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    • 42. 发明申请
    • 真空泵
    • WO2006018620A1
    • 2006-02-23
    • PCT/GB2005/003189
    • 2005-08-15
    • THE BOC GROUP PLCWILDER, Anthony, John
    • WILDER, Anthony, John
    • F04D25/02
    • H02K7/118F04C29/005F04C29/0078F04D25/022F04D29/263Y10T464/30
    • A vacuum pump comprises a rotor assembly mounted on a driven shaft, and a motor for rotating a drive shaft in forward and reverse directions. A driven member is located on the driven shaft and a drive member is located on the drive shaft for engaging the driven member to couple the driven shaft to the drive shaft. Each member has first and second impact surfaces. The members are configured to permit at least one quarter of a revolution of the drive member relative to the driven member in either the forward or the reverse direction before one of the impact surfaces of the drive member impacts upon a corresponding impact surface of the driven member. This can enable the drive member to acquire sufficient angular momentum before it impacts the driven member such that the amount of energy transferred to the driven shaft upon impact can be sufficient to free a pump that has become locked by process deposits. In the event that the pump is not restarted "first time", the motor direction can be reversed to bring the other impact surfaces into contact with the same angular momentum. This sequence can be repeated as required until the pump restarts.
    • 真空泵包括安装在从动轴上的转子组件和用于沿前后方向旋转驱动轴的马达。 从动构件位于从动轴上,驱动构件位于驱动轴上,用于与从动构件接合以将从动轴联接到驱动轴。 每个构件具有第一和第二冲击表面。 构件被构造成在驱动构件的冲击表面之一冲击到从动构件的相应冲击表面之前,在向前或相反方向上允许驱动构件相对于从动构件的至少四分之一圈的旋转 。 这可以使得驱动构件能够在冲击被驱动构件之前获得足够的角动量,使得在冲击时传递到从动轴的能量的量足以释放被工艺沉积物锁定的泵。 在“第一次”不重新启动泵的情况下,电动机方向可以反转,以使其他冲击表面与相同的角动量接触。 可以根据需要重复此顺序,直到泵重新启动。
    • 46. 发明申请
    • 具有经济模式运行的电力发电机
    • WO2012138408A1
    • 2012-10-11
    • PCT/US2012/023338
    • 2012-01-31
    • RUSS, Ronald, Peter
    • RUSS, Ronald, Peter
    • H02K7/00
    • H02K7/10F02B63/042H02K7/118H02K7/1807
    • An electric generator including: a prime mover; an alternator; a first drive shaft connected to the prime mover; a second drive shaft connected to the alternator; and an overdrive assembly including: a speed conversion assembly connected to the first drive shaft; and a centrifugal clutch connected to the speed conversion assembly and to the second drive shaft. An electric generator, including: a prime mover; an alternator; and an overdrive assembly. For a load on the generator at or above a load threshold, the overdrive assembly is arranged to form a first torque path from the prime mover to the alternator, the first torque path bypassing the overdrive assembly. For a load on the generator below the load threshold, the overdrive assembly is arranged to form a second torque path from the prime mover to the alternator through the overdrive assembly.
    • 一种发电机,包括:原动机; 交流发电机 连接到原动机的第一驱动轴; 连接到交流发电机的第二驱动轴; 以及过驱装置,包括:连接到所述第一驱动轴的速度转换组件; 以及连接到速度转换组件和第二驱动轴的离心式离合器。 一种发电机,包括:原动机; 交流发电机 和超速装配。 对于在负载阈值以上或高于负载阈值的发电机上的负载,过载驱动组件被布置成形成从原动机到交流发电机的第一转矩路径,第一转矩路径绕过过驱动组件。 对于发电机上负载在负载阈值以下的负载,过载驱动组件被布置成形成从原动机通过过驱动组件到交流发电机的第二转矩路径。
    • 47. 发明申请
    • 能源发电机和能源发电系统
    • WO2016083899A1
    • 2016-06-02
    • PCT/IB2015/050965
    • 2015-02-09
    • VAGO, Ernesto JoãoDA SILVA, Saulo Jadir
    • VAGO, Ernesto JoãoDA SILVA, Saulo Jadir
    • H02K7/18H02K51/00F02B1/12H02K7/118H02K7/075H02K53/00F02B21/00
    • F02B1/12F02B21/00H02K7/075H02K7/118H02K7/18H02K51/00H02K53/00
    • Gerador de energia, compreendendo um motor a combustão (1), o qual está conectado a um gerador de energia (2) e este a um transformador de energia (3), estando a saída do transformador de energia (3) ligada a um painel de comando e distribuição (4) que, por sua vez, possui uma fase conectada a um compressor de ar (5), dito compressor de ar (5) com a saída ligada a um dispositivo pneumático (6), tendo uma válvula pressostática (7) na saída de ar para o referido dispositivo pneumático (6). A geração de energia se inicia a partir do motor a combustão (1), através do qual é alimentado o gerador de energia (2) conectado à entrada do transformador de energia (3), dito transformador de energia (3) tendo saída para o painel de comando e distribuição (4) que possui uma fase alimentando o motor (19) do compressor de ar (5), destinado a gerar a quantidade de ar até a capacidade máxima do referido compressor de ar (5), que se encontra ligado ao dispositivo pneumático (6) acoplado ao mencionado gerador de energia (2), de modo que, uma vez atingida a carga máxima de pressão do compressor de ar (5), o painel de comando e distribuição (4) recebe comando para, automaticamente, desligar o motor a combustão interna (1), passando o sistema a gerar energia a partir da alimentação do dispositivo pneumático (6) para o gerador de energia (3).
    • 能量发生器包括连接到能量发生器(2)的内燃机(1),所述能量发生器又连接到能量变换器(3),所述能量变换器(3)的输出端连接到控制和配电盘 (4),其又具有连接到空气压缩机(5)的相位,所述空气压缩机(5)的出口连接到气动装置(6),并且压力控制阀(7)布置在 空气出口到所述气动装置(6)。 能量产生从内燃机(1)开始,内燃机(1)为连接到能量变压器(3)的输入端的能量发生器(2)供电,所述能量变压器(3)具有到控制和配电盘(4)的输出, 具有对空气压缩机(5)的发动机(19)供电的相,该发动机被设计成产生与空气装置(6)连接的所述空气压缩机(5)的最大容量的空气量, 耦合到所述能量发生器(2),使得一旦达到空气压缩机(5)的最大压力负载,控制和分配面板(4)接收自动断开内燃机(1)的命令, 之后系统从气动装置(6)的供给产生能量到能量发生器(3)。
    • 48. 发明申请
    • モータ
    • 发动机
    • WO2013047442A1
    • 2013-04-04
    • PCT/JP2012/074404
    • 2012-09-24
    • アスモ 株式会社
    • 本田 哲也
    • H02K7/00H02K7/116
    • H02K7/003H02K7/1166H02K7/118
    •  回転シャフト(8)をウォームシャフト(15)に連結させ且つ連結孔(28)が形成される連結部(16)は、回転シャフト(8)及びウォームシャフト(15)のいずれか一方に一体回転可能に設けられる。連結孔(28)には、回転シャフト(8)及びウォームシャフト(15)のいずれか他方に設けられた連結凸部(8a,15a)が挿入されている。連結孔(28)の内面と連結凸部(8a,15a)との間に、周方向クリアランス(C1)と径方向クリアランス(C2)が形成される。周方向クリアランス(C1)には周方向緩衝部(31)が介在され、径方向クリアランス(C2)には径方向緩衝部(32)が介在される。連結孔(28)の内面と連結凸部(8a,15a)とは、モータ本体(2)の駆動による回転シャフト(8)の回転状態において、周方向緩衝部(31)を周方向に圧縮変形させつつ周方向に互いに当接可能に構成される。
    • 以可整体旋转的方式在旋转轴(8)或蜗杆轴(15)上设置有接合部(16),所述接合部用于将旋转轴(8)连接到蜗杆轴(15),并具有 连接孔(28)。 设置在旋转轴(8)或蜗杆轴(15)中的另一个上的连接突出部(8a,15a)插入连接孔(28)中。 在连接孔(28)的内表面和连接突出部(8a,15a)之间形成有周向间隙(C1)和径向间隙(C2)。 在周向间隙(C1)中插入有周向缓冲部(31),在径向间隙(C2)中插入有径向缓冲部(32)。 连接孔(28)和连接突出部(8a,15a)的内表面被布置成使得周向缓冲部分(31)被压缩以在圆周方向上变形,从而允许缓冲部分 当旋转轴(8)由电动机主体(2)驱动旋转时,彼此接触。
    • 50. 发明申请
    • WO2005124157A1
    • 2005-12-29
    • PCT/CN2004/001355
    • 2004-11-26
    • F04D13/06
    • H02K7/118F04D13/021F04D13/064
    • A centrifugal discharge pump includes a pump body, a pump cover, permanent magnetic rotor, a rotating shaft and an impeller. The permanent magnetic rotor is disposed in magnetic chamber and the impeller is arranged in an impeller chamber formed with the pump cover. The rotating shaft extends from the pump body to the impeller chamber. The permanent magnetic rotor is fixed to the lower end of the rotating shaft and a shaft sleeve is fiE5d to its top end. There is a screw transmission structure between the impeller and the shaft sleeve. The rotation of the impeller is slightly later than startup of the rotor and the rotating shaft. This situation benefits the permanent magnetic rotor start-up with zero resistance, and then the rotor forces the impeller to rotate with it together when the rotor is accelerated to a high speed. Therefore, the invention can reduce the resistance to startup of the motor to a lowest level and decrease the load of startup and output power of the motor.