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    • 5. 发明授权
    • Method and apparatus for improving vision and the resolution of retinal images
    • 用于改善视力和视网膜图像分辨率的方法和装置
    • US07416305B2
    • 2008-08-26
    • US11199174
    • 2005-08-09
    • David R. WilliamsJunzhong Liang
    • David R. WilliamsJunzhong Liang
    • A61B3/10
    • G01J9/00A61B3/103A61B3/156
    • A method of and apparatus for improving vision and the resolution of retinal images is described in which a point source produced on the retina of a living eye by a laser beam is reflected from the retina and received at a lenslet array of a Hartmann-Shack wavefront sensor such that each of the lenslets in the lenslet array forms an aerial image of the retinal point source on a CCD camera located adjacent to the lenslet array. The output signal from the CCD camera is acquired by a computer which processes the signal and produces a correction signal which may be used to control a compensating optical or wavefront compensation device such as a deformable mirror. It may also be used to fabricate a contact lens or intraocular lens, or to guide a surgical procedure to correct the aberrations of the eye. Any of these methods could correct aberrations beyond defocus and astigmatism, allowing improved vision and improved imaging of the inside of the eye.
    • 描述了用于改善视力和视网膜图像的分辨率的方法和装置,其中通过激光束在活眼的视网膜上产生的点源从视网膜反射并且被接收在Hartmann-Shack波阵面的小透镜阵列 传感器,使得小透镜阵列中的每个小透镜形成位于邻近透镜阵列的CCD相机上的视网膜点源的空间图像。 来自CCD照相机的输出信号由处理信号的计算机获得,并产生可用于控制诸如可变形反射镜的补偿光学或波前补偿装置的校正信号。 它也可以用于制造隐形眼镜或眼内透镜,或者引导外科手术来矫正眼睛的像差。 这些方法中的任何一种可以校正超出散焦和散光的像差,从而改善眼睛内部的视力和改善成像。
    • 8. 发明授权
    • Method and apparatus for improving vision and the resolution of retinal images
    • 用于改善视力和视网膜图像分辨率的方法和装置
    • US06948818B2
    • 2005-09-27
    • US10078163
    • 2002-02-20
    • David R. WilliamsJunzhong Liang
    • David R. WilliamsJunzhong Liang
    • G02C7/04A61B3/10A61B3/103A61B3/12A61B3/14A61B3/15A61F9/007G01J9/00
    • G01J9/00A61B3/103A61B3/156
    • A method of and apparatus for improving vision and the resolution of retinal images is described in which a point source produced on the retina of a living eye by a laser beam is reflected from the retina and received at a lenslet array of a Hartmann-Shack wavefront sensor such that each of the lenslets in the lenslet array forms an aerial image of the retinal point source on a CCD camera located adjacent to the lenslet array. The output signal from the CCD camera is acquired by a computer which processes the signal and produces a correction signal which may be used to control a compensating optical or wavefront compensation device such as a deformable mirror. It may also be used to fabricate a contact lens or intraocular lens, or to guide a surgical procedure to correct the aberrations of the eye. Any of these methods could correct aberrations beyond defocus and astigmatism, allowing improved vision and improved imaging of the inside of the eye.
    • 描述了用于改善视力和视网膜图像的分辨率的方法和装置,其中通过激光束在活眼的视网膜上产生的点源从视网膜反射并且被接收在Hartmann-Shack波阵面的小透镜阵列 传感器,使得小透镜阵列中的每个小透镜形成位于邻近透镜阵列的CCD相机上的视网膜点源的空间图像。 来自CCD照相机的输出信号由处理信号的计算机获得,并产生可用于控制诸如可变形反射镜的补偿光学或波前补偿装置的校正信号。 它也可以用于制造隐形眼镜或眼内透镜,或者引导外科手术来矫正眼睛的像差。 这些方法中的任何一种可以校正超出散焦和散光的像差,从而改善眼睛内部的视力和改善成像。
    • 9. 发明授权
    • Method and apparatus for improving vision and the resolution of retinal images
    • 用于改善视力和视网膜图像分辨率的方法和装置
    • US06379005B1
    • 2002-04-30
    • US09628690
    • 2000-07-28
    • David R. WilliamsJunzhong Liang
    • David R. WilliamsJunzhong Liang
    • A61B310
    • G01J9/00A61B3/103A61B3/156
    • A method of and apparatus for improving vision and the resolution of retinal images is described in which a point source produced on the retina of a living eye by a laser beam is reflected from the retina and received at a lenslet array of a Hartmann-Shack wavefront sensor such that each of the lenslets in the lenslet array forms an aerial image of the retinal point source on a CCD camera located adjacent to the lenslet array. The output signal from the CCD camera is acquired by a computer which processes the signal and produces a correction signal which may be used to control a compensating optical or wavefront compensation device such as a deformable mirror. It may also be used to fabricate a contact lens or intraocular lens, or to guide a surgical procedure to correct the aberrations of the eye. Any of these methods could correct aberrations beyond defocus and astigmatism, allowing improved vision and improved imaging of the inside of the eye.
    • 描述了用于改善视力和视网膜图像的分辨率的方法和装置,其中通过激光束在活眼的视网膜上产生的点源从视网膜反射并且被接收在Hartmann-Shack波阵面的小透镜阵列 传感器,使得小透镜阵列中的每个小透镜形成位于邻近透镜阵列的CCD相机上的视网膜点源的空间图像。 来自CCD照相机的输出信号由处理信号的计算机获得,并产生可用于控制诸如可变形反射镜的补偿光学或波前补偿装置的校正信号。 它也可以用于制造隐形眼镜或眼内透镜,或者引导外科手术来矫正眼睛的像差。 这些方法中的任何一种可以校正超出散焦和散光的像差,从而改善眼睛内部的视力和改善成像。
    • 10. 发明授权
    • Apparatus and method for improving vision and retinal imaging
    • 用于改善视力和视网膜成像的装置和方法
    • US06338559B1
    • 2002-01-15
    • US09559643
    • 2000-04-28
    • David R. WilliamsGeun-Young YoonAntonio Guirao
    • David R. WilliamsGeun-Young YoonAntonio Guirao
    • A61B310
    • A61B3/12A61B3/1015
    • A method for improving the visual performance of a person involves correcting higher-order monochromatic aberrations in combination with the correction of chromatic aberration. Such correction results in a visual benefit greater than that realized by correcting only the higher-order monochromatic aberrations or the chromatic aberration alone. The higher-order monochromatic aberrations are corrected by introducing appropriate phase profiles to compensate for the wavefront aberrations of the eye. This compensation can be provided by contact lenses, IOLs, inlays and onlays having appropriate surface shapes or by corneal shaping achieved through refractive surgery or other techniques. Chromatic aberration can be corrected by spectral filtering or artificial apodization. An apodization filter is described that provides a non-uniform amplitude transmission across the pupil of the eye. Contact lenses or other ocular devices for correcting higher-order monochromatic aberrations may include an appropriate apodization filter for correcting chromatic aberration, or an external optical device for correcting chromatic aberration may be used in combination with a contact lens, etc. for correcting the higher-order monochromatic aberrations. A device and method for improved retinal imaging is also described.
    • 用于改善人的视觉表现的方法涉及校正高阶单色像差和色差校正。 这种校正导致比通过仅校正高阶单色像差或色像差所实现的更大的视觉益处。 通过引入适当的相位曲线以补偿眼睛的波前像差来校正高阶单色像差。 这种补偿可以通过隐形眼镜,IOL,具有适当表面形状的嵌体和镶嵌或通过屈光手术或其它技术获得的角膜成形来提供。 色差可以通过光谱滤波或人工变迹校正。 描述了一种变迹滤波器,其提供穿过眼睛的瞳孔的不均匀幅度传输。 用于校正高阶单色像差的隐形眼镜或其它眼睛装置可以包括用于校正色差的适当的变迹滤光器,或者用于校正色像差的外部光学装置可以与隐形眼镜等组合使用, 单色像差。 还描述了用于改善视网膜成像的装置和方法。