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    • 1. 发明授权
    • Device and method for running a warehouse
    • 运行仓库的设备和方法
    • US08075238B2
    • 2011-12-13
    • US10553210
    • 2004-04-14
    • Herbert WirzRudolf GüdelWalter Zulauf
    • Herbert WirzRudolf GüdelWalter Zulauf
    • B65G1/04
    • B65G47/90B65G1/0407B65G1/0471
    • The invention relates to a device and method for running a warehouse in which objects are stored in a number of stacks in a storage area. The device comprises a collecting device (101) with an intermediate storage (102) and a gripping device (103), which can be displaced as desired over the storage area. The intermediate storage (102) can, in separate receiving steps, be successfully filled from different stacks. The gripping device (103) is formed by two vertically displaceable bars (104, 105) that are situated opposite one another and serves to lift one or more objects from one of the stacks. An improved utilization of the available storage space results by virtue of the fact that only the bars (104, 105) are displaced into the stack space.
    • 本发明涉及一种用于运行仓库的设备和方法,其中对象被存储在存储区域中的多个堆栈中。 该设备包括具有中间存储器(102)和夹持装置(103)的收集装置(101),其可以根据需要在存储区域上移位。 中间存储器(102)可以在分开的接收步骤中成功地从不同的堆栈填充。 夹持装置(103)由两个彼此相对定位的可垂直移位的杆(104,105)形成,用于从一个堆叠中提升一个或多个物体。 由于只有条(104,105)被移动到堆栈空间中的事实而导致可用存储空间的改进的利用。
    • 2. 发明申请
    • Device and method for running a warehouse
    • 运行仓库的设备和方法
    • US20070041815A1
    • 2007-02-22
    • US10553210
    • 2004-04-14
    • Herbert WirzRudolf GudelWalter Zulauf
    • Herbert WirzRudolf GudelWalter Zulauf
    • B65G1/00
    • B65G47/90B65G1/0407B65G1/0471
    • The invention relates to a device for running a warehouse in which objects are stored in a number of stacks in a storage area. Said device comprises a collecting device (101) with an intermediate storage (102) and a gripping device (103), which can be displaced as desired over the storage area The intermediate storage (102) can, in separate receiving steps, be successively filled from different stacks. The gripping device (103) is formed by two vertically displaceable bars (104, 105) that are situated opposite one another and serves to lift one or more objects from one of the stacks. An improved utilization of the available storage space results by virtue of the fact that only the bars (104, 105) are displaced into the stack space. According to a method for running a warehouse, the collecting device (101) is displaced over the storage area to any desired stack with objects to be received where the gripping device (103) is lowered, and the portion of the stack to be received is gripped by two opposing bars (104, 105) of the gripping device (103). Afterwards, the gripping device (103) is raised once again so that the portion of the stack can be received by the intermediate storage (102). In other receiving steps, the intermediate storage (102) is successively filled further from different stacks.
    • 本发明涉及一种用于运行仓库的装置,其中对象被存储在存储区域中的多个堆叠中。 所述装置包括具有中间存储器(102)和夹持装置(103)的收集装置(101),其可以根据需要在存储区域上移位。中间储存器(102)可以在分开的接收步骤中被连续填充 从不同的堆栈。 夹持装置(103)由两个彼此相对定位的可垂直移位的杆(104,105)形成,用于从一个堆叠中提升一个或多个物体。 由于只有条(104,105)被移动到堆栈空间中的事实而导致可用存储空间的改进的利用。 根据用于运行仓库的方法,收集装置(101)在夹持装置(103)被降低的位置处被移动到存储区域上,到具有待接收物体的任何期望的堆叠,并且待接收的堆叠部分是 由夹持装置(103)的两个相对的杆(104,105)夹紧。 之后,夹紧装置(103)再一次上升,使得堆叠部分能够被中间储存器(102)容纳。 在其他接收步骤中,中间存储器(102)从不同的堆栈进一步填充。
    • 3. 发明申请
    • Machine tool comprising a clamping device on both sides
    • 机床包括两侧的夹紧装置
    • US20060236515A1
    • 2006-10-26
    • US10559241
    • 2004-05-25
    • Hans KurtRudolf HeidHerbert Wirz
    • Hans KurtRudolf HeidHerbert Wirz
    • B23Q7/00
    • B23Q1/66B23Q1/4842B23Q1/623B23Q39/028Y10T29/50Y10T29/5196Y10T408/93Y10T409/305264Y10T409/307672Y10T409/308232Y10T409/308512Y10T409/309576
    • The invention relates to a machine tool (1) comprising a machine tower (2) which can be displaced in a linear manner along a straight track (13), a tool head (4) which is arranged on the machine tower (2) and a tool (5) which is used to process work pieces. A first mounting device (25) is arranged on a first side of the straight track (13) and a second mounting device (26) is arranged on the other side of the straight track (13) which is opposite the first side. The tool head (4) can be positioned in such a manner that it can selectively process a first work piece in the first mounting device (25) or a second work piece in the second mounting device (26). Initially, the first work piece is mounted in the first mounting device for processing, and the tool head is positioned in such a manner that the first work piece can be processed. During processing, the second work piece is mounted in the second mounting device. When the first work piece has been processed, the tool head is positioned in such a manner that the second work piece can be processed. As a result, it is possible to arrange two long work pieces independently from each other in a processing position. The stoppage time when the work pieces are changed reduces due to the new position of the tool head and is significantly reduced in relation to the stoppage time in common tool machines.
    • 本发明涉及一种包括机塔(2)的机床(1),其可以沿着直轨(13)以线性方式移位,工具头(4)布置在机塔(2)上, 用于处理工件的工具(5)。 第一安装装置(25)布置在直轨道(13)的第一侧上,并且第二安装装置(26)布置在与第一侧相对的直轨道(13)的另一侧上。 工具头(4)可以以这样的方式定位,使得其可以选择性地处理第一安装装置(25)中的第一工件或第二安装装置(26)中的第二工件。 最初,第一工件安装在第一安装装置中用于加工,并且工具头的定位方式可以使第一工件被加工。 在处理期间,第二工件安装在第二安装装置中。 当第一工件已经被加工时,工具头被定位成可以处理第二工件。 结果,可以在处理位置彼此独立地布置两个长工件。 工件变化时的停止时间由于工具头的新位置而减少,相对于共同的工具机中的停止时间显着减小。
    • 4. 发明授权
    • Machine tool comprising a clamping device on both sides
    • 机床包括两侧的夹紧装置
    • US07721410B2
    • 2010-05-25
    • US10559241
    • 2004-05-25
    • Hans Ulrich KurtRudolf HeidHerbert Wirz
    • Hans Ulrich KurtRudolf HeidHerbert Wirz
    • B23C1/12B23C1/027
    • B23Q1/66B23Q1/4842B23Q1/623B23Q39/028Y10T29/50Y10T29/5196Y10T408/93Y10T409/305264Y10T409/307672Y10T409/308232Y10T409/308512Y10T409/309576
    • The invention relates to a machine tool (1) comprising a machine tower (2) which can be displaced in a linear manner along a straight track (13), a tool head (4) which is arranged on the machine tower (2) and a tool (5) which is used to process work pieces. A first mounting device (25) is arranged on a first side of the straight track (13) and a second mounting device (26) is arranged on the other side of the straight track (13) which is opposite the first side. The tool head (4) can be positioned in such a manner that it can selectively process a first work piece in the first mounting device (25) or a second work piece in the second mounting device (26). Initially, the first work piece is mounted in the first mounting device for processing, and the tool head is positioned in such a manner that the first work piece can be processed. During processing, the second work piece is mounted in the second mounting device. When the first work piece has been processed, the tool head is positioned in such a manner that the second work piece can be processed. As a result, it is possible to arrange two long work pieces independently from each other in a processing position. The stoppage time when the work pieces are changed reduces due to the new position of the tool head and is significantly reduced in relation to the stoppage time in common tool machines.
    • 本发明涉及一种包括机塔(2)的机床(1),其可以沿着直轨(13)以线性方式移位,工具头(4)布置在机塔(2)上, 用于处理工件的工具(5)。 第一安装装置(25)布置在直轨道(13)的第一侧上,并且第二安装装置(26)布置在与第一侧相对的直轨道(13)的另一侧上。 工具头(4)可以以这样的方式定位,使得其可以选择性地处理第一安装装置(25)中的第一工件或第二安装装置(26)中的第二工件。 最初,第一工件安装在第一安装装置中用于加工,并且工具头的定位方式可以使第一工件被加工。 在处理期间,第二工件安装在第二安装装置中。 当第一工件已经被加工时,工具头被定位成可以处理第二工件。 结果,可以在处理位置彼此独立地布置两个长工件。 工件变化时的停止时间由于工具头的新位置而减少,相对于共同的工具机中的停止时间显着减小。
    • 5. 发明授权
    • Roll-on mechanism for loading a container onto a vehicle
    • 用于将容器装载到车辆上的滚动机构
    • US3984013A
    • 1976-10-05
    • US519996
    • 1974-11-01
    • Herbert Wirz
    • Herbert Wirz
    • B60P1/64
    • B60P1/6463
    • A loading and unloading device for containers. In addition to the usual coupling means on the container there is provided an additional coupling means carried by a projecting support on the upper front part of the container. A roller and a stop are provided on one of the edges of a pit. The underside of the container is provided with a stop. A hook of a lifting arm of a lifting device on a vehicle is thus able to be coupled first with the usual coupling means and then with an additional coupling means. The device permits filling the container directly or emptying it directly, with no ramp being required.
    • 用于集装箱的装卸装置。 除了在容器上的通常的联接装置之外,还提供了由容器的上前部上的突出支撑件承载的附加联接装置。 在凹坑的一个边缘上设置有辊和止动件。 容器的下侧设有挡块。 因此,车辆上的提升装置的提升臂的钩可以首先与通常的联接装置并且然后与附加的联接装置联接。 该装置可以直接填充容器或直接排空,不需要斜坡。