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    • 41. 发明授权
    • Conditional ALU instruction condition satisfaction propagation between microinstructions in read-port limited register file microprocessor
    • 条件ALU指令条件满足在读端口限制寄存器文件微处理器中的微指令之间的传播
    • US08924695B2
    • 2014-12-30
    • US13333631
    • 2011-12-21
    • G. Glenn HenryGerard M. ColRodney E. HookerTerry Parks
    • G. Glenn HenryGerard M. ColRodney E. HookerTerry Parks
    • G06F9/30
    • G06F9/30189G06F9/30072G06F9/30123G06F9/30174
    • An architectural instruction instructs a microprocessor to perform an operation on first and second source operands to generate a result and to write the result to a destination register only if architectural condition flags satisfy a condition specified in the architectural instruction. A hardware instruction translator translates the architectural instruction into first and second microinstructions. To execute the first microinstruction, an execution pipeline performs the operation on the source operands to generate the result, determines whether the architectural condition flags satisfy the condition, and updates a non-architectural indicator to indicate whether the architectural condition flags satisfy the condition. To execute the first microinstruction, if the non-architectural indicator updated by the first microinstruction indicates the architectural condition flags satisfy the condition, it updates the destination register with the result; otherwise, it updates the destination register with the current value of the destination register.
    • 架构指令指示微处理器对第一和第二源操作数执行操作以产生结果,并且只有在体系结构条件标志满足建筑指令中指定的条件时才将结果写入目的寄存器。 硬件指令翻译器将架构指令转换为第一和第二微指令。 为了执行第一微指令,执行流水线对源操作数执行操作以生成结果,确定架构条件标志是否满足条件,并更新非架构指示符以指示架构条件标志是否满足条件。 为了执行第一微指令,如果由第一微指令更新的非架构指示符指示架构条件标志满足条件,则用结果更新目的寄存器; 否则,它将使用目标寄存器的当前值更新目标寄存器。
    • 42. 发明授权
    • Conditional ALU instruction pre-shift-generated carry flag propagation between microinstructions in read-port limited register file microprocessor
    • 条件ALU指令在读端口限制寄存器文件微处理器中的微指令之前进行移位生成的进位标志传播
    • US08880857B2
    • 2014-11-04
    • US13333572
    • 2011-12-21
    • G. Glenn HenryGerard M. ColRodney E. HookerTerry Parks
    • G. Glenn HenryGerard M. ColRodney E. HookerTerry Parks
    • G06F9/30
    • G06F9/30189G06F9/30094G06F9/30174
    • A microprocessor includes a hardware instruction translator that translates an architectural instruction into first and second microinstructions. To execute the first microinstruction, an execution pipeline performs the shift operation on the first source operand to generate the first result and a carry flag value and updates a non-architectural carry flag with the generated carry flag value. To execute the second microinstruction, it performs the second operation on the first result and the second operand to generate the second result and new condition flag values based on the second result. If a architectural condition flags satisfy the condition, it updates the architectural carry flag with the non-architectural carry flag value and updates at least one of the other architectural condition flags with the corresponding generated new condition flag values; otherwise, it updates the architectural condition flags with the current value of the architectural condition flags.
    • 微处理器包括将架构指令转换成第一和第二微指令的硬件指令转换器。 为了执行第一微指令,执行流水线对第一源操作数执行移位操作以产生第一结果和进位标志值,并且利用所生成的进位标志值更新非架构进位标志。 为了执行第二微指令,它对第一结果和第二操作数执行第二操作,以基于第二结果产生第二结果和新条件标志值。 如果架构条件标志满足条件,则使用非架构进位标志值来更新架构进位标志,并用对应的生成的新条件标志值来更新其他架构状态标志中的至少一个; 否则,它使用架构条件标志的当前值更新架构条件标志。
    • 44. 发明授权
    • Microprocessor having internal secure memory
    • 微处理器具有内部安全存储器
    • US08838924B2
    • 2014-09-16
    • US12263143
    • 2008-10-31
    • G. Glenn HenryTerry Parks
    • G. Glenn HenryTerry Parks
    • G06F12/00G06F21/72G06F21/70
    • G06F21/72G06F12/1408G06F21/12G06F21/14G06F21/554G06F21/70G06F21/71G06F21/73G06F21/74G06F21/75G06F21/82
    • An apparatus providing for a secure execution environment. The apparatus includes a microprocessor that is configured to execute non-secure application programs and a secure application program, where the non-secure application programs are accessed from a system memory via a system bus. The microprocessor has a non-secure memory and a secure volatile memory. The non-secure memory is configured to store portions of the non-secure application programs for execution by the microprocessor, where the non-secure memory is observable and accessible by the non-secure application programs and by system bus resources within the microprocessor. The secure volatile memory is configured to store the secure application program for execution by the microprocessor, where the secure volatile memory is isolated from the non-secure application programs and the system bus resources within the microprocessor. The secure application program is decrypted using a processor unique key and is written to the secure volatile memory.
    • 一种提供安全执行环境的设备。 该装置包括被配置为执行非安全应用程序和安全应用程序的微处理器,其中通过系统总线从系统存储器访问非安全应用程序。 微处理器具有非安全存储器和安全易失性存储器。 非安全存储器被配置为存储用于由微处理器执行的非安全应用程序的部分,其中非安全存储器是可观察的并且可由非安全应用程序和微处理器内的系统总线资源访问。 安全易失性存储器被配置为存储用于由微处理器执行的安全应用程序,其中安全易失性存储器与非安全应用程序和微处理器内的系统总线资源隔离。 安全应用程序使用处理器唯一密钥解密,并被写入安全易失性存储器。
    • 46. 发明申请
    • 执行模式银行登记的模拟
    • US20120260073A1
    • 2012-10-11
    • US13413300
    • 2012-03-06
    • G. Glenn HenryTerry ParksRodney E. Hooker
    • G. Glenn HenryTerry ParksRodney E. Hooker
    • G06F9/302
    • G06F9/30189G06F9/30043G06F9/30076G06F9/30094G06F9/30123G06F9/30174G06F9/321G06F9/3802
    • A microprocessor includes processor modes comprising a user mode and a plurality of exception modes. An execution unit performs arithmetic operations on operands specified by program instructions. A first set of storage elements holds a first subset of the operands and provides them to the execution unit coupled thereto. A second set of storage elements associated with each of the modes hold a second subset of the operands and are incapable of directly providing the second operand subset to the execution unit. To enter a new mode from a current mode, logic saves the first operand subset held in the first set of storage elements to the second set of storage elements associated with the current mode and restores to the first set of storage elements the second operand subset held in the second set of storage elements associated with the new mode.
    • 微处理器包括包括用户模式和多个异常模式的处理器模式。 执行单元对程序指令指定的操作数执行算术运算。 第一组存储元件保存操作数的第一子集,并将它们提供给耦合到其的执行单元。 与每种模式相关联的第二组存储元件容纳操作数的第二子集,并且不能将第二操作数子集直接提供给执行单元。 为了从当前模式进入新模式,逻辑将保存在第一组存储元件中的第一操作数子集保存到与当前模式相关联的第二组存储元件,并将第二操作数子集保存到第一组存储元件 在与新模式相关联的第二组存储元件中。
    • 48. 发明授权
    • Pipelined microprocessor with fast conditional branch instructions based on static serializing instruction state
    • 流水线微处理器,具有基于静态串行化指令状态的快速条件分支指令
    • US08131984B2
    • 2012-03-06
    • US12481499
    • 2009-06-09
    • G. Glenn HenryTerry ParksBrent Bean
    • G. Glenn HenryTerry ParksBrent Bean
    • G06F9/32
    • G06F9/30058G06F9/3867
    • A microprocessor includes a control register that stores a control value that affects operation of the microprocessor. An instruction set architecture includes a conditional branch instruction that specifies a branch condition based on the control value stored in the control register, and a serializing instruction that updates the control value in the control register. The microprocessor completes all modifications to flags, registers, and memory by instructions previous to the serializing instruction and to drain all buffered writes to memory before it fetches and executes the next instruction after the serializing instruction. Execution units update the control value in the control register in response to the serializing instruction. A fetch unit fetches, decodes, and unconditionally correctly resolves and retires the conditional branch instruction based on the control value stored in the control register rather than dispatching the conditional branch instruction to the execution units to be resolved.
    • 微处理器包括控制寄存器,其存储影响微处理器的操作的控制值。 指令集架构包括基于存储在控制寄存器中的控制值来指定分支条件的条件转移指令,以及更新控制寄存器中的控制值的串行化指令。 微处理器通过串行化指令之前的指令完成对标志,寄存器和存储器的所有修改,并在串行化指令之前取出并执行下一条指令,将所有缓冲写入消耗到存储器中。 响应串行化指令,执行单元更新控制寄存器中的控制值。 取出单元基于存储在控制寄存器中的控制值来取得,解码和无条件地正确地解析和退出条件转移指令,而不是将条件转移指令分派到要解析的执行单元。
    • 49. 发明授权
    • Apparatus and method for fast correct resolution of call and return instructions using multiple call/return stacks in the presence of speculative conditional instruction execution in a pipelined microprocessor
    • 在存在流水线微处理器中的推测性条件指令执行的情况下,使用多个调用/返回堆栈快速正确解析呼叫和返回指令的装置和方法
    • US07975132B2
    • 2011-07-05
    • US12481074
    • 2009-06-09
    • Brent BeanTerry ParksG. Glenn Henry
    • Brent BeanTerry ParksG. Glenn Henry
    • G06F9/38
    • G06F9/30054G06F9/3806G06F9/3844
    • A microprocessor having a plurality of call/return stacks (CRS) correctly resolves a call or return instruction rather than issuing the instruction to execution units of the microprocessor to be resolved. The microprocessor fetches a call or return instruction and determines whether the instruction is the first call or return instruction fetched after fetching a conditional branch instruction that has yet to be resolved. The microprocessor copies the contents of a current CRS to another CRS and designates the other CRS as the current CRS, if the state exists. The microprocessor pushes the address of the next sequential instruction following the call instruction onto the current CRS and fetches an instruction at the call instruction target address if the instruction is a call instruction. The microprocessor pops a second return address from the current CRS and fetches an instruction at the second return address, if the instruction is a return instruction.
    • 具有多个呼叫/返回栈(CRS)的微处理器正确地解析了呼叫或返回指令,而不是向要解析的微处理器的执行单元发出指令。 微处理器获取一个调用或返回指令,并确定该指令是否是在获取尚未解决的条件分支指令之后获取的第一个调用或返回指令。 如果状态存在,则微处理器将当前CRS的内容复制到另一个CRS,并将其他CRS指定为当前CRS。 如果指令是呼叫指令,微处理器将呼叫指令之后的下一个顺序指令的地址推送到当前CRS上,并在调用指令目标地址处取指令。 如果指令是返回指令,则微处理器从当前CRS中弹出第二个返回地址,并在第二个返回地址处获取指令。