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    • 26. 发明授权
    • Tone synthesis apparatus and method
    • 音调合成装置及方法
    • US07557288B2
    • 2009-07-07
    • US11651699
    • 2007-01-09
    • Eiji AkazawaYasuyuki Umeyama
    • Eiji AkazawaYasuyuki Umeyama
    • G10H7/00
    • G10H1/02G10H7/008G10H2210/095G10H2250/035
    • In a storage section, there are stored special connecting waveform data for connecting between at least two notes to be generated in succession. The special connecting waveform data contain only a waveform of a succeeding-note region of a waveform connecting portion which is provided for a continuous transition between the at least two notes and which is divided into a preceding-note region and the succeeding-note region. When a connecting tone is to be generated for connecting between two notes in accordance with acquired performance information, a tone waveform connecting between waveforms of the two notes is generated using the special connecting waveform data. With such arrangements, the waveform data of the succeeding-note region are read out without waveform data of the preceding-note region being read out, so that it is possible to reduce a time required for transition from a preceding note to a succeeding note. Thus, in the connecting portion for continuously connecting between tones with no break therebetween, a tone can be synthesized with high quality without involving a tone generating delay in the succeeding note.
    • 在存储部分中,存储有用于连接要连续生成的至少两个音符的特殊连接波形数据。 特殊连接波形数据仅包含波形连接部分的后续区域的波形,该波形连接部分被提供用于至少两个音符之间的连续转换,并且被分成前一音符区域和后一个音符区域。 当根据获取的性能信息产生用于连接两个音符的连接音时,使用专用连接波形数据产生连接两个音符的波形之间的音调波形。 通过这样的配置,在读出前一音符区域的波形数据的同时读出后续音符区域的波形数据,从而可以减少从前一音符到后续音符的转换所需的时间。 因此,在用于连续地连接音调而不间断的连接部分中,可以高质量地合成音调,而不会在后续音符中产生音调产生延迟。
    • 27. 发明授权
    • Rendition style determination apparatus and method
    • 呈现风格确定装置及方法
    • US07420113B2
    • 2008-09-02
    • US11261388
    • 2005-10-27
    • Kyoko Ohno
    • Kyoko Ohno
    • A63H5/00G04B13/00G10H7/00
    • G10H7/02G10H1/0575G10H2210/095
    • On the basis of performance event information, at least two notes to be sounded in succession or in an overlapping relation to each other are detected, and a tone pitch difference between the detected at least two notes is detected. Tone pitch difference limitation ranges are set in corresponding relation to various rendition styles. Rendition style to be imparted to the notes to be sounded in succession or in an overlapping relation is designated, and a comparison is made between a tone pitch difference limitation range corresponding to the designated rendition style and the detected tone pitch difference, so as determine whether the designated rendition style is applicable or not. In this way, whether the designated rendition style is to be applied or not is automatically controlled in accordance with the tone pitch difference of the at least two notes to be imparted with the rendition style. Further, pitch range limitation ranges are set in corresponding relation to various rendition styles, and the applicability of a designated rendition style is controlled depending on whether or not a tone to be imparted with the designated rendition style is within the pitch range limitation range corresponding to the designated rendition style.
    • 基于演奏事件信息,检测到连续发声或彼此重叠的至少两个音符,并且检测到所检测到的至少两个音符之间的音调间距差异。 音调差距限制范围与各种演绎风格相对应设定。 指定赋予连续发音或重叠音调的音符的呈现风格,并且对与指定的再现风格相对应的音调差限制范围和检测到的音调音调差进行比较,以便确定是否 指定的演绎风格是否适用。 以这种方式,是否根据要赋予演绎风格的至少两个音符的音调差来自动地控制指定的再现风格是否被应用。 此外,音调范围限制范围被设置为与各种演绎风格相对应的关系,并且指定的再现风格的适用性根据被赋予指定的再现风格的音调是否在对应于音调范围限制范围内 指定的演绎风格。
    • 28. 发明申请
    • Tone synthesis apparatus and method
    • 音调合成装置及方法
    • US20070157796A1
    • 2007-07-12
    • US11651699
    • 2007-01-09
    • Eiji AkazawaYasuyuki Umeyama
    • Eiji AkazawaYasuyuki Umeyama
    • G10H7/00
    • G10H1/02G10H7/008G10H2210/095G10H2250/035
    • In a storage section, there are stored special connecting waveform data for connecting between at least two notes to be generated in succession. The special connecting waveform data contain only a waveform of a succeeding-note region of a waveform connecting portion which is provided for a continuous transition between the at least two notes and which is divided into a preceding-note region and the succeeding-note region. When a connecting tone is to be generated for connecting between two notes in accordance with acquired performance information, a tone waveform connecting between waveforms of the two notes is generated using the special connecting waveform data. With such arrangements, the waveform data of the succeeding-note region are read out without waveform data of the preceding-note region being read out, so that it is possible to reduce a time required for transition from a preceding note to a succeeding note. Thus, in the connecting portion for continuously connecting between tones with no break therebetween, a tone can be synthesized with high quality without involving a tone generating delay in the succeeding note.
    • 在存储部分中,存储有用于连接要连续生成的至少两个音符的特殊连接波形数据。 特殊连接波形数据仅包含波形连接部分的后续区域的波形,该波形连接部分被提供用于至少两个音符之间的连续转换,并且被分成前一音符区域和后一个音符区域。 当根据获取的性能信息产生用于连接两个音符的连接音时,使用专用连接波形数据产生连接两个音符的波形之间的音调波形。 通过这样的配置,在读出前一音符区域的波形数据的同时读出后续音符区域的波形数据,从而可以减少从前一音符到后续音符的转换所需的时间。 因此,在用于连续地连接音调而不间断的连接部分中,可以高质量地合成音调,而不会在后续音符中产生音调产生延迟。
    • 29. 发明申请
    • Rendition style determination apparatus and method
    • 呈现风格确定装置及方法
    • US20060090631A1
    • 2006-05-04
    • US11261388
    • 2005-10-27
    • Kyoko Ohno
    • Kyoko Ohno
    • G10H1/02
    • G10H7/02G10H1/0575G10H2210/095
    • On the basis of performance event information, at least two notes to be sounded in succession or in an overlapping relation to each other are detected, and a tone pitch difference between the detected at least two notes is detected. Tone pitch difference limitation ranges are set in corresponding relation to various rendition styles. Rendition style to be imparted to the notes to be sounded in succession or in an overlapping relation is designated, and a comparison is made between a tone pitch difference limitation range corresponding to the designated rendition style and the detected tone pitch difference, so as determine whether the designated rendition style is applicable or not. In this way, whether the designated rendition style is to be applied or not is automatically controlled in accordance with the tone pitch difference of the at least two notes to be imparted with the rendition style. Further, pitch range limitation ranges are set in corresponding relation to various rendition styles, and the applicability of a designated rendition style is controlled depending on whether or not a tone to be imparted with the designated rendition style is within the pitch range limitation range corresponding to the designated rendition style.
    • 基于演奏事件信息,检测到连续发声或彼此重叠的至少两个音符,并且检测到所检测到的至少两个音符之间的音调间距差异。 音调差距限制范围与各种演绎风格相对应设定。 指定赋予连续发音或重叠音调的音符的呈现风格,并且对与指定的再现风格相对应的音调差限制范围与检测到的音调音调差进行比较,以便确定是否 指定的演绎风格是否适用。 以这种方式,是否根据要赋予演绎风格的至少两个音符的音调差来自动地控制指定的再现风格是否被应用。 此外,音调范围限制范围被设置为与各种演绎风格相对应的关系,并且指定的再现风格的适用性根据被赋予指定的再现风格的音调是否在对应于音调范围限制范围内 指定的演绎风格。
    • 30. 发明授权
    • Method and apparatus for producing a waveform based on a style-of-rendition module
    • 基于演播模式生成波形的方法和装置
    • US06531652B1
    • 2003-03-11
    • US09667955
    • 2000-09-22
    • Hideo SuzukiHideyuki MasudaMotoichi TamuraSatoshi UsaYasuyuki Umeyama
    • Hideo SuzukiHideyuki MasudaMotoichi TamuraSatoshi UsaYasuyuki Umeyama
    • G10H102
    • G10H7/008G10H1/0066G10H1/02G10H2210/095G10H2250/035
    • Style-of-rendition identification information representing a style of rendition of a performance tone is received, and reference is made to a predetermined table on the basis of the received style-of-rendition identification information to thereby obtain, from the table, style-of-rendition module data corresponding to the received style-of-rendition identification information. Waveform is produced on the basis of the obtained style-of-rendition module data. The style-of-rendition module data is data representing behavior of a waveform to be produced in accordance with a style of rendition and may include data representing characteristic behavior of vectors that control the waveform to be reproduced. The behavior of the waveform can be defined by various waveform factors. The vectors include, for example, vectors of various fundamental waveform factors for producing the waveform, such as a waveform shape, pitch, amplitude and time axis.
    • 接收表示演奏音调的演奏风格的再现方式识别信息,根据接收到的再现格式识别信息,对预定表进行参照,从表格中, 与所接收的再现格式识别信息对应的再现模块数据。 在获得的再现模式数据的基础上产生波形。 再现模式数据是表示根据再现风格产生的波形的行为的数据,并且可以包括表示控制要再现的波形的矢量的特征行为的数据。 波形的行为可以通过各种波形因子来定义。 向量包括例如用于产生波形的各种基本波形因子的矢量,例如波形形状,音调,幅度和时间轴。