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    • 2. 发明申请
    • Process for the production of resin compositions
    • 制备树脂组合物的方法
    • US20060148934A1
    • 2006-07-06
    • US10530422
    • 2003-10-08
    • Shigetoshi MiyamaKoji Iwamoto
    • Shigetoshi MiyamaKoji Iwamoto
    • B29C47/00
    • C08J5/00C08J3/203
    • A manufacturing process for a resin composition is provided, whereby it is possible to homogeneously knead particles and low-temperature decomposable additives into resins. First of all, a thermoplastic resin and an additive are pre-heated and mixed together, after which transition to the kneading step is carried out while the mixture is maintained in a heated state. Then, the mixture is kneaded under heating and molded by extrusion molding or the like to obtain the target resin composition. In the present invention, additives used in particulate form are not liable to cake and can be homogeneously kneaded in because the transition to the kneading step is carried out while the mixture is maintained in a heated state. Moreover, it is possible to knead in low-temperature decomposable additives because the heating temperature used for kneading can be reduced significantly in comparison with the conventional art.
    • 提供了一种用于树脂组合物的制造方法,由此可以将颗粒和低温可分解添加剂均匀地捏合成树脂。 首先,将热塑性树脂和添加剂预热并混合在一起,然后在混合物保持在加热状态的同时进行到捏合步骤的过渡。 然后,将混合物在加热下捏合并通过挤出成型等进行成型,得到目标树脂组合物。 在本发明中,以颗粒形式使用的添加剂不容易破碎并且可以均匀地混合,因为在混合物保持在加热状态下进行到捏合步骤的过渡。 此外,由于与传统技术相比可以显着降低用于捏合的加热温度,因此可以在低温可分解添加剂中进行捏合。
    • 7. 发明授权
    • File updating system employing the temporary connection and
disconnection of buffer storage to extended storage
    • 文件更新系统采用临时连接和断开缓冲存储到扩展存储
    • US5504888A
    • 1996-04-02
    • US138105
    • 1993-10-20
    • Koji IwamotoHiroshi Matsui
    • Koji IwamotoHiroshi Matsui
    • G06F12/00G06F17/30G06F13/00
    • G06F17/30174
    • An extended storage is temporarily used for the dedicated use by a batch process to eliminate the contention of resources between an online process and the batch process and attain a high speed batch process while the online process is executed without affecting the online process. The online process is executed by inputting data from a file to a main storage, and the batch process updates the data on the extended storage in parallel with the online process. Since the accessing device for the online process and the batch process are different, there is no contention of resources. When the batch process is completed, the updated data is reloaded from the extended storage to the file. During the reloading of the updated data, the online process inputs the data from the extended storage. The extended storage is shared by the reloading of the updated data and the online process, but the contention of resources does not occur because both are input processes and the extended storage is a storage device which does not includes a mechanical movement unlike a magnetic disk drive.
    • 临时使用扩展存储器通过批处理来专门使用,以消除在线处理和批处理之间的资源争用,并且在执行在线处理而不影响在线处理的情况下实现高速批处理。 通过从文件向主存储器输入数据来执行在线处理,并且批处理过程与在线处理并行地更新扩展存储器上的数据。 由于在线处理和批处理的访问设备不同,因此没有资源争用。 当批处理完成时,更新的数据将从扩展存储器重新加载到文件。 在更新数据的重新加载期间,在线处理从扩展存储输入数据。 扩展存储器通过重新加载更新的数据和在线处理来共享,但是资源的争用不会发生,因为两者都是输入进程,并且扩展存储器是不包括与磁盘驱动器不同的机械运动的存储设备 。