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    • 1. 发明授权
    • Transition film of flat panel display and a method using the same
    • 平板显示器的转换膜及其使用方法
    • US07399562B2
    • 2008-07-15
    • US11141896
    • 2005-06-01
    • Wen-Ping YangWen-Kuen ChenCheng-Wei Li
    • Wen-Ping YangWen-Kuen ChenCheng-Wei Li
    • C09K19/00C09K19/52
    • G02F1/133514G02F2001/133562Y10T428/10Y10T428/1005Y10T428/1041
    • A flat panel display comprising a liquid crystal module, a backlight module, and a transition film is disclosed. The backlight module provides light to the liquid crystal module, and the transition film is disposed above the liquid crystal module. The transition film comprises a material capable of filtering light of specific wavelengths. The material can be organic dye material phthal-ocyanine Copper (CuPc) or C32H16N8Cu. The transition film can be an evaporation layer, so the transition film can be formed on the polarizer of the liquid crystal module. The transition film has a transparency ratio with respect to blue light and a transparency ratio with respect to red light, and the ratios range from 0.5 to 0.95. The transparency ratio with respect to blue light is greater than that with respect to red light. The backlight module comprises one or more light emitting diodes (LEDs) to provide light.
    • 公开了一种包括液晶模块,背光模块和过渡膜的平板显示器。 背光模块向液晶模块提供光,并且过渡膜设置在液晶模块的上方。 过渡膜包括能够过滤特定波长的光的材料。 该材料可以是有机染料材料酞 - 碳菁铜(CuPc)或C 32 32 H 16 N 8 Cu。 过渡膜可以是蒸发层,因此可以在液晶模块的偏振器上形成过渡膜。 过渡膜相对于蓝光具有透明度比和相对于红光的透明度比,并且该比率在0.5至0.95的范围内。 相对于蓝光的透明度比大于红色光。 背光模块包括用于提供光的一个或多个发光二极管(LED)。
    • 2. 发明申请
    • Transition film of flat panel display and a method using the same
    • 平板显示器的转换膜及其使用方法
    • US20060141173A1
    • 2006-06-29
    • US11141896
    • 2005-06-01
    • Wen-Ping YangWen-Kuen ChenCheng-Wei Li
    • Wen-Ping YangWen-Kuen ChenCheng-Wei Li
    • C09K19/60C09K19/52C09K19/00G02F1/1335
    • G02F1/133514G02F2001/133562Y10T428/10Y10T428/1005Y10T428/1041
    • A flat panel display comprising a liquid crystal module, a backlight module, and a transition film is disclosed. The backlight module provides light to the liquid crystal module, and the transition film is disposed above the liquid crystal module. The transition film comprises a material capable of filtering light of specific wavelengths. The material can be organic dye material phthal-ocyanine Copper (CuPc) or C32H16N8Cu. The transition film can be an evaporation layer, so the transition film can be formed on the polarizer of the liquid crystal module. The transition film has a transparency ratio with respect to blue light and a transparency ratio with respect to red light, and the ratios range from 0.5 to 0.95. The transparency ratio with respect to blue light is greater than that with respect to red light. The backlight module comprises one or more light emitting diodes (LEDs) to provide light.
    • 公开了一种包括液晶模块,背光模块和过渡膜的平板显示器。 背光模块向液晶模块提供光,并且过渡膜设置在液晶模块的上方。 过渡膜包括能够过滤特定波长的光的材料。 该材料可以是有机染料材料酞 - 碳菁铜(CuPc)或C 32 32 H 16 N 8 Cu。 过渡膜可以是蒸发层,因此可以在液晶模块的偏振器上形成过渡膜。 过渡膜相对于蓝光具有透明度比和相对于红光的透明度比,并且该比率在0.5至0.95的范围内。 相对于蓝光的透明度比大于红色光。 背光模块包括用于提供光的一个或多个发光二极管(LED)。
    • 5. 发明授权
    • Organic light emitting device with increased service life
    • 有机发光装置,寿命更长
    • US07084564B2
    • 2006-08-01
    • US10707299
    • 2003-12-04
    • Wen-Kuen ChenChao-Chin SungChung-Wen KoYi-Fan Wang
    • Wen-Kuen ChenChao-Chin SungChung-Wen KoYi-Fan Wang
    • H01J1/62H01J1/63H01J1/68H01J63/04B32B9/00
    • H01L51/5048H01L51/5012
    • An OLED including an anode layer, a first mixing layer over the anode layer, a mixing layer on the first mixing layer, a second mixing layer on the mixing layer, and a cathode layer over the second mixing layer is provided. The mixing layer is a mixture of an organic light emitting material, a hole and an electron transport material, and a volume ratio of the hole transport material to the electron transport material thereof is X %. The first and second mixing layers are both mixtures of the hole and electron transport materials. A volume ratio of the hole transport material to electron transport material in the first mixing layer decreases gradually from 99% to X % starting from the surface adhered to the anode layer, and that of the second mixing layer increases gradually from X % to 99% starting from the surface adhered to the mixing layer.
    • 提供了包括阳极层,阳极层上的第一混合层,第一混合层上的混合层,混合层上的第二混合层和第二混合层上的阴极层的OLED。 混合层是有机发光材料,空穴和电子传输材料的混合物,空穴传输材料与电子传输材料的体积比为X%。 第一和第二混合层都是空穴和电子传输材料的混合物。 第一混合层中的空穴传输材料与电子传输材料的体积比从附着到阳极层的表面开始从99%逐渐降低到X%,第二混合层的体积比从X%逐渐增加到99% 从粘附到混合层的表面开始。