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    • 1. 发明授权
    • Spring disc energy harvester apparatus and method
    • 弹簧盘式能量收集装置及方法
    • US08415860B2
    • 2013-04-09
    • US12792151
    • 2010-06-02
    • Matthew C. MalkinGerardo Pena
    • Matthew C. MalkinGerardo Pena
    • H01L41/00H02N2/00
    • H02N2/22H01L41/053H01L41/0536H01L41/25H02N2/021H02N2/186Y10T29/42
    • An energy harvesting apparatus and method that is especially well suited for harvesting low frequency broadband vibration energy from a vibrating structure is presented. The apparatus includes a pair of disc springs that are arranged in an opposing relationship. A threaded fastening member and a threaded nut extend through apertures in each of the disc springs and enable a predetermined preload force to be applied to the disc springs. The preload effectively “softens” the disc springs, thus heightening the sensitivity of the disc springs to low frequency, low amplitude vibration energy. A piezoelectric material ring is secured to each of the disc springs. Each piezoelectric material ring experiences changes in strain as its associated disc spring deflects in response to vibration energy experienced from a vibrating structure. The electrical output from each piezoelectric material ring can be used to power or activate various forms of electronic sensors and devices, or it can be conditioned and stored in a circuit for later use.
    • 提出了一种特别适用于从振动结构中收获低频宽带振动能的能量收集装置和方法。 该装置包括以相对关系布置的一对碟形弹簧。 螺纹紧固构件和螺纹螺母延伸穿过每个碟形弹簧中的孔,并且能够将预定的预加载力施加到盘形弹簧。 预压力有效地使碟形弹簧软化,从而将碟形弹簧的灵敏度提高到低频,低振幅的振动能量。 压电材料环被固定到每个盘形弹簧。 每个压电材料环响应于由振动结构所经受的振动能量而相应的弹簧偏转,经历应变变化。 来自每个压电材料环的电输出可用于对各种形式的电子传感器和设备供电或激活,或者可将其调节并存储在电路中供以后使用。
    • 2. 发明申请
    • 将第一平面导体与第二导体连接的方法和装置及方法
    • US20080305652A1
    • 2008-12-11
    • US11759794
    • 2007-06-07
    • Matthew C. MalkinXinlin Peter Qing
    • Matthew C. MalkinXinlin Peter Qing
    • H01R12/00
    • H01R12/616
    • An apparatus for establishing a substantially unitary connecting structure including a generally flat conductor member carrying a first plurality of first electrical conductors and a second conductor member carrying a second plurality of second electrical conductors includes: (a) an electrical connecting structure configured for receiving the second conductor member to establish electrical connection between at least one first electrical conductor of the first plurality of first electrical conductors and at least one second electrical conductor of the second plurality of second electrical conductors; (b) a generally inflexible support structure; and (c) at least one connecting member traversing the flat conductor member and cooperating with the electrical connecting structure and the support structure for capturing the flat conductor member between the connecting structure and the support structure in an installed orientation.
    • 一种用于建立基本上单一的连接结构的装置,包括承载第一多个第一电导体的大致平坦的导体构件和承载第二多个第二电导体的第二导体构件,包括:(a)电连接结构, 在第一多个第一电导体的至少一个第一电导体和第二多个第二电导体的至少一个第二电导体之间建立电连接; (b)通常不灵活的支撑结构; 和(c)穿过扁平导体构件并与电连接结构和支撑结构配合的至少一个连接构件,用于以安装的方向在连接结构和支撑结构之间捕获扁平导体构件。
    • 6. 发明授权
    • Method and apparatus and method for connecting a first flat conductor with a second conductor
    • 用于将第一扁平导体与第二导体连接的方法和装置及方法
    • US07507100B2
    • 2009-03-24
    • US11759794
    • 2007-06-07
    • Matthew C. MalkinXinlin Peter Qing
    • Matthew C. MalkinXinlin Peter Qing
    • H01R13/62
    • H01R12/616
    • An apparatus for establishing a substantially unitary connecting structure including a generally flat conductor member carrying a first plurality of first electrical conductors and a second conductor member carrying a second plurality of second electrical conductors includes: (a) an electrical connecting structure configured for receiving the second conductor member to establish electrical connection between at least one first electrical conductor of the first plurality of first electrical conductors and at least one second electrical conductor of the second plurality of second electrical conductors; (b) a generally inflexible support structure; and (c) at least one connecting member traversing the flat conductor member and cooperating with the electrical connecting structure and the support structure for capturing the flat conductor member between the connecting structure and the support structure in an installed orientation.
    • 一种用于建立基本上单一的连接结构的装置,包括承载第一多个第一电导体的大致平坦的导体构件和承载第二多个第二电导体的第二导体构件,包括:(a)电连接结构, 在第一多个第一电导体的至少一个第一电导体和第二多个第二电导体的至少一个第二电导体之间建立电连接; (b)通常不灵活的支撑结构; 和(c)穿过扁平导体构件并与电连接结构和支撑结构配合的至少一个连接构件,用于以安装的方向在连接结构和支撑结构之间捕获扁平导体构件。
    • 9. 发明授权
    • Multi-frequency piezoelectric energy harvester
    • 多频压电能量采集器
    • US06858970B2
    • 2005-02-22
    • US10274577
    • 2002-10-21
    • Matthew C. MalkinChristopher L. Davis
    • Matthew C. MalkinChristopher L. Davis
    • H01L41/113H02N2/18H01L41/08
    • H01L41/1136
    • A piezoelectric device connected to a vibration source converts vibration energy to electrical current. A plurality of pairs of oppositely polarized piezoelectric wafers deflect to produce an electrical current. Each pair of wafers are arranged back-to-back and electrically joined together. The plurality of pairs of wafers are each connected to a set of micro-machined parts. Each pair of wafers form a bimorph, configured as a cantilevered beam attached to a set of parts to form an element. Each cantilevered beam has a mass weighted first end and is fixedly attached to one or more flexible sheaths on a second end. A plurality of elements form a cell unit. A plurality of cell units form an array. The electrical current produced varies by the number of elements per cell unit, and/or with the number of cell units per array.
    • 连接到振动源的压电装置将振动能量转换为电流。 多对相对极化的压电晶片偏转以产生电流。 每对晶片被背对背地布置并电连接在一起。 多对晶片各自连接到一组微加工零件。 每对晶片形成双压电晶片,其构造为连接到一组部件以形成元件的悬臂梁。 每个悬臂梁具有质量称重的第一端,并且固定地附接到第二端上的一个或多个柔性护套。 多个元件形成单元单元。 多个单元单元形成阵列。 所产生的电流随每个单元单元的元件数量和/或每个阵列的单元数量数量而变化。
    • 10. 发明申请
    • 弹簧式收割机装置及方法
    • US20100237748A1
    • 2010-09-23
    • US12792151
    • 2010-06-02
    • Matthew C. MalkinGerardo Peña
    • Matthew C. MalkinGerardo Peña
    • F03G7/08H02N2/18H04R17/00
    • H02N2/22H01L41/053H01L41/0536H01L41/25H02N2/021H02N2/186Y10T29/42
    • An energy harvesting apparatus and method that is especially well suited for harvesting low frequency broadband vibration energy from a vibrating structure is presented. The apparatus includes a pair of disc springs that are arranged in an opposing relationship. A threaded fastening member and a threaded nut extend through apertures in each of the disc springs and enable a predetermined preload force to be applied to the disc springs. The preload effectively “softens” the disc springs, thus heightening the sensitivity of the disc springs to low frequency, low amplitude vibration energy. A piezoelectric material ring is secured to each of the disc springs. Each piezoelectric material ring experiences changes in strain as its associated disc spring deflects in response to vibration energy experienced from a vibrating structure. The electrical output from each piezoelectric material ring can be used to power or activate various forms of electronic sensors and devices, or it can be conditioned and stored in a circuit for later use.
    • 提出了一种特别适用于从振动结构中收获低频宽带振动能的能量收集装置和方法。 该装置包括以相对关系布置的一对碟形弹簧。 螺纹紧固构件和螺纹螺母延伸穿过每个碟形弹簧中的孔,并且能够将预定的预加载力施加到盘形弹簧。 预压有效地“软化”碟形弹簧,从而将碟形弹簧的灵敏度提高到低频,低振幅的振动能量。 压电材料环被固定到每个盘形弹簧。 每个压电材料环响应于由振动结构所经受的振动能量而相应的弹簧偏转,经历应变变化。 来自每个压电材料环的电输出可用于对各种形式的电子传感器和设备供电或激活,或者可将其调节并存储在电路中供以后使用。