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    • 1. 发明公开
    • 의류처리장치
    • 洗衣机
    • KR1020140100227A
    • 2014-08-14
    • KR1020130013293
    • 2013-02-06
    • 엘지전자 주식회사
    • 김영석홍상욱
    • D06F25/00D06F39/00D06F39/12F24H4/06
    • D06F25/00D06F37/04D06F37/22D06F37/26D06F39/12D06F58/206D06F58/24F24H4/06
    • The present invention relates to a laundry machine which comprises: a cabinet forming appearance having an inlet; a clothing containing part to receive laundry supplied through the inlet; a hot-air supplying unit which includes a circulation conduit to withdraw air from the clothing containing part to supply air into the clothing containing part and placed on top of the clothing containing part, a heat exchanger provided in the circulation conduit, and a blower arranged between the heat exchanger and the front surface of the clothing containing part to circulate the air inside the clothing containing part; and a first fastening member fixated to the cabinet to fixate the circulation conduit inside the cabinet.
    • 洗衣机技术领域本发明涉及一种洗衣机,其包括:具有入口的橱柜形成外观; 衣物容纳部分,用于接收通过入口供应的洗衣物; 热空气供应单元,其包括循环管道,用于从衣物收纳部分抽出空气以将空气供应到衣物容纳部分中并放置在衣物容纳部分的顶部,设置在循环管道中的热交换器和布置成 在所述热交换器与所述衣物容纳部的前表面之间,使所述衣物容纳部内的空气循环; 以及第一紧固构件,其固定到所述机壳以将所述循环管道固定在所述机柜内。
    • 3. 发明公开
    • 열병합 발전 시스템
    • CO生成系统
    • KR1020100030113A
    • 2010-03-18
    • KR1020080088902
    • 2008-09-09
    • 엘지전자 주식회사
    • 조은준박일웅류홍곤
    • F24H9/20F24H4/06F02G5/04
    • Y02E20/14Y02P80/15Y02T10/166F24H9/2064F02G5/04F24H4/06F24H2240/02Y02B30/625
    • PURPOSE: A cogeneration system is provided so that the outside air is preheated using the waste heat of the engine absorbed with the during heating thermal medium. The implantation of the outdoor heat exchanger is prevented. CONSTITUTION: A cogeneration system comprises a heat exchanger(30) and a refrigerant regulator. The heat exchanger comprises the heat medium oil(31) and the first and second coolant flows(32, 33). The thermal medium collecting the heat of the driving generator circle passes through the heat medium oil furnace, and is thereafter located to the first and second refrigerant based on the flow direction of the air to the heat medium oil with the previous. The refrigerant controller flows refrigerant in the cooling operation to the first coolant flow. The refrigerant controller flows refrigerant in the heating operation to the second coolant flow.
    • 目的:提供一种热电联产系统,以便利用在加热热介质中吸收的发动机废热预热外部空气。 防止室外热交换器的注入。 构成:热电联产系统包括热交换器(30)和制冷剂调节器。 热交换器包括热介质油(31)和第一和第二冷却剂流(32,33)。 收集驱动发电机圆的热量的热介质通过热介质油炉,然后基于与先前的热介质油的空气的流动方向位于第一和第二制冷剂上。 制冷剂控制器将制冷运转中的制冷剂流向第一冷却剂流。 制冷剂控制器将制热运转中的制冷剂流向第二冷却剂流。
    • 4. 发明公开
    • 4계절용 냉난방기
    • 四季节能节约能源的冷却和加热系统
    • KR1020040094304A
    • 2004-11-09
    • KR1020040021047
    • 2004-03-27
    • 이정호
    • 이정호
    • F24H4/06F25B30/02
    • F24H4/06F25B30/02Y02B30/12
    • PURPOSE: A cooling and heating system for four seasons is provided to run a heating cycle of a first refrigerant using a second heat medium heating when the atmosphere air condition is bad for the heating cycle. CONSTITUTION: A cooling and heating system is composed of a compressor(10), an indoor heat exchanger(2) for condensing a refrigerant, an expanding unit(6) for expanding liquid refrigerant in lower pressure, and an outdoor heat exchanger(7) for evaporating the expanded refrigerant. The cooling and heating system further comprises an atmosphere air compensation unit having a heater(3), a pump, and a heat exchanger(4) having two independent flow paths at an evaporation process. When a first refrigerant is not evaporated, a second refrigerant is evaporated by the heating unit so as to be heat-exchanged with the first refrigerant to be discharged into the compressor.
    • 目的:提供四个季节的冷却和加热系统,当大气空气条件对加热循环不利时,使用第二热介质加热来运行第一制冷剂的加热循环。 构成:冷却和加热系统由压缩机(10),用于冷凝制冷剂的室内热交换器(2),用于膨胀低压液体制冷剂的膨胀单元(6)和室外热交换器(7)组成, 用于蒸发膨胀的制冷剂。 冷却和加热系统还包括具有在蒸发过程中具有两个独立流动路径的加热器(3),泵和热交换器(4)的气氛空气补偿单元。 当第一制冷剂不蒸发时,第二制冷剂被加热单元蒸发,以便与第一制冷剂进行热交换以排放到压缩机中。
    • 5. 实用新型
    • 열매체를 사용하는 냉난방시스템
    • 采用加热介质的加热和冷却系统
    • KR200350499Y1
    • 2004-05-17
    • KR2020040003203
    • 2004-02-10
    • (주)디티에스
    • 임관호
    • F24H4/06
    • F24F5/001F24H4/06F25B41/04F25B47/022F25B49/02F25B2600/05
    • 본 고안은 냉난방시스템에 관한 것으로, 더욱 상세하게는 특히 응축기와 증발기를 포함하는 냉매순환회로에 열매체순환회로를 추가함으로써 히트펌프의 기능으로 사용시에도 증발기에 성에가 발생하지 않도록 하는 열매체를 사용하는 냉난방시스템에 관한 것이다. 본 고안의 바람직한 실시예에 따른 열매체를 사용하는 냉난방시스템은 증발기, 압축기, 응축기, 팽창밸브가 형성된 냉매순환회로가 하나 이상 구비된 냉매순환시스템; 상기 증발기와 공랭식 열교환기를 경유하는 폐회로인 제1열매체순환회로; 상기 응축기와 실내기를 경유하는 폐회로인 제2열매체순환회로; 상기 응축기와 상기 공랭식 열교환기를 경유하는 폐회로인 제3열매체순환회로; 상기 증발기와 상기 실내기를 경유하는 폐회로인 제4열매체순환회로; 및 상기 제1, 제2, 제3 및 제4열매체순환회로상에 설치되는 선택적으로 작동이 가능한 2개 이상의 펌프를 포함하여 구성된다.
    • 6. 发明授权
    • 멀티모드 전환형 공기열 히트펌프 시스템
    • 空气源热泵系统的多模开关
    • KR101331618B1
    • 2013-11-22
    • KR1020120092682
    • 2012-08-24
    • 한국신재생에너지주식회사
    • 이일우진상호박진관임민섭
    • F24H4/02F24H4/06F24D15/04F24H6/00F25B29/00
    • F24H4/02F24D15/04F24H4/06F24H6/00F25B29/003Y02B30/12
    • The present invention relates to multi-mode switch type air heat pump system. More specifically, the present invention is not required to have a machine room, and is able to be installed outdoors and to be operated and controlled by automatically switching the operations of air-conditioning, heating, and hot water supply by using a single unit so as to be suitable to the features. Air heat and water heat can be simultaneously used as a heat source. Operations, such as independent air-conditioning, independent heating, independent hot water supply, synchronous air-conditioning and heating, defrosting, and the like, can be separately performed by using a single compressor so as to increase the efficiency of heat pump system. The optimal operation efficiency and safety are ensured by using various safety devices. The system is simply and conveniently controlled and operated by PLC control. A plate around an air heat exchanger in which an outdoor blower fan is installed is made of copper rather than aluminum, thereby preventing the plate from corroding due to the inhaled air and achieving the effects of sterilization and service life extension.
    • 本发明涉及多模式开关式空气热泵系统。 更具体地,本发明不需要具有机房,并且能够通过使用单个单元自动切换空调,加热和热水供应的操作而能够安装在户外并进行操作和控制 以适应特点。 空气的热水和热水可以同时用作热源。 可以通过使用单个压缩机分别进行独立空调,独立供暖,独立供热,同步空调和加热,除霜等的操作,从而提高热泵系统的效率。 通过使用各种安全装置确保最佳的运行效率和安全性。 该系统由PLC控制简单方便地控制和操作。 围绕安装室外鼓风机的空气热交换器的板由铜而不是铝制成,从而防止板被吸入空气腐蚀并达到灭菌和使用寿命延长的效果。
    • 7. 发明公开
    • 온도 자가조절형 발열체를 적용한 난방장치 및 그 제조방법
    • 具有自调节平面加热元件的加热装置及其制造方法
    • KR1020120119087A
    • 2012-10-30
    • KR1020110036843
    • 2011-04-20
    • (주)금영에코텍
    • 김병철
    • F24H4/06F24H9/18H05B3/40F24H9/20
    • F24H3/0411F24H4/06H05B1/0275
    • PURPOSE: A heating apparatus using a SR(Self-Regulation) heating element and a manufacturing method thereof are provided to secure high heat exchange effect. CONSTITUTION: A heating apparatus comprises a casing, a SR heating element(140), a controller, and a discharging fan(115). The SR heating element is installed in the casing and paste is manufactured though the mixing of electric resistance material components, insulator binder components, and temperature regulation components and the paste formed into the SR heating element. The SR heating element is heated and maintained in a predetermined temperature level. The controller controls the heating temperature by controlling the power supplied to the SR heating element. The discharging fan is installed near the SR heating element and controls the air flow passing through the heating apparatus.
    • 目的:提供使用SR(自调节)加热元件的加热装置及其制造方法,以确保高的热交换效果。 构成:加热装置包括壳体,SR加热元件(140),控制器和排出风扇(115)。 SR加热元件安装在壳体中,通过混合电阻材料部件,绝缘体粘合剂部件和温度调节部件以及形成在SR加热元件中的浆料来制造糊料。 SR加热元件被加热并保持在预定的温度水平。 控制器通过控制提供给SR加热元件的功率来控制加热温度。 排风扇安装在SR加热元件附近,并控制通过加热设备的气流。
    • 9. 发明公开
    • 산업용 난방기
    • 工业加热器
    • KR1020140038779A
    • 2014-03-31
    • KR1020120105311
    • 2012-09-21
    • 김형철
    • 김형철
    • F24H3/08F24H4/06F24H1/10F24H3/12F24H9/18F24H9/20F24D15/04
    • F24H3/08F24D15/04F24H1/103F24H3/12F24H4/06F24H9/1854F24H9/2064F24H2250/02Y02B30/12
    • The present invention relates to an industrial heater capable of being used for heating and cooling of plastic houses or barns and, more particularly, to an improved industrial heater capable of providing a summer cooling function while effectively performing heating in uniform temperature conditions in a wide area with the same energy consumption. The heater of the present invention includes a hot water boiler installed outdoors, and a heating pipe connected to the hot water boiler and passing through a heating area, and forces heating water to be circulated with a circulation pump installed to a hot water boiler side. A plurality of electric heat exchangers is additionally installed in the middle way of the heating pipe. By re-heating circulated heating water, heating a wide heating area can be performed with low costs in the same conditions. Furthermore, a heat exchanger connected to a refrigeration system at an inlet side of the heating pipe on the outdoor side is installed to cool heating water circulating indoors, and a fan is provided for the electric heat exchanger installed in the middle way of the heating pipe to perform heat exchange.
    • 本发明涉及一种能够用于塑料房屋或谷仓加热和冷却的工业加热器,更具体地,涉及一种能够提供夏季冷却功能的改进的工业加热器,同时在广泛的区域中在均匀的温度条件下有效地进行加热 具有相同的能量消耗。 本发明的加热器包括安装在室外的热水锅炉和连接到热水锅炉并通过加热区域的加热管,并迫使加热水与安装在热水锅炉一侧的循环泵一起循环。 多个电热交换器另外安装在加热管的中途。 通过再循环加热水,可以在相同条件下以低成本进行加热。 此外,安装在室外侧的加热管的入口侧与制冷系统连接的热交换器,以冷却室内循环的加热水,并且设置用于安装在加热管的中途的电热交换器的风扇 进行热交换。
    • 10. 发明公开
    • 난방장치의 열교환기 배치구조
    • 加热器热交换装置结构
    • KR1020130028469A
    • 2013-03-19
    • KR1020110092053
    • 2011-09-09
    • 주식회사 그린에너텍김홍운
    • 김홍운
    • F24H4/06F24H9/00F24H9/14F24H9/06
    • F24H4/06F24H9/0068F24H9/06F24H9/146
    • PURPOSE: An arrangement structure for a heat exchanger of a heater is provided to reduce width of the device by installing a ventilation fan to vertical direction of an indoor heat exchanger. CONSTITUTION: An arrangement structure for a heat exchanger of a heater comprises a first heat exchanger(150) performing role of a condenser and a compressor(110), a capillary tube unit(170) performing role of an expansion valve, and a casing which a second heat exchanger performing role of an auxiliary evaporator and an auxiliary condenser is installed inside. The second heat exchanger includes a ventilation fan(131a) in one side of vertical direction width which a heat exchanger block(135) comprising a refrigerant pipe and a cooling pin draws.
    • 目的:提供一种用于加热器的热交换器的布置结构,通过在室内热交换器的垂直方向安装通风扇来减小设备的宽度。 构成:用于加热器的热交换器的布置结构包括执行冷凝器和压缩机(110)的作用的第一热交换器(150),执行膨胀阀作用的毛细管单元(170)和壳体, 安装辅助蒸发器和辅助冷凝器作用的第二热交换器。 第二热交换器在垂直方向宽度的一侧包括通风扇(131a),热交换器块(135)包括制冷剂管和冷却销。