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    • 11. 发明申请
    • Apparatus and method for making garments starting from a knitted hose
    • 从针织软管开始制造服装的装置和方法
    • US20050109465A1
    • 2005-05-26
    • US10935717
    • 2004-09-08
    • Gino Bassi
    • Gino Bassi
    • A41B9/00B32B1/00
    • A41B9/001
    • An apparatus (50) to provide knitted articles starting from a knitted hose has a tubular support (1) and a head of application (10) that fixes an elastic band (30) on the knitted hose (60) put on support (1) same. The elastic band (30) is fixed to the knitted hose (60) at edges which are cut following the desired shape of the article. In case of pants, the knitted hose (60) is initially subject to a step of making the apertures for the legs and then to applying elastic bands at the edges. Tubular support (1) is brought into rotation by a motor (25) about an electronically controlled axis (5) and cooperates with the head of application (10) sliding along a direction (16) and rotating about an axis (15) orthogonal to the axis of the support (1). A combined relative motion between support (1) and head (10) allows, then, to apply the band (30) at the edges of hose (60) with high precision and at a high speed. The head of application (10) can be moved according to two degrees of freedom pivotally connecting it by an arm (11) to a carriage (71) sliding on a guide (72) in direction (16). The angular position of the axis (5) of tubular support (1) can be instantly measured, for example, by coupling the motor (25) to an encoder, or a resolver, or a potentiometer, etc. Similarly, it is possible to know the position of the head of application (10) in order to carry out the application of elastic band (30) on the cut edges of hose (60) with high precision.
    • 从针织软管开始提供针织物的装置(50)具有:将支撑体(1)上的针织软管(60)上的弹性带(30)固定的管状支撑(1)和应用头(10) 相同。 弹性带(30)在沿着物品的所需形状切割的边缘处固定到针织软管(60)。 在裤子的情况下,针织软管(60)最初经受制造用于腿部的孔的步骤,然后在边缘处施加弹性带。 管状支撑件(1)通过电动机(25)围绕电子控制轴线(5)旋转,并与沿着方向(16)滑动并沿着与轴正交的轴线(15)旋转的施加头部(10)配合 支撑件(1)的轴线。 支撑件(1)和头部(10)之间的组合的相对运动允许以高精度和高速度将软管(60)的边缘处施加带(30)。 应用头(10)可以根据两个自由度将其通过臂(11)枢转地连接到在方向(16)上在导向件(72)上滑动的滑架(71)来移动。 管状支撑件(1)的轴线(5)的角位置可以例如通过将电动机(25)耦合到编码器或旋转变压器或电位器等来立即测量。类似地, 知道应用头(10)的位置,以便以高精度在软管(60)的切割边缘上执行弹性带(30)的应用。