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    • 2. 发明专利
    • An Improved Roller or Wheel.
    • GB108753A
    • 1917-08-23
    • GB1262516
    • 1916-09-06
    • B60B15/00
    • 108,753. Adams, S. J., and Adams, R. H., (trading as Adams, R.). Sept. 6, 1916. Rollers, land and garden.-A wheel or roller formed as a continuous helix a, Fig. 2, such as that described in Specification 102,415, [Class 144 (i), Wheels &c.], has its ends secured to disks b fitted with flanged bosses f enclosing wheels e on the axle d. Tilting of the disks b is thus provided for, and endwise movement is limited by collars c fixed to the axle. For stiffening, spokes may be fitted at intervals to connect the axle and the helix. Fig. 3 shows the application of such a roller to a clod-crusher in which linkage l, m, n, o is operated from a handlever i to raise or lower the ordinary road wheels h according as the roller a is required or not. Figs. 5 and 6 show a modified construction in which the axle p is formed in helical sections connected by sleeves r on which wheels s are mounted. The sleeves are internally threaded to take helices, and are tightly clamped by collars x or taper nuts between which the wheels are mounted. End journals t are fitted in rocking bearings u, v.
    • 3. 发明专利
    • Improvements in Door Springs and Checks.
    • GB191307394A
    • 1914-03-12
    • GB191307394D
    • 1913-03-28
    • E05F3/10
    • 7394. Adams, R., and Adams, R. H. March 28. Operating d o o r s by springs; checks. - In a door closing and checking apparatus, particularly for use with floors of shallow depth, the link p transmitting the opening movement of the door to the spring action plate o is pivoted to an arm i of a bell crank lever at a point between the fulcrum k of the lever and the pivotal connexion of the end of the arm i with the piston-rod of the pneumatic or hydraulic check cylinder d. The other arm h of the bellcrank is connected by a curved link f to a pair of arms e on the door pivot b. To exclude water, the upper edge of the casing is preferably grooved to contain packing u, Fig. 2, and the pivot b is surrounded by a dished plate w containing a packing-ring. The casing cover is in two parts m, t, connected by a lap or tongue and groove joint as shown in Fig. 2. The bell-crank is preferably formed as two rigidly connected plates embracing the link f and the end of the link p is forked to embrace the arm i, but according to the Provisional Specification the link f is bifurcated to embrace the bell-crank lever.
    • 4. 发明专利
    • Improvements relating to Combined Door Closing and Checking Appliances.
    • GB190719263A
    • 1908-08-20
    • GB190719263D
    • 1907-08-27
    • 19,263. Adams, R. H. Aug. 27. Door checks; door-closing apparatus.-In a door closing and checking appliance of the piston and cylinder type a number of pistons are mounted on one piston-rod, the pistons moving in different chambers of the same cylinder. The device may be used in any situation, but is mainly intended to be sunk flush with the floor, for which purpose it is made sballow. One form of the invention is shown in sectional plan in Fig. 1. A cylinder a is fitted midway with a dividing wall d, through an aperture in which works a hollow tubular pistonrod g, provided with two pistons h, i, and ports k through which fluid passes to and from the checking-chamber l. The other checking-chamber m is also in communication with the entrance valve f formed in the hollow end piece e of the pistonrod, and with the exit valve c formed in the end b of the cylinder. These valves may, however, be both situated in the end of the cylinder, as shown in Fig. 3, in which the pistons are provided with passages n and valves o. A passage v connects the chambers l, m, and the wall d is provided with an adjustable packing-gland p. An aperture s is formed in the portion r of the cylinder so that it is in communication with the atmosphere if air is the checking medium, or with a reservoir if a liquid or viscous fluid, such as oil, fat, &c., is used, the apparatus then being arranged as shown in plan in Fig. 5. An oil-tight box w contains the check, the piston-rod of which is linked to a pivoted arm x. An opening z, provided with a non-return valve, permits the fluid that leaks out from the cylinder to enter the reservoir t. The wall d may be fitted with a non-return valve, and the ends of the cylinder and piston are preferably T-shaped, being adapted to engage corresponding formations on the box and on the operative mechanism ; the box is also engaged by the tension-spring spindles.
    • 6. 发明专利
    • Improvements relating to Artificial Limbs.
    • GB125250A
    • 1919-04-17
    • GB746618
    • 1918-05-03
    • A61F2/64
    • 125,250. Adams, S. J., and Adams, R. H., (trading as Adams, R.). May 3, 1918. Limbs, artificial.- A fluid check of the self-contained type described in Specifications 19263/07, 1 2 9 7 9 / 0 8 , and 7551/14, [Class 65 (1), Door and gate operating appliances &c.], is fitted within an artificial leg so as to provide the necessary support when the knee is bent beyond a certain angle. The check cylinder d containing a viscous fluid is pivoted at e within the leg b. The piston-rod l is provided with a slotted head m mounted upon a pin n fixed to the thigh part a at a distance from the knee-joint c. The slotted head allows of the usual angular movements in walking without bringing the cylinder d into play. Instead of the slotted head, the pivotal connexion of the cylinder at e may be slotted, or the cylinder may slide in a housing pivoted at e, for the same purpose. The pin e is supported in the usual metal side straps g and also by a tube h. The pin n is secured by a pair of plates o screwed to the side of the slot in the thigh part, and anchored in the pivot pin c. The capstan head adjusting-device p, for adjusting the flow of the fluid, is analogous to that described in Specification 7551/14, and is housed within the head m.