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    • 2. 发明授权
    • Apparatus for forming an ingot in a rotating housing
    • 用于在旋转壳体中形成锭的装置
    • US4188201A
    • 1980-02-12
    • US897117
    • 1978-04-17
    • Lothar Jung
    • Lothar Jung
    • C03B5/00C03B3/00C03B5/033C03B5/14C03B19/01C03B19/09C03B37/012C03B19/04C03B23/20
    • C03B19/095C03B19/01C03B3/00C03B37/01271C03B37/01285C03B37/01294C03B5/0338C03B5/14Y10S65/08
    • The apparatus for manufacturing an ingot includes a rotatable housing with an inner surface defining an opening therethrough along the rotational axis of the housing. The housing is rotated about the rotational axis. The housing includes a layer of insulating material located between the inner and outer surfaces of the housing. Particulate material is deposited along the inner surface while the housing is rotating and the particulate material is heated above its melting temperature while the housing is rotating, the rotational movement holding the molten particulate material in place by centrifugal force on the inner surface for forming an ingot.The method of manufacturing an ingot includes the steps of rotating a housing having an inner surface which defines an opening therethrough, the housing containing a layer of insulating material between the housing outer surface and the inner surface, depositing particulate material across the inner surface, and heating the particulate material above its melting point, the rotational movement of the housing holding the molten particulate material by centrifugal force on the inner surface for forming an ingot.
    • 用于制造锭的装置包括可旋转壳体,其具有限定沿着壳体的旋转轴线穿过的开口的内表面。 壳体围绕旋转轴线旋转。 壳体包括位于壳体的内表面和外表面之间的绝缘材料层。 当壳体旋转时,颗粒材料沿着内表面沉积,并且在壳体旋转时将颗粒材料加热到其熔融温度以上,旋转运动通过离心力将熔融颗粒材料通过内表面保持在内表面上以形成锭 。 制造锭的方法包括以下步骤:旋转具有限定穿过其中的开口的内表面的壳体,所述壳体在壳体外表面和内表面之间包含绝缘材料层,在内表面上沉积颗粒材料,以及 将颗粒材料加热到其熔点之上,壳体通过离心力将熔融颗粒材料保持在内表面上以形成锭的旋转运动。
    • 5. 发明授权
    • Method for manufacturing rotationally symmetrical porous solid bodies
    • 旋转对称的多孔固体的制造方法
    • US4885018A
    • 1989-12-05
    • US146888
    • 1988-01-22
    • Peter K. BachmannPeter E. GeittnerHans-Jurgen LydtinGerd Romanowski
    • Peter K. BachmannPeter E. GeittnerHans-Jurgen LydtinGerd Romanowski
    • G02B6/00B28B21/30B28B21/32C03B19/01C03B19/04C03B19/06C03B37/012C03B37/014
    • C03B19/01C03B19/04C03B19/06C03B37/01285Y10S65/901
    • Method of and arrangement for manufacturing rotationally symmetrical porous solid bodies.A method of manufacturing rotationally symmetrical porous solid bodies, in which the starting material for the solid body in the form of a suspension consisting of the material for the solid body in solid form and a liquid dispersing agent, is introduced into a hollow mould whose geometry corresponds to that of the solid body to be formed, such that during the introduction of the suspension the hollow mould is rotated about its longitudinal axis, a certain quantity of solid of the suspension being deposited on the inner wall of the hollow mould, and excess residual suspension being removed, after which the green body thus formed is subjected to further process steps to manufacture the solid body, in which process suspension is introduced into the hollow mould in such doses that each time only thin solid layers having a thickness in the range from 10.sup.-3 to 5 mm are continuously deposited without interruption of the centrifuging process, the excess residual suspension being removed from the hollow mould in such a quantity that a layer of residual suspension having a thickness in the range from 10.sup.-1 to 100 mm always remains on top of the deposited solid matter. In this way, macroscopically homogeneously built porous solid bodies are obtained. FIG. 2.
    • 制造旋转对称的多孔固体的方法和装置。 一种制造旋转对称的多孔固体的方法,其中将固体形式的固体形式的起始材料用固体形式的固体材料和液体分散剂组成,被引入中空模具中, 对应于要形成的固体物体,使得在引入悬浮液期间,中空模具围绕其纵向轴线旋转,一定量的悬浮液固体沉积在中空模具的内壁上,并且过量 残留的悬浮液被除去,然后将如此形成的生坯经过进一步的工艺步骤以制造固体,其中将悬浮液以这样的剂量引入中空模具中,其中每次仅具有在该范围内的厚度的薄的固体层 10-3-5毫米不间断地连续沉积,离心过程中剩余的悬浮液从t去除 其中空模的量使得厚度在10-1-100mm范围内的一层残余悬浮液总是保留在沉积的固体物质的顶部上。 以这种方式,获得宏观均匀构造的多孔固体。 图。 2。