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    • 1. 发明授权
    • Demodulator for improving reception performance in satellite and Mobile communications
    • 用于改善卫星和移动通信中的接收性能的解调器
    • US06452983B1
    • 2002-09-17
    • US09240579
    • 1999-02-01
    • Takashi AsaharaMakoto Miyake
    • Takashi AsaharaMakoto Miyake
    • H04L2738
    • H04B7/005H04L27/2332
    • The present invention aims to obtain a demodulator with improved receiving performance such as bit error rate characteristic by reducing the estimation error of the fading distortion even in case of transmitted signal in the channel which is much influenced by not only fading variation but also the thermal noise such as in the nonfading channel. In the demodulator of the invention has a configuration where the carrier is estimated using the known signal to perform the coherent detection. In the carrier estimator, the fading distortion estimator obtains a predetermined form of the estimation of the fading distortion using the known signal, the fading distortion compensator eliminates the fading distortion estimated from the received signal by a predetermined compensating method. The averaging unit obtains the average value of the compensated signal, of which the modulation component was eliminated from the output of the fading distortion compensator. The estimated signal generator compounds the averaged value output from the averaging unit and the estimated value of the fading distortion output from the fading distortion estimator to obtain the reference signal. The signal compensator performs the coherent detection using the reference signal obtained by the estimated signal generator.
    • 本发明的目的是通过减少衰落失真的估计误差来获得具有改善的接收性能的解调器,即使在不仅衰减变化而且受热噪声影响很大的信道中的发送信号的情况下,衰减失真的估计误差 如非衰落信道。 在本发明的解调器中,具有使用已知信号来估计载波来进行相干检测的结构。 在载波估计器中,衰落失真估计器使用已知信号获得衰减失真估计的预定形式,衰减失真补偿器通过预定的补偿方法消除从接收信号估计的衰落失真。 平均单元从衰落失真补偿器的输出中获得补偿信号的平均值,其中调制分量被消除。 估计信号发生器将从平均单元输出的平均值和从衰落失真估计器输出的衰落失真的估计值合成以获得参考信号。 信号补偿器使用由估计信号发生器获得的参考信号来执行相干检测。
    • 2. 发明授权
    • QAM de-mapping circuit
    • QAM去映射电路
    • US06226333B1
    • 2001-05-01
    • US09128293
    • 1998-08-03
    • Gerd Spalink
    • Gerd Spalink
    • H04L2738
    • H04L25/061H04L27/38
    • According to the invention, information from a differential decoder (1) receiving the MSB of the in-phase component and the MSB of the quadrature component is used to derotate the LSBs of the in-phase component and the LSBs of the quadrature component into the first quadrant with a rotator (2). Then only one quadrant is demapped by a single quadrant demapper (3). Thereby, the look-up table necessary for the demapping circuit is reduced considerably. The output signal of the QAM de-mapping circuit is build from the demapped LSBs of the in-phase and quadrature components output by the single quadrant demapper (3) and the outputs of the differential decoder (1).
    • 根据本发明,来自接收同相分量的MSB的差分解码器(1)和正交分量的MSB的信息用于将同相分量的LSB和正交分量的LSB解调为 第一象限带有旋转器(2)。 然后只有一个象限被单象限解映射器(3)解映射。 因此,解映射电路所需的查找表显着减少。 QAM解映射电路的输出信号由单象限解映射器(3)输出的同相和正交分量的解映射LSB和差分解码器(1)的输出构成。
    • 3. 发明授权
    • Serial data receiver
    • 串行数据接收器
    • US06611557B1
    • 2003-08-26
    • US09334612
    • 1999-06-17
    • Masaki Kobayashi
    • Masaki Kobayashi
    • H04L2738
    • H04L25/0262
    • A serial data receiver receives a serial data including first data defined as a judgment data indicative of at least one of a data reception rate and a reception data length. A shift register receives the serial data. The first data of the serial data received by the shift register is decoded by a decoder. The decoded result of the decoder is stored in a state register. A control circuit determines at least one of a data reception rate and a reception data length for the reception of the second and subsequent data of the serial data by the shift register based on the decoded result stored in the state register.
    • 串行数据接收器接收包括被定义为指示数据接收速率和接收数据长度中的至少一个的判断数据的第一数据的串行数据。 移位寄存器接收串行数据。 由移位寄存器接收的串行数据的第一数据由解码器解码。 解码器的解码结果存储在状态寄存器中。 控制电路基于存储在状态寄存器中的解码结果,确定由移位寄存器接收串行数据的第二和后续数据的数据接收速率和接收数据长度中的至少一个。
    • 6. 发明授权
    • Demodulation system and method for recovering a signal of interest from a modulated carrier sampled at two times the phase generated carrier frequency
    • 用于从相位产生的载波频率的两倍采样的调制载波中恢复感兴趣的信号的解调系统和方法
    • US06580314B1
    • 2003-06-17
    • US09685148
    • 2000-10-11
    • Antonio L. Deus, IIIGerald L. Assard
    • Antonio L. Deus, IIIGerald L. Assard
    • H04L2738
    • H04L27/38
    • A demodulation system and method is used in a sensor system, such as a fiber optic sensor system, that senses optical signals and modulates a phase generated carrier having a carrier frequency &ohgr;c to form a modulated carrier. The modulated carrier is preferably undersampled at two times the carrier frequency (2&ohgr;c), thereby maximizing the sensors' demodulated bandwidth relative to the sensors' sampling frequency. The undersampled, modulated carrier is orthogonally demodulated by multiplying the modulated carrier by cos(2&ohgr;c(t0)) and sin(2&ohgr;c(t0)) to extract even and odd harmonic components of the signal of interest. The even and odd harmonic components of the signal of interest are further demodulated by taking the square root of the sum of squares of the even and odd harmonic components, normalizing the even and odd harmonic components, and differentiating, cross-multiplying and differencing the normalized even and odd harmonic components to recover the signal of interest.
    • 在诸如光纤传感器系统的传感器系统中使用解调系统和方法,其感测光信号并且调制具有载波频率ωgac的相位产生载波以形成调制载波。 调制载波优选地在载波频率(2omegac)的两倍下被欠采样,从而使传感器相对于传感器采样频率的解调带宽最大化。 欠采样的调制载波通过将调制载波乘以cos(2omegac(t0))和sin(2omegac(t0))进行正交解调,以提取感兴趣信号的偶次和奇数谐波分量。 通过取平均和奇次谐波分量的平方和的平方根,对偶次谐波和奇次谐波分量进行归一化,对归一化信号进行微分,乘法和差分归一化,进一步解调感兴趣信号的奇次谐波分量。 平均和奇数谐波分量来恢复感兴趣的信号。
    • 7. 发明授权
    • Digital modulator and digital demodulator
    • 数字调制器和数字解调器
    • US06507625B2
    • 2003-01-14
    • US09418453
    • 1999-10-15
    • Takanori IwamatsuMitsuo Kakuishi
    • Takanori IwamatsuMitsuo Kakuishi
    • H04L2738
    • H04L27/38H04L27/362
    • A digital modulator and digital demodulator with quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) schemes, which are designed to modulate or demodulate RZ-coded baseband signals. The digital modulator comprises first to fourth roll-off filters and a first and second inverters connected to the second and fourth roll-off filters. It also comprises a parallel-to-serial converter to successively selects the outputs of the first roll-off filter, third roll-off filter, first inverter, and second inverter. A D/A converter converts the selected digital signal stream into an analog signal. The roll-off filters and inverters operate at a predetermined clock frequency, while the parallel-to-serial converter and the D/A converter work at a frequency four times the predetermined clock frequency. The digital demodulator reverses the above modulation process to reproduce the baseband signals.
    • 具有正交幅度调制(QAM)方案的数字调制器和数字解调器,被设计为调制或解调RZ编码的基带信号。 数字调制器包括第一至第四滚降滤波器以及连接到第二和第四滚降滤波器的第一和第二反相器。 它还包括并行转换器,用于连续选择第一滚降滤波器,第三滚降滤波器,第一反相器和第二反相器的输出。 D / A转换器将所选择的数字信号流转换成模拟信号。 滚降滤波器和反相器以预定的时钟频率工作,而并行到串行转换器和D / A转换器以预定时钟频率的四倍的频率工作。 数字解调器反转上述调制过程以再现基带信号。
    • 9. 发明授权
    • Method for estimating impulse response, and receiver
    • 估计脉冲响应的方法和接收机
    • US06327315B1
    • 2001-12-04
    • US09194040
    • 1998-11-20
    • Olli Piirainen
    • Olli Piirainen
    • H04L2738
    • H04L25/0212H04L25/0202H04L25/0236H04L25/025
    • A method for estimating an impulse response and a receiver in a radio system where the signal to be sent comprises a known training sequence, which receiver comprises means for sampling the received signal, and means for calculating a first estimate for the impulse response by means of the known training sequence. To enable an accurate determination of impulse response, the receiver comprises means for making preliminary decisions of the received samples by means of the first impulse response estimate, means for calculating an error value of the estimated samples and the received samples calculated by means of the preliminary decisions, means for calculating a second estimate of the impulse response by minimizing said error value, and means for calculating a new estimate for the impulse response by combining the first and second estimates to one another.
    • 一种在无线电系统中估计脉冲响应的方法和接收机,其中要发送的信号包括已知训练序列,该接收机包括用于对接收到的信号进行采样的装置,以及用于通过以下步骤计算脉冲响应的第一估计的装置: 已知的训练序列。 为了能够准确地确定脉冲响应,接收机包括用于通过第一脉冲响应估计对接收到的采样进行初步判定的装置,用于计算估计采样的误差值的装置和通过初步计算的接收样本 决定,用于通过使所述误差值最小来计算脉冲响应的第二估计的装置,以及用于通过将第一和第二估计相互组合来计算脉冲响应的新估计的装置。
    • 10. 发明授权
    • Quadrature demodulator quadrature demodulation method and recording medium
    • 正交解调器正交解调方法和记录介质
    • US06294952B1
    • 2001-09-25
    • US09577111
    • 2000-05-23
    • Takashi Kato
    • Takashi Kato
    • H04L2738
    • H03D1/2245H03D3/008H03D3/009
    • A quadrature demodulator capable of calibrating an I (Q) signal conversion section without stopping the receiving operation performed by the quadrature demodulator. The quadrature demodulator comprises: an adder 32 for generating a pseudo noise superimposed signal obtained by adding a user signal IF and a pseudo noise PN; a signal conversion section 100 for generating a converted signal obtained by mixing the pseudo noise superimposed signal with a local frequency signal L1 of a predetermined local frequency; a first multiplier 72 for generating a correlated signal obtained by multiplying the converted signal with the pseudo noise, a first integrator 82 for integrating the correlated signal to provide an output; and a succeeding circuit 90 for processing the converted signal in a desired way. While performing calibration by causing the first multiplier 72 to extract the pseudo noise, the quadrature demodulator allows the succeeding circuit 90 to process the converted signal in a desired way. Therefore, the quadrature demodulator can calibrate the signal conversion section 100 without stopping its own receiving operation.
    • 能够校准I(Q)信号转换部分而不停止由正交解调器执行的接收操作的正交解调器。 正交解调器包括:加法器32,用于产生通过将用户信号IF和伪噪声PN相加而获得的伪噪声叠加信号; 信号转换部分100,用于产生通过将伪噪声叠加信号与预定局部频率的本地频率信号L1混合而获得的转换信号; 用于产生通过将转换的信号与伪噪声相乘获得的相关信号的第一乘法器72,用于对相关信号进行积分以提供输出的第一积分器82; 以及用于以期望的方式处理转换的信号的后续电路90。 当通过使第一乘法器72提取伪噪声进行校准时,正交解调器允许后续电路90以期望的方式处理转换的信号。 因此,正交解调器可以在不停止其自身的接收操作的情况下校准信号转换部分100。