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    • 2. 发明申请
    • Head drum assembly mounting structure on a deck of a tape recorder
    • 头鼓组件安装结构在磁带录音机的甲板上
    • US20040057161A1
    • 2004-03-25
    • US10671466
    • 2003-09-29
    • Yong-Chae Jeong
    • G11B005/52G11B021/04
    • G11B15/1833G11B5/53G11B5/531G11B5/534
    • nullnullAnullnull In a head drum assembly mounting structure on a deck of a tape recordernullnull. Anullnull, a plurality of connecting holes and positioning holes are formed in a drum boss provided at a lower portion of a fixing drum, and a plurality of coupling holes and positioning pins are formed in a drum base which is slant disposed on a main base. By using the positioning holes and the positioning pins as nullnullanullnull positioning means which are complementary connected nullnullwithnullnull to each other in complementary fashion, the coupling holes of the drum base and the connecting holes of the drum boss are aligned with each other, and by fastening a screw into such aligned coupling holes and the connecting holes, the head drum assembly can be directly coupled to the main base while being slant disposed with respect to the main base. Accordingly, any possible damage to a lead line is prevented, and nullnullannullnull assembly efficiency is improved, while nullnullanullnull the number of parts and the manufacturing cost are reduced.
    • [[A]]在磁带录音机甲板上的磁头鼓组件安装结构[[。 A]],多个连接孔和定位孔形成在设置在定影鼓的下部的鼓轮毂中,并且多个连接孔和定位销形成在倾斜设置在主体上的鼓座中 基础。 通过使用定位孔和定位销作为互补的[[]]互补的[[a]]定位装置,鼓底座的连接孔和鼓凸台的连接孔对齐 并且通过将螺钉紧固到这种对齐的联接孔和连接孔中,磁头鼓组件可以相对于主基座倾斜设置而直接联接到主基座。 因此,防止对引线的任何可能的损坏,并且[[a]]组装效率得到改善,而[[a]]部件数量和制造成本降低。
    • 3. 发明授权
    • Head drum assembly mounting structure on a deck of a tape recorder
    • 头鼓组件安装结构在磁带录音机的甲板上
    • US06724579B2
    • 2004-04-20
    • US09767865
    • 2001-01-24
    • Yong-chae Jeong
    • Yong-chae Jeong
    • G11B2104
    • G11B15/1833G11B5/53G11B5/531G11B5/534
    • In a head drum assembly mounting structure on a deck of a tape recorder, a plurality of connecting holes and positioning holes are formed in a drum boss provided at a lower portion of a fixing drum, and a plurality of coupling holes and positioning pins are formed in a drum base which is slant disposed on a main base. By using the positioning holes and the positioning pins as positioning means which are connected to each other in complementary fashion, the coupling holes of the drum base and the connecting holes of the drum boss are aligned with each other, and by fastening a screw into such aligned coupling holes and the connecting holes, the head drum assembly can be directly coupled to the main base while being slant disposed with respect to the main base. Accordingly, any possible damage to a lead line is prevented, and assembly efficiency is improved, while the number of parts and the manufacturing cost are reduced.
    • 在磁带记录仪的台面上的磁头鼓组件安装结构中,多个连接孔和定位孔形成在设置在定影鼓的下部的鼓轮毂中,并且形成多个连接孔和定位销 在倾斜设置在主基座上的鼓座中。 通过使用定位孔和定位销作为彼此互补连接的定位装置,鼓座的联接孔和鼓凸台的连接孔彼此对准,并且通过将螺钉紧固在这样的位置 对准的联接孔和连接孔,头鼓组件可以相对于主底座倾斜设置而直接联接到主基座。 因此,防止对导线的任何可能的损坏,并且提高组装效率,同时减少零件数量和制造成本。
    • 4. 发明授权
    • Head wheel arrangement having a rotating nuts with reduced backlash for
a recorder
    • 头轮装置具有旋转螺母,减少了记录器的间隙
    • US4992900A
    • 1991-02-12
    • US295705
    • 1989-01-11
    • Adelbert Schalk
    • Adelbert Schalk
    • G11B5/52G11B15/18
    • G11B15/1875G11B15/1833
    • A rotating head wheel for a recorder is displaceable in the direction of its axis of rotation. The displacement is produced by mounting the head wheel on a threaded spindle using a nut arrangement. The spindle rotates in the same direction as the head wheel and its rate of rotation is variable. The nut arrangement includes two nuts disposed along the same axis. A spring, disposed between the two nuts, pushes the nuts in opposite directions. The nuts are capable of moving in the direction of the axis but cannot be twisted relative to each other. In this way, the threads of the nuts make continuous contact with the thread of the spindle to compensate for a backlash between the spindle and the nuts.
    • 用于记录器的旋转头轮可以在其旋转轴线的方向上移动。 通过使用螺母装置将头轮安装在螺纹心轴上来产生位移。 主轴以与头轮相同的方向旋转,其旋转速度可变。 螺母装置包括沿相同轴线设置的两个螺母。 设置在两个螺母之间的弹簧以相反的方向推动螺母。 螺母能够沿轴线方向移动,但不能相对扭转。 以这种方式,螺母的螺纹与主轴的螺纹连续接触,以补偿主轴和螺母之间的间隙。
    • 10. 发明公开
    • Kopfradanordnung für einen Recorder
    • 记录仪的头轮组件
    • EP0325166A3
    • 1991-04-10
    • EP89100513.4
    • 1989-01-13
    • Deutsche Thomson-Brandt GmbH
    • Schalk, Adelbert
    • G11B15/18G11B5/53
    • G11B15/1875G11B15/1833
    • Bei einer Kopfradanordnung, bei der das rotierende Kopf­rad (8) durch einen Axialantrieb mit einer Spindel (6) und einer Mutter (11) zusätzlich eine periodische Hubbe­wegung (34) ausführt, sollen Schwankungen des Drehmomen­tes pro Spindelumdrehung verringert werden. Die Mutter (11) ist ein zwei getrennte, gegeinander nicht verdrehbare, durch eine Feder (40) in Richtung der Achse A gegeneinander verspannte Teilmuttern (11a,11b) aufgeteilt, wodurch ein Spiel zwischen Spin­del (6) und Mutter (11) ausgeglichen wird. Insbesondere für eine sogenannte matrixartige Aufzeich­nung mit einer Hubbewegung quer zur Längsrichtung des Magnetbandes gemäß der DE-OS 35 09 584.
    • 在一个头轮装置,其特征在于,所述旋转头轮(8)通过与心轴(6)和螺母(11)的轴向驱动另外包括周期性往复运动(34)执行,主轴每转的转矩的波动减小。 所述螺母(11)是两个独立的gegeinander不能旋转,通过在相对于彼此的应变部分螺母的轴线A的方向上的弹簧(40)(11A,11B)划分从而对于所述心轴(6)和螺母之间的匹配进行补偿(11) , 特别是对于根据DE-OS 35 09 584的横向于磁带纵向提升运动的所谓矩阵状记录。