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    • 5. 发明专利
    • Improvements in method and apparatus for applying plastics, cement and the like
    • GB266769A
    • 1927-02-28
    • GB2439725
    • 1925-09-30
    • B28C5/02E04F21/12
    • 266,769. Shepherd, J. E., Sept. 30, 1925. Vapours, delivering.-In a process of treating surfaces with disinfecting vapours, &c. the materials are induced into and commingled with a steam blast; liquid is sprayed into the commingled steam and material beyond their point of admixture within a nozzle and remote from the discharge end thereof, and the commingled steam, material and liquid is discharged or sprayed on to the surface. In Fig. 1, steam is supplied to the nozzle 5 from the boiler 28 by pipes 29, 31. Water under pressure is stored in the tank 35 and is supplied to the nozzle by a pipe 37. Surface-treating material is contained in the receptacle 50, and is fed to the nozzle by a feed wheel 60, control valve 56, and conduit 81. The nozzle 5, shown in Fig. 2, comprises a body portion 6 having a chamber, 7 into which extends an inner nozzle 12 for the steam blast. and preferably provided with a Venturi contour 14 at the forward end. The steam induces surface treating material through the main inlet. A tapering main nozzle 25. coaxial with the inner nozzle is attached to the body chamber by means of the collar 16. A groove 19 in the collar forms with a bush 20 an annular passage into which liquid is fed through the inlet 40 and is sprayed into the commingled steam and material through apertures 23. The water may be stored under pressure in tank 35 by a steam pump 43, and the feed-wheel 60 actuated by a steam-turbine 74.
    • 6. 发明专利
    • Method of and apparatus for fire-extinguishing
    • GB218340A
    • 1924-07-07
    • GB48823
    • 1923-01-05
    • A62C5/00
    • 218,340. McElroy, R. L., and Shepherd, J. E. Jan. 5, 1923, Fire-extinguishing by solutions and liquid mixtures and by foam; chemicals and substances.- Gas and foam generating chemicals, such as sodium bicarbonate and aluminium sulphate, with or without a cementitious material, such as cement, lime, plaster of Paris, &c., mixed with sand or other refractory granular material, are supplied by gravity and an air or gas blast to a stream of water, with or without carbon tetrachloride &c., in which stream they are carried in suspension on to the fire. The dry salts, cement, sand, &c. are stored in containers A, and are delivered by rotating agitators through apertures, fitted with adjustable slides, into hoppers 11, which are provided with rotating feed-drums having delivery pockets on their peripheries. The feeding-devices &c. are driven from a motor M. Compressed air is delivered from a compressor 52 to a reservoir 45, and thence through pipes 44, 43 to perforated rings in the hoppers 11. The chemicals &c. are thus carried by an air blast through pipes 12, 13 to a discharge nozzle 15, to which are delivered, by air pressure, water from a tank 18 and carbon tetrachloride from a tank 20. The cementitious material and other substances are adapted to adhere to a burning surface.