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    • 11. 发明授权
    • Furnace for coils
    • 线圈炉
    • US5788483A
    • 1998-08-04
    • US905042
    • 1997-08-01
    • Fausto DriganiGiacinto Dal Pan
    • Fausto DriganiGiacinto Dal Pan
    • C21D9/68F27B9/20F27B9/14
    • C21D9/68F27B9/205F27B9/206
    • Furnace for coils installed in a rolling line for wide plate or sheet in an intermediate position between the roughing train and the finishing train, the furnace including at least an inlet (25) and at least an outlet (26) respectively associated with at least a feeding way (12a) and at least a discharge way (12b) for the coils (11), the furnace being defined inside by a plurality of positioning stations (14) defining a substantially central transit channel (15) cooperating at the lower part with means (24) to lift and move the coils (11) step by step between the positioning stations (14), each of which positioning stations (14) comprising support means (118), the support means (118) of at least a desired number of positioning stations (14) located towards the outlet (26) of the furnace (10) including at least a first lowered working position (18a) where the lifting and moving means (24) cooperate with the coils (11) and at least a second raised working position (18b) where the coils (11) are in a position of no contact with the lifting and moving means (24) irrespective of the position which these means (24) assume.
    • 用于在粗轧机组和精轧机组之间的中间位置安装在用于宽板或板材的轧制线中的线圈的炉子,所述炉子至少包括入口(25)和至少一个出口(26),该至少一个出口(26)分别与至少一个 进给方式(12a)和至少一个用于线圈(11)的排放方式(12b),炉子由多个定位站(14)限定在内部,定位站限定了在下部与下部配合的基本上中心的运输通道(15) 在定位站(14)之间逐步提升和移动线圈(11)的装置(24),每个定位站(14)包括支撑装置(118),支撑装置(118)至少具有所需的 位于炉子(10)的出口(26)的定位台(14)的数量至少包括第一降低的工作位置(18a),其中提升和移动装置(24)与线圈(11)协作,并且至少 第二升高工作位置(18b),其中线圈 不考虑这些装置(24)所处的位置,它们处于不与提升和移动装置(24)接触的位置。
    • 12. 发明授权
    • Device to replace the rolls in a four-high rolling stand for sheet
and/or wide plate
    • 用于更换四辊轧机的轧辊用于板材和/或宽板的装置
    • US5782126A
    • 1998-07-21
    • US845190
    • 1997-04-21
    • Fausto DriganiEstore Donini
    • Fausto DriganiEstore Donini
    • B21B31/00B21B31/08B21B35/14B21B31/07
    • B21B35/148
    • Device to replace the rolling rolls for use in a four-high rolling stand to roll sheet and/or wide plate, the rolls (11, 12) being supported by chocks (13) and cooperating axially with connecting liners (16) associated with the spindles (15) connected to the drive means, the device comprising a support and travel unit (28) with a first inactive position (28a) and a second active position (28b) of temporal support and maintenance in position at least of the liner elements (16), the travel and support unit (28) comprising a plate (20) associated with lifting means (19) and including in a substantially central position an aperture (21) to receive the liner (16) associated with the lower roll (12), and at the upper end, a positioning hollow (22) which cooperates, when the travel and support unit (28) is in its active position (28b), with the liner (16) associated with the upper roll (11).
    • 用于将用于四辊轧机中的轧辊替换成轧辊板和/或宽板的装置,辊(11,12)由轴承座(13)支撑并且与与轴承座(13)相关联的连接衬套(16)轴向配合 连接到驱动装置的主轴(15),该装置包括具有第一非活动位置(28a)和第二活动位置(28b)的支撑和行进单元(28b),并且至少在衬套元件 (16),所述行进和支撑单元(28)包括与提升装置(19)相关联的板(20),并且在基本上中心的位置包括孔(21),以接收与下辊( 12),并且在上端具有定位中空(22),其在行进和支撑单元(28)处于其活动位置(28b)时与与上辊(11)相关联的衬套(16)协作, 。
    • 13. 发明授权
    • Device for the axial clamping/release of the chocks of the rolls in a
rolling mill stand
    • 用于在轧机机架中轴向夹紧/释放辊轴承的装置
    • US5596898A
    • 1997-01-28
    • US348219
    • 1994-11-28
    • Fausto DriganiPietro Morasca
    • Fausto DriganiPietro Morasca
    • B21B31/00B21B31/07B21B31/10B21B31/18B21B35/00B21B28/00
    • B21B31/18B21B31/10B21B2035/005B21B31/00B21B31/076
    • Device for the axial clamping/release of chocks (15) of working rolls (14) on a rolling mill stand, the rolling mill stand including an actuation side (10a-FIG. 1) and a working side (10b-FIG. 2), stationary housings (11) associated with stationary blocks (12) being comprised at the sides, each of the stationary blocks (12) being associated with a relative sliding block (13) positioned in a direction axial to the working rolls (14), each sliding block (13) defining a lodgement for a chock (15), the bearings of the working rolls (14) being lubricated with a centralized air-oil system which comprises a first part of connectors (22) located on the machine and fixed to supporting means (24) and a second part of connectors (17) included on the front of the relative chock (15), the sliding blocks (13) being associated, on the actuation side (10a), with oscillatory means (27) that clamp/release the sliding blocks (13) to/from the relative chocks (15), these oscillatory clamping/ releasing means (27) being able to move from a second position of releasing (FIG. 4) the chock (15) from the relative sliding block (13) to a first clamping position (FIG. 3), these clamping/releasing means (27) in their second releasing position acting on the means (24) that support the first part of the connectors (22) so as to clamp transversely the first part of the connectors (22) in a determined position coordinated axially with the position of the second part of the connectors (17).
    • 用于在轧机机架上轴向夹紧/释放工作辊(14)的轴承座(15)的装置,所述轧机机架包括致动侧(10a-图1)和工作侧(10b-图2) 与固定块(12)相关联的固定壳体(11)包括在侧面,每个固定块(12)与位于工作辊(14)轴向方向上的相对滑动块(13)相关联, 每个滑动块(13)限定用于轴承座(15)的托盘,工作辊(14)的轴承由集中的空气 - 油系统润滑,该中央空气 - 油系统包括位于机器上的第一部分连接器(22)并固定 包括在相对轴承座(15)的前部上的支撑装置(24)和连接器(17)的第二部分,滑动块(13)在致动侧(10a)上与摆动装置(27)相关联, 将滑动块(13)夹紧/释放到相对轴承座(15)上,这些振动夹紧/释放装置 ns(27)能够从释放的第二位置(图1)移动。 4)从相对滑动块(13)到第一夹紧位置(图3)的轴承座(15),这些夹紧/释放装置(27)处于其第二释放位置,作用在支撑第一 连接器(22)的一部分,以便将连接器(22)的第一部分的横向夹紧在与连接器(17)的第二部分的位置轴向协调的确定位置。
    • 16. 发明授权
    • Annular seal for rolling rolls
    • 轧辊环形密封
    • US06729625B2
    • 2004-05-04
    • US10026561
    • 2001-12-27
    • Fausto DriganiRiccardo MelchiorMarco Di Giacomo
    • Fausto DriganiRiccardo MelchiorMarco Di Giacomo
    • F16J1532
    • F16J15/3236B21B31/078F16J15/324F16J15/3276
    • An annular seal (10) for a rolling roll (12) able to be assembled rotatable on at least one supporting oil-film bearing (15), including an annular body (20) made of flexible material, shaped to define a central cavity (21) able to be coupled with a tapered end (11) of the rolling roll (12), between the supporting bearing (15) and a front surface (16) of the rolling roll (12), and a pair of substantially parallel radial appendices (22, 23), which define an outer annular compartment (25) in which, during use, a separation element (26) of a fixed supporting flange (27) is able to be arranged; in the seal (10) at least terminal lips (29, 30) of the radial appendices (22, 23), at least on the side arranged towards the annular compartment (25), are provided with anti-wear elements (31) able to contact, during use, a sliding surface (32) of the fixed supporting flange (27).
    • 一种用于轧制辊(12)的环形密封件(10),其能够在至少一个支撑油膜轴承(15)上旋转组装,所述支撑油膜轴承包括由柔性材料制成的环形体(20),所述环形体形成为限定中心腔 能够与轧制辊(12)的锥形端(11),支撑轴承(15)和轧制辊(12)的前表面(16)之间的一对基本上平行的径向 附件(22,23),其限定外环形隔室(25),其中在使用期间能够布置固定支撑凸缘(27)的分离元件(26); 至少在朝向环形隔间(25)布置的一侧上,至少在径向附件(22,23)的端部唇缘(29,30)处的密封件(10)中设置有耐磨元件(31),其能够 在使用期间接触所述固定支撑凸缘(27)的滑动表面(32)。
    • 17. 发明授权
    • Compensation device for chocks in four-high rolling mill stands with
crossed displacement of the rolls
    • 四辊轧机的轴承座补偿装置,轧辊交叉排列
    • US5911782A
    • 1999-06-15
    • US880921
    • 1997-06-24
    • Fausto DriganiGiacinto Dal Pan
    • Fausto DriganiGiacinto Dal Pan
    • B21B13/02B21B31/20B21B31/00
    • B21B31/203B21B13/023
    • Compensation device for chocks in four-high rolling mill stands (13) with pair crossing of the rolls (12,112,14,114), the device (10) cooperating with the opposed sides of at least one chock (11) of at least one back-up roll (12, 14), the rolling mill stand (13) comprising a stationary housing (16) and means (21) to transmit a load force ("P") acting substantially on the longitudinal median plane of the stand (13) and contrasting the force of thrust ("S"), the transmission means (21) being located between the stationary housing (16) and the relative chock (11), the rolls (12, 14) including at least a crossover position wherein the load force ("P") defines an eccentricity ("e") with respect to the force of thrust ("S"), the device comprising actuator means (15,115) associated with at least one face of at least one chock (11) and exerting on the chock (11) a push-and-pull action associated functionally with the actual crossover position of the relative roll (12) in relation to the longitudinal median plane passing through the center line of the rolling mill stand (13) and/or functionally associated with the value of the eccentricity ("e").
    • 四辊轧机机架(13)中的轴承座的补偿装置与轧辊(12,112,14,114)成对交叉,所述装置(10)与至少一个后轮轴承的至少一个轴承座(11)的相对侧配合, 包括固定壳体(16)的轧机机架(13)和用于传递基本上位于机架(13)的纵向中心平面上的负载力(“P”)的装置(21) 并且将所述推力(“S”)对比,所述传动装置(21)位于所述固定壳体(16)和所述相对轴承座(11)之间,所述辊(12,14)至少包括交叉位置,其中, 负载力(“P”)相对于推力(“S”)限定偏心度(“e”),该装置包括与至少一个轴承座(11)的至少一个面相关联的致动器装置(15,115) 并且在所述轴承座(11)上施加与所述相对辊(12)相对于所述长度的实际交叉位置功能性地相关联的推拉动作 穿过轧机机架(13)的中心线的中间平面和/或与偏心率(“e”)的功能相关联的中间平面。
    • 18. 发明授权
    • Device for the crossed displacement of rolling rolls
    • 轧辊交叉位移装置
    • US5870916A
    • 1999-02-16
    • US878131
    • 1997-06-18
    • Fausto DriganiGiacinto Dal Pan
    • Fausto DriganiGiacinto Dal Pan
    • B21B13/02B21B31/30B21B31/00B21B31/07B21B31/18
    • B21B13/023B21B31/30
    • Device for the crossed displacement of rolling rolls (10), whether they be working rolls and/or back-up rolls, in a rolling mill stand (11) for plate and/or strip, the rolls (10) being supported at the ends by respective supporting chocks (12) associated to stationary housing (13), the chocks including an inlet side and an outlet side, the chocks (12) on one roll (10) being associated with the device to position the rolls (10) in a crossed position, cooperating with at least one of the inlet and outlet sides of the chocks (12) of at least one roll (10), there also being a front cam (16), whose axis lies on a substantially parallel plane to the rolling plane, associated with drive shafts (15), the front cam (16) comprising at least two substantially cylindrical coaxial elements (17, 18), one connected to the drive shaft (15) and the other cooperating with the chock (12), the front cam (16) including front surfaces of reciprocal connection (19, 20) defining inclined radial sliding planes and at least two principles, the rotary movement imparted to the front cam (16) being functional to the lateral displacement of the chock (12).
    • 在用于板和/或带的轧机机架(11)中用于轧制辊(10)的交叉位移的装置(无论它们是工作辊和/或后备辊),辊(10)被支撑在端部 通过与固定壳体(13)相关联的相应支撑轴承座(12),所述轴承座包括入口侧和出口侧,一个辊(10)上的轴承座(12)与所述装置相关联,以将辊(10)定位在 交叉位置,与至少一个辊(10)的轴承座(12)的入口侧和出口侧中的至少一个配合,还具有前凸轮(16),所述前凸轮的轴线位于与所述至少一个辊 与所述驱动轴(15)相关联的所述滚动平面,所述前凸轮(16)包括至少两个基本上圆柱形的同轴元件(17,18),一个连接到所述驱动轴(15),另一个与所述轴承座(12)配合, ,所述前凸轮(16)包括限定倾斜的径向滑动平面的往复连接(19,20)的前表面 和至少两个原理,赋予前凸轮(16)的旋转运动对于轴承座(12)的横向位移起作用。
    • 19. 发明授权
    • Method to guide the strip between the stands in a rolling mill finishing
train and relative device
    • 在轧机精加工列车和相关装置之间引导机架之间的带材的方法
    • US5860311A
    • 1999-01-19
    • US838949
    • 1997-04-23
    • Estore DoniniFausto Drigani
    • Estore DoniniFausto Drigani
    • B21B39/08B21B39/14B21B41/10B21B39/20B21B41/00
    • B21B39/14B21B39/08B21B41/10
    • Method and device to guide the strip between the stands in a rolling mill finishing train to roll thin strips of a final thickness in the order of 1.2 mm and less, the inter-stand device including at least a guide device arranged at the outlet of the upstream stand (11a), a looper unit (15) comprising at least a looper roller (20) and a guide device arranged at the inlet to the downstream stand (11b), the looper roller (20) having at least a lowered position at the step before the leading end of the strip enters and a plurality of raised positions, while the strip is passing through, to form the desired loop, the looper roller (20), at least when it is in the lowered position before the strip enters, being made to rotate at a tangential speed at least equal to the speed at which the strip is fed between the stands. The looper unit (15) comprises an empowered drive (21) associated with the looper roller (20) at least when the looper roller (20) is in its lowered position, the drive (21) being structured to make the looper roller (20) rotate, before the strip enters, at a tangential speed at least equal to the speed at which the strip is fed between the stands.
    • 在轧制机精加工机组中的支架之间引导条带的方法和装置,以滚动最终厚度为1.2mm或更小的最小厚度的薄条,所述支架间装置至少包括布置在所述出口处的引导装置 上游支架(11a),至少包括弯针辊(20)和布置在下游支架(11b)的入口处的引导装置的打孔器单元(15),所述打孔辊(20)至少具有降低的位置 当条带穿过之前,条带的前端之前的步骤和多个提升位置,以形成期望的回路,弯针辊(20)至少在带进入之前处于降低位置 被制造成以至少等于条带在支架之间供给的速度的切线速度旋转。 活套单元(15)至少当打孔辊(20)处于其下降位置时,包括与打孔辊(20)相关联的赋能驱动器(21),所述驱动器(21)构造成使得弯针辊(20 )在条带进入之前,以至少等于条带在支架之间供给的速度的切线速度旋转。
    • 20. 发明授权
    • Device for the crossed displacement of rolling rolls
    • 轧辊交叉位移装置
    • US5860309A
    • 1999-01-19
    • US882340
    • 1997-06-25
    • Fausto Drigani
    • Fausto Drigani
    • B21B13/02B21B31/30B21B31/00B21B31/07B21B31/16
    • B21B31/30B21B13/023
    • Device for the crossed displacement of rolling rolls, whether they be back-up rolls (11) and/or working rolls (12), in a four-high rolling mill stand for sheet and/or strip, a back-up roll (11) and the relative working roll (12) defining a rolling block, with a stationary housing (14) having an inner chamber (26) to house and position the chocks (13) supporting the rolls (11, 12), in cooperation with at least one side of at least one chock (13) there being an intermediate positioning element (15) which has its outer lateral surface (18) facing towards the vertical wall of the inner chamber (26) of the stationary housing (14), the outer lateral surface (18) being a double inclined plane (18a, 18b) inversely orientated in a vertical direction, each inversely orientated part (18a, 18b) of the double inclined plane cooperating with a relative sliding displacement element (21) having inclined plane front surfaces (21a) mating with the double inclined plane surface (18) and sliding surfaces (27) cooperating with the vertical wall of the inner chamber (26), the sliding displacement elements (21) being associated with screw-type drive means (20) having, for each sliding displacement element (21) associated with the same intermediate positioning element (15), connecting threads (22a, 22b) with opposite orientation.
    • 在用于片材和/或带材的四辊轧机机架中用于轧制机的交叉位移的装置,无论是后备辊(11)和/或工作辊(12),支撑辊(11 )和限定滚动块的相对工作辊(12),其中固定壳体(14)具有内室(26),用于容纳和定位支撑辊(11,12)的轴承座(13),与其配合 至少一个轴承座(13)的至少一侧具有中间定位元件(15),该中间定位元件(15)的外侧表面(18)面向固定外壳(14)的内室(26)的垂直壁, 外侧面(18)是在垂直方向上反向取向的双倾斜面(18a,18b),所述双倾斜面的每个反方向部分(18a,18b)与具有倾斜平面的相对滑动位移元件(21)配合, 与双重倾斜平面(18)配合的前表面(21a)和滑动表面 (27)与所述内室(26)的垂直壁配合,所述滑动位移元件(21)与螺旋式驱动装置(20)相关联,所述滑动位移元件(21)具有与相同的中间定位相关联的每个滑动位移元件(21) 元件(15),具有相反方向的连接螺纹(22a,22b)。