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    • 12. 发明专利
    • Improvements in anodes
    • GB357977A
    • 1931-09-30
    • GB1977930
    • 1930-06-30
    • C25D17/10
    • 357,977. Electroplating. UDYLITE PROCESS CO., 3220, Bellevue Avenue, Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A.-(Assignees of Wagner, J. O. ; 7338, Euclid Avenue, and Ascher, A. S. ; 4311, Prospect Avenue, both in Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.) June 30, 1930, No. 19779. Convention date, Feb. 20. [Class 41.] A container for soluble anode material for electroplating consists of a perforated cage of relatively long and narrow cross section into the top of which relatively large anode units of regular shape such as balls are fed by hand, the units descending as they dissolve. The anode units preferably form a single vertical stack, as shown. The balls may be of 2 inches diameter for nickel or cadmium plating or ¢ inch diameter for gold plating. The cage is suspended by a conducting member 1 which may be welded thereto at several points. When cages of non- conducting material are employed, conducting members are provided to make contact with each anode unit.
    • 13. 发明专利
    • FR597447A
    • 1925-11-20
    • FR597447D
    • 1925-04-25
    • C25D3/28
    • 235,159. Udylite Process Co., (Assignees of Louth, M. E., and Young, A. W.). June 5, 1924, [Convention date]. Cadmium, depositing.-Anodes comprising a combination of active and inactive materials are employed in conjunction with a cyanide bath containing from “ to 6 oz. of cadmium and from 2¢ to 10 oz. of free sodium cyanide per American gallon. The preferred proportions are 2 oz. of cadmium and 6 oz. of free sodium cyanide per American gallon. The bath may be made up by dissolving cadmium oxide, hydroxide, or carbonate in sodium cyanide solution. The cadmium compounds used should be pure, especially in regard to thallium, tin, and lead. The anodes may be of steel and metallic cadmium. The ratio of the surface of soluble material to that of insoluble material should be between the limits 1 to 3 and 3 to 1, the preferred ratio being 45 to 55. The ratio of the cathode surface to anode surface should be between 1¢ to 1 and 1 to 1. The current density may be from 4 to 100 amps. per sq. ft., but should not be greater than 30 amps. per sq. ft. when a brightening agent is used. The latter may consist of ¢ to 10 gms. of wool, or ¢ to 2¢ gms. of casein, or 5 to 40 cc. of evaporated milk per American gallon. Wool is dissolved in warm concentrated caustic soda, and casein in warm dilute ammonia before addition to the bath. The deposits may be buffed. Specification 178,422 is referred to. According to the Specification as open to inspection under Sect. 91 (3) (a) anodes formed wholly of soluble or wholly of insoluble material may be employed, the bath proportions being correspondingly modified. This subject-matter does not appear in the Specification as accepted. Nickel, depositing.-The cadmium deposits may be over-coated with nickel.
    • 14. 发明专利
    • Process of rust-proofing by coating with cadmium
    • GB178422A
    • 1923-06-11
    • GB719922
    • 1922-03-11
    • C25D3/28
    • 178,422. Udylite Process Co., (Assignees of Wissler, W. A., and Humphries, C. H.). April 9, 1921, [Convention date]. Cadmium, depositing; treating after deposition. -Wires, rods, spring strips and other articles of iron, steel or other metal are provided with a rust-resisting coating of cadmium by electrolysis of a basic or neutral solution of the cvanide using an anode of graphite, carbon or other insoluble and non-polarizing material. The articles are then washed and baked for some hours at a temperature of 150‹ C. to 200‹ C., or up to 250‹ C. if embedded in calcium hydroxide. They may be further plated with another metal such as nickel, after being cleaned with dilute sulphuric acid or cyanide solution. The electrolyte may contain from 1.25 to 15 per cent of cadmium and from 1 to 25 per cent of sodium cyanide. It is preferably prepared by first dissolving 25 gms. of metallic cadmium in hydrochloric acid to form a neutral solution or a corresponding quantity of the sulphate or chloride in water. If nitric acid is used to dissolve the cadmium, the solution is evaporated to dryness with hydrochloric acid. A solution of sodium or potassium hydroxide is added to the neutral solution until all the cadmium is precipitated and the solution is red to phenol phthalein. Sodium or potassium cyanide is then added until the cadmium hydroxide is redissolved. A slight excess of free cyanide is allowable. The solution is then diluted to the litre. The strength of the solution is maintained constant by adding cadmium hydrate. With an electrolyte containing 10.5 per cent of cadmium, current densities of 25 to 290 amperes per sq. ft. may be used. The articles may be pickled in single or mixed acids, washed, and scratchbrushed, before plating.