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    • 16. 发明授权
    • Encoded data processing
    • 编码数据处理
    • US08832046B2
    • 2014-09-09
    • US13617614
    • 2012-09-14
    • Hubertus FrankeBalakrishna R. IyerHong MinTerence P. PurcellGuogen Zhang
    • Hubertus FrankeBalakrishna R. IyerHong MinTerence P. PurcellGuogen Zhang
    • G06F17/00G06F17/30H03M7/30
    • G06F17/30286G06F17/30076G06F17/30339H03M7/30
    • Techniques are provided for encoded data processing which allows for continuous data processing as encoded data changes. Data is decomposed into one or more blocks with each block containing at least one data record. At least one data record within a given block is encoded with a first encoding process selected from one or more encoding processes. The first encoding process is associated with the given data block. Techniques evaluate whether or not to implement an encoding change for a given block when updating a given data record in the given block. Responsive to the evaluation, the given block is re-encoded with a second encoding process. Responsive to the re-encoding, the association of the given block is updated. A map is formed to convert the given data record encoded with the first encoding process to the second encoding process so as to preserve comparative relationships of the given data record.
    • 为编码数据处理提供技术,其允许作为编码数据变化的连续数据处理。 数据被分解为一个或多个块,每个块包含至少一个数据记录。 使用从一个或多个编码过程中选择的第一编码过程对给定块内的至少一个数据记录进行编码。 第一编码过程与给定的数据块相关联。 技术评估在给定块中更新给定数据记录时是否实现给定块的编码更改。 响应于评估,给定的块用第二编码过程重新编码。 响应于重新编码,给定块的关联更新。 形成地图以将用第一编码处理编码的给定数据记录转换为第二编码处理,以便保持给定数据记录的比较关系。
    • 17. 发明授权
    • Efficient XML schema validation of XML fragments using annotated automaton encoding
    • 使用注释自动机编码的XML片段的高效XML模式验证
    • US07890479B2
    • 2011-02-15
    • US12197592
    • 2008-08-25
    • Yao-Ching Stephen ChenFen-Ling LinNing WangGuogen Zhang
    • Yao-Ching Stephen ChenFen-Ling LinNing WangGuogen Zhang
    • G06F17/30
    • G06F17/2725G06F17/2229G06F17/2247Y10S707/99942Y10S707/99943
    • An XML schema is compiled into an annotated automaton encoding, which includes a parsing table for structural information and annotation for type information. The representation is extended to include a mapping from schema types to states in a parsing table. To validate a fragment against a schema type, it is necessary simply to determine the state corresponding to the schema type, and start the validation process from that state. When the process returns to the state, fragment validation has reached successful completion. This approach is more efficient than a general tree representation. Only the data representation of the schema information is handled, making it much easier than manipulating validation parser code generated by a parser generator. In addition, only one representation is needed for schema information for both document and fragment validation. This approach also provides a basis for incremental validation after update.
    • XML模式被编译成带注释的自动机编码,其包括用于结构信息的解析表和类型信息的注释。 该表示扩展为包括从模式类型到解析表中的状态的映射。 要根据模式类型验证片段,只需确定与模式类型相对应的状态,并从该状态启动验证过程。 当进程返回到状态时,片段验证已经成功完成。 这种方法比一般的树表示效率更高。 只处理模式信息的数据表示,使得它比操纵解析器生成器生成的验证解析器代码容易得多。 此外,文档和片段验证的模式信息只需要一个表示。 这种方法还为更新后的增量验证提供了基础。
    • 19. 发明申请
    • Streaming XPath algorithm for XPath expressions with predicates
    • 具有谓词的XPath表达式的流式XPath算法
    • US20070198479A1
    • 2007-08-23
    • US11356366
    • 2006-02-16
    • Mengchu CaiJason CuFen-Ling LinGuogen ZhangQinghua Zou
    • Mengchu CaiJason CuFen-Ling LinGuogen ZhangQinghua Zou
    • G06F17/30
    • G06F16/8373
    • A method and system for evaluating a path query are disclosed. The path query corresponds to a query tree including a plurality of query nodes. At least one query node corresponds to at least one predicate and is at a level. The predicate(s) are evaluated for previous query node(s). The method and system include scanning data nodes of a document and determining if the data nodes match the query nodes. The method and system also include placing data related to the data node in match stacks corresponding to matched query nodes. The data for the query node(s) include attribute(s) corresponding to the predicate(s). The method and system further include propagating a matching of the at least one query node backward to a matching of the at least one previous query node.
    • 公开了一种用于评估路径查询的方法和系统。 路径查询对应于包括多个查询节点的查询树。 至少一个查询节点对应于至少一个谓词并处于一个级别。 对先前的查询节点评估谓词。 该方法和系统包括扫描文档的数据节点并确定数据节点是否匹配查询节点。 该方法和系统还包括将与数据节点相关的数据放置在与匹配查询节点相对应的匹配堆栈中。 查询节点的数据包括对应于谓词的属性。 所述方法和系统还包括将所述至少一个查询节点的匹配向后传播到所述至少一个先前查询节点的匹配。