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    • 1. 发明专利
    • Improvements in or relating to electric generators
    • GB757316A
    • 1956-09-19
    • GB2848852
    • 1952-11-12
    • H02K23/40
    • 757,316. Exciting dynamo-electric machines. MACFARLANE, J. C., MACFARLANE, W. I., and MACFARLANE, J. W. July 16, 1953 [Nov. 12, 1952], No. 28488/52. Class 35. The output of a generator is regulated by means of a stabilizing generator excited from the generator current or voltage to be controlled and having saturated field parts 17 and unsaturated field parts 19 excited in series but acting in opposition on the armature so that they are balanced at a set output current or voltage, and any deviation causes a correcting voltage to be generated by the exciter and fed to the generator field, the output being set by a main source of excitation, suitably compounded for load, outside the stabilising exciter which only operates when the controlled current or voltage deviates from its set value. The stabilizing winding, fed by the stabilizing exciter, may be mounted on the interpolar axis of the main generator or its exciter as described in Specification 593,817. As shown in Fig. 4, where the invention is applied to the voltage regulation of a D.C. generator 27, the main excitation is derived from shunt field winding 28, compounded by brush shifting or by means of a series winding 30. The opposing field windings 18, 20 of the stabilizing generator 22 is excited from the load voltage and its output fed to an additional field winding 29. The generator may be of the type described in Specification 519,538. By the use of suitable series compounding on the main generator, the invention may be applied to the control of a generator driven by an ungoverned water turbine. By the use of a resistance shunt, the stabilizer may be used on constant current generators ; and A.C. generators, excited from their rectified output, may also be similarly regulated, through an intermediate exciter if necessary for large machines. The speed of response may be improved by the use of an injector transformer whose primary is connected in parallel with the stabilizer fed field winding 29 and the secondary is connected to a winding on the main pole of the stabilizer. Fig. 11 shows how the invention may be applied to the speed regulation of a motor 44. A tachometer generator 45, driven by the motor, feeds the opposing windings 18, 20 of the stabilizer 22 which in turn controls the motor field 46. Specifications 713,633 and 757,304 also are referred to.
    • 2. 发明专利
    • Improvements in dynamo electric generators
    • GB698655A
    • 1953-10-21
    • GB1111752
    • 1952-05-02
    • H02K23/02
    • 698,655. Exciting D.C. generators. MACFARLANE, J. W., and MACFARLANE, W. I. May 2, 1952, No. 11117/52. Class 35. In a cross-flux amplifying generator having a short-span armature wind. ing, the normal excitation of the machine is done by main pole field coils ener. gized by a function of the generator output so that substantially no constant excitation current flows in the short-circuited quadrature axis, but only that required for control purposes. The machine is very similar to that described in Specification 566,168 except that in that machine the con. trol windings 10, 11 are arranged, when a continuous output is required, to be sufficiently out of balance to produce a continuous current in the short-circuited axis Q-Q which, in turn excites the main axis M-M to produce the required output at the main brushes X1, X2. In the present case the windings 10, 11 are mutually balanced in the absence of any signal and the load of continuous excitation is taken off the quadrature axis by the use of a selfexciting winding 12 in parallel or, as shown, in series with the continuous load terminals. The speed of reaction may be increased by the use of a transformer coupling from the main to the quadrature axis or by connecting a quadrature axis field winding in the short-circuit lead 7.
    • 6. 发明专利
    • Improvements in or relating to dynamo electric machines
    • GB914648A
    • 1963-01-02
    • GB4073859
    • 1959-12-01
    • H02K19/24
    • 914,648. Alternators; automatic voltage control systems. MACFARLANE ENGINEERING CO. Ltd., and MACFARLANE, W. I. Nov. 9, 1960 [Dec. 1, 1959], No. 40738/59. Classes 35 and 38 (4). Machine construction.-Between the stator output winding 24 and the stationary exciting field winding 12 of an alternator an interdigitated rotor rotates with shaft 22. The interdigitated poles 17, 16 extend radially from pole-rings 18, 18A and then axially 17A, 16A in opposite directions in the air gap between the exciting and output coils, non-ferrous spacers 19, 19A mechanically couple pole-ring 18A to the driven pole-ring 18. The exciting coil support tube 13 which has a passage for wires 23 is separated by small air-gaps 20, 21 from both pole-ring 18A and shaft 22 to ensure adequate mechanical clearance. Flux passing along shaft 22 is prevented from causing circulating currents in the bearings by bushing coils 26. To eliminate axial flux in the shaft two stators carrying common windings and co-operating with a double rotor having two exciting windings producing opposing m.m.f.'s and supported from opposite ends of the frame, may be employed. Construction of a machine having a planar air-gap and having the exciting winding attached to the outer yoke are also described. In special cases laminated poles and/or an amortisseur winding may be used. Control circuit.-The alternator may be of the self-regulating type having the alternating current supplied to field 80 controlled by varying the voltage applied to points GC on the controlled silicon rectifier 81. A reference voltage appears at the mid-point of one limb of a bridge comprising a resistor 87 and Zener diode 88, while the voltage appearing at the midpoint of a choke 91 and resistor 90 comprising the other limb varies linearly with alternator output 89. The voltage difference between the mid-points of the bridge controls rectifier 81 and the current in field 80, discharge of the field through rectifier 83 gives some continuity of field current. The supply 82 may be derived from either a transformer across the output of the alternator or from a pole face winding in the armature slots.
    • 7. 发明专利
    • Improvements in electric generators
    • GB760101A
    • 1956-10-31
    • GB2230051
    • 1951-09-24
    • H02K23/42
    • 760,101. Exciting dynamo-electric machines. MACFARLANE ENGINEERING CO., Ltd., MACFARLANE, W. I., and MACFARLANE, J. C. Nov. 27, 1952 [Sept. 24, 1951], No. 22300/51. Class 35. A field pole for controlling the output of a D.C. generator comprises saturated and unsaturated parts magnetized in opposite directions by series connected coils, so that at a certain value of excitation the resultant flux is zero, in which the part-poles are bridged by a pole-shoe so that only the resultant flux passes into the armature. In its simplest form, Fig. 1, the pole comprises part-poles 7a, 7b of which the centre part 7b is saturated and the outer parts 7a of larger total cross-section and having air-gaps 9, are unsaturated. In a inodification a single part 7a may be used. Exciting coils wound on the part-poles are arranged so that at a certain current value no resultant flux is produced between the poleshoe 8 and the armature. At greater or smaller currents a resultant flux, of one polarity or the other, is produced to influence the armature. The saturated pole-part may be of retentive material and carry a shading coil. As shown in Fig. 2, the saturated part 7b and unsaturated control part 7a are situated in the core of the field, the resultant of any disturbance appearing as flux through poles 8. The exciting coils 10a and 10b are series connected and the control pole-parts 7a may carry compounding coils 13. A four-pole modification of this construction is described. Specifications 566,168 and 713,633 are referred to.
    • 8. 发明专利
    • Improvements relating to electric generators
    • GB713633A
    • 1954-08-18
    • GB1340050
    • 1950-05-30
    • H02K23/36
    • 713,633. Automatic control systems for exciting dynamo-electric machines. MACFARLANE ENGINEERING CO., Ltd., MACFARLANE, J. C., and MACFARLANE, W. I. Nov. 29, 1951 [May 30, 1950], No. 13400/50. Classes 35 and 38(4)] A self-excited D.C. generator used for controlling a variable which may be represented by an electric current, has a supplementary field comprising a saturated pole part and an unsaturated pole part carrying windings wound in mutual opposition and fed with the current representing the variable so that they neutralize each other at a predetermined current, the resultant armature output being used to control the variable in the required way. In its simpest form, Fig. 1, a pair of D.C. generators 13, 14 having respectively a saturated pole assembly 15 and an unsaturated pole assembly 16 excited by coils 17 and 18 respectively, both carrying the current representing the variable. The armature outputs are in opposition and any unbalanced voltage appears across terminals T. The self-excitation coil 21 is fed either in parallel with the load 22 or, as shown, in series with it, while transients are eliminated by means of a short-circuited coil 20. Instead of using two generators, a single machine having axially separated field cores acting in opposition on two parts of the same armature may be used. The two field members may be of salient or non-salient pole type and in the latter case the compensating windings are carried through 'slots in both cores interpoles being used if required. Instead of using axial separation of the core members, the saturated and unsaturated poles may be circumferentially disposed in each pole-pitch. A salient pole form of this embodiment is shown in Fig. 5 in which each pole-pitch contains four pole-cores, 16a, 15. and 16b comprising the main pole, and 24 acting as an interpole, armature-reaction being comuensated by coils 25 situated in the spaces between the pole-cores. As before, the pole core 15 is saturated, while the cores 16a. 16b between them provide the unsaturated core with polarities opposite to that of core 15. The cores 16a, 16b also carry the self-excitation coils 21 which are wound to produce the same polarity as core 15. In order to ensure build-up the stator core or only the saturated pole core 15 may be composed of some retentive material. In the latter case the pole core may be composed' of retentive stampings secured by a clamping loop of copper taking the place of coils 20. Fig. 11 shows how the machine may be used for controlling the voltage of a generator 30 by feeding the field coils 17, 18 on the saturated and unsaturated poles in series from the output. The resultant output of the machine 26 is used to feed the generator field winding 29, the series connected self-exciting winding 21 being designed to produce a sufficient excitation for normal load conditions. A transformer 33 connected across the field winding 29 and feeding an additional winding 36 on the unsaturated poles or spanning the interpolar axis may be used to improve the response to transients as described in Specification 593,817. By using rectifiers the voltage of an alternator may be similarly regulated, and shunts connected in parallel with the windings 17, 18 may be used to control the load current of a generator. Alternatively the machine may regulate its own current by feeding the load through a suitable impedance, e.g. the compensating winding, across which the windings 17. 18 are connected. A drooping characteristic for welding may be produced by allowing saturation of the relatively unsaturated pole part 16.
    • 10. 发明专利
    • Improvements in dynamo-electric machinery
    • GB871788A
    • 1961-06-28
    • GB701358
    • 1958-03-05
    • H02P9/30
    • 871,788. Automatic control systems for dynamo-electric machines. MACFARLANE ENGINEERING CO. Ltd., and MACFARLANE, W. I. March 3, 1959 [March 5, 1958], No. 7013/58. Class 38 (4). In a control system in which the field of a dynamo-electric machine is supplied by an exciter, and the field of the exciter is controlled by an amplifier, the power supply for the amplifier is obtained by rectifying the output of one or more auxiliary windings on the armature of one of the machines. In one embodiment, Fig. 3, the output voltage of an alternator 23 is controlled by a Zener diode bridge 22 which controls the field 18 of a cross-flux exciter through a transistor amplifier E. The transistor and field 18 are supplied from a rectifier 20 and auxiliary 3-phase winding 19 on the alternator. In a modification, Fig. 4 (not shown), the cross-flux exciter is replaced by an alternator with rotor mounted rectifiers, a second transistor amplifier stage is added, and the two stages are supplied from two rectifiers and auxiliary windings on the alternator. In a further modification, Fig. 5 (not shown), the output stage of the amplifier is duplicated to obtain a larger output current, and three auxiliary supplies are provided. In another embodiment, Fig. 6, the output voltage of a D.C. generator 31 is controlled by a Zener diode bridge 22, which controls the field 35 of an A.C. exciter 34 supplying the main generator field through rectifier 36. In this case the auxiliary winding which supplies the transistor amplifier 32 is on the armature of the A.C. exciter. In another modification, Fig. 7 (not shown) the voltage-sensitive bridge is replaced by a resistor in series with a Zener diode. It is stated that instead of voltage, the system could control current, power factor, or the speed of a D.C. motor (as measured by a tachometer generator); and that the transistors may be replaced by magnetic amplifiers.