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    • 82. 发明授权
    • Multiple shot spear gun
    • 多枪枪
    • US09506717B2
    • 2016-11-29
    • US14587383
    • 2014-12-31
    • Hassan Mohammed H. Jaber
    • F41B7/04F41C9/06A01K81/00F41F1/10F41B11/83
    • F41B7/04A01K81/00F41B11/83F41C9/06F41F1/10
    • The multiple shot spear gun includes a central rotary shaft having a plurality of relatively stationary spear launching tubes or barrels distributed therearound in a cylindrical pattern. The number of spear launching tubes or barrels is not limited, but may comprise any practicable number. Rotation of the central shaft causes a disc to rotate. The disc has a ramp or tang thereon that sequentially engages the trigger of each of the spear launchers as the disc is rotated. A safety disc is rotated with rotation of the central shaft. The safety disc includes a plurality of holes therein. A spring-loaded catch engages one of the holes as the disc rotates with rotation of the central shaft. Thus, the operator of the multiple shot spear gun must release the safety catch after each shot to rotate the central shaft further for the next shot.
    • 多重喷射枪包括中心旋转轴,其具有以圆柱形图案分布在其周围的多个相对固定的矛形发射管或筒。 矛发射管或筒的数量不受限制,但可包括任何可行的编号。 中心轴的旋转导致盘旋转。 盘片上有一个斜面或者其上的柄,当盘旋转时,它顺序地接合每个矛形发射器的触发器。 安全盘随着中心轴的旋转而旋转。 安全盘包括多个孔。 当盘片随着中心轴的旋转而旋转时,弹簧加载的卡扣接合其中一个孔。 因此,多次射击枪的操作者必须在每次射击后释放安全锁,以进一步转动中心轴进行下一次射击。
    • 83. 发明申请
    • Underwater Hunting Crossbow
    • 水下狩猎弩
    • US20160231078A1
    • 2016-08-11
    • US15022035
    • 2014-09-11
    • Olivier MICELI
    • F41B7/04
    • F41B7/04A01K81/00F41B3/005
    • Underwater hunting crossbow with an elastic arming mechanism. This type of crossbow comprises an elongate body the rear end of which is provided with a stock fitted with a trigger, and the front end of which is provided with a head to channel and propel an arrow using lateral elastic ties for propulsion the front ends of which are attached or held to said head, and the rear ends of the elastic ties are connected to an arming device configured to catch on a peg or a nock situated at the rear of the arrow. The greatest disadvantage with this type of crossbow is that it can be armed only on the pegs or the nocks. The tension in the elastic ties is therefore constant because it is dictated by the distance separating the pegs or the nocks from the head. The solution proposed by the invention is an underwater hunting crossbow characterized in that the arming device incorporates clamping elements, which elements are able to move between an active position in which they clamp the body of the arrow and a passive position in which they release the body of said arrow, said clamping elements being in an active position as soon as the elastic ties are tensioned to arm the crossbow. Thus, when arming the crossbow by stretching the elastic ties, the arming device is positioned by clamping at any point on the arrow. Not only is it possible for the arrow no longer to have either pegs or nocks, but the hunter can adjust the tension in the elastic ties.
    • 水下狩猎弩与弹性布防机制。 这种类型的弩包括细长体,其后端设置有装备有扳机的坯料,其前端设置有头部,用于使用侧向弹性连接件引导并推进箭头,用于推进前端 其连接或保持到所述头部,并且弹性纽扣的后端连接到构造成抓住位于箭头后部的钉或位置的布防装置。 这种类型的弩的最大缺点在于它只能在钉或者。子上装备。 因此,弹性连接件中的张力是恒定的,因为它由将钉子或甲板与头部分开的距离决定。 本发明提出的解决方案是一种水下狩猎弩,其特征在于武装装置包括夹紧元件,这些元件能够在它们夹紧箭头的主体的主动位置和它们在其中释放主体的被动位置之间移动 所述夹紧元件一旦弹性连接件被张紧以肘臂就处于活动位置。 因此,当通过拉伸弹性纽带来布置弩时,通过夹紧在箭头上的任意点来定位布防装置。 不仅箭头不再具有栓钉或中钉,而且猎人可以调节弹性纽带中的张力。
    • 84. 发明授权
    • Pneumatic speargun for spearfishing and method of use
    • 用于冲浪的气动冲绳枪和使用方法
    • US09243864B2
    • 2016-01-26
    • US14251501
    • 2014-04-11
    • Giovanni Garofalo
    • Giovanni Garofalo
    • F41B11/83F41B11/73F41B7/04
    • F41B11/83A01K81/00F41B7/04F41B11/73
    • A pneumatic speargun for spearfishing and a related method of loading and firing includes a cylinder having a head and a body with a hand grip, a slide guide for a spear, a reservoir for a pressurized fluid, and a barrel connected to the reservoir. A piston is slidingly mounted in the barrel for movement from an end loading positions, in which it is retained, to an end discharge position. A trigger releases the retaining system and causes the piston to move from the selected end loading position to the end discharge position. The piston in the loading position is removably connected to the spear via a cable and a return system and the spear becomes propelled as the piston moves from the end discharge position to the selected end loading position by pulling the cable.
    • 用于冲浪的气动冲绳枪和相关的装载和击发方法包括具有头部和具有手柄的主体的圆柱体,用于矛的滑动引导件,用于加压流体的储存器以及连接到储存器的筒体。 活塞滑动地安装在筒体中,用于从其保持的端部装载位置移动到终止排出位置。 触发器释放保持系统并使活塞从所选择的装载位置移动到终止排放位置。 处于装载位置的活塞通过电缆和返回系统可拆卸地连接到矛杆上,并且当活塞通过拉动电缆从端部排出位置移动到所选择的端部装载位置时,矛状物被推进。
    • 88. 发明授权
    • Underwater catapult in which the arrow is propelled along the length of the barrel
    • 水下弹射器,其中箭头沿着桶的长度被推进
    • US07926474B2
    • 2011-04-19
    • US10563623
    • 2004-07-05
    • Marc-Antoine Berry
    • Marc-Antoine Berry
    • F41B7/04
    • A01K81/06F41B7/04
    • The invention relates to an underwater catapult in which the arrow is propelled along the length of the barrel. The inventive catapult comprises a system which can be used to launch a gun arrow with bungee cords along the length of the shaft. The system comprises fixed or moving pulleys which are disposed on each side at the head of the gun and fixed or adjustable anchoring points (lugs, recesses) which are open for loading under the gun and which serve as support points to the tension cords for the movement thereof. The aforementioned pulleys can be used to load the large-sectioned bungees which are linked to variable- and standard-length bungees under the catapult for loading and power utilities. The catapult can be used to store more energy and use the integral characteristics of the elastic rubber. In this way, underwater hunters can equip themselves with an arm which is very powerful, accurate and recoil free compared to those currently available.
    • 本发明涉及一种水下弹射器,其中箭头沿枪管的长度被推进。 本发明的弹射器包括一个系统,该系统可用于沿着轴的长度发射具有蹦极的枪箭头。 该系统包括固定或移动的皮带轮,其设置在枪的头部的每一侧,以及固定的或可调节的固定点(凸耳,凹槽),其被打开以装载在枪下方,并且用作用于支撑点的张力绳 运动。 上述滑轮可用于装载大型截面的蹦极,这些蹦极连接到用于装载和电力设施的弹射器下的可变和标准长度的蹦极。 弹射器可用于储存更多的能量并使用弹性橡胶的整体特性。 以这种方式,水下猎人可以装备自己的手臂,与目前可用的手臂非常强大,准确无间。
    • 89. 发明授权
    • Device for locking a front end of a shaft in a spear gun for scuba divers
    • 用于在水枪潜水员的矛枪中锁定轴的前端的装置
    • US07827978B2
    • 2010-11-09
    • US11824143
    • 2007-06-30
    • Stefano Pedemonte
    • Stefano Pedemonte
    • F41B7/04
    • F41B7/04A01K81/00F41B7/043
    • A device is provided for locking a front end of a spear shaft in a spear gun. The device comprises a bridge extending crosswise over a distal end of the gun with a substantially U-shaped nosepiece joined to the distal end and revolving relatively freely about a crosswise axis thereof. The nosepiece includes at least two arms connected to respective ends of a relatively elastic cable that may be tensioned against a rear end of the shaft, when the shaft is placed on a support surface along the body of the gun. The bridge is attached to and integrally with the ends of the elastic cable and is located a selected distance from the support surface such that the shaft is retained against the surface when the spear is in a stowed or loaded position.
    • 提供了用于将矛杆的前端锁定在矛枪中的装置。 该装置包括在枪的远端上横向延伸的桥,其具有连接到远端并且围绕其横向轴线相对自由地旋转的大致U形的鼻梁。 鼻梁包括连接到相对弹性电缆的相应端部的至少两个臂,当轴沿着枪的主体放置在支撑表面上时,其可以被拉紧抵靠轴的后端。 桥接件与弹性缆索的端部连接并与其一体地设置,并且位于从支撑表面选定的距离处,使得当矛件处于收起或装载位置时,轴被保持抵靠表面。