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    • 42. 发明专利
    • Improvements relating to block signalling systems for railways and the like
    • GB446589A
    • 1936-05-04
    • GB3383334
    • 1934-11-24
    • B61L23/10
    • 446,589. Railway signalling instruments. LASCELLES, T. S., and SYKES INTERLOCKING SIGNAL CO., Ltd., W. R., 26, Voltaire Road, Clapham, London. Nov. 24, 1934, No. 33833. [Class 105] [See also Group XXXVIII] Block signalling instruments of the type with indicators giving " line blocked," " line clear," and " train on line" indications are operated at least in part by electric current impulses forming code signals and such block signals, which in certain cases also serve as train descriptions, are selectively received and recorded, for example, being printed on a tape together with the time and exposed at a window in the instrument. The entire signalling operations may be effected by code transmissions and recorded at both instruments, the threeposition needle indicators being selectively operated by the codes, but in the arrangement shown, the block signalling from the accepting instrument B is effected by weak and strong negative and positive currents. The traindescription transmission and printing mechanism may be of the form described in Specification 353,901. The instrument A at the entrance end comprises a three-position block indicator a operated from the distant instrument B when appropriate keys 29, 30, 31 are depressed. The instrument A transmits a code signal when the handle 8 is appropriately set and a plunger 13 is depressed, the positions 12 giving emergency signals, the positions 10 giving train descriptions which also serve as the " is line clear" signal to the distant instrument B, and the position 11, which is reached by a reverse movement, giving the " train on line " signal to the distant instrument B. At the distant instrument B the train description or block signal is printed on a tape and exposed at a window 34. Figs. 2 and 3 show the arrangements at the instruments A and B respectively. The handle 8 is normally locked, but is released on depressing a key 7 which energizes lock magnets 15, 16 to permit the setting of the handle 8 and of the transmitter member which is coupled therewith. If a contact 17, closed only in the " line blocked" condition, is open, the magnet 16 remains de-energized and prevents the handle 8 being moved beyond the emergency signal positions 12. When the plunger 13 is depressed a contact 19 is closed to energize a relay 20 which then sticks by a circuit over its own contact 51 and a contact 18 which is closed so long as the transmitter is not in the zero position. The depression of the plunger 13 uncouples the transmitter member which in returning under the action of a spring to the zero position, pulses a contact 14 thereby to apply current pulses to the line wire 3. When the transmitter has returned to its zero position the contact 18 opens and the relay 20 drops so removing the current source from line 3 by opening the front contact 50. At the distant instrument B the line wire pulses repeatedly energize a relay 36 over unoperated key contacts 53, 54, 55, 56. The relay 36 at its vibrating contact 61 pulses a ratchet magnet 37 to drive a type wheel to the position corresponding to the code transmitted and on cessation of the code a slow relay 38 drops its contact 62 to apply current to a magnet 44 whereby the type wheel is moved into printing contact with the record tape. The magnet 44 is energized over a lefthand contact 60 of a relay 39, the winding 59 of which was energized by the line current pulses. The closure of a front contact 46 of the magnet 44 applied current to the other winding of the relay 39 so that the contact arm 60 moves to the right and so de-energizes the magnet 44. The type wheel is now released from its ratchet (and returns to the zero position) by the energization of a magnet 41 over a back contact 45 of the magnet 44 and a front contact 67 of a relay 40 which was picked up by the front contact 45 and which sticks up until the opening of a contact 66 which was closed by the movement of the type wheel to effect the printing. This printed train description serves as the " is line clear ? " block signal. The movement of an arm 47 of the type wheel on to a contact segment 49 acting in conjunction with front contact 46 of magnet 44 picked up a magnet 42 which sticks until the operator at B opens a contact 70 by depressing a key 30 to send a " line clear " signal to A ; a lamp 28 remains lit until such signal is sent. This " line clear signal consists of a positive current on the line wire 3 applied over depressed key contact 55. When the operator at A receives this signal on the indicator a he sets the handle 8 to position 11 and so transmits a " train on line " code which is printed on the record tape at B. The operator at B then depresses key 31 to send a negative current over depressed contact 53 to set the block indicator a at A to "train on line." When the train has passed beyond the point B, the operator sends a strong negative current by depressing key 29 to close depressed contact 54; this strong negative current causes relay 25 at A to lift and as the polar relay 24 sets its contact to the left the winding 21 at A is energized to set the indicator a to " line blocked." An emergency signal such as " stop and examine train " or " vehicle running away " is transmitted by the operator at A, setting the handle 8 to one of the positions 12 and depressing the plunger 13 ; it should be noted that energization of the magnet 16 is not necessary for this movement as the contact 17 operated by the block indicator may be open. At the instrument B such emergency signal is printed by the operation of the type wheel as before and as the arm 47 will be in contact with the segment 48 a relay 43 will be picked up and maintain lamps 4 and a bell 27 in operation until the operator depresses an acknowledging key 32. The operator at B may send an " obstruction danger " signal by breaking the seal of a key 33 ; depression of this key to close the depressed contact 56 sends a strong positive current to instrument A thereby causing the magnet 25 to lift its contacts and the polar relay 24 to set its contact 73 to the right and thus a relay 26 is picked up and will maintain lamps 4 and a bell 27 of the instrument A in operation until an acknowledging key 6 is operated. With this " obstruction danger " signal both the block indicators a, b are set to " train on line " by the local energization of the two windings 23. The closure of key contact 33 energized the printing magnet 44 to record the sending of this " obstruction danger " signal.
    • 43. 发明专利
    • Improvements in railway signal control apparatus
    • GB335702A
    • 1930-10-02
    • GB2631629
    • 1929-08-29
    • B61L23/10
    • 335,702. Tyer & Co., Ltd., and punter, J. W. Aug. 29, 1929. Signalling-instruments; combined electrical and mechanical systems, non-automatic; interlocking. -In a block signalling-system in which each station instrument is provided with a receiving and dispatching commutator, each commutator is normally locked and only released on receipt of a current from the other station; the starting signal at the despatching end can only be released when the despatching commutator has been released. The Figure shows only the circuits for the despatching commutator 3 at station A and the receiving commutator 11 at station B, the contact segments being shown in developed view. The commutators can only be moved in one direction and are normally locked by gravity catches 68, 45 pivoted on armatures 4, 12b of electromagnets 5, 13 but after momentary energization of the magnets the catches rest on top of the - commutator shoulders 69. 46 so that the commutators can be moved through a step of 120‹. Actuation of a signalling key 1 at the despatching station A energizes a polarized relay 7b at the receiving station B, the circuit being :-battery 26, fingers 16, 17, earth, wire 28 at station B, polarized relay 7b, wire 29, fingers 22 , 21b, wire 30, upper contact 31 of key 1 , line wire 32, lower contact 33 of key 1, wire 34, fingers 19, 18, back to battery 26. The relay armature closes at its contacts 40, 41 the circuit of the release magnet 13b of the receiving commutator 11 which is then turned 120‹ to the " line clear " position and a return signal current is sent from the battery 26 over line wire 32 to energize a polarized relay 7 at station A normally, this last circuit being over fingers 16 , 19 , wire 49, lower contact 50 of the signalling key 1 , line wire 32, upper contact 51 of key 1, wire 52, fingers 21, 22, wire 53, earth, and back to battery 26 over fingers 17b, 18b. The release magnet 5 of the despatching commutator 3 is energized over the normal relay contacts 58, 59 whereupon the despatching commutator 3 can be moved 120‹ to the " line clear " position in which position the energization of a starting signal release lock 9 is effected over fingers 64, 65 from a battery 70. A line current is again sent to station B to permit the receiving commutator 11 to be turned to the " train on line " position at 240‹. As it passes the 180‹ position a return current is sent automatically to station A to energize the polarized relay 7 reversely so that the release magnet 5 of the despatching commutator is energized from the battery 56 over reverse contacts 58, 59 and fingers 63, 62 and the commutator 3 can be set to " train on line." The circuit at the 180‹ position of the receiving commutator 11 is battery 26b, fingers 16b, 17 , earth, relay 7, wire 53, fingers 22, 21, wire 52, upper contact 51 of signalling key 1, line wire 32, upper contact 31 of key 1 , wire 30, fingers 21 , 20b, 19 , 18b, to battery 26b. The arrival of the train at station B depresses a treadle 15 to close a circuit over fingers 24 , 25b for the release magnet 13 of the receiving commutator 11 which is then turned to " line normal " and a line current sent as before to reversely energize the polarized relay 7 at station A so that the release magnet 5 is energized over reverse contacts 58, 59 and fingers 63, 62 to permit the despatching commutator to be restored to " line normal."
    • 50. 发明专利
    • Improvements in Electric Block Signalling Systems.
    • GB191205559A
    • 1913-01-16
    • GB191205559D
    • 1912-03-05
    • B61L23/10
    • 5559. Siemens Bros. & Co., [Siemens & IIalske Akt.-Ges.]. March 5. Hand-levers, interlocking; signalling-instruments, interlocking. - Relates to devices such as described in Specification 6627/11, and consists in (a) rendering it impossible for a single depression to effect more than one release of a receiving panel, and (b) rendering the operation independent of the time during which the plunger rod is depressed. (u) The plunger-rod I is held in its depressed position by an electromagnet M1, the armature m of which is attached to the rod, the energizing circuit being from battery B, over contacts r2, d4, lead l2, contacts r1, d2, magnet M1, and earth return R. The blocking current then flows from inductor J1, over contact d1, magnet a, lead l1, magnet b, and contact d3, to earth return. The locking-rod II then rises to break the first circuit at contact r2 to release the plunger I. The inductors may be replaced by automatic current sources, and a time switch may be inserted in the circuit to release the locking magnet after a time should a pawl fail to act. Alternatively, the plunger may be held by a pawl, electrically released after the blocking operation, or by a specially constructed pawl, Fig. 3. When plunger I is depressed, supports v1, T1 for the locking-rod are removed. The rod v is prevented from moving down by the switch e, while the plunger is held depressed by a lever h. The blocking current raises the escape segment in the other panel and shifts the contact r2 to energize the releasing magnet c1 the segment of which is moved down to release the switch e. The rod v then moves down and releases the plunger by moving the lever h. By the raising of the plunger the segment teeth clear their anchor and the segment rises, the locking- catch e preventing a second depression until the magnet c1 has again been energized. (b) Two panels may be connected so that the circuit closed by the transmitter is opened by depressing the receiver; or a contact may he inserted in the circuit, which is opened after the blocking is effected, and cannot be closed until the plunger has been released and again depressed, as shown in Fig. 4, in which a pivoted lever g1 is attached to the plunger key T1 and carries a three-armed switch lever i1 having contacts k11, k12. A contact pawl n1 is also provided, and a relay p1 in series with the locking-magnet M1. Depression of the plunger T2 as shown energizes magnet M2, p2 and by turning the lever i2 closes the contacts k21, k22 and lifts the pawl n2. The blocking current flows through contact k21 and the circuit for energizing magnets M2, p2 flows from battery B2 over contacts d22 to magnets M2, p2 and contact r11 to earth return. After the operation is complete, the circuit is broken by rise of panel, and the levers return. The blocking circuit can only he re-established after the plunger T2 is raised and again depressed to return the pawl n2. The same result may be obtained by mechanical means.