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    • 1. 发明授权
    • Quality of service routing architecture
    • 服务质量路由架构
    • US08670320B2
    • 2014-03-11
    • US12703164
    • 2010-02-09
    • Anand Eswaran
    • Anand Eswaran
    • H04L1/00
    • H04L45/54H04L41/5009H04L45/04H04L45/302H04L45/306
    • A quality of service routing architecture is provided which includes a network router configured to route network data traffic. The architecture may further include a routing communication protocol for to sending router control information from the network router to other network routers, the routing communication protocol having a quality of service level attribute. There may be a routing communication protocol decoding module on the network router. The routing communication protocol decoding module may identify incoming routing control communications and determine the quality of service level attribute of the incoming routing control communications. The network router can also include a quality of service forwarding module for determining a next hop router value based on the quality of service level attribute and forwarding data according to the next hop value determination.
    • 提供了一种服务质量路由体系结构,其中包括配置为路由网络数据流量的网络路由器。 该架构可以进一步包括用于将路由器控制信息从网络路由器发送到其他网络路由器的路由通信协议,路由通信协议具有服务质量等级属性。 路由器上可能存在路由通信协议解码模块。 路由通信协议解码模块可以识别进入的路由控制通信,并确定进入路由控制通信的服务质量属性。 网络路由器还可以包括业务质量转发模块,用于根据下一跳值确定,基于业务质量属性和转发数据确定下一跳路由器值。
    • 7. 发明授权
    • Autonomous diagnosis and mitigation of network anomalies
    • 网络异常的自主诊断和减轻
    • US08474041B2
    • 2013-06-25
    • US12765772
    • 2010-04-22
    • Anand EswaranChivukula Koundinya
    • Anand EswaranChivukula Koundinya
    • G06F11/00
    • H04L63/1416H04L41/0213
    • Autonomous diagnosis and mitigation of network anomalies may include creating a plurality of sketch matrices wherein each sketch matrix corresponds to an individual hashing function and each row in each sketch matrix corresponds to an array of hashed parameters of interest from multiple network devices for a given period of time, the parameters of interest being configurable by an administrator. A principal components analysis (PCA) input matrix is created for each of the sketch matrices by computing an entropy value for each element in the sketch matrices, and principal components analysis (PCA) is performed on each of the PCA input matrices to heuristically detect a network anomaly in real time.
    • 网络异常的自主诊断和减轻可以包括创建多个草图矩阵,其中每个草图矩阵对应于单个散列函数,并且每个草图矩阵中的每一行对应于来自多个网络设备的给定周期的感兴趣的散列参数的阵列 时间,感兴趣的参数可由管理员配置。 通过计算草图矩阵中每个元素的熵值,为每个草图矩阵创建主成分分析(PCA)输入矩阵,并对每个PCA输入矩阵执行主成分分析(PCA),以启发式地检测 网络异常实时。
    • 9. 发明申请
    • 质量服务路由架构
    • US20100202312A1
    • 2010-08-12
    • US12703164
    • 2010-02-09
    • Anand Eswaran
    • Anand Eswaran
    • H04L12/28H04L12/26
    • H04L45/54H04L41/5009H04L45/04H04L45/302H04L45/306
    • A quality of service routing architecture is provided which includes a network router configured to route network data traffic. The architecture may further include a routing communication protocol for to sending router control information from the network router to other network routers, the routing communication protocol having a quality of service level attribute. There may be a routing communication protocol decoding module on the network router. The routing communication protocol decoding module may identify incoming routing control communications and determine the quality of service level attribute of the incoming routing control communications. The network router can also include a quality of service forwarding module for determining a next hop router value based on the quality of service level attribute and forwarding data according to the next hop value determination.
    • 提供了一种服务质量路由体系结构,其中包括配置为路由网络数据流量的网络路由器。 该架构可以进一步包括用于将路由器控制信息从网络路由器发送到其他网络路由器的路由通信协议,路由通信协议具有服务质量等级属性。 路由器上可能存在路由通信协议解码模块。 路由通信协议解码模块可以识别进入的路由控制通信,并确定进入路由控制通信的服务质量属性。 网络路由器还可以包括业务质量转发模块,用于根据下一跳值确定,基于业务质量属性和转发数据确定下一跳路由器值。