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    • 2. 发明申请
    • 存储群中的自适应功率保存
    • US20110040568A1
    • 2011-02-17
    • US12839071
    • 2010-07-19
    • James E. DuttonLaura ArbillaDavid Yoakley
    • James E. DuttonLaura ArbillaDavid Yoakley
    • G06Q10/00G06F12/00
    • G06F1/3296G06F1/08G06F1/32G06F1/3221G06F1/3268G06F1/3287G06F3/0625G06F3/0634G06F3/067Y02D10/154Y02D10/171
    • Each node and volume in a fixed-content storage cluster makes an independent decision whether to reduce power consumption based on lack of requests from client applications and nodes over a configurable time period. Node configuration parameters sleepAfter and wakeAfter respectively determine how long to wait until idling a node or volume, and how long to wait while idle before again performing integrity checks. A bid value is calculated by each node and reflects how much it will cost for that node to write a file, read a file, or keep a copy of the file. A node with the lowest bid wins, and nodes that are idle have a premium added to each bid to help ensure that idle nodes are kept idle. Normally, nodes with more capacity will submit a lower bid to write a file. In an archive mode, writes bids are reversed meaning that nodes with less capacity submit lower bids, meaning that fuller nodes fill up faster and are then idled, while empty or near empty nodes may remain idle for some time before winning a write bid.
    • 固定内容存储集群中的每个节点和卷独立决定是否可以在可配置的时间段内基于客户端应用程序和节点的缺少请求来降低功耗。 节点配置参数sleepAfter和wakeAfter分别确定要等待多长时间才能空转一个节点或卷,以及等待多长时间才能再次执行完整性检查。 出价值由每个节点计算,并反映该节点写入文件,读取文件或保留文件副本所需的费用。 具有最低出价的节点获胜,并且空闲的节点对每个出价添加优先级,以帮助确保空闲节点保持空闲。 通常,容量更大的节点将提交较低的出价来写入文件。 在存档模式下,写入出价反转意味着容量较小的节点提交较低的出价,这意味着更充分的节点填充更快,然后空闲,而空的或接近空的节点可能会在获得写入出价之前保持空闲一段时间。
    • 6. 发明授权
    • Method for processing a request by selecting an appropriate computer node in a plurality of computer nodes in a storage cluster based on a calculated bid value in each computer node
    • 用于通过基于每个计算机节点中的计算的出价值在存储集群中的多个计算机节点中选择适当的计算机节点来处理请求的方法
    • US08726053B2
    • 2014-05-13
    • US12839071
    • 2010-07-19
    • James E. DuttonLaura ArbillaDavid Yoakley
    • James E. DuttonLaura ArbillaDavid Yoakley
    • G06F1/26G06F1/32
    • G06F1/3296G06F1/08G06F1/32G06F1/3221G06F1/3268G06F1/3287G06F3/0625G06F3/0634G06F3/067Y02D10/154Y02D10/171
    • Each node and volume in a fixed-content storage cluster makes an independent decision whether to reduce power consumption based on lack of requests from client applications and nodes over a configurable time period. Node configuration parameters sleepAfter and wakeAfter respectively determine how long to wait until idling a node or volume, and how long to wait while idle before again performing integrity checks. A bid value is calculated by each node and reflects how much it will cost for that node to write a file, read a file, or keep a copy of the file. A node with the lowest bid wins, and nodes that are idle have a premium added to each bid to help ensure that idle nodes are kept idle. Normally, nodes with more capacity will submit a lower bid to write a file. In an archive mode, writes bids are reversed meaning that nodes with less capacity submit lower bids, meaning that fuller nodes fill up faster and are then idled, while empty or near empty nodes may remain idle for some time before winning a write bid.
    • 固定内容存储集群中的每个节点和卷独立决定是否可以在可配置的时间段内基于客户端应用程序和节点的缺少请求来降低功耗。 节点配置参数sleepAfter和wakeAfter分别确定要等待多长时间才能空转一个节点或卷,以及等待多长时间才能再次执行完整性检查。 出价值由每个节点计算,并反映该节点写入文件,读取文件或保留文件副本所需的费用。 具有最低出价的节点获胜,并且空闲的节点对每个出价添加优先级,以帮助确保空闲节点保持空闲。 通常,容量更大的节点将提交较低的出价来写入文件。 在存档模式下,写入出价反转意味着容量较小的节点提交较低的出价,这意味着更充分的节点填充更快,然后空闲,而空的或接近空的节点可能会在获得写入出价之前保持空闲一段时间。
    • 10. 发明申请
    • 存储群中的自适应功率保存
    • US20120278549A1
    • 2012-11-01
    • US13527430
    • 2012-06-19
    • James E. DuttonLaura ArbillaDavid Yoakley
    • James E. DuttonLaura ArbillaDavid Yoakley
    • G06F12/00
    • G06F1/3296G06F1/08G06F1/32G06F1/3221G06F1/3268G06F1/3287G06F3/0625G06F3/0634G06F3/067Y02D10/154Y02D10/171
    • Each node and volume in a storage cluster makes a decision whether to reduce power consumption based on lack of requests from client applications and nodes over a time period. Node configuration parameters determine how long to wait until idling a node or volume, and how long to wait while idle before performing integrity checks. A bid value is calculated by each node and reflects how much it will cost for that node to write a file, read a file, or keep a copy. A node with the lowest bid wins, and nodes that are idle have a premium added to each bid to ensure that idle nodes are kept idle. In an archive mode, writes bids are reversed, nodes with less capacity submit lower bids, fuller nodes fill up faster and are then idled, while empty or near empty nodes may remain idle before winning a write bid.
    • 存储集群中的每个节点和卷决定是否根据客户端应用程序和节点在一段时间内的请求不足来降低功耗。 节点配置参数确定要等待多长时间才能空转节点或卷,以及在执行完整性检查之前空闲等待多长时间。 出价值由每个节点计算,并反映该节点写入文件,读取文件或保留副本所需的费用。 具有最低出价的节点获胜,并且空闲的节点对每个出价添加溢价,以确保空闲节点保持空闲。 在存档模式下,写入出价相反,容量较小的节点提交出价较低,更充分的节点填充更快,然后空闲,而空的或接近空的节点可能在赢得写出价之前保持空闲。