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    • 151. 发明申请
    • Electricity-conducting wheel structure
    • 导电轮结构
    • US20100199458A1
    • 2010-08-12
    • US12379005
    • 2009-02-11
    • Li-Lan Yan
    • Li-Lan Yan
    • B60B33/00
    • B60B33/021B60B33/0021B60B33/0028B60B33/0042B60B33/0049B60B33/0057B60B33/0068B60B33/0073B60B33/025Y10T16/184
    • An electricity-conducting wheel includes a holding member, a wheel member, an electricity conducting plate, and an intermediate electricity conducting piece; the holding member is joined on a metallic bearing joined on a lower end of a rotary shaft on a bottom of a hospital bed/wheelchair, and has a pivotal hole thereon; the wheel member is joined on the holding member with a shaft being passed through the pivotal hole of the holding member; the electricity conducting plate is securely joined around the bearing, and wrapped in the holding member, and it has a bending electricity conducting part on a lower end thereof; the intermediate piece has an electricity conducting part on an upper end, and it is connected to the electricity conducting plate at the upper electricity conducting part; the intermediate piece has a hole on a lower end thereof, through which the shaft of the wheel member is passed.
    • 导电轮包括保持构件,轮构件,导电板和中间导电片; 保持构件接合在医院床/轮椅的底部上的旋转轴的下端上接合的金属轴承上,并且在其上具有枢转孔; 所述轮构件通过所述保持构件的所述枢转孔而被接合在所述保持构件上; 导电板牢固地接合在轴承周围,并被包裹在保持构件中,并且在其下端具有弯曲导电部分。 中间件在上端具有导电部分,并且在上部导电部分处连接到导电板; 中间件在其下端具有孔,轮构件的轴穿过该孔。
    • 154. 发明授权
    • Self-orienting caster for pieces of furniture and the like
    • 用于家具等的自立式脚轮
    • US07647673B2
    • 2010-01-19
    • US10591167
    • 2005-01-28
    • Francescantonio Melara
    • Francescantonio Melara
    • B60B33/00
    • B60B33/0028B60B3/048B60B33/001B60B33/0021B60B33/0042B60B33/0049B60B33/0057B60B33/0068B60B33/0073F16C19/26F16C33/4652F16C33/498Y10T16/18Y10T16/184Y10T16/195
    • A self-orienting caster for pieces of furniture, comprising a pair of wheels, which are supported so that they can rotate about a horizontal axis by a supporting body, which has a cylindrical recess that has a vertical axis and is open upward and axially offset with respect to the horizontal axis, and in which a pivot for the caster is inserted rotatably, the pivot being insertable in a receptacle of the piece of furniture in which the caster is to be fitted, further comprising a through seat formed in the body, a tubular element that is driven through the seat coaxially to the horizontal axis and has two cylindrical tubular portions that lie on opposite sides of the body in order to rotatably support the wheels, devices for the axial and rotational locking of the tubular element in the seat and devices for retaining the wheels on the tubular portions.
    • 一种用于家具的自立式脚轮,包括一对轮,其被支撑成使得它们能够通过支撑体围绕水平轴线旋转,所述支撑体具有圆柱形凹部,所述圆柱形凹部具有垂直轴线并且向上敞开并且轴向偏移 相对于水平轴线,并且其中用于脚轮的枢轴可旋转地插入,所述枢轴可插入到所述脚轮配合的所述家具的容器中,还包括形成在所述主体中的通孔, 一个管状元件,其通过座位与水平轴线同轴地驱动,并且具有两个位于主体的相对侧上的圆柱形管状部分,以便可旋转地支撑车轮,用于将管状元件轴向和旋转锁定在座椅中的装置 以及用于将轮保持在管状部分上的装置。
    • 159. 发明申请
    • Wheel structure with a central control
    • 车轮结构与中央控制
    • US20090031533A1
    • 2009-02-05
    • US11882128
    • 2007-07-31
    • Li-Lan Yan
    • Li-Lan Yan
    • B60B33/00
    • B60B33/0002A61G7/05A61G7/0528B60B33/0028B60B33/0039B60B33/0049B60B33/0057B60B33/0068B60B33/0073B60B33/0081B60B33/021B60B33/025Y10T16/18Y10T16/195Y10T16/199
    • A wheel structure includes a central sleeve, a central controlling shaft joined to the central shaft, a wheel pivoting on an extension portion of the central shaft, and a braking unit; the central controlling shaft includes a controlling piece, and a connecting part for controlling the controlling piece; a position-limiting element is secured in the central sleeve, which is next to the controlling piece, and has a position-limiting hole having the same outline as the controlling piece; the braking unit is arranged in the central sleeve in a movable manner, and biased upwards by springs; the central controlling shaft is operable to change the wheel into first, second, and third configurations; in the first configuration, the wheel can move and turn left and right freely; in the second one, the wheel can only move in a direct course; in the third one, the wheel is immobile.
    • 车轮结构包括中心套筒,连接到中心轴的中央控制轴,在中心轴的延伸部分上枢转的车轮和制动单元; 所述中央控制轴包括控制件和用于控制所述控制件的连接部件; 定位元件固定在与控制件相邻的中心套筒中,并且具有与控制件具有相同轮廓的位置限制孔; 制动单元以可移动的方式布置在中心套筒中,并由弹簧向上偏置; 中央控制轴可操作以将车轮改变为第一,第二和第三配置; 在第一种配置中,轮可以自由移动和左右转动; 在第二个,轮只能直接移动; 在第三个,轮子是不动的。
    • 160. 发明申请
    • Rotating caster used in children's furniture
    • 旋转脚轮用于儿童家具
    • US20080276427A1
    • 2008-11-13
    • US11977121
    • 2007-10-23
    • Roberto Nicola Schioppa
    • Roberto Nicola Schioppa
    • B60B33/00
    • B60B33/0028B60B33/0007B60B33/0021B60B33/0042B60B33/0049B60B33/0057B60B33/0068B60B33/0073B60B33/0086Y10T16/195
    • A rotating caster used in children's furniture represented by a solution allowing the utilization of a rotating caster very different from those frequently used in the state of the technique, and such differentiation may be translated by the fact that this device presents an organic shaped main body containing no bumps, especially those punctiform shaped, assuring the children's integrity in case of parts of their bodies colliding with the exposed faces of this type of device; also, this condition further collaborates by assuring a higher concentration power of the child towards the furniture. Furthermore, in order to assure a longer interaction of the child with the caster, the latter presents in its front part the installation of interchangeable elements, which may present all sorts of organic shapes, as long as they do not contain shoulders. This rotating caster also brings within an unheard of pulleys locking system formed by a pedal formed by a lever the intermediate part of which presents gear segments positioned beside the intermediate housing ends and which interact with the teeth of the locking ring set in the internal pulleys part.
    • 用于儿童家具的旋转脚轮由能够利用与技术状态中经常使用的旋转脚轮非常不同的解决方案所代表的旋转脚轮以及这种差异可以通过以下事实来转化:该装置呈现有机形状的主体, 没有颠簸,特别是那些点状的,确保了身体的一部分与这种装置的暴露面碰撞时的孩子的完整性; 此外,这种情况进一​​步合作,确保儿童对家具的集中力越来越高。 此外,为了确保儿童与脚轮的长时间相互作用,后者在前面部分安装了可互换元件,可以呈现各种有机形状,只要它们不包含肩部。 这种旋转脚轮还带有一个未知的滑轮锁定系统,该系统由一个由杠杆构成的踏板形成,该踏板的中间部分设置在中间壳体端部旁边的齿轮段,并且与位于内部滑轮部分中的锁定环的齿相互作用 。