数据载体(1)在非活动状态下被提供给用户,在用户已经通过援助请求第一数据载体(1)之后 的第二便携式数据载体(2),由此第一和第二数据载体(1,2)可以访问用于相互认证的认证数据。 在根据本发明的方法中,在第一和第二数据载体(1,2)之间建立通信连接,第一和第二数据载体(1,2)经由该通信连接基于 认证数据并建立密码保护的端到端连接。 通过该端对端连接,第二数据载体(2)通过向第一数据载体(1)发送激活数据来激活第一数据载体(1)。
    • 5. 发明授权
    • Data communication method and data carrier therefor
    • 数据通信方式及数据载体
    • US08549161B2
    • 2013-10-01
    • US12675143
    • 2008-08-20
    • Stephan SpitzJan Eichholz
    • Stephan SpitzJan Eichholz
    • G06F15/16
    • H04L67/02
    • The invention relates to a method for the data communication between a portable data carrier (10) and an external communication device, which both in each case comprise a TCP/IP protocol stack (24). In a first step the communication device sends communication data to the data carrier (10), the communication data comprising at least commands according to an Internet protocol of the application layer of the TCP/IP reference model and commands in the form of APDUs according to ISO/IEC 7816-4. The method additionally comprises the steps of transmitting the communication data between the communication device and the data carrier (10), of receiving the communication data by the data carrier (10) and of separating the received APDUs and the received Internet protocol commands from each other by means of the allocator unit (32) of the data carrier (10). Here, the mentioned commands are transmitted by means of TCP/IP and the allocator unit (32) separates the APDUs and the Internet protocol commands not until above the transport layer of the TCP/IP reference model. This permits the APDUs and the Internet protocol commands transmitted together with said APDUs in a joint TCP/IP data stream to be separated from each other in a simple fashion.
    • 本发明涉及一种在便携式数据载体(10)和外部通信设备之间进行数据通信的方法,每种情况都包括TCP / IP协议栈(24)。 在第一步骤中,通信设备向数据载体(10)发送通信数据,所述通信数据至少包括根据TCP / IP参考模型的应用层的因特网协议的命令,以及根据APDU的形式的命令 ISO / IEC 7816-4。 该方法还包括以下步骤:在通信设备和数据载体(10)之间传送通信数据,由数据载体(10)接收通信数据,并将接收到的APDU和接收的互联网协议命令相互分离 借助于数据载体(10)的分配单元(32)。 这里,所提到的命令通过TCP / IP传送,分配单元(32)将APDU和Internet协议命令分开直到TCP / IP参考模型的传输层之上。 这允许以简单的方式将联合的TCP / IP数据流中的APDU与APDU一起发送的APDU和Internet协议命令彼此分离。
    • 8. 发明申请
    • 数据通信方法和数据载体
    • US20100313008A1
    • 2010-12-09
    • US12675143
    • 2008-08-20
    • Stephan SpitzJan Eichholz
    • Stephan SpitzJan Eichholz
    • G06F15/16H04L9/00
    • H04L67/02
    • The invention relates to a method for the data communication between a portable data carrier (10) and an external communication device, which both in each case comprise a TCP/IP protocol stack (24). In a first step the communication device sends communication data to the data carrier (10), the communication data comprising at least commands according to an Internet protocol of the application layer of the TCP/IP reference model and commands in the form of APDUs according to ISO/IEC 7816-4. The method additionally comprises the steps of transmitting the communication data between the communication device and the data carrier (10), of receiving the communication data by the data carrier (10) and of separating the received APDUs and the received Internet protocol commands from each other by means of the allocator unit (32) of the data carrier (10). Here, the mentioned commands are transmitted by means of TCP/IP and the allocator unit (32) separates the APDUs and the Internet protocol commands not until above the transport layer of the TCP/IP reference model. This permits the APDUs and the Internet protocol commands transmitted together with said APDUs in a joint TCP/IP data stream to be separated from each other in a simple fashion.
    • 本发明涉及一种在便携式数据载体(10)和外部通信设备之间进行数据通信的方法,每种情况都包括TCP / IP协议栈(24)。 在第一步骤中,通信设备向数据载体(10)发送通信数据,所述通信数据至少包括根据TCP / IP参考模型的应用层的因特网协议的命令,以及根据APDU的形式的命令 ISO / IEC 7816-4。 该方法还包括以下步骤:在通信设备和数据载体(10)之间传送通信数据,由数据载体(10)接收通信数据,并将接收到的APDU和接收的互联网协议命令相互分离 借助于数据载体(10)的分配单元(32)。 这里,所提到的命令通过TCP / IP传送,分配单元(32)将APDU和Internet协议命令分开直到TCP / IP参考模型的传输层之上。 这允许以简单的方式将联合的TCP / IP数据流中的APDU与APDU一起发送的APDU和Internet协议命令彼此分离。
    • 9. 发明授权
    • Method for authenticating a portable data carrier
    • 用于认证便携式数据载体的方法
    • US08966275B2
    • 2015-02-24
    • US13582107
    • 2011-03-07
    • Jan EichholzGisela Meister
    • Jan EichholzGisela Meister
    • G06F21/00G06F21/34
    • G06F21/34G06F2221/2103H04L9/0844H04L9/0877
    • A method for authenticating a portable data carrier (10) to a terminal device by the following steps: In the data carrier (10) a public session key (PKSession) is derived (S5) from a public key individual to the data carrier (PKi) which has in its turn been derived (TS32; S1) from a public group key (PK). Further, a secret session key (SKSession) is derived (S4) from a secret key individual to the data carrier (SKi) which has in turn been derived (TS31) from a secret group key (SK). Subsequently, a secret communication key (KK) is agreed on (S7) between the data carrier (10) and the terminal device. Finally, the terminal verifies (S8) the public session key (PKSession) of the data carrier (10).
    • 一种用于通过以下步骤向终端设备认证便携式数据载体(10)的方法:在数据载体(10)中,公共对话密钥(PKSession)从公共密钥个体导出到数据载体(PKi) ),其又从公共组密钥(PK)导出(TS32; S1)。 此外,秘密会话密钥(SKSession)从秘密密钥个体导出到数据载体(SKi),其又从秘密组密钥(SK)导出(TS31)(TS31)。 随后,在数据载体(10)和终端设备之间(S7)上通过秘密通信密钥(KK)。 最后,终端验证(S8)数据载体(10)的公共会话密钥(PKSession)。
    • 10. 发明申请
    • 用于认证便携式数据载体的方法
    • US20120331302A1
    • 2012-12-27
    • US13582107
    • 2011-03-07
    • Jan EichholzGisela Meister
    • Jan EichholzGisela Meister
    • G06F21/00
    • G06F21/34G06F2221/2103H04L9/0844H04L9/0877
    • A method for authenticating a portable data carrier (10) to a terminal device by the following steps: In the data carrier (10) a public session key (PKSession) is derived (S5) from a public key individual to the data carrier (PKi) which has in its turn been derived (TS32; S1) from a public group key (PK). Further, a secret session key (SKSession) is derived (S4) from a secret key individual to the data carrier (SKi) which has in turn been derived (TS31) from a secret group key (SK). Subsequently, a secret communication key (KK) is agreed on (S7) between the data carrier (10) and the terminal device. Finally, the terminal verifies (S8) the public session key (PKSession) of the data carrier (10).
    • 一种用于通过以下步骤向终端设备认证便携式数据载体(10)的方法:在数据载体(10)中,公共对话密钥(PKSession)从公共密钥个体导出到数据载体(PKi) ),其又从公共组密钥(PK)导出(TS32; S1)。 此外,秘密会话密钥(SKSession)从秘密密钥个体导出到数据载体(SKi),其又从秘密组密钥(SK)导出(TS31)(TS31)。 随后,在数据载体(10)和终端设备之间(S7)上通过秘密通信密钥(KK)。 最后,终端验证(S8)数据载体(10)的公共会话密钥(PKSession)。